Chapter 5

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*Emma's POV*

The girl continuously fired spell after spell at me. I blocked the most of the spells with only very few grazing me. I was caught off guard and she was able to paralyze and disarm me. Instantly, I start trying to fight off the paralyzing spell.

'Lily, where are you? I'm paralyzed and disarmed in here and could use some help!'

"You should of let me do the job that you wanted me to do," she says, glaring at me. She starts walking towards me. "Now, I have to find another way to finish the job, but I'm going to kill you first." Something makes the lavatory door shatter into a bunch a small, sharp pieces and I can see Lily hiding behind an angry James with a very angry Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. I fall unconscious after I know Lily, the Potter quads, and myself is safe.

*Lily's POV*

I had to go to the lavatory, so I left the Great Hall and went to the one on the 3rd floor. I heard someone following me, but I didn't turn around because I thought is was James. I sped up a bit and finally made it to the lavatory. I do my business and come out to see a girl from Slytherin standing against the sinks, glaring. I wash my hands and go to leave, but she stops me.

"Where does the large pregnant mudblood going?" she asks.

"Back to the Christmas Ball," I say.

"I don't think so," she sneers. "You're going to stay here while I take your children away from you." I wrap my arms tightly around my large baby bump. "You can't protect them. After I'm done taking your children, I'm going to kill you." I bite my lip as I see her wand down by her side, so I slowly back away from her.

I open the twin link and got ahold of Emma. She was coming to help me. I felt my back touch the stone wall and I sink to the floor. I start to cry as I hold my baby bump tighter.

"Please don't take my babies," I mutter over and over. "They need me."

"They don't need a mudblood," she sneers. "They need me." She raises her wand towards me. Emma burst through the door. The Slytherin sends a cutting curse towards my stomach, but Emma jumps in front of me and got hit with it. She helps me up from the floor.

"Go get help, Lily," she says. "Quickly." I nod and waddle out the door as quickly as I could. I went back to the Great Hall, got Dumbledore, Minerva, Severus, and James. I cried into James' chest as we all went quickly back to the lavatory.

When we arrived at the door, James tightened his arm around my waist, I had stopped crying, and Dumbledore burst the door into millions of sharp shards. Emma looked at us and fell unconscious immediately.

Dumbledore paralyzed the Slytherin. Professor Dumbledore left to his office with the Slytherin girl levitating behind him while Professor McGonagall rushed to the infirmary with a levitated Emma. Me, James, and Severus followed her all the way there. Madam Pomfrey came running out of her office and stopped in her tracks at the sight of Emma. Then, she went into a frantic frenzy trying to cure her. We all stood out of her way and watched for hours as she tried to save Emma. After 2 and a half hours, Pomfrey stopped and turned to us.

"She's finally stable,"she informs us. "What happened to her? That was serious and very deep cut and nearly lethal concussion." Everyone, except Pomfrey, looked at me. I took a deep calming breathe.

"I went to the lavatory," I say. "I didn't know I was followed until I came out of the stall. A Slytherin girl threatened to take our children, so I opened the mind link I share with Emma and told her what was going on. She came to help me, but I didn't have wand unlike her. The girl casted a cutting curse at me. It would have hit me, too."

"What does would have hit me mean?" Minerva asks.

"Emma jumped in between me and the curse," I explain. "She told me to go get help, so I left and got you all. I didn't mean for her to get hurt." I look at Severus. He was glaring at me.

"You shouldn't have left her alone," he says.

"There's no need to be pointing fingers, Mr. Snape," Professor McGonagall reprimands.

Madam Pomfrey goes back to her office and we sit around Emma's bed and quietly talk. Something in the room started beeping and Madam Pomfrey comes running out of her office, shooed us away from Emma, and started continuously casting things at her.

*Emma's POV*

The last thing I remember is seeing Lily, James, and Severus staring at me from behind Severus. I open my eyes and see black. I slowly sit up and look around me. I couldn't see. Everything was black.

"Amelia," I hear from the distance. I get up and start walking in the direction of where the voice was coming from. It starts to get brighter. "You have been lied to, child." I stop in my track.

"What do you mean I've been lied to?" I ask.

"You're not even an Evans," it says. "You're a Dumbledore."

"What? Who are you?" I yell. "How do I know you're not lying to me?" A figure appears in front of me. It was a woman. She barely looked anything like me, except for the eyes. Her eyes were a glowing purple while mine are a bright blue. She had sky blue hair with dark red streaks in it while I had red hair. We both have the same figure.

"I am your mother," she says. "I am the daughter-in-law of Albus Dumbledore. I got pregnant with you while in my 7th year here with a man named Gellert Dumbledore. I didn't know he was a Dumbledore until Tom Riddle killed Gellert and me."

"Then, why was I raised with the Evans and not him?" I ask.

"Because Albus thought that you would be safer there and be better taken care of," she says.
"Albus has put a block on you magic, so you and Lily would have the same amount of magical ability and has glamours on you to look like an Evans. You can ask him to remove everything or the Gringotts goblins can do it." I clench my teeth in anger and nod. "I'm sorry I left you. I should be there with you now, but I can't. I'm so sorry, baby girl." I hug her to me tightly and start to sob. She wraps her arms around me tightly.

"Is there a way we can still talk?" I get out between sobs. "Like in my dreams or something?"

"I can do that for a while, but it won't be every night," she says. "After a while, I will no longer be able to communicate with you." There's a loud chime and she releases me from her hold. "It's time for you to wake up. Your dad and I will always love you. Never forget that, baby girl."

"Please don't go," I say.

"I can't stay," she says, fading away. I sink to the ground and start to cry. The blackness began to fade as my eyes closed unwillingly.

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