Paths To Take

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Oh, you're reading this...alright then.

This book reached 45k

Oh my gawd

Let the cookie rain shower upon you because I seriously thought that this book would be my downfall 😂😂😂

Hahaha I suck 😂😂🔫🔫

So, in honor for this big number....Imma make a one-shot that I have been begging myself to make 😅😅😅

I have my own desires people, don't judge meh :p

Welp, hope you enjoy this mess



Cash Me Ousside How Ba't Dat?

Lel jk..

Let's Begin!!


Which path would you choose? If you were given two choices and both of them had a good deal, which would you choose?

A path of ideals and determination or a path of love and desires? Both would have downfalls and heartaches, but it would be all worth it...right?

But that doesn't mean everything would go according to plan at all times.

That's what Ash Ketchum learned after watching her fall from a high cliff. He tried to catch her but couldn't. He tried to reach for her hand but couldn't.

He tried to choose the other path but couldn't.

He wanted to redo it all, but couldn't.

It all started from being friends, going on a journey together, experiencing moments they have never experienced before together, and sharing their first kiss with each other.

But this may be their last memory together, he chose the path of a master and not a lover. Because of that, he let her go.

What feeling or emotion he felt when he saw her leaving him or falling off a cliff? No one knows, that includes him.

It felt like a thousand knives pierced his heart from the sight and he could have sworn he heard people swearing at him....must be the readers-I mean his conscience.

He slowly walked to the very edge and saw her down below covered on blood and tears continued to flow down her lifeless face. At that moment he knew that he shouldn't have chosen the path he is in right now.

He should have chosen her after all.

He climbed down the cliff and went to the girl's side. His arms wrapped around her body and he picked her up, tears ran down his face as he slowly head to the nearest hospital.

Once he arrived he was immediately noticed by many and was quickly treated to the emergency room.

He waited and waited and waited.

He didn't care what he wanted to do anymore.

He didn't care about his own desires anymore.

He didn't care about his own health anymore.

He didn't care about the paths he would choose after this.

All he cared about was her right now..

He wanted to be at her side

He wanted to apologize

He wanted to go back in time and save her

He wanted to end his suffering

He wanted to end it all

But he couldn't and he can't. What would she think of him if he did? A loser? A pathetic cry baby? A weakling? Probably all of them if he did give up just by that moment.

But who could blame him? He just saw his best friend fall of a cliff because of him. What else would he feel besides guilt? Oh yes, that unknown emotion.

But what is this emotion?

Who knows

Maybe just another negative feeling that could only be triggered by despair? Is it possible to feel it on a daily basis? Again, who knows what this feeling is.

But all he knows and wants to know is what path should he take now.

Decisions are important no matter what. It's like a game, and that's one of the many reasons why life is referred like a game. The paths and decisions you take could give you a good or bad effect in the future. Whether you want it or not there will always consequences. You can't ignore that fact and everyone knows that.

It's unpredictable and very risky, that's why choosing or deciding on things is hard and you have to think about it before you do. The words you speak and the actions you do will all be written down in one big book that would correspond to your future actions.

No one truly believed that, and that included Ash Ketchum. But now he did, and all he wants to do is choose a good ending for him.

A nurse walked up to him and told him the good news. She was alive yes, but in a very weak state and there are chances she would never wake ever again.

He fell on his knees and cried.

" all my fault" he sobbed while the nurse looked at him in pity. What else could she do? She doesn't know what happened and if she did then she might be in his state as well. All she could for him now was pity him, if she do comfort him maybe it would only trigger the boy, telling her she knows nothing and he was right.

She knows nothing, so what else could she do for him? Nothing.

"I'm sorry, but if you want you can go to her room now. She may not be awake but maybe...she might hear you if you try your very best" she muttered and walked away.

Ash looked up and stared at the door infront of him. His throat drying up and sweat dripping down from his forehead.

His body shooked and tears threatened to spill. He stood up and grabbed the door knob. He slowly twisted the knob and pulled the door. He went in and saw her on the bed sleeping lifelessly.

Her face were bruised, her body was covered by bandages and stitches.

The heart monitor showed her heartbeat. It was slow, but stable and he was thankful for that. He went to her side and held her hand.

"Please...wake up.." he pleaded and cried.

"Don't leave me now Serena..." He muttered in between sobs.

"I won't leave you ever again.."

"I swear to Arceus I won't"

"Just don't...leave me"

He squeezed her hand tightly and gritted his teeth as he thought about the incident.

Where she fell and where her face showed the expression of hurt and betrayal. He saw it and he was the reason why she expressed that emotion.

He squeezed his eyes shut and loudly cry inside the room as he pleasingly and desperately said.

"Don't Go!! Please!! I Want You to Be With Me Forever!! Don't Choose Another Path....Without Me.."

What? Wanted to make another sad one-shot xD don't judge me, I just wanted to make one.

Okay, don't cry I'll be making a new one really soon and that one would be in a happy upbeat thingy one-shot story thing..

Yeah, hope you enjoyed and...

Peace Out!

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