Chapter 2: Its You!

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Serena and her friends were running behind Pikachu anxiety. However Calem thought this Pikachu was lieing and was leading them to a trap.

"I don't trust this Pikachu, it seems suspicious." Calem whispered to Serena.

"I don't think so but if it is a trap we have our Pokémon to defend ourselves" Serena replied.

They continued running after Pikachu who's face was looking worried. They reached the location and their faces were filled with shock at the sight which they had come across.

"Oh no what happened to him" Serena said.

"He got hit by several attacks by a rocket grunts electivire" Greninja spoke not making eye contact but gazing at Ash.

"You can talk" Everyone exclaimed. They were all amazed that the Greninja spoke.

"Lets take him to our place and get him healed" Serena said. She motioned Brock and Gary to carry him to base. When they picked him up his hood fell down revealing his face.

"No it couldn't be" Serena thought as she saw Ash's face.

The group were walking in silence and kept gazing at Ash.

"Isn't he the mysterious boy, Oak was telling us about?" May said.

"Oh yeah, and Oak also said that he had a Pikachu and Greninja!" Dawn said.

Serena was certain it was Ash. She recognised his auburn eyes and hair. It was just the same as 5 years ago. Greninja and Pikachu were gazing at Serena.

"That girl looks like the one master described to me" Greninja spoke to pikachu.

"Pika pi (Its her)" Pikachu responded.

"So what exactly happened to the him" Calem asked Greninja while pointing at Ash.

"We were scouting inside Team Rockets base and we overhead a conversation and my master got angry, it blew our cover and he recieved electivires attacks multiple times and he passed out when we escaped." Greninja explained the situation earning hums from the group.

"How'd you get in?" Brock asked

"Not my story to tell" Greninja said.

The group were disappointed with the answer and continued to walk in silence back to their base.

After 15 minutes of silence and anxiety the Serena, Brock and Gary rushed Ash to the medical station.


The others went into the living room to be met by the other team in Lumiose which were based in the south. They had 5 people in total: Miette, Trevor, Shauna, Paul, Tierno.

"What you lot doing here?" Calem asked.

"Our base got destroyed so we want to ask you if we can stay here" Miette responded hoping they would let them stay.

"Well the more the merrier, your welcome to stay." Clemont said, which made huge smiles come on everyones face.

"Where's Serena?" Shauna asked.

"Oh she went to the medical station because a boy got seriously injured." Calem replied. Then the newcomers turned their gaze to Pikachu and Greninja who were stood in the corner of the room.

"Are those his Pokémon?" Paul asked.

"Yeah" May said

"Is that boy the mysterious one who destroyed Rockets base in Santalune" Paul said while lookup at the ground. Everyone looked at him in amazement.

"Yeah how'd you know?" Dawn said.

"Ill explain when I feel like its the right time" Paul said.

"Whats his name and is that boy powerful" Lance and Dianth asked wondering how the boy looked like and if he was strong.

"We don't know its our first encounter with him as well" Clemont replied.

The group chatted for several hours until Serena, Gary and Brock came back from the medical station. They walked in found the guys shifting their gaze upon them.

"So hows he doing" Bonnie asked.

"He suffered to many attacks but he should be fine" Serena said while sitting next to Shauna and Paul.

"Is it Ash?" Paul whispered in Serena's ear. Serena looked confused and said

"Yeah I'm pretty confident it's him, but how do you know him and me?" Serena whispered back.

"He was a past rival but we became friends eventually and he talked about you alot." Paul said.

Serena blushed. She never knew Ash talked about her. She moved on from the conversation and talked to Shauna.

"Can anyone show us the way to the medical station" Greninja asked. Serena nodded and indicated Greninja and Pikachu to follow her.

"How long have you known your trainer for?" Serena asked.

"5 years but Pikachu 7 years" Greninja replied.

"Umm is that boys name Ash by any chance" Serena asked. Greninja and Pikachu looked up and nodded. Serena was filled with joy. After 5 years she could finally see her best friend, or maybe her crush, again. They reached the room and Greninja went straight to Ash's body. He put his hands on Ash's chest and it went blue.

"What's happening" Serena asked but got no response but instead she saw Ash's eyes shoot open.

"Huh? Where am I" Ash gasped.

"Master your in a medical station, this girl helped us get you here" Greninja said pointing at Serena. Ash turned his gaze and saw a girl with a red hat and a pink blouse. What really caught him was a blue ribbon neatly placed on her chest.

"Ash is that you?" Serena asked.

"Serena?" Ash said. Without thinking Serena lunged at him and embraced him in a tight hug. She was blushing as red as a tomato. She pulled away.

"Sorry I didn't think" Serena said looking embarrassed.

"Its fine" Ash said with an emotionless tone, which caught Serena off guard. He doesn't seem the same.

"Are you alright?" Serena asked

"Yeah im fine" Ash replied again with an emotionless tone. His eyes looked cold. What happened to you? Your not the same Ash as 5 years ago.

"What happened to you? Why didn't you contact me!" Serena demanded.

"Ive been... Busy" Ash said looking away from her.

"What so busy that you can't talk to me?" Serena said looking at Ash

"I don't want to explain what happened it makes me angry and I might hurt you and I don't want that." Ash said.

"Oh I'm sorry but telling might help, did you talk to your parents about it?" Serena said. Ash shot his head straight to Serena. She became intimated by the deadly look in his eyes.

"Don't ever mention my parents ever!" Ash shouted. Serena had a scared and worried look Pikachu and Greninja comforted her, which she was grateful for.

Ash realised what he had just done and apologised.

"Sorry I didn't mean to shout. I know you were trying to help so im really sorry" Ash said to Serena who accepted it.

"I'm gonna go back to the guys, you wanna come?" Serena asked

"No I need some time on my own. Pikachu and Greninja you go on with her she's a nice person." Ash said. Serena blushed at his words and walked off with Pikachu in her arms and Greninja by her side.


"Wonder whats taking Serena so long" Calem asked worriedly.

"Since when did you care" May asked with a suspicious look.

"Oh come on she's just a friend" Calem said trying to protest his innocence.

"Suuuuuuureeeeeee" Bonnie said making everyone laugh. Serena, with Pikachu in her arms asleep, and Greninja walked in. Everyone looked at them and saw Pikachu in her arms.

"He's soo cute!" All the girls squealed. They wanted to hold Pikachu but he wanted to stay with Serena who he felt most comfortable with after Ash and Greninja.

"Seems like Pikachu really likes Serena" Brock said. Every other girl looked and thought Serena was lucky.

"So how's Ash now?" Gary asked

"Greninja used something and it made Ash wake up" Serena said.

"Oh, can we meet him" Miette asked.

"No he said he wanted time alone and told Pikachu and Greninja to come with me" Serena said. Miette looked disappointed.

"Oh yeah and guys you know my childhood friend I told you about" Serena said turning red.

"Yeah" everyone said

"Well its the boy in the medical station, his names Ash" Serena said

"Ooooo00h" All the girls but miette fan girled.

"But he isn't the same anymore, he's changed alot he doesn't reveal his problem" Serena said.

"Well has a told his parents" Dawn asked.

"No he snapped when i asked that and he told me not to talk about them" Serena said sounding sad.

"Wow it looks like he might be going through a hard time" Brock said.

"Yo Greninja can you tell us what happened" Calem asked.

"I cannot tell you only Ash will when he feels comfortable and I don't think that will be soon so I would advise all of you not to bring the past up to Ash or he will go beserk" Greninja said. Everyone looked disappointed.

"Well lets go to bed" Serena said


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