Chapter One

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In this world beyond your imagination, magic, and monsters exist. Yes, dragons, minotaurs, unicorns, and merpeople exist. And in this world, there is one big country. Its name is Olympus. Many kingdoms can be found. There are three major kingdoms in total. The Red Lion Kingdom, Leonis Rubrum, lying in the crater of a meteor. The Blue Shark Kingdom, Elopem, lying in the South Sea. The White Tiger Kingdom, Albus Tiger, lying on Mount Thea. There are many smaller kingdoms, but we'll get to that later.

    Magic. The main weapon and tool in this world. There are different types of magic. Some being stronger than others. However, everyone has a special magic "ability" they can use. These abilities are called "Strings". Every single person has their own unique ability. These abilities are determined at birth. No one knows why people have strings. Now, let's begin.

    We begin in the regular world. The world you are living in now. A young boy is walking home from school. The boy's name is Altair. He's walking home from school when he hears a loud horn. He looks around immediately. Then, he found the source of the sound. He sees a young girl standing still in shock with a truck coming her way. Altair didn't even hesitate. His body moved on it's own, he ran the fastest he ever had in his life. Just in time to push the girl out of the way. Altair felt pain all over his body. He blacked out.

    Altair woke up. He was in a gray void, floating around. He looked around and saw a bright light. He went towards it. Altair saw a young girl sitting. He felt something pull him towards the young girl. He arrived shortly. The girl slowly looked towards him.

"Hello there, Altair," said the little girl.

"How do you know my name?" ,Altair replied.

"I know a lot of things," whispered the girl.

"I am Izanami, the Goddess of Death," said Izanami.

    Altair immediately bowed to the goddess.

"Rise, Altair. I have brought you here for a reason," said Izanami

"What is the reason I am here, Lady Izanami?" asked Altair.

"Just Izzy is fine. I am here to send you to another dimension. You have done good all your life and you were not supposed to die yet. You were supposed to live a long and fulfilled life. But even moments before death, you saved somebody," explained Izzy.

    Altair instantly remembered about the girl.

Altair asked, "Is she ok?"

"She escaped unscathed," reassured Izzy.

"What is this new world like?" asked Altair.

"The land has been ravaged by the Dark King, Samuel Marshmallow. Don't laugh at the name when you meet him.He is very sensitive about it. Anyways when you arrive in that world, you will have my blessing and your basic abilities will be enhanced. Your mission is to take down the King. Good Luck, you're going to need it." explained Izzy.

    Altair started fading. He knew he was being teleported. Then, there was a bright flash, and everything went white.

    Altair woke up to a child's face looking at him. The child was most likely 6 and had long dirty brown hair. The child had dark green eyes. She was looking at him in curiosity. Then, the child noticed Altair had woke up. She got off the bed and ran out the door. Altair sat up and looked around. The house was tiny but had enough room to fit three adults. There was a small desk near the bed with a cup of water. Altair noticed that he was very thirsty. He grabbed the cup and started drinking furiously.

    A woman walked in and saw Altair drinking the water. She looked like an older form of the little girl that was in the room earlier. Altair saw the woman enter.

"Hello there, I'm Lily," the girl whispered.

    The little girl that was on the bed earlier peeked out behind of Lily's legs.

"H..h..hello. I'm Lilith," whispered Lilith.

"Nice to meet you Lilith, Lily. My name is Altair. What happened and where am I?" he asked.

Lily explained, "You are in a small town in Olympus. We found you lying in the middle of the road with wounds all over your body. We brought you here to treat them"

"Thank you very much," thanked Altair.

Then, they heard a loud boom. Somebody pushed open the door.

"Lily, take Lilith and run. Royal soldiers from the Leonis Rubrum have come to raid the village. You, the guy on the bed, come with me. We need all the manpower we can get." said the random stranger.

"Meet us at the forest north of this house," said Lily in a hurry.

    The stranger and Altair ran out of the house. The village was destroyed. Houses were on fire and people were on fire. The smell of burning flesh and blood hit his nose strongly. He continued to the center of town. Altair saw the royal soldiers. Some were transformed into their respective forms, red lions. Some soldiers were using magic to raid the village. Altair immediately ran up to the soldiers and started knocking them out. He noticed that he was moving faster than before. He remembered that Izzy had blessed him.

    After all the soldiers were knocked out, he began looking around for survivors. Unfortunately, he could not find any. The stranger had gone to find his family. Then Altair heard a loud scream. The scream came from where Altair was supposed to meet Lily and Lilith.

    Altair ran as fast as he can to the forest. When he got closer and closer, he smelt blood. His nose had improved also because of the blessing of Izzy. He came to an opening in the forest.

There was a group of soldiers surrounding somebody...

He saw a body between the soldiers...

The body had long dirty brown hair...

A little girl was crying and trying to wake up the body...

Altair snapped to reality...

The body was Lily dead... On the ground...a spear jutting from her stomach.

    Altair lost control. All he saw was red, the blood of the soldiers. He picked up a spear on the ground and charged.  There were 6 soldiers in total.  Altair went for the closest one.  He threw the spear and it smashed into the soldier's skull, dropping him immediately.  Altair ran up to the soldier and unsheathed the swords that were attached to the soldier's belt.  Altair ran and jumped into the air.  As he was descending, he threw one of his swords at the soldiers.  The sword flew through the air and messily decapitated one of the soldiers.  The blood from the decapitation blinded two more soldiers.  Altair ran up and slashed the blinded soldiers, killing them instantly, now only two soldiers remained. 

The remaining two soldiers changed into their beast forms.  Red lions with scars over their body, earned from grand battles.  Altair knew that the remaining two soldiers were war veterans.  He tensed up, ready for any attack.  The soldier on the left opened his lion mouth and started charging a beam.  While the beam was charging, the lion on the right charged Altair. 

Before Altair jumped to dodge the beam, he felt Izzy send him information on spells.  Altair started moving concentrating his magic energy into his arms.  A humongous ball of black energy appeared.  Altair threw the dark energy into the last remaining soldiers.  When the energy touched the ground, it started to explode.  Altair realized that Lilith was still down there.  Altair descended down to the ground and ran to Lilith.  Altair picked Lilith up and ran out of the area.

Altair was a devil. He had killed every single one of the soldiers in the most gruesome way he possibly could.  Lilith saw everything, the killing of her mom, the death of the soldiers that killed her mom, and the most terrifying Altair killing the soldiers.

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