Ninteen: Roman

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***A month later***

Roman rubbed his wrist as he sat at his desk in his room. He sighed and leaned back putting his pencil down in the process. God damnit.

"Hey dad, you doing okay?" Janus walked into the room carrying his dinner, and some food for roman. Roman looked up and smiled at him.

"Yeah...well...actually no." Roman sighed. "Sorry it's just bad thoughts." Roman leaned on the desk and smiled at Janus as he brought his bean bag over to sit down besides Roman. "How's school so far Dee?"

"Well, everyone made a card for Virgil today!" Janus smiled excitedly. "We are hoping that...that it makes him feel better." Roman smiled sadly.

"He'll wake soon Janus..." Roman wiped his face.

"Can we go visit them?" Janus asked. Roman sighed.

"I know you want to it's just unfortunately I can't, you'll have to ask Patton." Roman looked down at his feet.

"Is it because they won't let you near Virgil?" Janus asked quietly. Roman nodded his head sadly.

"I just...they still think I did all these god awful things..."

"you were accused, and found not guilty. They can fuck off. We know it was Remus." Janus glared.

"I know, but they still won't let me near him." Suddenly his phone rang and he answered it. "Hello?"

"Hi is this Roman? This is the nurse who has been assisting Logan Sanders. He's asking for you, a Virgil is awake? He asked me to tell you." Roman stared at the desk in shock. He looked up at Janus.

"Uhm...I-I've been put on his no visit lists unfortunately can you uhm...can you let him know? Thank you." Roman shut off the call and sighed in relief. "Janus, Virgils awake, I'll drop you off at the hospital." They walked to the car and when they reached the hospital Roman looked away sadly.

" can still visit Logan right? I'm sure he'd love to see you again." Janus smiled. Roman parked and leaned his head against the wheel.

"Unfortunately, I can't even do that Dee. Logan and Virgil share a room right now, I'm surprised they are even letting me near you right now..."

"THIS ISNT FAIR!" Janus wiped the tears from his eyes. "We know it wasn't you why won't they believe us!"

"Because manipulative people exist and they think that...Dee, kiddo...sometimes things just don't work out okay?" Roman looked at Janus and smiled sadly.

"WELL ITS BULLSHIT!" Janus cried. "I don't want you to sit here...I want you to come with me! Logan will be happy to see you! Why..." Roman rubbed januss back.

"It's alright Dee, I'll see them when they get out of the hospital." Roman wipes his face of tears. "Don't tell logan about me being arrested alright? He doesn't need to know."

"Logan!" Janus jumped out of the car and ran over to a nurse who was wheeling Logan out. Roman smiled sadly. The nurse asked Janus something and he pointed towards Roman. Roman hit his head against the wheel and sighed as he turned off the car, opening the door and standing outside while she wheeled Logan over.

"He insisted he speak with you, I'll be over there." She smiled and walked away. Roman smiled at Logan.

"Wipe that smile off your face mister! Why can't you come see me!? And what the FUCK was just on the news! You were arrested! Are you kidding me!?" Logan reaches up and smacks his arm harshly.

"Lo, chill. I'm fine...besides I was found not guilty and all charges were dropped. It's just..they thought I hurt Janus-." Logan gasped.

"Are you kidding me! Why would they think that!?" Logan looked over at Janus who was talking to the nurse about something and she was just laughing and shaking her head. "He's your son..."

"They found.." Roman cringed. "Again, all charges were dropped and I was found not guilty but somehow they had evidence that I..." Roman shook his head and started to cry. "I think someone changed the test after they were taken because they said I...they said I raped him Logan." Logan gasped.

"But-." Roman wiped his face and nodded.

"It's alright, I'm okay." Roman looked at Logan in the chair. "Speaking of...what is going on?"

"I uhm...after the accident we were in I couldn't move my legs. They said I need to be in this until I can actually stand but I'm slowly able to move again. I'll be fine Roman. You...come on please don't lie to me Roman, how are you really?" He asked. Roman looked down sadly.

"I can still feel the handcuffs on my wrist and...hearing Janus screaming at them to let me go because I didn't do anything even after that trial I just...god I can't keep smiling." Roman wiped his face of tears.

"And nobody is asking you too Roman, please talk to Patton about this if you talk to anyone about it he can help you! Please don't let your thoughts be clouded." Logan grabbed romans hand. "I love you okay? Janus loves having you as a dad, we don't want to lose you okay?" Roman nodded his head.

"Give my love to Virgil, I'm not allowed to see him." Roman went to turn away but Logan shook his head.

"That's so unfair Roman-."

"I'm surprised they even let me around Janus after what they accused me of doing to him! I am not allowed to be near Virgil right now and I'm sorry...please Logan just let me go home. I don't want to keep you guys for long."

"love you roman." Logan smiled sadly.

"Love you too Logan." Roman walked towards his car after telling Janus he'll be back soon. He closed the door and hit his head against the steering wheel again. "God I'm so stupid."

"Oh you got that right." Roman jumped up and looked in the rearview mirror. Remus sat there twirling a needle in his hands. "Now, I'm going to need you to be a good brother, and drive your damn car until I tell you to stop. Understand me?" Roman nodded his head and started the engine. They drove with the directions Remus was giving him. When Remus said stop Roman pulled over and quickly looked at Remus in the mirror.

"H-How did you even get out of the hospital Remus?" Roman asked. Remus laughed and leaned forward causing Roman to flinch. He laughed and gently turned Roman to face him.

"You and I dear brother, are going to have a talk." Remus growled. Roman shoved him away.

"No way!" Roman shouted. Remus stuck the needle into romans arm and Roman cried out.

"Oh we are, sorry for the dramatics. Had to make sure nobody followed or saw me for that matter. Now sleep tight brother, for when you'll be time."

"T-Time for what..." Roman felt dizzy and suddenly he slumped down passing out in the drivers seat.

AN sorry for the short chapter! Hope you liked it anyways! I really want your opinion, what do you think is going to happen to Roman? Will Remus really hurt his own brother?

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