Twenty-one: Patton

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AN and now you get to find out where Patton's been this entire time!

Patton glared at the food in front of him and then up at his captors camera that was recording his every move.

"Seriously? Just let me go!" Patton cried. He struggled against the ropes that held his wrist together. He shoved the food aside again. He's been here for almost a month now and he's refused to eat yet somehow he's always woken up with a full stomach. Maybe his captor just didn't want him to starve? He tried to think back to when he might have been taken, and if they others were worried about him. Suddenly the door opened and the person stepped into the room, Patton screamed in shock. The person looked exactly like him. "W-Who are you!?" Patton cried. The person laughs.

"Well, I'm you just better. Your fiancé is so gullible. They think I'm you." He sat across from Patton. "Remus needed a distraction and so we made a deal. Also...your new roommate should be here soon." Patton shook his head.

"I thought Remus was in the hospital!" He screamed.

"Yeah, was being the key word." He leaned forward and patton shook his head.

" do you look like me?" He asked.

"Surgery, duh. Though the eyes changing color was a painful process I definitely can get used to having your face." Suddenly a door opened and the kidnapper smirked. "Your roommates here!" He smiled as he got up. Patton felt his heart beat in his chest faster and faster. Suddenly Remus entered dragging someone behind him by rope. The person was gagged and struggling against the ropes holding his hands tied together in front of him. Pattons eyes widened when he saw Roman. Roman glared at Remus and looked over, their eyes meeting. Roman screamed through the gag and Remus laughed.

"Yeah, we tricked you. Very easily too." Remus smirked. Romans eyes widened and he struggled against Remus.

"Are we setting the rest of this plan into motion?" Patton glared at his twin.

"Of course, lets go." Remus grabbed his hand.

"C-Can you explain what you will do?" Patton asked. Roman looked at patton and rolled his eyes. Patton knew Remus was absolutely stupid and would totally love to brag about whatever revenge he's planning against Roman. Hopefully this worked.

"Well you see Patton, while you've been here...these two..." Roman looked away from Patton and Patton saw the tears in his eyes. He understood immediately. "Got freaky." Patton rolled his eyes.

"Okay and? You tricked him into thinking you were me!" Patton growled. "Obviously I'm not mad at him, so you guys are really going to have to try harder than that."

"Oh that's not why..." Remus smirked as he walked over to Patton. He leaned down and whispered the next words so only patton could hear. "The cops want you, Logan and Virgil all to take rape test Patton." Remus pulled away and laughed as him and Patton's twin left. Patton screamed.

"NO! YOU SICK FUCK!" Patton started crying heavily as he looked at Roman worried. When Remus and Patton's evil twin were out of the room Patton wiped his face. "Ro, I'm not upset with you don't worry." Roman shook his head and started crying hard. "I know... but you thought he was me Roman, and besides that, just know I know that you would never force me to do anything so even though it wasn't me and these sick fucks are trying to make it seem like it was...I know you didn't force yourself onto 'me'." Patton put quotations around me. Roman shook his head and spit out the gag finally.


"Ro, no. Remus and whatever that bastards name is forced you to do this."

"B-But patton he...what did he tell you?" Patton bit his lip.

"He...he told me that the police were still investigating you and that they wanted me and Logan to..." Patton shook his head. "He's trying to-."

"Patton. Tell me." Roman looked down at the table. "Please?"

"The reason he convinced you fuck...h-he...t-they want to get you arrested Ro! T-they're going to say that you hurt me!" Tears flowed down Patton's face faster. "I know you would never but h-he has my face! They'll believe him..." Roman looked away from Patton and started sobbing harder. "I'm so sorry Ro!"

"They accused me of hurting Janus because they said the evidence proved that I they are Accusing me of hurting you, Virgil AND Logan!?!"

"Ro we will find a way to help prove you are innocent please please calm down!" Patton cried.

"How?" Roman struggled against the ropes holding him down. "They'll make it convincing I...I'm so scared Patton."

"I will not let them lock you away Ro!" Patton glared. "You are not a rapist like that fucking brother of yours! I love you and I will not let them get away with accusing you of this!"

"Patton, I was found not guilty of the charges that were put against me with Janus but if any of the other tests get back positive Janus will be taken from-." Roman immediately shot his head up. "Janus thinks that's you Patton!" Patton's eyes widened. Janus was now alone with this other Patton.

"You don't think he'd hurt Janus do you?" Patton asked. Roman looked away sadly.

"I don't know" Roman looked back up. "But Janus is smart he'll figure out something is wrong I'm sure of it."

"I just don't want him to hurt our kid..." Patton moved his hands and reached for romans across the table. Roman grabbed them the best he could and squeezed.

"If they hurt Janus in any way, I will not hesitate to attack them with all the power I can muster. I will not hesitate to kill my own brother." Roman glared at the cameras. "Nobody fucks with my family and gets away with it."

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