Eighteen: virgil

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AN this chapter is mostly just a flashback by the way so don't get too excited about the POV it's in haha

****before the kidnapping****

Virgil sat at his desk scribbling in his notes not really paying that much attention to what Remus was actually teaching. He honestly didn't care all that much. Remus stopped teaching and Virgil put his pencil down turning to look up at everyone who was staring at him.

"What did I miss?" He looked at everyone. Janus was silent and biting his lip. "What?" He asked. Janus looked away sadly as Remus walked over to him.

"Well, you weren't paying attention." Remus pulled out the earphones from Virgils ear. "And I do not like it when someone isn't paying attention."

"I'm sorry do you not see my notes?" Virgil sassed. The other students oohed and laughed at his attitude towards the teacher but honestly Virgil didn't care.

"Keep the earphones out and focus." Remus walked away angrily. Virgil rolled his eyes and continued to take notes. After the bell rang Remus called him over to his desk.

"Yes?" Virgil asked.

"Sit." Remus gestured at the desk. Virgil sighed and sat down. "Now, I don't like it when I'm ignored. Especially by kids who don't seem to understand that it's rude to not pay attention when someone older is speaking. Now I want you to stay after class everyday, for a half hour and think about your attitude problem." Remus walked over to his desk and sat down.

"You can't keep me here everyday what the hell!" Virgil shouted. Remus raised his eyebrow.

"Are you really going to fight me on this?" Remus asked. Virgil glared.

"It's really illegal! Your luck my parents don't mind me staying after school!" Virgil Shouted. Remus laughed.

"Virgil, you and I both know your "parents" is just you signing your own shit because you don't have anyone around anymore." Remus pulled out an old article. "Try me." Virgil looked at the paper in horror.

"You-You know?" He asked. Remus laughed.

"Yes, now be a good student and I won't tell the principle or any of these teachers that you've been lying to them this entire time." Remus laughed as Virgil just looked down at the desk.

"Why are you blackmailing me?" Virgil asked. Remus laughed and walked over to Virgils desk. He placed his hand on Virgils shoulder causing Virgil to flinch.

"You'll see." Remus smiled as he packed up his things. "Just behave from now on." He walked out of the room and Virgil shook. Remus just threatened him! Should he tell someone? God no..he'll just tell them about his parents...fuck. Virgil sighed. He has to behave or Remus will do something. Oh he was going to regret this.

AN sorry for the short chapter...my mind is elsewhere right now...

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