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A huge wave of dizziness washes over me from the moment I appear back in my bedroom, after suddenly disappearing from my soulmates' dining room.

I had thought about going home, but I didn't know the ability would act so fast. I didn't even know I could do something like that, the ability's test results always came back negative and I had fully given up on being normal.

Now, at a time where I felt done with everything, I suddenly teleported to a soulmate in Korea. A Soul Pull, the handsome man had said. Gosh, I don't even know his name. Or any of theirs for that matter, except for Yoongi, who can apparently teleport himself here if he so desires.

I look around me, ears looking out for a single noise in my apartment that could let me know I'm not alone. My heart sinks at the silence, but on a last whim of hope, I exit my bedroom to have a look in the kitchen and living room, only to be left disappointed when there is no one anywhere.

It's normal, they're tired, I try to tell myself. It's night there, so they'll sleep first. Then, maybe, one of them will contact me so we can know where to go from here. Yoongi talked about them being a K-pop group, right? What was the name already?

I settle on the stained couch, relieved when it doesn't smell as I'd feared, then decide to start my search with the only name I remember. Yoongi... k-pop. Search. Oh. There's- oh, that's a lot of results. Oh goodness. That's indeed the man I saw earlier, Min Yoongi, is it? And he's part of the group BTS. Bangtan Sonyeondan.

I look around for a bit, going through a few basic facts until I decide to have a look at the seven members' pictures. They're all easy to recognize and I make it a mission to remember each of their names, which is half a success by the time Yoongi appears in front of me.

I gasp, phone thrown in the air in my fright, which he grabs smoothly after dropping his pillow at his feet. He stares at the screen for a moment, then grins lazily. "I see you didn't lose any time in researching us".

I feel myself blush at his comment, and I quickly grab his pillow before it gets dirty, hands patting both sides to get rid of the dust. "Y-yeah, I thought it would be great to know your names, since you didn't introduce yourselves".

Yoongi came to me. He didn't have to, but he did. That has my chest warming up in a second, eyes shyly looking at him to find that he's already smiling as he hands me my device back to hold his pillow instead.

"Feeding you was our top priority, the rest didn't matter at the time. I'm here to keep you company but I'm still going to have to sleep a little, if you don't mind. Just a few hours. I can take the couch or your bed, it doesn't matter to me".

Straight to the point, Yoongi doesn't waste any time saying unnecessary words when he speaks. It's refreshing in a way, and it makes him easier to understand. I hadn't practiced my Korean in a while, I'm just glad that I'm not struggling to converse with him at the moment.

I look around me, relieved that I took some time to clean yesterday. Nothing too deep, it was more of a 'surface' cleaning, but it's keeping me from feeling humiliated and that's plenty enough. I haven't cleaned my bed though, and after what happened this morning with the cup of noodles, I can't possibly allow him to sleep on the couch. Shit.

Do I have clean sheets somewhere? What about the blankets? I only keep the strict minimum, I don't know if I have anything in a closet to lend him!

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asks at my silence, eyes staring at me with the kind of glow that sees too much. I feel like I'm going to have trouble hiding anything from him, but honestly, that might be true for all of them.

"I didn't clean my bed" I blurt out truthfully, there's no point in hiding it. "I don't know if I have any clean blankets around for you".

He hums, hands me his pillow, then steps back. "Give me one minute" he says, and he's gone.

I remain exactly where I am for a little less than thirty seconds, and then he's back with a blanket and a clean bed sheet in his arms. He cocks his head to the side at my gaping face, a smirk slowly stretching his lips for the second time in amusement. "Where's your bed?".

I point at a door, and he grabs his pillow from my arms before going there without wasting a single beat.

I rush after him as he opens my door, the black curtains keeping any light from coming in, which is perfect for him since he needs the sleep. His system will feel all weird if he stands in the sun at an hour where the moon is usually out for him.

"Help me, will you" he says from over his shoulder as he puts his belongings on my desk chair that's already piled high with clothes. I nod my head before running to his side so we can remove the old blankets and sheets from the mattress, which I take to the laundry instead of leaving it on the floor.

When I come back, he's pulling each corners down under the mattress all on his own, so I go to grab his pillow and blankets in the meantime, only to realize that there's one more pillow on the pile. That's not one of mine, did he teleport back home again?

"Do you want to sleep with me?" he asks all of a sudden, and I snap my head in his direction with wide eyes and a stuttering heart.


"You heard me. Don't make that face, you know what I meant. You can take a nap with me if you want, unless you have something better to do. You look exhausted, that's why I asked".

"Oh" I utter bashfully before settling everything on the bed. "I didn't sleep too well last night. I haven't slept well in forever, actually. Usually because of nightmares, so I end up getting out of bed in the middle of the night and stay awake until I can't stay up anymore".

He hums as he pulls the corners of the blanket so they're joining the sheet beneath the mattress due to its size, it must have been made for a king size bed. Mine is small, so we'll definitely be close if I get in bed with him. He has to know, right? He doesn't look dumb.

I did read that one of his nicknames had something to do with genius... along with lil meow meow.

He gets in my bed, then raises the other side of the blanket for me to slip under without saying a word. Not having it in me to deny him, I climb in and lie down next to him with a sigh leaving my lips as soon as my head hits the pillow. Heavens, it feels like a cloud. A very expensive cloud.

Yoongi turns on his side to face me and I do the same, knowing by now that I'll most likely do anything he asks of me. He stares at me despite the darkness, the only light we have coming from the parted door facing the kitchen, which leaves a very soft light on both of our faces.

"Those nightmares, how bad are they?".

"You want to talk about my nightmares instead of sleeping?" I ask him, feeling curious that he would show interest for something like this when he said himself earlier that he really needs to sleep. What does he gain from hearing about what I dream of?

"You don't have to tell me, I'm just curious" he replies honestly. "I wonder what it is that keeps you up at night, or if there's any way I can help you while I'm here. Is it because you were alone? Are you scared of the dark? Do you think there are monsters under your bed?".

I chuckle a little at his last question, a sound that I feel like I haven't heard in a long time. His eyes crease the slightest bit then, a proud glint in them. "No, not scared of the dark, and I'm pretty sure no one is hiding under my bed, though you won't catch me with a foot peeking out. It's just..." I sigh, not even sure myself what it is that creates those awful nightmares.

Yoongi is patient as he keeps observing me, no pushing for an answer while he forces his eyes opened despite the growing heaviness of their lids.

"Have you ever felt like your life was going nowhere, Yoongi? Like... there was no point to living?" I ask him suddenly, eyes taking in very closely the glow of knowledge in his gaze. There's wisdom that I haven't seen often in there. Wisdom that was acquired the hard way.

"Many times" he answers softly. "That feeling of waking up and wondering... why the hell am I still here? Why did I wake up? I wish I could close my eyes and let the world fade away forever. I don't want to go to work, or... what's the point of doing something I hate for the rest of my life if it's to keep feeling this way all the time?".

My throat goes dry as he speaks, the words he says hitting me right in the heart of my soul. He presses his lips together, seeing in me something familiar, like an old echo of a past long gone and yet always there, hiding in the shadows.

"You aren't alone in feeling that way, Y/N, I've gone through such a time myself" he assures after a few deep breaths. "Even today, sometimes, those dark thoughts come back to haunt me, they're never really... truly gone".

He offers me a small smile, a hand lifted out from under the blanket to caress my hair.

"But you know what? I've realized that this voice... even though it sounds like mine, it's not. This voice is scared of what I could achieve if I felt strong enough to do anything I want, so it's trying to break me before I can try. I used to give it that power, but now, I'm learning to be the one who trusts in myself the most. That way, no matter what that voice says, no matter what it whispers into my head, it won't break me".

He lets his thumb follow the curve of my cheek before sliding underneath my bottom lip, delicate and tender in the way his eyes follow its path before meeting my gaze as the last destination he could ever hope to find.

"Trusting in yourself is hard and it takes practice. You start off feeling a little stupid about it, and that voice is so strong that you feel like it's ridiculous to even try. But then, you do one thing that makes you proud and it's like... it's like a lock comes undone. You do something else that feels good, and just like that, doors begin to open one after the next. It's not easy, it's never easy, but if you want to give it a try... I'll be right by your side, encouraging you through every steps of the way".

My lips purse at the gentleness that he offers me so easily, throat going sore due to a lump sitting there. He resumes caressing my hair, his warmth pulling me in so easily as his husky voice fills the space between us once more.

"Those nightmares are just like that voice, Y/N. They want to break you before you can realize your power. Don't let them win, take that power back. If you see something wrong... imagine something good. If you hear something mean, say something nice. If you feel like crying, find a reason to laugh, and if it ever gets too hard, find a pair of arms to hug you until it gets better. Think you can try doing that?".

"Might as well ask me if I can build a house, Yoongi" I let out with a shaky voice.

"Can you build a house, Y/N?".

I snort weakly in disbelief, then shake my head. He hums again, fingers catching a tear before it reaches my nose. "Right? I can't either but with the right knowledge, I know I could build one heck of a good house if I wanted. Just like I didn't know how to compose songs before. I learned the ways, and now I have over a hundred under my name. Everything is possible Y/N, as long as you try".

Everything is possible... That's a very positive way of thinking. I have gotten so used to feeling miserable that I've never thought of trying to change the source of the problem, which is my own mindset and thoughts.

"I heard you, Yoongi. I can't promise anything but... I heard you".

"There's no hurry, none at all. We should sleep, now" he utters before closing his heavy eyes after enduring their burning for too long. "Don't mind me if you have things to do later, but at least try to get an hour or two of rest first".

"Mhm, I will".

"Good. Sleep well, Y/N".

"You too, Yoongi".


Waking up alone in my bed is honestly not at all what I had expected. Yoongi should still be there and sleeping, but I feel like a stone who was reborn into a magic stone.

Heavy. I feel real heavy.

Squinting my eyes at the light on my phone to check the time, I find out that I slept an entire five or so hours. It's almost 17h00 right now, which means that I will most likely stay up all night. Is Yoongi still here? He must have gone back, right?

As if to answer my question, a knock on the door and it opens to Yoongi, now dressed in comfortable clothes and ready for the day.

"Oh good, you're awake. Namjoon just messaged me and said that they're leaving for work so I have to get going. I prepared some food for you with what I could find in the kitchen and from our place, make sure to warm it up before you eat. We'll contact you later after we take care of a couple things, take it easy until then, alright? I left my phone number and Talk account on a piece of paper on the counter, send me a message on whichever is doable for you. All I'd ask of you is to avoid sharing that anywhere, please".

I absent-mindedly nod my head, and half of his lips curl up into a cocky smile. "You don't even know how exceptional it is to have access to that information, do you? I find that hilarious and refreshing all at once. Message me when you're out of bed, I'll get going now".

I can only manage a small bye before he disappears, and I remain in bed for a good ten minutes longer, mind empty of any thoughts outside of his warm husky voice. It's hard to believe that any of that happened today, but I really did meet my soulmates, didn't I?

So what happens now?

First... I should wash my face and brush my teeth. I should make that a regular thing again from now on, I can't have them see me at my worst.

I groan my way out of bed, then drag my feet to the bathroom with half a mind to accomplish that task. It would be so easy to spend the entire night on the couch again and mull over bad thoughts, but his words from earlier... I suddenly don't want to be like this any longer.

I look at my face products like they're old acquaintances. It's been so long since I last used them that I'm not even sure if they used to work that well on me or not. I sigh before starting with washing my face.

My soulmates are a K-pop sensation, the seven members of a group named BTS. They have fans from all over the world and are known as one of the most successful groups to this day. They are wealthy, handsome, their personalities are great and recognized by literally everyone who's met them, and from what music I can hear from my phone after searching them on Spotify, they're talented too.

Whereas I am a nobody. I am invisible to everyone, except for the rare times when someone makes a snarky remark about my appearance, or when someone at work wants to cut my break short to enjoy their own. I have no money and my personality is... meh. I also have no talent whatsoever.

Great, that's just great isn't it? This is the Universe using me to balance things out. It gave them too much positivity, too much handsomeness and talents, so it needed me to bring a touch of dirty grey back into their life.

I have found my secret talent after all - I am like a pet rat. I'm a little ugly, but someone will probably adopt me and care for me until the day I die either way - AKA, my soulmates.

I grab the hydrating cream to rub into my skin, then the serum, not without complaining in the process. I pat my skin with both hands until it absorbs the products, then get dressed with clothes that were stored in the abandoned closet - AKA, the pretty clothes.

I wet my hair, make a tiny effort to style it, then look at my reflection in the mirror only to be immediately disgusted by what I see. This must be why I stopped trying, right?

I head back to my closet to put everything back where they were, and I grab the usual clothes with a sentiment of relief washing through me. Yoongi will have to forgive me on that one, I don't think I'm ready for that step just yet.

Remembering about the food, I head to the kitchen after tying up my hair to have a look at what he prepared, and a small smile blooms on my face upon seeing that he placed everything in the shape of a heart.

Yoongi... he is sweet, isn't he?

Finding the piece of paper he'd mentioned next to the plates, I grab my phone so I can search the mentioned application, knowing that texting him with my phone number will have me ending up with a ridiculous fee from my mobile plan.

I reheat the food in the microwave as it downloads slowly, teeth chewing lightly on my lip as I stand idle in the middle of the kitchen. Once I've created an account and added Yoongi, will he put me in contact with the others too?

Not used to that kind of layout, it takes me a while to get used to the application, and once I manage to find out how to search new contacts, I type in very carefully the username he wrote down, which brings me to a basic looking profile that doesn't feel like it could be his.

For security purposes, I imagine. None of them would want their fans to figure out this is them.

I send a small message to let him know that I'm about to eat the food, then grab everything from the microwave after it beeps. I set the table for one, then sit down at my usual seat. Seeing all this food in front of me... when was the last time I had something of the kind on this table?

I take a first bite, then a second and a third before my device receives a notification from the new phone application. I take a quick look while stuffing my mouth with yet another bite, Yoongi is a very good cook.

That's good, I hope it's to your liking. I'll add you to our group chat, then you can add the others. I already wrote who's behind which accounts so you can add a nickname as you please, that'll help you to recognize us at first.

|Deafcat added PurpleDumpling to a group chat|Nobody here|Click here to enter|

He's quick to act, this man, but I like that. I immediately take a look at the group to find my soulmates' names as he'd said, and after looking around clueless for a couple minutes, I eventually manage to give each of them a nickname that will help me to differentiate them - AKA, their real names.

I know, it's super innovative.

Cutieface (jimin):
Y/N, you're here! I love your username, PurpleDumpling is so cute! ^0^ How are you? Did you sleep well? Hyung told us that he made you food, did you eat well? Was it enough? I want to see you already, it's sad here without you :(

Winter (taehyung):
She's eating right now, the colours are positive that she likes the food :D

RomanticM (namjoon):
Hey, Y/N, it's good to see you in here, we were all impatient to hear from you again. Taehyung's ability is hearing the colours, they always tell him about us wherever we are (letting you know before you get confused ^^). You slept a lot, are you going to be okay? Isn't it getting late there?

Hi, guys! The food is delicious, and it's indeed getting late here, but I should be fine. I didn't know Taehyung's ability was possible, it sounds cool! Can they tell you what I'm doing right now?

Cutiepie (jimin):
D: you're avoiding my comment

Winter (taehyung):
You're waving your hand? And you walked around the table... while cringing about it. They said you were blushing and calling yourself dumb. Don't talk to yourself that way, Y/N, you need to be gentle even when you're alone.

Okay, colours give you details you don't need to know - noted 👍. And Jimin! I'm sorry, I just don't know what to say. I don't know how my ability works, I didn't even know I had one until this morning. Maybe I can teleport to you like Yoongi?

RomanticM (namjoon):
It's worth a try, but if you're going to teleport to one of us, think you can start with me? I have something to talk about with you and I'd rather it be in person. It will be just the two of us at first, but some people are needing to meet you (our agency) because of security reasons. I would stay by your side though, so please don't worry, it's nothing bad.

I stare at my phone with my heart already pumping hard in my chest. Namjoon needs me to meet people from his agency? Is it because they're BTS? I'm guessing that they'll want to make sure I'm someone safe and not a spy or something. Isn't that how it works in movies?

RomanticM (namjoon):
If you're not mentally ready, it's totally fine. I'm just letting you know because this will have to be done at some point, but we can wait if that's what you need.

Cutieface (jimin):
You scared her hyung :(

I bite on my bottom lip before slowly typing an answer. If this is going to have to be done at some point... it would be better to do it now. Knowing that he would be by my side is comforting, too. Alone, I wouldn't survive, but with a soulmate? It can't be that bad.

That is, if I can teleport to him at all.

Namjoon's POV

PurpleDumpling (Y/N):
I can try, Namjoon. I don't know if it will work, but I only need to think about you, right? Maybe I can convince my brain that I need you? Or maybe, since you need me, I have a reason to get to you, maybe that could work.

I drum my fingers on the desk of my studio, eyes looking around with nerves. If she could use her ability that way, it would be very helpful while we figure out what to do about our current situation with the distance.

It might not work like Yoongi's ability, but if she can teleport to one of us at will, it would keep us from having to constantly send him over on his own. He'll never refuse going to her if she needs someone by her side, but it's going to tire him out after a while, especially since he's busy filming for his new single with Jungkook.

If she can't come over, it's going to be complicated to take care of matters concerning her safety, and we won't be able to see her as often. I might look like the distance doesn't affect me, but it's hard to focus on work while knowing that she's all the way in Canada.

All I've thought about all night is ways I can bring her here once and for all, and I don't even know if she wants that. Maybe she's not comfortable with moving to another country, even if her being our soulmate would grant her a permanent resident visa right away.

My phone buzzes, and a look down reveals a new message from her.

PurpleDumpling (Y/N):
Namjoon? I'm trying but it doesn't seem to be doing anything... I'm sorry. I fear I'm making things more complicated because of this. I could be doing something wrong, since I don't even know how I made it to Jimin in the first place, but I can't think of anything anymore.

I sigh, I knew it would have been too simple.

Don't worry about it, Y/N, we'll figure out another way. That being said, it would be a lot easier for me if you were here with us for at least a week soon. Bond withdrawals will kick in fast since you're alone, and there's a lot to cover concerning your being our soulmate as well as your safety, and though right this moment the world doesn't know about you, we don't know how long that might last.

I bite on my nail before typing another message.

If you're alright with that, I would like to send you a plane ticket to Korea. Yoongi could take it with you if being alone makes you nervous, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I'm sorry for doing things so fast, I only want to make sure you don't get pulled into something undesirable because of us. Our fans are very good at noticing new details and I fear it's a matter of days before they find out about your existence.

Winter (taehyung):
What Namjoon hyung isn't saying, Y/N, is that some of our fans are able to have visions of us from time to time. We don't know why they get to see things before they happen, and our agency has made deals with most of them so they don't share things before we're ready to do so, but if one of them manages to see you, it might blow out of proportions before we can do anything to stop them. If you have any social media accounts, I think it would be best to set them as private for now.

PurpleDumpling (Y/N):
Oh... that's a little scary, but I understand, I'll be careful. Thank you for being honest with me and saying things as they are. I've never taken the plane before but... I think I should be fine on my own? I don't want to put Yoongi through that just for my sake. I should be able to sleep, or I can bring a book with me.

Thank god, she seems to be taking everything pretty well for now. I'll have to check in with Jimin just to be sure, but for now, I'll take it as a good sign.

Perfect. I'll have a look right now to get that ticket and I'll send it to the email you gave me last night. Do you have a luggage set? If not, we have one you can take, Yoongi can bring it over once he's got some free time.

PurpleDumpling (Y/N):
I don't have one so that would be very kind of you.

I get online real quick to have a look at when the next plane leaves from Montreal to Korea, filters set to first class because there's no way she would have any less. Finding one for tomorrow morning at three o'clock in her timezone, I take a chance and buy it right away.

Worst case scenario is that I end up getting another one for a later time.

Got you one for tomorrow, three in the morning. Think you can make it?

PurpleDumpling (Y/N):
Oh shit, uh. Yeah, I can make it. I'll prepare my things while I wait for the luggage. What should I bring?

Clothes. We'll take care of the rest.

Satisfied with how things are moving forward, I put my phone down, then send a copy of the ticket to her email before shutting the lights and locking the studio's door so I can have a talk with Bang Si-hyuk. He'll want to set a meeting soon after her arrival and I want to know if it could be just the three of us at first as to not overwhelm her.

She can get to meet the others slowly, but I don't want to drop half of our staff on her all at once. Feeling good about what progress I managed to make today, I get on my way to see through the rest of my daily schedule. So much to do, so little time.

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