Chapter 3: Ash-Greninja tested

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"Well let's go to bed" Serena suggested. Everyone nodded and headed towards their rooms. Everyone but Paul, who quietly headed in the direction of the medical center.


Ash was sitting upright on the bed. He was playing images of what happened in the past. It made him tensed and he let out a bone breaking punch to the nearest wall to him.

"Still remembering what happened huh?" Paul said as he walked in the room.

"I want to forget it but I just can't, it's killing me" Ash said looking at the ground.

"Well how have you been since the last time we met." Paul asked

"Still scouting the Rocket bases" Ash replied.

"Well looks like you scouted recklessly" Paul said indicating to the bed Ash was sleeping on. Ash didn't reply. He was in some kind of trance.

"Take Greninja and go outside" Ash heard a voice in his head. He snapped out the trance looking confused.

"Did you say that" Ash asked Paul.

"Say what" Paul asked, looking around for any other presence.

"I heard someone say something" Ash said.

"You might be imagining" Paul said.

"It told me to take Greninja outside" Ash said faintly.

"All you need is fresh air, let's go for a walk so we can catch up on a few things" Paul suggested. Ash nodded and got out of bed and grabbed his jacket and left the medical station. Their were 2 pairs of eyes on them. It was Miette and Calem.

"Hey where'd you think you're going" Calem asked as they walked past him and Miette.

"We're going for a stroll" Paul said.

"Oooh can we join" Miette asked keeping her eyes on Ash. Ash noticed this and knew exactly why she was eying but he already had a person he admired before and still does.

"Yeah sure you can join" Paul replied. The four of them started walking. Miette stood next to Ash (obviously) and blushed.

"He seems hot" Miette thought looking at his face.

"Oh bloody hell why is she looking at me, is she a rapist?" Ash thought but shrugged it off.

"I'm going to go get Greninja so wait here" Ash said with no emotion in his voice.

After 2 minutes he came with Greninja. The group again set off and headed to the forest. After a while Miette and Calem decided to head back so they left Ash and Paul together. They had an idea and that was a 1v1 battle.


Serena woke up before everyone else. She went to check on Ash but he wasn't there.

"Oh please don't tell me he's gone again" Serena said being upset. She headed back to find the group awake and talking. Paul wasn't there either.

"Has anyone seen Ash" Serena asked hoping they would know.

"Yeah me, Calem and Paul went to walk with Ash last night, so check the battle field" Miette said.

"Ok thanks" Serena said. Does Miette like Ash, Serena thought but shrugged it off.

"Ooooh a battle I'm coming with you Serena" Gary said.

"Me too" Bonnie said. With that everyone followed Serena to the battlefield. They saw Ash and Paul in a intense battle

"Greninja use Water shuriken"

"Electivire use thunderbolt to counter"

The two attacks collided making large amounts of smoke appear in the center of the battlefield. He has a strategy to block our moves, we need to be faster.

"Greninja let's apply more and more force, LETZ GO!" Ash shouted. They both were doing the same actions until Greninja was enveloped by water all around his body.


"What the fu..." Gary was about to finish but

"Language" Clemont said sternly pointing at Bonnie.

"What the f*ck" Bonnie said in amazement. Clemont shrieked and went mad.

"What happened with his Greninja" Calem said.

"Looks like they synchronised or something" Brock stated.

"Its a rare gift" Oak said out of nowhere, which scared the living daylight out of the group.

"Lets see how the battle unfolds" May said. Serena was stood there shocked. I need to catch up with Ash.


Paul stared at Ash. He's never seen anything like this before. He knew Ash was hiding something.

"Electivire stand your ground, this battles going to be more tougher" Paul said to his Pokémon.

"Greninja Water Shuriken" Ash commanded his water type. Greninja through a shuriken made from water at the electric type with great amount of speed which caught it off guard and received the fatal attack.

"Electivire are you okay" Paul asked the Electric type. It responded with a nod.

"Use thunder"

"Dodge Greninja and then use Aerial ace"

Greninja dodged the thunderbolt with ease and ran with speed to the vulnerable Pokémon and started hitting it with great speed. Ash was copying the exact movements of Greninja. Everyone on the sidelines looked on in amazement.

"Electivire use electro ball"

It made a ball with sparks of energy and threw it at Greninja. Greninja received it and took lots of damage due to the type disadvantage it posessed. Ash also felt the impact making him wince and stumble a bit.


"Oh no" Serena said. She was hoping he was alright after he had already been hurt recently.

"Woaaah it looks he feels the pain which has been inflicted on Greninja" Calem said.

"This thing the boy has can be powerful and dangerous. If his Pokémon faints he will faint to so you have to be careful when receiving the ability" Oak explained.


"Greninja lets end this use cut"

"Electivire use thunder punch"

Both moves collided making both Pokémons stumble backwards, as did Ash.

"Aerial Ace" Ash commanded using his energy. Greninja lunged at Electivire beating it several times before Electivire passed out. Greninja was exhausted and so was Ash.

Ash was feeling dizzy and couldn't move his body.

"Why can't I move, what is this" Ash said before passing out and falling to the floor. Greninja also fell on the floor.


"Ash, Ash!" Serena shouted as she ran towards his body. Pikachu, Calem, Gary and Miette rushed towrds his body as well as the others went to check on Greninja.

"Looks like he passed out" Gary said.

"Oh no" Miette said looking worried.

"Lets take him inside" Serena said as she let go of his hand. Gary and Calem both picked him up and took him inside and later came back to help lift Greninja.

They all went back inside waiting for Ash to awake. He wasn't waking up which made everyone worry.

"Don't worry he will soon get up, he's only passed out. It happens when you haven't fully mastered the synchronisation." Oak said hoping they would stop worrying.

"How do you know all this stuff" Serena asked.

"I cannot say, only Ash can" Oak said.

"You knew ash!?" Everyone but paul exclaimed.

"Yes I met him before the war, well he stayed with me after something terrible happened" Oak said looking away.

"What happened?" Calem asked.

"Ash will go beserk if I tell, he's the only one who can tell sorry" Oak said. Everyones heada dropped. They were all thinking the same, what happened to him.

After an hour, Ash regained consciousness and got up to see everyones face diverted towards him. Serena and Miette rushed over to him.

"Are you okay" Serena asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" Ash said.

"I was.. I mean we were all worried about you" Miette said.

"Thats nice of you but I'm fine" Ash insisted that there was no problem even though there was.

"Ash you need to be careful using that synchronisation, it's dangerous it could seriously damage you" Oak said.

"I know I can do it, if he can then I can" Ash said with a venemous tone which caught everyone off guard. Oak sighed and knew that he wouldn't give up so he let it go.


Ash left the room to go to Greninja and see how he was doing.

"Hey pal, how are you" Ash said soothingly to Greninja.

"I'm great master, how about you?" Greninja asked

"Don't worry I'm fine" Ash said. Serena then walked in, which was no surprise to Ash as he knew why she had come.

"You want to know what happened to me right?" Ash asked calmly. Serena looked baffled. How did he know, she thought.

"That's only if you want to but..." Serena was interrupted by Ash.

"It's okay I'll tell you, I have to tell sooner rather than later"

"Should I call everyone else" Serena asked.

"No they will find out later, it's only that I feel comfortable talking to you, Oak, Paul and my Pokémon at the present time" Ash said.

Serena was confused he didn't mention his parents and the fact he mentioned her.

"Ok so here goes"

Sorry for the cliffhanger 😝. Thanks for reading this chapter and remember to state your opinions in the comments.

So until next time


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