Can't Resist Your Kissable Cheeks

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Later that night, Jimin walks with you to your room to check your stitches, and Taehyung follows with a fresh pitcher of ice water to sit on the bedside table. Taehyung has finally gotten up the courage to talk to you about the day you got hurt, so he decides to come with Jimin.

Jimin says, "The doctor's appointment is later this week to have the stitches taken out. I know you are looking forward to that." 

"Oh yes, I am. Because I can wash my hair well without worrying about the stitches."

Jimin is gently moving your hair aside to look at your stitches. Taehyung says, "I'm so sorry you fell and got hurt. Can you forgive me?"

You look at Taehyung, "Owe, sorry, Jimin."

You had turned your head while he was still holding your hair up. He laughs, "No worries. It is healing nicely."

He releases your hair, "Would you like me to brush your hair before you go to bed tonight."

"Oh yes, please. That would feel heavenly." You suddenly get a partial memory of someone brushing your hair, but the memory slips away. 

Jimin goes to get your brush.

"Taehyung, it was not your fault I fell. I slipped on wet grass, and my head landed where it shouldn't." you laugh, trying to ease his mind. "I remember the fall, and it was not your fault."

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "I just feel it is, and I'm so sorry."

You take hold of his hands and pull him down to sit beside you and hug him, "It wasn't your fault, Taetae."

He pulls back, "You called me Taetae."

"Yes, Ooo, I did! I remember!" You hug him again, and you both laugh when Jimin comes back with your brush.

"What's so funny?"

Tae jumps up and hugs Jimin, "She remembered me!"

Jimin says, "What!?" he smiles excitedly.

"Yes, she called me Taetae!"

Jimin starts laughing, "Oh, is that all?"

Tae pouts, "Is that all? She remembered something that she had forgotten."

Jimin smiles, "I know." He smiles back.

Jimin starts brushing your hair. You both find it relaxing. While he brushes your hair, Taehyung tells you things about the others, hoping to help your memory.

Jimin finishes brushing your hair and goes to put your brush away. He comes back and takes Taehyung's hand, saying, " Let's let her get some sleep." 

 Tae tells you good night and kisses you on the cheek. "Goodnight Taetae." 

He smiles his boxy smile hearing you call him Taetae. "Goodnight." He leaves the room, and Jimin starts to follow.

"Jimin?" He stops and closes the door after Taehyung has left and walks back to you, sitting on the side of your bed.

"What is it love?"

You get up the courage to ask him, "Chim, Chim, why is Namjoon so weird around me? I mean, you and the others aren't afraid to hug me or give me a nudge, but he acts like he doesn't want to even touch me."

Jimin takes your hand in his, "He is just very worried about you and doesn't want to do anything to upset you and make your head ache, and speaking of headaches..." He pours you a glass of water and hands you a pain pill. "Here, take this." 

You give a brief laugh and then take your medicine. "Like what? I mean, you and the others hug me, and some of you give me kisses on the cheek." 

You look up at him and smile and he caresses your cheek smiling. He hopes to change the subject away from Namjoon. It is not his place to explain things. That is on Namjoon-hyung.

 So he says, "You have kissable cheeks; we can't resist." You both start laughing, but you know what he is doing.

 "I thought he was going to kiss me today, but he suddenly stepped back. Have I done something wrong? Does he not like me? Are we not friends?"

Jimin gets up, grabs your Chimmy, and hands it to you. "Here, dear one, get under the covers." You do as told and hold Chimmy in your arms. 

"You have not done anything wrong." He kisses your forehead and tucks you and Chimmy in. "Goodnight, you two."

 You softly sigh as he goes to cut the bathroom light on and partially closes the door before leaving. He is so sweet and caring, and it is no wonder they chose him to be the one to take care of your wound.

You lay there in the semi-dark, holding your Chimmy, wondering what it was about Namjoon. It seemed Jimin didn't want to talk about it. He kept changing the subject. You know in your heart that Namjoon was going to kiss you earlier today but suddenly stopped himself. But why?

"Ugh!" you squeeze Chimmy tight, "Why can't I remember Chimmy!?" He doesn't answer, so you kiss his soft, fluffy face and close your eyes as the pain medication is taking you down. 

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