Chapter 6

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*Emma's POV*

I opened my eyes for a second time to have blinding lights in my eyes. I instantly shut them, again. I slowly open them, letting my eyes get used to the bright lights. I remember what I was told. I shot up out of bed to see Professor McGonagall, Severus, and Lily, who was snuggled up in James' arms, asleep around my bed.

I quietly get out of bed. As I did, I hear a door open and close. I turn and see Madam Pomfrey standing in front of her office door with her arms crossed, glaring at me. I sigh and get back in bed.

"Miss Evans, you are my patient and you're going to stay in that bed," she tells me.

"But I need to see Professor Dumbledore," I say. "I have to find out if something is true. I need to know, Pomfrey." I start to silently cry.

"Don't cry, Amelia," she says, patting my back. "I'll floo call him later and tell him that you want to speak with him."

"I have to know now," I plead. "It can't wait."

"Well, let your guests wake up and disperse first," she says. "Then, I'll floo call him." I sigh and nod. "Now rest." I shake my head in refusal.

"I don't want to sleep," I say. "There's too much to figure out right now." She sighs and nods in understanding.

"Then, I'll go get him," she says, walking out of the Hospital Wing. The doors slam and everyone else wakes up.

"Emma!" Sev and Lily shout. I chuckle. Sev and Lily sit on either side of my bed. Madam Pomfrey came back in with a worried Professor Dumbledore following her. I glare at the man.

"We need to talk alone right now," I demand. He sighs and nods. "Everyone else out for now. Thanks for staying with me, but I have information I have to get." They all frown, nodding and leave.

"Now what did you need to see me about?" he asks nervously.

"While I was unconscious, I talked to a woman," I say. He tenses, sighs, and nods. "She said that she was married to your son and she was my mother. Is it true?" He nods. "So your my grandfather?" He nods sheepishly. "Why didn't you take me in?" He comes over to my bed, sits in front of me, and takes both of my hands in his.

"Amelia, I wanted to," he says. "I really did, but I don't know how to take care of you. I didn't want to screw things up with you like I did with your father."

"It's okay, grandpa," I say. He smiles at me, eyes twinkling more. "Can you please take the magical block and glamour off?" He nods and waves his wand towards me. I felt a tingling sensation before it became painful. I kept my mouth shut and screams in while enduring the pain. There was a snapping sound before the pain disappeared. I took a deep breath to steady myself before conjuring a floor length mirror. I had purple eyes, pitch black hair with sky blue and red streaks, and the same perfect hourglass figure as my mother.

"How did you not scream?" grandpa asks.

"I have a very high and well built pain tolerance," I say. He nods, still confused. "Grandpa, I've been kicked out of the Evans home."

"WHAT?!" He yells. "THEY PROMISED TO TAKE CARE OF YOU AS LONG AS YOU NEED IT AND NOT TO KICK YOU OUT!" He huffs out a few calming breathes. "Sorry about that, Rosalie. I lost my cool for a moment. Don't worry about the Evans. I'll talk to them later today."

"But I don't want to go back to the Evans," I say. "I had originally planned on staying with Severus and his parents." Grandpa glares at the door. I put my hand on his cheek and turn his head to look back at me. "I want to stay with you. I want to get to know the real you along with my parents if you're willing to talk about them." He smiles at me and wraps me in a tight hug. "And who is Rosalie?"

"Your birth name is Rosalie Amelia Dumbledore," he informs me. "When I sent you to the Evans, I had them keep Amelia in your name, so you would still have a part of your birth name, but allowed them to change the rest of your name. Rosalie, I would love to have you stay with me, but you can't. With Tom Riddle rising to power, it's too dangerous for you."

"Oh," I say. "Why can't I stay here at the castle? We can stay here for the summer. Just me and you." He frowns at me and I sigh. "Just forget I even asked. It was a long shot anyways. It doesn't matter anymore. I know you won't budge on this, so why keep trying. Why does no one want me, but Severus?" He says something, but I'm too lost in my own thoughts. Then, an idea came to me. He put his hands on my shoulder, startling me out of my own thoughts. "What?"

"I said that I do care about," he says. "I want you with me, too, but your safety must come first." I nod in understanding. I could hear the Hospital Wing doors open and close followed by whispers and feet hitting the floor, coming towards me. I start feeling sick to my stomach. I spot Professor McGonagall, my fake sister, boyfriend, her friends, and finally a waste bin and run to it. I continuously puke in it. Finally, I stopped. I wiped my forehead, leaned back against the side of the bed, and look around me. I see blood in the waste basket, a worried grandpa on my left, a startled Madam Pomfrey on my right, and a shocked group of mixed people in front of me.

"Damn it," I yell. "It's back! They promised me that it was gone! That it wouldn't come back! They knew it would come back!" I start to sob into grandpa's chest.

"You know why you're puking blood?" Madam Pomfrey asks. I nod and sob harder. "Then, why?" I slowly calm down and turn to look at her.

"I had cancer," I say. "I had it when I was 8 almost 9. It was lung cancer. I had to have a bunch of procedures, transplants, and chemotherapy. It helped a lot. No one knew either, except my teachers, parents, and doctors. The doctors almost lost me on the table during the last procedure. I survived it and got better. It went away and the doctors said that it would never come back." Grandpa held me closer to him.

"Oh, dear child," McGonagall says. "That's awful."

"It's not too bad, though," I say. "The procedures and chemotherapy leaves you weak, but other than that it's not too bad."

"It's cancer!" Sev shouts. "Em, how can it not be bad! People die from it!"

"Not how I've been treated," I say. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. "Lily, you remember when I was younger and I would spend all of my time on the computer?" She nods. "I found a complicated, ancient cure on a certain website. I secretly tried it with Jane and Frank Evans in my room. The next time I went to the doctor, they told us that the cancer had somehow gotten smaller. They didn't know, but we did. I started to use that cure monthly. It slowly got smaller. Eventually, it was small enough that the doctors was finally able to remove it without it damaging my lungs or killing me."

"What is this cure?" Madam Pomfrey asks.

"I can't remember it off the top of my head," I say, standing up and leaning against the bed. "I have here at Hogwarts, though. It's in my trunk, which I always have with me since I left the Evans house." I pull it out of my pocket and enlarge it.

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