Goodbye Family, Hello Strangers

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Three days ago,

"Do you even know this guy?" Nathan asked laying on my bed while I packed all my belongings.

"I've told you Nate, all I know is that his name is Paul Blofis." I said rolling my eyes.

Nathan stood up and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my small body.

"I'm gonna miss you Ash." He pulled up the sleeve on my arm.

"And quit this." He said pointing to every jagged scar. I nodded my head with tears still falling.

"You promise you'll quit?"

"Yes Nate, I promise."

January 18th present day

I was about to knock on the door but turned around to look at Parker.

"Ok I get that you blame me for what happened to mom but can you please at least try to be decent today. You can go back to hating me tomorrow I promise." For the past week Parker refuses to talk to me but when he does speak, it's something along the lines of 'I hate you' or 'go to h*ll Ash'

Yes, we are slightly dysfunctional.

Parker grunted and turned away from me. I sighed and knocked on the door.

A thin woman with dark brown hair and warm eyes opened the door.

"Hi you must be Asher and Parker, I'm Sally Jackson, nice to meet you." Her voice was smooth and warm reminding me of the calm pond near our house in Texas.

"Likewise. I'm Asher and this is Parker." I said giving her the best smile I could muster.

"C'mon in this is my son Percy and thats your dad, Paul." She said gesturing to a boy around sixteen with black hair and green eyes, and a man who looked alot like Parker (I don't know what Paul looks like so I'm just going to guess) same brown hair and blue eyes, unlike me who looks just like our mother, black hair and blue eyes.

"Asher O'Connor, nice to meet you." I said holding my hand out.

"Percy Jackson, and likewise."

"Paul Blofis, I'm glad I've finally met you two."

Paul started talking to Parker about books and educational type things so I turned to Percy.

"So your a demigod." I said with my signature smirk.

"Yeah I- Wait what?!" He turned to me with side eyes

"Your aura, its stronger than any mortals." I said my smirk still in place.

"Wow...ok then. Are you a demigod?" He asked.

"Nope." I said popping the 'P'.

"So you have the sight?"

"Yup, but don't tell Parker" I said immediately turning serious.

"I won't." He said equally serious.

After awhile of talking about random things Sally told me and Parker to go unpack.

My room was painted a cream color and the sheets were slightly darker.

This is so not my style, thank god at home we packed all my room decorations.

I opened a box that had the words 'Music junk' scrawled on the side and pulled out my old speakers and my iPod touch. I scrolled through my playlists until I found one labeled 'Simple Plan' and hit shuffle.

Do you ever feel like breakin down

Do you ever feel out of place

Like somehow you just don't belong

And no one understands you

Do you ever wanna run away

Do you lock yourself in your room

With the radio on turned up so loud that no one heard you screamin

No you don't know what it's like

When nothin feels alright

No you don't know what it's like to be like me...

To be hurt!

To feel lost!

To be left out in the dark!

To be kicked when your down!

And feel like you've been pushed around!

To be on the edge and breakin down and no one's there to save you!

No you don't know what it's like...

Welcome to my life

After a few more songs my bed was made with my old blankets and pillows.

Next I opened a box that said 'random junk' at first it was just as it was labeled, things like notes me and my friends passed to each other, rocks with faces drawn on them, and pictures.

I reached in to see what else I could find, but my fingers brushed something cold and smooth, I pulled it out and it was a picture of Parker, me I looked in the box and saw it was full of pictures....and they all had mom in them.


It's your fault

She's not your mother

You killed her

I quickly shoved the picture to the bottom of the box and slammed it shut, I reached over and grabbed the duck tape and taped it over and over again until it would be almost impossible to open again.

I picked the heavy box up and carried it to the closet as fast as I could then covered it in coats and shoes.

If you killed her, why does it hurt so much that she's gone?


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