Chapter 12: Strength Of Two Bonds

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"Make sure to not touch any blue item, it will get rid of your invisibility and this place is packed with them Team Rocket tossers" Ash explained to his two friends as Pikachu and Greninja already knew.

"There's nothing to worry we got houdini on our side and he's gonna reck some shit" Gary said patting Ash on the back. Ash gave a tiny smirk seeing the comedy side of Gary kicking in.

"Master, someones approaching we need to move" Greninja said motioning to move away from the caravan they stood near. The moved away from the door and 2 rocket grunts came and knocked on the door. The door opened and revealed a large man in a red suit and a messed up hairline. Gary and calem took notice of the hairline and sniggered.

"What you laughing at?" Ash asked.

"He has some wonky hairline" Gary laughed as did Calem. The grunts turned around and Gary and Calem went dead silent.

"Eh, it must be the wind" The large man said.

"Come in, what do you want to tell me?" The man said as the two grunts entered and closed the door.

"Let's follow them" Ash said creeping up to the vans door. He slowly opened it and looked in to see any sign of the grunts. They were no where to be seen. He indicated for Calem and Gary to follow. They both entered and carefully closed the door not making a noise. "Where are they?" Ash asked.

"I can hear voices through there" Calem pointed to a tiny hallway where murmurs could be heard. They tiptoed towards and into the hallway and at the end of it they could see the figures of the grunts.

"We have 2 pieces of news for you, sir" one of the grunts said.

"Go on tell me" The man in red said.

"The first one is a message from Giovanni, he has asked you to keep an eye out for Ketchum and his gang and especially her" the other grunt pulled out a picture of Serena. Ash grew tensed. "If we take her, Ketchum will follow her and we could lead him into a trap. But Giovanni said his main goal is to be Ash alone, if that fails it's the girl we go after" The grunt finished. Ash had no words to say. Calem and Gary looked towards him also in disbelief.

"What's the second" the fat man said.

"Second one, sir Xerosic, is the Giovanni found..." The grunt was cut off when something fell to the ground. Ash looked around and saw Gary knocked over a cup of coffee.

"let's get out of here, quick" Ash said as he, Gary and Calem sprinted out of the caravan.

"Phew that was close" Calem said.

"Way to close, sorry guys" Gary apologised but Ash didn't reply he was looking back towards the caravan. He saw a familiar figure of his mother. Gary and Calem were confused who that was, as they have no idea what Ash's mother looks like.

"Let's get back to bed before anyone finds out where we've been" Calem said. Ash nodded still looking at the place he saw Delia at. The trio returned to their respective tents. Ash went back in and found Serena awake.

"Ash where have you been"Serena said as she jumped out of her sleeping bag and embraced Ash.

"Sorry, Calem and Gary wanted some tips in training so I went to help them" Ash said trying to reason with Serena.

"But I feel lonely at night and your the only one who really helps me alot. That's why I-I admire your help" Serena said hesitantly.

"Sorry, I'll tell you next time, it's just that I didn't want to wake you up" Ash said.

"I don't mind if it's you Ash, I would do anything for you because I know you'd do it for me" Serena said, ash nodded in response.

"Well let's get to sleep" Ash said. He got in his sleeping bag as did Serena. Ash felt Serena move closer and rest her head on his chest. "Goodnight" Ash said. "Good night" Serena responded before falling to sleep.


It was early in the morning with red skies. "Red skies, blood has been spilt during the night" Ash heard a voice from his pocket. He took out the jewel and saw Arceus in the Jewel.

"How'd you know" Ash said. "And who's blood has been spilt" Ash continued. Before he could get a reply he went into a trance.

"Boss, Xerosic of Team Flare has agreed terms to join forces with us" A grunt said walking in. "Excellent, our force has become stronger" Giovanni said patting a greyish figure with a hint of light purple on it's body, "isn't it mewtwo" Giovanni said with a smirk. "Yes, we will be unbeatable" mewtwo said also with a huge smirk.

"Sir, we have intruders" Another grunt came rushing in. "Surround all premises and bring them to me Alive" Giovanni said. The grunt nodded and hurried off.

After a few minutes a grunt came in with a tiny figure with red hair sticking out of her cap. She was trying to wiggle out of the grip but it was too strong. "Let me go, you tosspot" She staryed complaining. "Be quiet you litte scrub" the grunt shouted back to her.

"Well, what brings you hear young one" Giovanni said. "You shouldn't linger where you have no power" Giovanni said. The girl had no words and looked down.

"Leave her alone" a voice shouted. The figure ran through with a mega evolved Charizard flying behind him.

"Well well well, if it isn't Alain" Giovanni said with an evil grin on his face. "I said leave her alone" Alain said forcefully. "Or what" Giovanni said. Alain commanded his charizard which shot a powerful flamethrower. Everyone dodged it successfully. In response the grunt hit the girl on the head who got knocked out. "MAIRIN!" Alain shouted. He rushed over to her. There was a slight cut on her forhead. "What have you done!" Alain said almost in tears. Giovanni had a huge smirk on his face like a rapist in action. "If you want her, you will join us and help rule the world" Giovanni said simply. "No I will never join you scumbags" Alain shouted. "Then say goodbye to her" Giovanni said. Alain went wideyed, "okay, I'll.. Join you" Alain said disappointed. He then received a punch to the face which knocked him out cold.


Ash got a slight shock after Alain dealt the blow of the punch which knocked Ash of the branch he was sitting on.

"That was it, he's gaining more strength" Arceus said through the jewel. "I know, how will we stop him" Ash said. "Believe, you will do it I know. Well I got to go, stay safe and keep your friends safe especially Serena" Arceus said before disappearing of the Jewel.

Ash heard a tent unzip and saw Serena emerging through. "I heard something fall, everything okay?" She asked. "No I had another vision and I fell of the branch" Ash said. "What happened" Serena asked. Ash explained to her the story, Serena gasped."oh no, so that Alain has defected from the good side" Serena said, Ash nodded. "I think I've seen him before but I don't know where" Ash said. "Hmm, you'll remember but lets get the others up and get going" Serena said. Ash and Serena got up and headed back to the tents to wake everyone up.


Everyone was set to go and met Ash at the entrance of Shalour city. "Make sure to stay hidden and out of sight of any bases in Shalour" Ash commanded.

"Do we stay in our groups" Miette asked. "Yes but stay behind my group" Ash said. With that they started to leave. They were walking on the outskirts of Shalour constantly looking for any rocket members.

While Ash was walking, he noticed Pikachu was missing. "Huh where'd Pikachu go?" Ash asked Greninja who was next to him. "I don't know master" Greninja responded. "Something wrong Ash?" Serena asked. Ash didn't reply but he spotted Pikachu being carried of in the distance by a rocket member. "Pikachu!" Ash shouted and jumped out of cover. "Ash!" Serena shouted and was about to jump but Greninja stopped her. "Don't it'll blow our cover" Greninja said. "But Ash..." Serena said. The other group heard and rushed to Serena and looked over to Ash. "What is he doing?" Brock asked.

Two grunts spotted Ash and quickly rushed over and hit him on the head knocking him out.

"Ash!!" Everyone whispered to themselves in their covers. "We have to save him" Serena said. "Wait we'll go but not now, they will catch us we will have to be slow I'm afraid" Greninja said. The grouped looked on in worry as they saw Ash being carried off.


Ash was dropped in a room and he soon regained consciousness. He looked around and spotted Pikachu. He tried getting up but couldn't and saw he was covered in bruises.

"Ash" A voice called out. Ash looked in the direction and saw someone that made his heart sink.


Sorry cliffhanger but it may be obvious. I'm extremely sorry for the late update, hopefully I can update more this week. Also leave comments for any changes, i always take them in account and yeah as i said I'll try to upload mor. SORRY!



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