No Game Can Replace You

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Decided to make a sad one-shot for once :)

If this made you cry then my mission is complete xD lel jk.

Ash's POV

It wasn't just a mere game for me, I never considered it being fake when she appeared.

I was just one of your local gamer who had no life and just played several games for my own satisfaction, but uwn't that why video games were created?

It wasn't how the programs and other fancy codes that made me addicted on one particular game, it was non other than her that made it special.

I remember it like it was just yesterday....but in reality it was four years ago.


It was just another ordinary day of my pathetic life, but I decided to go out and buy a game that just got out. I headed out and casually walked my way to the gaming store, but as I arrive to the area, there was a long line that lead to the store.

I groaned as I fall in line, but when I was just a mere meter away from the store someone bumped into me. I turned around and was about to say something rude, but what I saw made my heart flatter.

It was a honey blonde girl with beautiful ocean blue eyes, I was in awe that I did not notice that someone stole my spot and the rest followed and he next thing I knew I was in the farthest back again.

"Uhhhh, are you okay?" I asked in such an awkward tone that it made the girl slightly giggle. I smile and scratched the back of my neck and the two of us waited on line until we got in the store.

I look around the store for the game, but once I saw the new selections there were no more. I look down and sighed, but then I felt someone tap my shoulder so I glance to where I felt it and saw the same girl with the game in her hand.

"I believe this is what you have been desperately been searching for" To be honest she could have just elft out the desperate part, but I was so happy that instantly snatched it from her hand and quickly brought it to the counter which was very rude of me.

After buying if I quickly thought of what I have done and searched for the girl who gave had the game, but before I could she was already infront of me which honestly freaked me out.

"I'm sorry for being rud-" she cut me off by touching lips with her finger, she kindly smiled at me and it made my heart flatter again. What is it with this cliché moments that makes it to where a person become so nervous? Maybe it was just the hormones playing with me, but I didn't want time to move on, I wanted it to freeze so I could look at that beaming smile forever.

But I couldn't as she turned around, I held her by the shoulder stopping her from going any further. I didn't know what came over me, and it honestly surprised me for seeing myself be this way to a girl. But how could I let a moment like this pass?

She turns back around to face me once again, she raised an eyebrow at me and waited for me to say something.

I opened my mouth to say atleast a word, but nothing came out. It was as if I had no voice to speak.

"Are you okay mister? You seem kinda pale.." the girl said with concern in her voice, but why would she be so worried? We just met and we don't even know each other's name and here she is showing concern to me.

"....Y-Yes" I said, she smiled in relief and it made my heart skip a beat.

"Thank goodness, I'm Serena by the way" the girl extends her hand out to me, I stared at it for awhile and thought about my chances of having her as a friend.

Those chances were very high so I looked into her eyes and smiled as I said "I'm Ash Ketchum, nice to meet you Serena!" And shook her hand.

After that faithful day, we started to hang out. We played various videos game with each other and even talked about other things like our interests, but what surprised me was how we had so many things in common. It was as if she was my destined soulmate from the very beginning.

She liked the games I played so everyday after school we would always play video games at my house until she needed to go back home.

Speaking of games, the game that bought from when I first met her, I haven't played it yet. I don't even remember what it was called because I was having too much fun playing games with her that it didn't cross my mind that I haven't played the game yet..

Until one day..

Serena came by to my house like usual, but she was holding a cd holder and it had the game in it.

We both entered my room and I quickly turned on my console, Serena sat on my bed while I sat on the floor because it felt more comfortable.

But as we wait for the console to run, Serena taps my shoulder to get my attention. I look at her direction and she had a distraught look.

"You okay Sere?" I asked, she smiled at me weakly and pulled out a small object from her pocket and handed it to me, I look at it and it was a blue ribbon.

"What's this?" Serena looks at the the console and the TV that showed the start page of the game. "Hey, what do you think is real?" I tilt my head at her, she had her attention on the console and the game infront of her and pressed the start button for the game to begin.

"Serena?" I said, I look at the game and it showed a little story between a young girl who wandered around the forest. The young girl got lost, but luckily for her she was found by a boy and he helped her out of the forest.

I look back at Serena who had a small smile on her face, I raised an eyebrow at her but decided to just answer her question.

"I think reality is when you are with me" I said. This caught her attention, she looks at me with a shock expression but that soon changed into a calm one.

"You really think so huh? So, I guess even the great of minds have a dream world where everything in his life has a destined partner" she said, I look back at the screen and it was paused by Serena. I tried to press resume,but Serena stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"Ash, before you press resume, I want you to know that none of this is real.." It was as if my world stopped when she said it, what did she mean by none of this was real?

"What do you mean Serena? Of course this is real, I'm not dreaming am I?" I asked, Serena looks down to the floor and placed her joystick down on the bed.

"You are in a coma Ash, it all started when you waited on that line to buy this game.." Then it hit me, my head started to ache as a flashback occured.

I was just waiting for the line to move, but then suddenly I heard people screaming in every direction. I look to where I heard an explosion and saw a car that was heading my way, the next thing I knew was I was out like a light.

"But how? This place feels so real!" I exclaimed, Serena weakly smiled at me and grabbed both of my hands making me blush.

"It's your imagination Ash, which means I'm nothing more than an image of the game that you desperately wanted to play" she pressed the resume button and what I saw made my world shatter, it was Serena inside the game.

I look at Serena who smiled at me "Whether you believe me or not, I think what you are living right now is real" she said and tightens her grip on my hands "I don't want this to be fake! I don't want this to be......." I said and looked down on the floor, I avoided looking into her eyes or looking at her face. Why is she saying this now?!

"Because you're about to wake up" my eyes widened, so this world is fake..but I don't want it to be! "How can I stop from waking up? How can I stop myself from leaving you!?" I exclaimed and shot my head up to see her face, she had a warm smile plastered on her face while tears rolled down.

"Yo-You're crying..." I said and placed my hand on her cheek and brushed the tears off, she shook her head and shoved my hand away from her cheek "I'm just your imagination Ash, if you were to leave this place I would disappear" she said "Then tell me how I can stop myself from waking up!!" I exclaimed "You can't Ash, I don't want you to say that. Like I said I'm just your imagi-" I cut her off by hugging her really tight, I could hear her sob on my shoulder as she hugged me as tight as she could.

"So what!? Imaginations can't feel emotions!! You're clearly showing emotions!! You're real Serena! You're real!!" I sobbed, she pulled away from the hug and placed both of her hands on my cheeks "I was created by your mind Ash, I can feel and understand the emotions you feel making me express them aswell. You see? I'm nothing but a fake created by your desire to play that game" she said and grabbed the blue ribbon from me and placed it to her chest while closing her eyes.

"Sere-" she cuts me off by kissing me on the lips "Even if I'm not real, I don't want you to go!! I don't want you to leave our world! But you have to, because it would be selfish of your imagination to make you stay right?" Her figure began fading as a white light began surrounding her aswell, I quickly hugged her trying to force my mind to let her stay begging that what she was saying was just a joke, I didn't want her to go!!

"Please don't go!! I...I don't want you to go! Even if you are my imagination! You are real in my eyes! In this world! You have the right to live!" I screamed ontop of my lungs as if it were to help her to stay, I could see she was smiling from the white light surrounding her as one tear dropped down to her cheek.

"A world where I'm real? I don't know if that's possible Ashy, but if only I can meet you again...probably someday" I nodded and smiled at her "You are no game character in my eyes Serena, I'm....I promise, I will meet with you again! One day, I will see you! But this time, it will be real!" I said and kisses her on the lips before the light complete surrounding her making me look away from the blinding light.

Before she did go complete she said in such an angelic voice "I know you will....because I'm real right?"

And the next thing I knew was, I was at the hospital room...


The more I try my hardest to forget the harder it gets for me to live my life.

But, why should I forget her? I promised to meet her again...

Even if it's impossible..

I promised that I will..

Meet her again, but this time...

She won't be just my imagination..

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