Seventeen: janus

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They heard tires screeching and the screaming and immediately turned to face the car wreck that followed. Janus immediately covered his mouth and started to scream.

"VIRGIL!" He went to go run towards the car wreck but Roman held him back as he cried. The wreck was absolutely horrible. One of them was hit from the backseat behind the driver (Can you guess who was behind Remus?) and the car was flipped upside down. The windows smashed all the way and glass was everywhere. Janus looked at the car that had hit them and he shook his head in anger. The car that was speeding at them was untouched except for a few scratches.

"N-No! VIRGIL! VIRGIL ANSWER ME!" they all turned to look. Logan was being taken from the car. He looked like an absolute mess of tears, and he was bleeding so much from the side of his head. The paramedics ran him to the stretcher that was on the ground and started to look him over. Janus looked at Patton and Roman who both ran over immediately. The paramedic held them back. "Please...that's my family." Logan whimpered out as they layed him down.

"Just stay still please sir..." the paramedic whispered.

"Lo, please listen and stay still." Patton whispered.

"We've got another one! He's alive!" Another firefighter called. Logan looked towards the car and Janus followed his gaze. Remus was who they pulled from the car, not Virgil. The paramedic rushed around Logan, taking him towards the ambulance. Logan was crying and shaking his head.

" please tell me my son made it not that monster please..." Patton looked at Janus and Roman. Roman nodded and Patton talked with the paramedic who let him ride with Logan. Janus looked up at Roman who was watching the paramedics take Remus to an ambulance. Janus looked back at the car. The firefighters were pulling out the jaws of life and were attempting to get the car door open.

"We've got another one!" The firefighters screamed.

"Coming!" Someone called. Janus felt Roman squeeze his shoulder.

"He's alright...he's alive." Roman whispered.

"Someone help the kids still breathing!" The firefighter shouted. They stepped back as an officer had them move. Janus watched in pain and sorrow as they pulled a very bloody Virgil from the car. Janus looked at Roman.

"He-he's really hurt you don't think Remus would take him away again now right?" He asked. Roman looked sadly at Janus then at the officer walking this way.

"Just...let me handle this." Roman whispered. Janus watched quietly.

"Officer..." Roman started.

"We have a few said this kid was yours?" The officer gestured at the car wreck.

"My friends kid, yes." Roman said quickly.

"We need to take you to the station if that's alright." Roman looked down at Janus.

"I can't just leave my kid alone, I'm not that Irresponsible." Roman glared at the officer.

"Of course not, but he can go over and talk with the paramedics over there and the other officer." The officer gestured at a women paramedic and what looked like an officer but also another person wearing a suit and holding A briefcase. Janus held tightly to Roman.

"I'm not leaving my dad. He did nothing wrong." Janus held romans hand and glared at the officer. "And I'm not letting you accuse him of doing anything horrible to me!" The officer got down to eye level with Janus.

"Kid, I'm sorry but this is an official police investigation. You can't stay with your...with this man right now." Janus glared at the officer.

"This man, is my father you ass. The person you should be investigating was just taken away by ambulance! He was the man driving the fucking car!" Janus glared as the officer tried to pull him from Roman.

"Dee!" Janus froze when Roman called him that. They haven't called him that since they were taken away the first time. Janus turned with tears in his eyes.

" can't. You and Patton promised!" Janus wiped the tears from his eyes. "Please..." Roman looked at the officer.

"Look, I'll come with you. It's just that...does he have to go with them? Janus has anxiety and the only person who can calm him right now is currently in the hospital after being in that accident...possibly fighting for his life. I don't want to leave him alone he's my child I refuse to let him be alone when the only person to calm him after Virgil would be me or his other father, Patton." The officer glared at the two.

"Just go over there kid. The officers will take you to the hospital so you can see" The officer harshly grabbed Roman and pulled him from Janus.

"Hey!" Janus glared at the officer. Roman shook his head and Janus started to cry as he was dragged over to another police car. Did they really think Roman had anything to do with this! "Please he didn't hurt me you have to believe me!" The officers just drove to the hospital in silence. Janus saw the officers talking to someone and suddenly he was handcuffed. His heartbeat picked up.

"This is so you don't fight us as we get you to be looked at." The officer said. Janus shook his head.

"H-He didn't touch me! Roman and Patton never laid a hand on me or Virgil! S-Stop!" Janus struggled as they dragged him to a separate room.

"Kid, please change into the gown and wait for the nurses." The officer walked out. When Janus was done they handcuffed him to the bed and had security wait outside the room as the nurses did a quick check up on him.

"I told you, nothing happened." Janus looked away as they walked out of the room.

"Alright.." he tuned out when the officer started speaking then suddenly froze when he heard the next words. "Warrant for his arrest." He looked up quickly.

"For. Who's. Arrest!?" Janus shouted concerned. What did they get from the test!? The police officer entered the room.

"Janus, we need you to calm down for us...we found evidence that...well...kid, are you sure you don't remember that man hurting you in any way?" He asked.

"What man!?" Janus screamed. "ROMAN IS MY FATHER HE WOULDN'T HURT ME!"

"Kid, we found evidence saying otherwise." The officer said. Janus shook his head even harder as tears flowed down his face. Roman never hurt him. Remus was probably framing Roman somehow. He shook his head even harder.

"N-No!" He cried harder. "He never hurt me!" The officer sighed and walked out of the room. Suddenly Patton ran past the officer and was in the room.

"What the hell is happening!?" He cried. Janus tried to get off the bed.

"Patton! Patton they want to arrest Roman!" Janus cried.

"But...but why!?" Patton screamed. "IF YOU WANT TO ARREST ANYONE ARREST REMUS ROMANS BROTHER!" The officers walked in and grabbed Patton. "Hey get off!" They started to arrest Patton and Janus screamed.

"Stop! Why are you taking him from me!" Janus started crying harder. "Please don't take him away from me..." Patton got away from them and he ran over to Janus. He held the crying child in his arms. Janus leaned into Patton.

"Shhh your okay." Patton held him and rubbed his back. "We'll get this all sorted out I promise. Just for now... I don't want to go but I need to. I could get in more trouble if I don't and we don't want that. I love you, we'll fix this." Patton kissed Janus on the forehead and walked out of the room with the officers dragging him out by his arm. Janus started to cry harder as he watched them leave. How did remus even get it so the results were positive?

AN sorry I keep giving cliff hangers it's just more fun that way haha I just enjoy writing angsty things!

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