Twenty-two: Logan/Roman

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⚠️Trigger warning: Rape mentioned/forced makeout session (if I miss anything tell me so I can fix the trigger warning thanks!)⚠️


"Patton, you alright? You seem really jumpy." Logan asked as he slipped his shoes back on. Patton nodded.

"I-I'm fine." He mumbled.

"You've been acting different since they asked you to take this test..." Logan mumbled. "Did...did Remus hurt you patton? Are you okay?" Patton looked up.

"Logan..." Patton bit his lip. " wasn't Remus! I didn't want to tell you guys-." Logan dropped his phone to the ground in shock.

"Patton!" Logan cried. "What do you mean?" He shook his head. "Roman didn't..."

"I'm sorry..." Patton started crying. "the test will come back positive...I just didn't want you guys to think of him any different."

"Patton..." Logan picked up his phone. "I'm..." he froze. He looked up quickly and observed Patton. Something wasn't right. Something about him felt off. Logan bit his lip. "I'm so sorry that happened."

"It's alright, least we know that Janus is safe." And there it was. Logan nodded quickly and left the room, moving his wheel chair towards Virgil and his shared room.

"You alright?" Virgil asked. Logan looked at Virgil.

"Somethings seriously wrong with Patton...h-he just told me roman raped him." Virgil immediately froze. "And he called me and Dee by our names and not our nicknames! He always used the nicknames!"

"Maybe..." Virgil bit his lip. "Maybe Remus is somehow trying to control his actions? Maybe Remus threatened his life...o-or Janus?"

"Do you think...he might be helping Remus?" Logan asked. Virgil shook his head.

"Patton would never..." Virgil looked down at the ground. Logan and Virgil sat in silence staring at each other for a moment.

"how do we help Roman?" Logan asked as he sat down next to Virgil. Virgil leaned on Logan's shoulder.

"If these test results come back positive he can get arrested again...I don't know why Patton would ever let him be taken away again. Somethings not right..." Virgil looked at his hands. "He wouldn't do this to Roman."

"Hopefully we figure it out soon." Logan leaned back and Virgil followed. The two stared at the ceiling sitting in silence. How were they to help the situation?


The door slammed open and Roman opened his eyes immediately. He glared at Remus.

"The test results will be coming back soon." Remus bounced over to the table. "Soon you'll be out of my way."

"Don't hurt Ro!" Patton cried as he tried to get out of his bonds. Remus dragged Roman from Patton and Patton shook his head. "Please Remus please don't let them arrest him..."

"Don't Patton!" Roman cried. Patton shook tears from his eyes.

"I-I'll do whatever you want just...please for Janus go destroy those test results." Remus smirked and held tighter to Patton.

"Anything?" He asked. Roman glared at Remus. "Fine. I'll send the other you to destroy the test then." He threw Roman to the ground and Roman scooted away and held his arms to his chest. Remus texted the other Patton and then turned back to face the two of them. "You really care about my brother?" Patton looked over at Roman and nodded.

"Of course I do." Remus walked over and lifted Roman off the ground by his hair. Roman screamed in pain.

"Well, you said anything I want." He dropped Roman and walked over to Patton whispering in his ear. Pattons eyes widened. "Now do it." Patton looked down at Roman. Roman looked between the two.

"P-Patt?" He asked. Patton was untied and he stood up and walked from the room. "What did you tell him to do!?" Remus walked over and dragged Roman to a wall, chaining his wrist to the wall behind him. "R-Remus what did you tell him to do!?" Remus smirked.

"He loves you so much, but he had to go clean himself up." Remus smirked. Roman looked up as Patton came out of the bathroom. Patton was...well not really wearing much. Roman blushed. He looked away. Patton looked at Roman as Remus forced him to look over at Patton who clearly looked uncomfortable showing so much skin. (What Patton's wearing just the underwear isn't see through it's just blue)

"W-Why did you force him to wear that!?" Roman shouted. Remus laughed.

"Because it's funny and clearly makes him uncomfortable." Remus walked over and played with the bow in the middle attached to the lingerie. "He's so cute no wonder why you like him so much." Remus suddenly forced Patton against the wall. Patton squealed as Remus forced a kiss on his lips.

"Remus!" Roman cried. Remus pulled away and looked over at Roman.

"Oh am I making you uncomfortable now?" He asked. He looked back at Patton who he was still holding to the wall. Patton was looking at Roman and shaking.

"R-Ro..." tears were flowing down Patton's face. Remus leaned forward and licked the tears off Patton's face. He then forced his lips against Patton's again. Patton squirmed and Remus just forced his tongue into Patton's mouth. Roman screamed.

"STOP IT! STOP HURTING HIM!" Remus pulled away from Patton, letting him fall to the ground. Patton squirmed away and leaned against a wall pulling his knees to his chest. Remus chuckled.

"Scaredy cats." He walked out of the room slamming the door shut. Patton broke down. Roman looked at him.

"Patt?" He called. Patton immediately ran to his side helping him out of the chains. Roman wrapped his arms around patton as Patton burst into tears again.

"I... I'm sorry Roman." Patton held Roman tighter. "I know it was stupid saying that to Remus, I know he would force me to do something I didn't want to do I just didn't...I wanted to protect you and Janus I just-."

"Patton, your okay." Roman played with his hair. "I love you. Him violating you won't ever stop me from loving you, alright?"

"I feel so uncomfortable but he told me... he said if I were to change back he'd hurt janus." Tears filled his eyes even more. "And they're still watching the cameras." Roman closed his eyes.

"Then I won't look Patt, I'm sorry he's forcing you to wear that..." Roman pulled the jacket off his shoulders. "Here put this sweater on." Patton took it.

"Thank you Ro..." Roman opened his eyes and smiled at patton.

"Of course Patt, remind me why I can't kill him?" Roman asked. He glared up at the camera.

"Ro..." Patton scolded. Roman held Patton close.

"I wont let him take you from me..." Roman leaned closer and held Patton tighter. Patton gripped romans shirt tightly.

"I don't want to do that again.." Patton wiped the tears from his eyes. "I don't want to be here."

"We'll get home I promise." Roman kissed Patton's forehead. He glared at the camera. He will never trust Remus alone with Patton ever.


"They were negative." Logan looked at the papers in front of him. The nurse nodded. He looked at Virgil and smiled. "Told you." The nurse walked from the room and Virgil took the papers looking them over.

"Then why would patton ever tell you that?" Virgil asked. Suddenly someone knocked on the door and Janus entered the room.

"Hey, uhm...not to worry you two but I just had to walk here. Both dads weren't home when I woke up." Janus looked at the papers. "What the fuck-."

"It's alright Janus it was just a precaution...we know he did nothing but the cops wanted to...check." Logan looked at Virgil.

"Where did Patton go..." Virgil raised his eyebrow. "If he didn't go home to Dee, then where could he have gone?"

"What about Roman? Was he there when you got home janus?" Logan looked at Janus. Janus shook his head.

"No he wasn't...and actually neither was Patton...." Janus looked at the two. "Is something going on?"

"we think..that something happened and Remus is threatening Patton with Romans life." Virgil said.

"But that would mean...he's out of the hospital!? Who would let that crazy son of a bitch out!?" Janus started ranting when the door opened.

"I did of course." Patton stood in the doorway. He was wearing a purple sweater, black ripped jeans, combat boots and he has piercings. He ripped off a wig and everyone stared shocked. "My names Linus, but you can just call me patton now since obviously that's who I am." He closed the door and walked over sitting down across from Virgil.

"W-where's Patton?" Janus asked.

"Probably fucking Remus at this point. God damn puppy dog would do anything to keep you idiots and Roman safe." He rolled his eyes and bit into a candy bar. "I've been around you idiots for what? A month? I honestly can't stand being around you! God I don't know how he can stand to be around you"

"Wait what do you mean a month!?" Janus cried.

"Duh you idiot, I kidnapped him after that car accident." He bit into the chocolate bar again. "Here, lets see how he's doing shall we?" Linus pulled out his phone and pulled up a live feed. Logan took the phone and stared in horror.

"What the fuck is Patton wearing?" Logan looked up at Linus. Linus looked over and laughed.

"Told you, he was probably just fucking Remus, either that or Remus was having him fuck Roman." He tossed the candy bar into the trash. "Obviously you two can't leave the hospital yet, so Janus...want to come with me?" Janus looked at Logan and Virgil.

"I..." Logan shook his head.

"God no..." he looked at Linus. "You aren't touching these kids!" Linus rolled his eyes.

"He'll just be going to see Roman and Patton. You can watch if you want I'll let you keep the phone." He grabbed Januss arm and started to drag him from the room.

"Wait no don't-."

"Logan." Janus turned back to look at him. "Don't worry, I'm okay."

"Dee you can't..." Virgil went to reach for him and he pulled back. "Please remus will hurt you..."

"I'm going." Janus walked out with Linus. Logan looked at Virgil and then back down at the phone watching the live feed. Roman was glaring at the camera and holding a crying Patton who was now wearing romans sweater. Virgil looked at the feed and then back at Logan.

"Do you think Remus will hurt them?" Virgil asked. Logan bit his lip.

"I...I wouldn't put it past him. He's hurt all of us before. I'm really scared he will and I...we're stuck here until further notice." Logan looked up from the live feed. "He's has patton for months and we didn't even notice..." Virgil leaned into Logan.

"I'm scared..." Virgil whispered. Logan held Virgil close.

"I know, I am as well. But remember we need to stay strong for Patton...for Roman...for Dee...and you need to stay strong for me." Logan kissed Virgils forehead. "You promise me you will do that?" Virgil nodded and pulled away holding out his pinky.

"I pinky promise I will stay strong for Roman, for Patton, for Dee...for you." Logan hooked his pinky around Virgils and held out his other pinky.

"Double pinky swear." He said.

"I double pinky swear." Logan nodded and Virgil laid down. Logan wrapped a blanket around him and Virgil wrapped his arms around him trapping him in the bed. He laughed.

"Alright alright I'm staying."

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