Team Of What?!??!!!?!?

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That is the picture of the uniform Asher talks about in this chapter it's also what Asher looks like exept her hair is more black than brown

It had been a good week, living with the Jackson's but all that came to an end when I woke up to a beeping noise.

When I looked over at the alarm clock, it read, 2:34 A.M. in bright red numbers.

I swear to the gods I'm going to kill Kaiden.

I reached under my mattress and pulled out a black, smooth, small, rectangular box and hit the glowing blue button. A small screen slid up from the box and showed a Kaiden, a boy I've come to know very well. He had brown hair and brown eyes, wearing the uniform almost all of us wear.

'All of us'? You might ask. Well us is a team, my team of demigods called the shadows. You probably have never heard of us. Well that's a good thing. We only come when we're desperately needed. We fight all the rebellions against the gods, and when I told Percy I had the sight, I wasn't completely lying, my mother is Melinoe, goddess of ghosts. It gives me some pretty cool powers like raising dead ghost people, talking to the dead ghost people, Ooh and I can shadow travel, basically almost anything a hades spawn can do with zombies, I can do with ghosts.

"ASH! We have a major problem!" Kaiden said.

"What is it Kaid." I said immediately turning serious.

"There's this kid...he claims he's a son of hades and...Ash he says he wants to talk to you, Now."

"Ok I'll be there in five."

"Thanks G!"

I hurried and got dressed. God I hate it when this type of thing happens, it utterly p*sses me off, because then I have to go and see what damage the demigod did, make sure all of my crew is ok, then explain to the demigod that we aren't going to kill anyone who doesn't deserve it.


You know if I wanted to get up at two in the freaking morning I would set my own freaking alarm. I don't need Kaiden waking me up because theres a problem.

I wore my uniform. (In media too lazy to explain it) I silently opened my bedroom door and crept out into the dark apartment. I was almost to the door when the kitchen light flashed on and a very confused/angry Percy Jackson stood with a half eaten sandwich in his mouth.

Once he swallowed the sandwich he looked at my attire.

"Where are you going?" He asked skeptically. Now even though I've only lived with Percy a week, in said week I've learned he is completely over protective over me and Parker. He had been getting suspicious about my late night escapade's but never said anything about it.

"Your hiding something Ash." He stated bluntly.

"Yes, yes very interesting Perce, but I really need to go." I said hoping and praying he would just let me leave.

Yea but no, the fates must hate me.

"Percy I swear to the gods of Olympus that I will explain everything when I get back. Please I have to go." He sighed but finally have in.

"Fine but your explaining everything."

"Yes! Deal! I'll be back by morning!" I said sprinting out of the apartment.


"Why the h*ll was I called in the middle of the effing night!" I yelled.

Everyone in the controll room respectfully kneeled on one knee, then stood. Kaiden was the first to walk forward.

"Ghost, I apologize for the inconvenience, but the kid said he wanted to talk to you, there was a prophecy." He said deadly serious.

"Thank you Thunder." I replyed. In the Shadow, we all have code names, mine would be Ghost considering my mother is the goddess of ghosts, Kaidens is Thunder because he's stupid and picked thunder. Me and Kaidens other friend, Emma, is Shade because she thinks of herself as dark and shady. We are the Alpha team, yes I know very cliche, but we do almost everything, recons, undercover, control room, and front line. We've never had to use front line exempt for war purposes, front line includes almost every one of our members, its basically an army. It's called a code blue.

I stormed into the interrogation room where a boy with black hair and eyes like obsidion, was sitting like he had no care in the world.



I threw one of my Stygian iron daggers at his and hooked his shirt to the chair. He plucked it from its place wedged in the wood.

"Why were you snooping around MY ship!" I growled.

"I'll tell you everything you need to know if you answer three of my questions." He stated examining the daggers midnight blade.

Three questions...for everything he could be worth it.


"Good answer one of mine and I'll answer one of yours." He said putting my dagger on the metal table. I nodded my head in confimation.

"Your name." I almost said something like Olivia Page but thought better of it.

"Asher O'Connor." I growled.

"Nico di Angelo."

"Why are you here." I said calming down slightly.

"A prophecy." He said smugly.

"My turn, hmmm... Who's your godly parent." He asked with a shrug. This time it was my turn to smirk.

"Melinoe, goddess of ghosts." I laughed at his shocked face.

"Now whats the prophecy." He sighed but eventually told me.

Ghost, death, and war wage on

To find the sword, drawn upon

Betrayal, hurt, love and loss

Warm the heart of stone and frost.

You know what, I have my own freaking prophecy for...whoever makes prophecy's

I hate you I hate you

Go to tartarus

I hope the monsters kill you

Rhymes and stuff

I personally love Ashers version of prophecy's XD LOL

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