Chapter 13: Bitter Past Comes Back To Haunt

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"Ash?" A voice said. Ash looked over and his heart broke. He felt helpless and anger seeing the figure approach him.

"Ash is that really you?" The woman said as she knelt over and held his chin.

"Don't touch me!" Ash said, Delia backed away from his tone of voice.

"Don't you dare shout to your mother like that!" Delia yelled back and smacked him on the cheek. Ash was motionless.

"You are not my mother, I have no family" Ash said.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I have done to you, it's just that once again I feel lonely without you so please join me and your father and everything will be fine" Delia tried to convince Ash.

"You know what...," Ash spoke, Delia got hope but was tarnished when he finished,"that is the most shittest idea I have heard since you asked me this before when you betrayed me" Ash said. Delia felt broken. "Fine have it your way" She said and walked out of the room.

Ash punched the floor in frustration making a few cracks in the ground, he walked over to Pikachu who was lying down a bit further down the room. "Hey buddy, you alright?" Ash said as he picked the tiny mouse Pokémon up. Pikachu opened its eyes and gave a tiny coo suggesting it was a yes. "don't worry we'll get out of here" Ash said. He started to run but as he did he lost balance and fell to the ground. He noticed a deep gash on his leg. "Really! Well fuck it" Ash said as he got up and headed towards the exit of the room. He looked left and right to see any sign of guards but there were luckily none. He ran down the corridor and looked for an opening. He saw a door and opened it. It was the main entrance on the other side. He started walking slowly towards it.


"Come on we need to find Ash!" Serena said frantically. "Calm down we could get caught if we make noise" Shauna said. "Yeah keep calm we will find Ash" Paul said. The group entered through the back as the front seem heavily watched.

"Serena it's okay, we will find Ash, I'm sure he is just fine" Misty said trying to console Serena. "I hope you are right" Serena replied. The group continued to search for Ash but found no signs of him anywhere.

"Hey Greninja can you track Ash for us?" Tierno said he turned and saw Greninja wasn't there. "Guys where's Greninja?" Tierno asked. "He was behind with you wasn't he?" Shauna asked. "Don't tell me we lost him too" Serena said.

They then heard a large bang straight ahead of them and rushed towards it.


"There's the exit Pikachu, we're close" Ash said to the injured pikachu in his hands. He started running towards it but a flamethrower was directed towards his path. It hit the floor just in front of Ash causing him to fall backwards.

"You think we will just let you leave" Delia said coming out of the shadows. 15 flare members popped out with her. "See you have no chance, so why don't you come with us" Delia said. "Never, I won't join you idiots anytime soon or later" Ash said sternly. Delia waved her finger and 5 grunts released dragonites. They all commanded their Pokémon to use hyper beam. The Pokémon all shot the hyper beam towards Ash and successfully hit him causing him to almost be knocked out. "You have one more chance" Delia said. "My answer is still no" Ash replied. Delia nodded and again he found 5 hyper beams heading straight for him. He covered his face and Pikachu and took the hit again. Ash was knocked out. Pikachu jumped out his arms and fired a weak thunder bolt which was blocked by the dragonites. Now the Pokémon used dragon rush and Pikachu braced it self for a heavy impact. However a water shuriken came and blocked out the dragon rush. Greninja came running in with water enveloped around him. "Pikachu go to Ash, I've got this" Greninja said. Pikachu nodded and rushed to Ash and jumped in his arms. Greninja fired few water shurikens which were direct hits on all the Pokémon. "Attack harder" Delia shouted, the remaining grunts released their dragonites who all used hyperbeam towards Greninja. Greninja with great agility dodged the attacks and used a water shuriken combined with hydro pump. The move knocked out 5 dragonites leaving 10 more to go. As Greninja thought he was in the driving seat he was caught out by hyper beams which hit him and sent him flying to a wall.

"That's better, now grab the boy and let's go" Delia said. 3 grunts went to Ash but were stopped by a flamethrower which knocked them back. "No one is taking Ash" Gary shouted as he ran through with infernape in front of him. The others soon joined him. "Where's Ash?" Serena said frantically looking around. "You must be his girlfriend, why don't you look down there my love?" Delia said with an evil grin. Serena blushed at her words but soon saw Ash on the floor with also a knocked out Pikachu. "Ash!" Serena shouted and ran to his body and started shaking it. "All the girls go to Serena, the boys will take care of these lot" Calem said as he released a talon flame. "Let me battle, I'm quite strong, after all I was the cerulyan city gym leader" Misty said. "Okay come" Gary said. The rest of the girls went to Ash while the others stood in front of them in battle stance. Tierno released a raichu, trevor released a charizard, paul released an electrivire and Misty released a psyduck, Clemont decided to go to Ash as he was good at being a doctor.

"This is for Ash" Gary said " Infernape us flamethrower" Gary commanded. The Infernape used flamethrower which hit two dragonites. "Talonflame use brave bird" Calem commanded which hit 3 helpless dragonites. "Charizard use tackle" Trevor commanded and the Charizard, with a large presence flew into two dragonites. "Psyduck hydro pump" Misty said. The attack hit 3 dragonites m, which left the remaining 10 dragonites to recover from the attacks. The battle was soon in the palm of team flares hands as they had Gary and his group on the backfoot, recieving attack after attack.

"There's too many we need to get out of here" Gary said.

"Clemont is Ash gonna wake up" Serena said, before Clemont could reply Ash's eyes shot open but they were red. "Ash! Your okay?" The girls said. Ash didn't reply and instead he got up with an angry look and with his red eyes. "Greninja, Let'Z go, let's become one" Ash yelled and Greninja lost it's water around it and got a large shuriken on it's back. "Use water shuriken" Ash said angrily clenching his fists, his veins popping out of his hands. The shuriken knocked out seven dragonites. "One more time Greninja, with all you have" Ash yelled , Greninja took the shuriken of it's back and it became a tad bit bigger and looked polished. It threw it and knocked out the dragonites as well as their trainers. Everyone looked on in surprise. Ash turned back and was about to command a move to hit his companions but fell to his knees and his red eyes vanishing. He looked around feeling dizzy and fainted but was caught by Serena. "Team rocket will rule the world, it was his mistake that you will be facing problems in the future" Delia said. Greninja shot a water shuriken but Delia disappeared just in time leaving the group by themselves. "Lets take Ash back to where we camped and wait till he gets up" Brock said. The rest of the group nodded and headed out of the building.


Ash was in his tent with Serena looking over him with Miette and Ash's Pokémon. The rest were outside having a discussion.

"How do we avoid Shalour's base" Calem said.

"I don't know maybe we could stay in the shadows?" Tierno said.

"No we already done that, and already Ash got put in real danger" Brock said.

"Hmm we'll wait for Ash maybe" Paul said.

Serena who was holding Ash's hand was almost in tears after the events that had occurred. What was with those red eyes? She thought. But soon she saw Ash's eyes open. Ash got up with a start.

"Ash calm down, we are away from danger" Serena said as she grabbed his shoulders. "Where are we?" Ash asked.
"We are back where we camped, at the start of Shalour" Serena replied.

"What! We need to go quick" Ash said as he got up. "But you need to rest" Miette said. "I don't need rest, as long as I'm far away from here" Ash said as he remembered his encounter with his mother.

"But how will we get out of here?" Serena asked. "We will fly" Ash said as he got out his tent.

"Ash! Your awake. Are you feeling good" Calem said.

"Yeah I'm fine" Ash replied. "We have a question for you" Brocke said. Ash nodded. "We are wondering if you have any solutions of getting out of here" Brock said hoping for an answer. "Yes we fly, if you have a flying type" Ash simply said. "But first I need to call my old friend" Ash said. He pulled out the Jewel Of Life and talked with Arceus. Once he was done he came back to the camp.

"So what did you ask for?" Misty asked.

"You'll see just wait" Ash said. After a few minutes a giant shadow came over the group but as they looked up they saw a charizard descending next to Ash.

"Guys meet Charizard!" Ash said happily as he patted the Pokémon. "Woah you have a Charizard! Awesome" Gary said with his eyes sparkling. "We will ride our flying types till the Reflection cave, because geosenge town have a lot of guards on foot after we exit shalour"Ash said. The group nodded. Serena, Ash, Gary and Shauna got on charizard while the others got on theirs respectively.

"Lets go" Ash said as Charizard set off into the sky.


Thanks for reading this chapter, hope it was good. Leave comments for any changes you'd like to see and your opinions on the story. There should be atleast 2 chapters or 1 in the coming week. Sorry if there is none!

Follow my insta: @_satosere_



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