Chapter Two

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    Two figures can be seen walking down a dirt path.  The taller figure is seen limping.  The shorter figure tries to see what is wrong. 

    "Are you ok, Altair," said the smaller figure.

    "I'm just a little tired, we should be worrying about your injuries, Lilith," said Altair.

    The girl, known as Lilith, responded, "They're just a few scratches.  They don't bother me at all." 

    They continued walking in silence.  The town had been mostly destroyed.  Most of the villagers had been killed or captured.  Lily had died and Lilith will probably be traumatized for the rest of her life. Altair had learned a lot of magic.  Izzy had sent every possible spell known to man.  She even sent sent spells that were forbidden or were lost in history. 

Izzy sent Altair a piece of paper.  If a person concentrated on the piece of paper, he or she will find out what magic they had.  If it crumbled up, it was lighting.  If it burned, it was fire.  If it got soaked, it was water.  It it turned to dust, it was earth.  And the last main element, wind.  If the paper was cut into pieces, it was wind.  Those five were the main elements.  There were two more.  Darkness, the destructive energy that Altair used, is very rare.  If the paper was sucked into a black hole, it was darkness.  Another element that countered darkness, was light.  Light was even more rare than darkness.  Only a few documented people were ever known to have light.  If the paper blinded the user, it was light.  These two elements were the strongest of them all.

Altair stopped walking.

"What's wrong, Altair," asked Lilith.

"Take this piece of paper.  Concentrate on it," said Altair. 

Lilith took the piece of paper and started to concentrate.  The paper started to glow and she was dazed.  While she was dazed, the paper was sucked into a mini black hole.  Altair was surprised.  Lilith had two of the most rare magics.  Lilith looked up at Altair.

"What does that mean?" asked Lilith.

"This means that you can use two of rarest magic, Lilith," Altair answered.

"That's so cool! I've seen mommy use magic before, when she was cooking.  She used fire to li-," Lilith stopped.  She remembered that her mom was dead, and she was never coming back.  Lilith started to cry. 

Altair saw this and immediately rushed to comfort her. 

"It's okay.  Lily will never be forgotten.  She will always live on in our hearts," comforted Altair.

They continued to walk down the path.  The plains around them suddenly turned to a forest. 

"Lilith, I didn't see your dad when I woke up.  Where is he?" asked Altair.

"My dad is a wizard.  He goes on quests to put food on the table.  He's been gone for three weeks now.  I've been really worried, but I forgot about him due to the chaos recently," explained Lilith

"I hope I can meet him." Altair stated. 

"We'll have to find him first," said Lilith.

"AYE, madam," yelled Altair.

Lilith laughed at Altair. 
"Are you feeling bet-," Altair was cut off by a sonorous roar.

"Get behind me, Lilith," yelled Altair.

Lilith ran behind Altair.  Altair got in a defensive stance.  He looked at the bush that was in front of him.  Then there was rustling and Altair saw a skinny tail poke out.  It was fully black with a white stinger dripping something that looked like acid.  When Altair walked closer at the tail, he noticed it had eyes.  He finally noticed that it was a snake with one fang.

The snake lunged toward Altair and latched onto him, pumping poison through his body.  Altair immediately pulled off the snake.  He felt a burning sensation around the bite.  Altair started to feel dizzy, nauseous.  His legs started to give up.  Altair fell to one knee.  The snake started to eye him.  Suddenly, a fairly big red monster appeared out of the bush.  The snake was part of it's tail.  Altair realized that the monster was Chimera.  It was not a fully grown on due to the size, it must be an adolescent. 

The Chimera seemed scared.  It also looked hungry.  As Altair regained his balance, he remembers that he can summon food, courtesy of Izzy.  He summoned enough food to satisfy it's hunger. Altair realized that he and Lilith can make a break for it while the Chimera was eating.  Altair snapped to reality.  He hadn't heard from Lilith during the whole ordeal.  Altair paled at the thought of Lilith dying. 
Off in the distance,  Altair heard a scream.  It sounded a lot awfully like Lilith.  Altair slowly stood up, when he finally did, he was hit with a wave of nausea.  Altair had to hold his stomach to not throw up.  Lilith needed him.  Altair took off sprinting, woozy but sprinting, towards the sound.  He stopped when he arrived at the place of the scream.  It was a bandit's camp.  There was blood everywhere.  Altair walked around the camp.  He suddenly saw a cage.  In the corner of the cage, he saw Lilith, she was crying. She needed him. He was cautious, walking toward the cage.  When he reached the cage, Altair noticed blood all over Lilith's body.

He asked her,"What happened?"

Lilith stayed still. Not moving.

"Lilith, it's me. Altair." He said in a comforting voice.

She still didn't move. When Altair was going to speak, he heard rustling in the bushes nearby. All of the sudden, several figures popped up. Altair realized that they were the bandits. Lilith looked back at Altair and saw the bandits.  She started to whimper and shake.  In the corner of Altair's eye, he saw a familiar red figure. It was the Chimera. The Chimera ran up to the first bandit and ripped away at his neck.  Blood came spraying out.The bandit immediately went down.  Two bandits were left.  The snake on it's tail bite one of the bandits and left him there writhing in pain.  The last guy, charged toward the Chimera with rage because of killing his comrades.  The Chimera charged too, and used his powerful jaws to crush the bandit's skull.  Bits of brain and bones went flying everywhere.

The Chimera stared at Altair afterwards, then at Lilith. It walked towards Altair with gratification in his eyes.  When the Chimera arrived in front of Altair, it bowed its head and laid down.  Altair knew that this was a sign of submission. He knew that it was loyal to him. Altair named it Kayin.

After making this new ally, Altair opens the cage to free Lilith. As soon as he did, she ran into him giving him a humongous hug.

"Thank you," whispered Lilith. 

"No problem." Altair said while hugging tighter. After they were done hugging,

Altair asked, "What happened?"

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