📔Chapter- 2

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I couldn't put the diary down. I went on to turn the pages as it ran along. However, she has managed her first day very well and the same way a week rolled on. I was sunk into curiosity to know what happened next and next. She's quite a writer. 

24th September 2019,

"Hey, it's her. The blonde, straight parted bitch," I could hear a girl tell her friends as I went to occupy the table next to them.

"Hey, Spencer," I texted him while I stuffed the sandwich into my mouth.

As usual, there was no reply from him. I walk over to the mirror in the common room to adjust my hair while Spencer walked in.

"Hey beauty," he said patting my head. He always shows up in person. That's his kind of reply to my texts.

"What's up? Oh- I've seen this pony somewhere- oh ponytail- I get it now," he was still uncertain.

"Just going back to the old me," I said as I snapped my eyes at him as he watched speechlessly.

"Amber Tide- what's with this sudden change?" He asked in his usual clingy tone.

"Back to bitch mode," I said as he gawked at my reflection on the mirror while I tightened up my ponytail. "Completely transformed."

"Hey that's- No! Amby!" I heard his voice following me as I rush along the corridor.

"Ouch! I'm not sorry. You should be," I said as I crashed on one of the girls who were bitching about me this morning.

"Yew- the blonde again with a pony," I heard another girl say. "Hey, blondie." Her tone was squeaky.

"Hey hey- this morning, your friend said and I quote 'It's the blonde straight parted bitch'. Didn't you get the meaning of straight right?" I pitched up to the girl with black square-framed specs.

"Oh-we heard that you've changed a lot since the last time you were here." The girl whose name I remember to be Vivian said.

"That's absolutely false," I rolled my eyes. "I am me."

"Yup. We see it. You've just become uglier," her words punched me hard but not more than the fact that I wasn't ready with a quick comeback.

"Tie your tongue, Viv," I said. "You won't be liking a war with me."

"Duh- Amber, Moundsville is not the same as then." She's the one girl I hated so much during my 8th grade, Jensy Rickson. All she did was make me look like a fool in front of everyone with her grades. I was witty. But, there'll always be a tug of war between us for the top score.

"It has changed Amber." Huh- Reilly May. I have always liked her. She's sweet and very kind. But, I don't know what the hell she's been doing with these mean girls 3.0.

"I don't have time for your stupid talks. I have physics now." I turned away and started walking away from them.

"Ooh- since when Amber Tide started caring about classes," I heard Sia Marge say behind my back. Of course, she always does that.

I was wandering the corridors during lunch as I was quick in emptying my lunch box. That is when I saw my zoology professor coming out of the prohibited laboratory.

"Mr. Stein, I guess you weren't supposed to go inside," I couldn't control myself from pointing it out.

"Oh- Ms. Tide. The laboratory is now open for the faculties. Just not to the students," he said with his usual uncertain voice.

"Oh- I'm sorry, Mr. Stein." My mouth apologized even before I realized it. Ugh- it's all Sel's magic.

"That's okay, Ms. Tide."

"Um- have a good day, Mr. Stein."

I was so much aware not to get caught in any malpractices. But, what will I do if my legs didn't listen to me? A stone kicked by me-no my foot was the reason.

"Did you break the glass cupboard on the right side hallway on the second floor?" The principal was in his high sharp tone while I stood speechless near my seat.

"Um- I-," I stuttered as the whole class was gawking at me.

"Sir, actually I was the one who unintentionally threw a pebble on it." What is happening? It was Jensy who stood up taking up the blame for me.

"We were playing with pebbles and accidentally it happened sir," Vivian backed her up.

"What were you doing near the prohibited laboratory? Even the faculties aren't allowed to go there."

"We're sorry, sir." I couldn't believe my eyes. The mean girls taking up the blame- that too for me. It was dreamy.

"I'm sorry. Ms. Tide. It was just some misinformation."

"That's-that's okay sir," I took my seat.

I was drowned in silence and guilt the whole day. I was desperately wanting to talk to the mean girls about what happened today while I saw them walking down the stairs.

"Hey," I said. "Thanks for today. For helping me though it was unnecessary."

"We just didn't want you to have bad days this sooner," Jensy said.

"Uh- Anyway, Thanks," I said while I involuntarily put out my hand for a handshake in front of her.

"Friends?" I was surprised to hear it from Jensy.

"Um- okay. Friends," I said as the four of them squeezed me with their group hug.

I was narrating the day to mom-only a part of it. If she got to know about the glass breaking, she'll break my bones for sure.

"Any cute guys?" she winked.

"Ugh. Not this. I don't find anyone appealing," I prattled eating frozen yoghurt.

"Well. Maybe you will," she said washing the dishes.

I spent some ME time revising how bitchy I was and how to be that girl again. It's always been my cover. Everyone at Moundsville knew me like that. And the best part is that I loved being that girl. It felt real.

I wasn't that girl since I met Sel. She brought me the same happiness it did. So, I didn't need that. But now, I do.

Wait- Oh, what was Mr. Stein doing in that lab? The principal stated that it is prohibited for the faculties too. He's always been enigmatic since I've known him. Or maybe he just wanted to take a sip privately.

Goodnight, proxy!

From what I have read, I could see how she was trying to become the old Amber and was succeeding in it. From igniting a fight with the Head cheerleader to punching the soccer team captain for what he did to Sia that day. She would never stand seeing a girl bullied by a guy. Amber showed him who's the better bully. She was becoming the bully who bullies the bullies.

But, the last note here is a hunch. I knew it. Mr. Stein seemed fishy. From the details I have heard about him and the current investigation around, I guess he might know something. I wanted to read her next day's entry but sleep overtook me. 

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