Chapter 3

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Will she reject or accept?

V's pov:

I am waiting for her, it is noontime. I keep scrolling through the phone.

My phone buzz, with a notification.

"I reached".

I flashes a smile on my face.

I see a girl walking to the cafe, she grin when she see me. That smile makes my heart melt. Like I haven't got any love.

She wear a   floral white dress. It fits her well with her skin colour. Her hair is soft not at all used any face creams, I am pretty sure she is a unique girl.

Her height is short, love doesn't matter in height.

Her lips are thin that can deteriorate any guy for her.

I approximately fell for her, it's pretty hard to erase feelings for a girl like her.

I hooked out of thoughts when somebody patted me.

I turn around and I see her with a blushing face.

" Oh sorry y/n I am  thinking something".

When does she come?   Am I crazy this much for her?

She sits opposite me and a waiter came and we order hotpot, kimbap noodles.

"I like the spicy noodles what about you?".

" Oh, I don't have anything as a favour to me".


Again silent.

She broke it.
" You didn't say your exact name I guess V is not your name ".

" Hmm, my name is Kim Taehyung ".

" Okay".

"I will pay for this lunch, I have money ".She added.

" No, it's my treat".

"But why you saved me a lot of time no twice, I am feeling down for not treating you so I have debts to you".

I took a deep breath and confessed.
" Y/n listen carefully".

She looked at me curiously.

"Can I be an exception from your debts?"

She didn't speak.

I hold her hand. She bit her lips out of nervousness.

"Y/n I like you, will you be my girlfriend, I fell for you when I first met you, it's a love at first sight".

A tear escaped from her eyes.
Wait why she is tearing up.

" Y/n are you okay, why are you crying".

"It's nothing I also fall for you when I saw you the first time, I cried due to happiness."

"Are you okay?"

"Hmm, I am willing to be your girlfriend but are you serious, I meant you are a soldier I don't think if this relationship accepts by mom".

" We can keep it a secret, your noodles are getting cold".

She chuckled.

"Sorry I got emotional".

" It's okay".

She is too cute when she got embarrassed.

Y/n 's pov:

I was chewing my noodles and hotpot. Still thinking about confession.
A phone call interruptes our date.

He looks at me and nodded.
It was mom.
I forgot about our trip.

" Mom, I am sorry I was meeting  Jisoo and unies".

He glance at me confused. I smiled like an innocent girl.

But she cut the call and I send the location. I looked at him disappointed. That I am moving to Seoul.

"Taehyung I need to tell you sad news".

He took a sip from the water and looked at me.

" It's my mom she is getting married to a man and we are moving to Seoul today, we will be having a long-distance relationship".

He was smirking now.
"What are you not sad?" I asked him in confusion.

"You will see baby".
I blushed.

He pinched my cheeks.
" Cute".

"But ".

" No worries you will see".

Taehyung's pov:

Little did she know I am going to transfer to Seoul.

Her mom came.
She asked me to lean back from the window.

"Bye, I hope we will see".

I waved at her and texted hung to pack things to get ready for Seoul.

Y/n 's pov:

The car ride was silent.
" Mom are you sure you are getting married".

I asked her playfully.

She rolled her eyes.
"It's okay mom chill".

" Behave girl better impress your brothers and dad".

"Mom how many hours to reach there, is this car there?"

"Yes sweety, you can sleep".

I looked at my bag whether she all take my things.

Then I texted unnies in our group chat that I left Busan. But none of them was not calling or texting back. I am feeling bad for them, I miss them. I try to call them.

But it says switched off.

I think they are mad.

Time skip.

After some hours mom shook me.
"Sweety we reached".

I opened the car door and stretched my hands and yawned.

" Mom I am tired".

"You can sleep wait , little bit".

I am not surprised this is not a house, it's a huge mansion.

I have seen in movies, mom knocked on the door. It open up by disclosing a handsome man. I guess it's the man.

" Y/n this is Mr Kim".

I bowed to him.

" Honey, your daughter is so cute".

"Honey don't make her embarrass".

" Okay come and sit we prepared dinner you both must be tired and hungry".

We sit at a big dining table. The house is full of furniture, very cosy and luxurious. Well designed floors and walls. The painting is matching perfectly to each wall.

I need to explore and took photos to upload on Instagram. The interior design was remarkable.

Mr Kim interrupted the silence.

"I will call my sons".

I raised my eyebrows at mom. Mom chuckled.


Mr Kim, "We used to yell like this".

I hummed in response to him.

Then I heard footsteps. Six footsteps.

A tall man, A short blonde haired man, every man's no young boys hair is orange, white silky haired, golden and yellow only two of them was blacks.

They introduced me.
"I am Kim Namjoon".He said with a little annoyed tone. Hi, eyes are sharp.

"I am Kim Jungook".He is so cold and even giving a death glare. God.
But he has a cute bunny smile.

"I am Kim Jimin".God he is the scariest, he is smirking at me, his glare made me have a heart attack.
But he was too short compared to other boys.

But he is cute.

"Hi I am Kim Seokjin, call me Jin, I am the oldest.
God, he is funny.
He seemed strict according to his age, but no smirk or death glares.

And last one.
"I am Jung Hoseok".
He gave me a shaking hand. He is funny I think.

"I am Kim Yoongi".He is sleepy I think, Seems like wake up from his nightmare. His hair is a mess.

Mom looked at me and I snapped out of thoughts.
"Hi, I am Choi y/n,20 years old."

I bowed to them.

Mr Kim, "Well guys you can get allong well tomorrow onwards since she was staying here from today."

"WHAT".Boys said together in an annoyed tone.

"Dad".Jimin spoke.

"No arguments eat dinner and go to sleep".

We all silently eat dinner. I am feeling very uncomfortable, all boys are staring at me while eating food.

Unexpectedly mom broke this silence.
"Everyone listen".

We all looked at her. I think she is going to announce the marriage.

"We are getting married the day after tomorrow".

Boys, "DAD, we will not accept ".

I looked at them, and the boys looked at me.

I looked at them confused.
"Y/n do you agree for this?"Jin asked.

I cannot say no, because mom was stubborn like Mr Kim was obsessed with her. What can I do?

"I have no debate about this marriage, I will accept it for mom".

Mr Kim, "Look y/n agreed then I have no problem if you guys accept it or not I don't care".

Mom hugged me tightly.
"Thank you so much".

The boys ripped their chairs causing them to back and left the dinner. I felt bad for them. But Jin didn't leave.
"Dad, I am sorry I will convince them, Mrs. Choi sorry for their behaviour, y/n see you tomorrow".

"Okay,  Jin show y/n 's room".

I waved mom and Mr Kim and followed Jin.

"This your room".

I examined at the room, the room was too luxurious. The bed is king sized and the mattress is so fluffy and soft by its appearance.

I bowed to him.
"Don't be formal y/n be friendly to call me Oppa from now on, also don't mind hyungs, it will be okay".

I nodded. I don't know I am talkative but a lump was in my throat, that make me mute.

"Your admission procedures in Seoul, you are MBBS right?"

"Yes, and Jin, sorry, Oppa, I didn't say any objection it is because my mom is stubborn, that's why there will be no use if I argue with her, she said she is getting married yesterday as dad said to you today, please tell to them".

"It's okay y/n leave them and go to sleep, good night".

I fell to the bed and fell asleep.

BTS pov:

Jimin," That girl is so annoying by seeing her".

Jungook, "They will be our weakness as we are mafia".

Yoongi, "But dad didn't care, we need to accept it."

Hoseok, "I will not accept her, such a slut".

"HOSEOK".We flinched by hearing Jin's voice.

"Mind your words".

Jimin, "Hyung you can take her side, but I and hyungs are planning some tricks for her ".

Jungook, "For accepting this marriage, bitch".

Jin sighed and left for his room.

Jungook, "Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, are you ready for another mission?"

They all nodded with a wild smirk.

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