Happy Valentines Day My Love

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What? Not expecting me to make a valentine's day special? What am I a hater for this lovely day? Pssh xD

So, I hope you guys are enjoying this day with the ones you love :) even though you have no one to celebrate it, don't think your family isn't there with you.

Because this day isn't just for finding your one, it's also to show your love to the ones you already love.

Anyway, enough of my cheesy speeches :p


What is the word love for him?

Does he not think of it as seeing someone in a different light? Or is he just dense enough to not understand the concept of love at all?

Maybe both?

Who knows, he is quite unpredictable at times that not even his mother would know what he's thinking about. But now, he seems a little down while looking at one particular piece of cloth on his hand.

A blue handkerchief that started their friendship, and continued their journey with it. He looked deeply into it, the way it reminded him of her blue gorgeous eyes that would shine brighter than day. Along with her eyes was her smile, that could torn any sorrow around them.

Her words of encouragement and her determination, who was she really? Was she just some other girl that grew on their journey? Was she just the same to him? No, she wasn't...she was never like them from the start.

She never knew her dream before joining them, joining him. She only set out to find him and give him back this symbol of their past together. Was she really like the other girls? Of course not, she was absolutely different from the rest.

Even though she never liked Rhyhorn racing, she still taught him how to ride one. Even though she was shy and uneasy, she would always be there to fight alongside him. Even if she had no dream at that time, she would support her friends to accomplish theirs.

It's impossible for her to not be different, he knows that and he knows that she promised to always be there for him...

Their journey was years ago, just a tiny blurred out memory from the past. But his memories of hers never faded, it only got more vivid than ever. How could he forget her? Sure, he did forget her when he was a kid, but he was nothing but a little boy helping a girl who was injured out of the forest.

But now, he's a guy who would support her in every way that he could to accomplish her goals, her ambitions, her dreams. But now, it's time for him to accomplish his.

A smile curved up on his lips as he looked out of the window and saw a certain someone on the front yard playing around with her Pokémon

He would never forget that faithful day he saw her participating here in Kanto to become a Top coordinator. That day where they hugged and cried in joy, and it was the same day when they had their second kiss.

It only made him see a different path to which he could take.

One path that could lead him to become a Pokémon master...

He thought about his journey, where he almost got that title until someone would take it away from him. How he would work extremely hard for it, but would never seem to accomplish their goal. But, when he would feel depress someone would be there, and that was her..

He got up from the bed he was sitting on and left the room to go downstairs. He went out of the house and silently snuck up behind the girl and wrapped his arms around her.

"Ash?" She turned her head and saw him smiling making her smile as well. "Yes Serena?" He asked while burying his head on her neck making the girl giggle "You know what day today is right?" She asked, Ash shot his head up and quickly kissed her on the cheek "Of course".

How could he forget? Even though some people might think of him as someone who is dense and would never see a person in a different light, he was still the same as any other human.

Just a guy, looking for love in this time of day. But, he already found his and he couldn't be happier. The other path was to have a happy life with someone, someone he cared deeply about. Someone he knew from the very beginning, and would always love him no matter what.

Someone who was standing in front of him, hugging him while a humming a sweet melody making him melt in delight from her angelic voice.

Someone that would never forget what today was, and would constantly remind him that she would never leave him.

Yes, that someone was Serena Yvonne. The girl with the straw hat. The girl who didn't like Rhyhorn racing. The girl who didn't have a dream that time. The girl who set out just to find him. The girl who was different. The girl who would fight along side him.

The girl he loves...

The girl he would protect..

The girl he would stand up to..

The girl he would support...

The girl who...

Is his Valentine..

And that would stay that way until the end of time.

"Happy Valentines Day Serena"

"Happy Valentines Day Ash"

"I love you"

Wooh! Nailed it! It feels good to write a one-shot again 😂😂 It's not like I don't have any ideas or anything like that, heck, I have 4 one-shots I still need to make people 😭😭😭

Hope you guys enjoyed and happy Valentines Day!!

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