Can I Sleep With You

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Sometimes, you wake up restless during the night, like there is something you need to find. You feel hot and closed in, so you go outside for a bit.

The moon is full and bright, making it easy for you to see. You are thinking and trying hard to remember things about this place and them. 

The next thing you know, you are on the platform where Jungkook's room is. You stop, startled that you remembered that. 

You go to his door and softly knock. There is no answer, but you open the door and go in. You see him under his mosquito net and walk over to him.

You softly ask, "Can I sleep with you?"

He yawns, "Sure, get in," as he holds his blanket up till you're under. He pulls you close as he shifts over so you can share the pillow. He is used to you showing up in his room, mostly during nasty thunderstorms when you first came to stay with them.

You drop right off to sleep. During the night, you had a bad dream, and Jungkook couldn't wake you from it. You are whimpering, so he snuggles close and starts to sing softly until you are quiet and restful once again.

In the morning, you stretch as you start to wake up. You look around, realizing you are not in your room but Jungkook's. You think to yourself, 'How? What am I doing here? Oh my god.' 

You don't want to think about it, so hurry out and return to the house. You can hear the others gathered in the kitchen.

 Fortunately, you made it back to your room without being seen. You shower and change, then feeling hungry, you head to the kitchen.

Namjoon smiles, "Did you sleep well, my lo? " He pretends to cough, "Um, did you sleep well?"

You sit at the counter and pour a glass of orange juice. "I had such a wonderful dream of someone singing me to sleep. I woke up in a strange place."

 You glance over at Jungkook to see if he would say anything. He quickly looks up at you and then away.

Jungkook choked on his banana milk. " Are you okay, Kooki?" Jin asked as he patted him on the back.

 Jungkook nods. He knew he had woken snuggled to you, but as with most mornings, he had a hard-on. It was just a guy thing that happens but he was so embarrassed. He quickly slipped out of bed that morning hoping you weren't awake and felt it then he ran to the house. 

Jimin says, "I guess the new room still is strange.  But you are remembering little bits and pieces, so maybe everything will come back soon." 

He smiles gives you a good morning kiss on the cheek and sits a plate of breakfast in front of you.

Namjoon wishes it was him, but he has been holding back, afraid if he spoke or showed his feelings, it might mess things up. What if you never remember him? So he holds back.

Still worried about Jungkook, Jin asks, "Are you sure you're okay, Kooki? Your face is so red." He places his palm on Jungkook's forehead to see if he feels feverish, "You aren't getting sick, are you?"

Yoongi asks you, "How does your head feel today? Any better?"

"My head still hurts, but last night, Jimin said the stitches looked fine."

During the rest of the day, the guys take you around, showing you things and telling you stories, hoping to jog your memory. Before starting dinner, Jin shows you around the kitchen, reminding you of where everything is.

 You found it very weird how you remembered such mundane things like where the salt is kept yet the most important things still evaded you.

After showing you around the kitchen, you felt like cooking. Thinking to yourself,  'I love to cook! Oh, and I so want hotteok. Wait, I know how to make it! Geesh, why can I remember silly things like that but not other things?'

"Would you like me to make hotteok today?" You smile, "I remember how to make it."

Yoongi over hearing says, "With brown sugar?"

"Of course, it's your favorite." Your eyes suddenly widen and you smile, "I remembered more!"

Jin, Jungkook, and Yoongi are smiling as they hug you. Jimin says, "You are remembering a lot today." 

Namjoon steps close like he is about to kiss your cheek but he suddenly stops and steps back, He smiles showing his dimple and it makes you all fluttery inside like you are full of butterflies and you blush not knowing why.

He says, "It seems you are remembering a little more each day." He thinks, 'Oh my god, I almost kissed her. She doesn't really remember enough yet. I can't take the chance of shocking her, but damn, I miss her so much.'

Later that night, after helping Jin make dinner with Yoongi, you feel frustrated as you wish your memories would hurry up and return. Several times, you made mistakes with ingredients that, fortunately for you, Yoongi or Jin caught.

They didn't get upset with you, and they just laughed about how Jungkook probably would have eaten it anyway. 

A few times, Jin seemed a little impatient, but Yoongi would nudge him to hush him up. You do know you really enjoy cooking though and that feels like making progress with your memory.

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