Chapter 20: More the Merrier

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Red was making his way out of the submarine but was stopped by 2 figures in front of him. "What's the deal with masters arm?" Greninja asked wanting to know an answer. "He's had a vision or something like that. In that he got hurt so it showed up in real. That's what I know about that" Red said to Greninja.

"Why is he hiding it. He keeps it hidden and that is strange" Greninja asked. "Yes that is bothering me too. I'm gonna have to get the truth out of him one way or the other" Red said. "Should I help you with that?" Greninja asked. "Yes, but be patient with him thats when he can slip up" Red said before walking off to the groups campsite. "Pika pikachu?" Pikachu said confused. "Don't worry I can handle this you just stay casual" Greninja said to Pikachu before walking back as well along with Pikachu.

The duo made it back to their trainer, who was still suspiciously hiding his arm behind his back. "There you guys are, I was looking for you" Ash said concerned about his Pokémon. "Oh Pikachu got stuck in the door so I had to help him squeeze out" Greninja lied. Ash somewhat nodded in response.

The group set up their tents for the night and sat down for dinner, which was being made by Clemont and Brock. Ash sat down with his arm behind his back and this caught Serena's attention. "Why is your arm behind there?" She asked curiously. "Oh no reason" Ash said giving a nervous toothy grin. This did not convince Serena and she became ever more suspicious. She reached over and grabbed his arm. Ash winced in pain as she touched the wound. Serena pulled it so she could see.

"Ash what is this!? What happened to you" Serena said with a worried tone. "I uh I got scratched" Ash said nervously. "Why were you hiding it for? I could have helped you heal it" Serena said. Ash looked down. "I'm sorry it's just that everything that happened in the past day has been scaring me" Ash said. "Why what happened" Serena said. "I'll explain once everyone else is asleep" Ash said. Serena nodded and held on to his arm throughout dinner.

"Wait out here and I'll get you a bandage for the wound" Serena said. She entered the tent and came out 3 minutes later with a bandage roll. She made Ash hold out his arm and wrapped the arm heavily. Serena finished tying the knot and sat down. "Now tell me Ash, what happened" Serena said. Ash sat down in front of her and started telling her about the encounter that occurred between him and the ruler of Space and the ruler of Time.

"What so isn't it a dream so then how did you get the wound?" Serena said quite shocked at his story. "Because he and Palkia are connected by feeling" Red said. He walked over and sat next to Serena.

"What do you mean?" Ash asked. "Palkia is like your feeling and that feeling is anger" Red said. "Huh?" Ash and Serena both were confused at Red's theory. "Since Giovanni has some control on you and Palkia, he is using Palkia as your feeling. In other words Palkia is a real life representation of when you are angry" Red said. "So how does that explain the wound?" Ash said. "Its like a vision and as I said it's basically you, so you scratched yourself while you witnessed your dream" Red said. Serena gulped in fear of Ash's safety. "Will Ash be safe from harm?" Serena said in a very worried tone. "I don't know Serena, I can't say" Red said looking down. Serena had her hands by the ribbon in hope. "Well catch you guys later, I'm off to bed. Good night" Red said waving and entering the submarine.

"Ash are you going to sleep?" Serena said. "No I'll stay you go. I'll join in a bit" Ash said. Serena jumped from her seat and next to Ash holding onto him. "No no, I'll wait with you" Serena said nervously. Ash took Serena by a tree and rested up against the trunk.

"Its so beautiful to look on the horizon of the ocean" Serena said holding onto Ash and resting on his shoulder. "Yeah your right. Serena I'm sorry for making you worried earlier" Ash said with an apologetic tone. "Don't worry about it, you had a terrible dream so it's fine. I know your strong" Serena said. "Me strong? I don't think so" Ash said. "Hey, you are my guardian and boyfriend and you are the strongest one out there" Serena said. "You think so?" Ash said. "I know so" Serena said kissing Ash on the cheek. She then lowered down and rested her head on his chest and moved in closer to him. "Here take my jacket it will keep you warm for tonight" Ash said. Serena blushed and closed her eyes. She felt Ash put his jacket on top of her. He was right it was warm. She drifted into a deep sleep.

Ash stayed awake. Pikachu and Greninja joined him at the tree trunk. Greninja slept on the other side and Pikachu slipped in Serena's comfort. Ash petted Pikachu as he slept and looked on in the distance. He saw a hovering figure but couldn't quite make what it was. He squinted his but the figure disappeared. Ash then felt a sharp pain come through his wound. He held it tightly but it wouldn't stop hurting.


Palkia gave a tiny howl hoping Mewtwo would allow it to attack. "No his father is keeping an eye on the seas so it wouldn't be wise to attack" Mewtwo said. Palkia howled in anger and soared up into the sky. It went closer to the island and hovered over the tree of Ash. It was at a fair height where it could not be seen. However it could see down there. He saw Ash clutch the wound it created and decided to attack him mentally.

"Yes that would be better. Attack him like that make his wound even bigger" Mewtwo said. Palkia's red eyes intensified. It closed his eyes and sent a pink aura ball which surrounded Ash and sent him in a vision.


Ash released the clutch he held on his arm and closed his eyes for a brief second. He felt himself getting covered and quickly his eyes shot open. He looked around and saw everyone had disappeared. Serena, Pikachu and Greninja all gone from his sides. "Oh not this again" Ash said. He got up and looked around for any sign of life.

The island was empty. No Pokémon and no humans could be heard or seen. Ash was about to walk back to his trunk but felt a shadow pass over him. He quickly turned around but nothing was there. He could feel his chest heat up with pain. Anger was rising in his veins.

When Ash was finished feeling those sensations he felt himself hurtle across and smash against a tree. He saw the sands dust all in the air. A shadow was seen on the other side. The dust settled. Palkia sat upon the sands of the coast looking at Ash with great anger and evil. It sent a spacial rand straight at Ash. Ash dodged out the way and felt the impact that the tree took. It caused him to fall to the ground. Palkia came soaring at Ash with it's claws ready for action. Ash managed to move his body but the claws sunk into his wound once more.

Ash squirmed on the floor in real pain and agony. Despair written all over his face. He layed down exhausted and with blurred vision. He felt Palkia's heaviness land on the surface but also felt another figure land on the ground.

"What do you want with me" Ash managed to speak out. "Oh we just want you dead or alive. Palkia has chosen death for you my friend" The figure said. Ash looked at the second figure but couldn't make out who it was. "Who a-are you" Ash whimpered out. "The strongest Pokémon of all existance! Mewtwo" Mewtwo boasted out. "Now look here, we are going to make this quick and simple. You're going to die right now" Mewtwo said. He gave a hand signal to Palkia who soared high up in the sky and eventually hurtled itself towards Ash's body.

Ash closed his eyes waiting for the impact. "Ash, Ash!" Ash heard his name being called out. He opened his eyes and looked to the right. He could see 3 white figures calling his name. He slowly got up and headed towards the white figures. Palkia hit the ground with speed. Ash dodged it, just about, but was sent flying due to the impact that took place. Sand was flying everywhere.

Ash was coughing because it had gone into his mouth.


"Greninja wake him up" Serena said worriedly. Greninja grabbed some of the water from the ocean and chucked it on Ash's face. He done this several more times before Ash started coughing. He slowly opener his eyes. Once he did, he frantically looked around. When he saw Serena, the urgency and fear disappeared from his eyes.

"Phew that was close" Ash said. He was about to wipe the sweat of his forhead but felt a sharp pain when he moved his arm. "Ow!" Ash screamed. Ash looked at his bandaged arm. The plaster was cut open. Single blood streams leaked out of the wound. Ash looked on in horror.

"Thats what I was saying, I saw claws just tear them apart. It then disappeared" Serena said in fear. "It was Palkia" Ash said in pain. "The legendary but how?" Serena said. "It's one of those dreams again" Ash said who was no rolling around. "What another one?" Serena said. "Yes, can you please help me. Heal this wound" Ash said in real agony. "Okay okay, sit still please" Serena said. Ash obeyed and sat still. Serena pulled out the handkerchief that Ash had used on her when they were children in Pallet.

"Is that the handkerchief from back then?" Ash said looking at Serena, while she applied cold water on his wound. "Yes it is, I kept it because it helped me get through dark times for me" Serena said. "How?" Ash asksd. "It reminded me of you. I felt as if you were with me, so it gave me confidence to overcome anything" Serena said. "Wow, I meant that much to you?" Ash said surprised. "You were everything to me Ash" Serena said as she kissed his cheek. "Wow thanks!" Ash said blushing. "No problem, your arm should be fine. It cannot come in contact with anything otherwise this will happen again" Serena said. Ash nodded. Serena washed the handkerchief and put it away in her bag. She wrapped Ash's arm once more but with more bandages.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to the tent?" Ash asked. "No no I'm fine here" Serena said. She had an image of that grunt which made her shriek and jump onto Ash. "Ash please help me!" Serena said holding onto him tightly. "With what" Ash managed to say because of the tight grip of Serena. Serena pulled away. "Oh sorry I didn't mean that. Sorry" Serena said. "Its okay, well get some sleep now we might have to go tomorrow" Ash said. Serena nodded and rested her head on Ash's chest and squeezed tightly against him.

"Goodnight" Serena said.



"Come back here, pretty girl. I know you want some of this" A grunt said with an evil smile perched on his creased face.

"No go away from me you perv" Serena screamed and continued to run. She ran with great speed and kept looking back. She had lost vision of what was ahead of her and tripped up on a rock. She fell to the ground injuring her knee.

"Ow!" Serena screamed. She felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and saw the grunt.

"ASH!!!!! SAVE ME PLEASE!" Serena screamed.

"Serena wake up" Ash said nudging her body. Serena opened her eyes and screamed out his name. She jumped on top of him and lay there in fear of the grunt. Ash let out a groan as her weight came on top of him. Her face was buried in his chest. He grip was locked in his hands.

"Serena calm down, it's me. Ash." Ash said. Serena didn't look up. Ash could feel her shaking with great amounts of fear. "Look at me Serena. It's me. Your Ash" Ash said in a soothing tone. Serena slowly lifted her head. He was right it was Ash.

"I'm so sorry Ash, I had a nightmare about the grunt" Serena said. "So that's what's been bugging you" Ash said. Serena nodded. "You have to keep things in the past" Ash said. "I know but it keeps coming back. I can't help it. Only when your with me and I see you I don't get it but when I'm not i get those nightmares" Serena said. "Come on your a strong girl you can overcome it. I can't be with you 24/7." Ash said. "Please for now. Help me please" Serena pleaded. "Okay I'll be with you as I promised" Ash said. Serena embraced him in a tight hug.

"Well let's get fresh, the gang should wake up in a few" Ash said. He got up and was about to leave. Serena grabbed his hand. "Um please wait with me while I get fresh" Serena said. "Um Serena I don't think its a good ide.." Ash was cut off. "I don't care anyway. You are my boyfriend so it is fine" Serena said. She dragged him to the lake. Ash turned around to give Serena privacy while she got fresh and changed.

After a few minutes Ash felt a tap on the shoulder. He looked back and saw a fresher Serena. "You look fresh, now it's my turn. You go get the others" Ash said but realised she wasn't going to move. "You want to stay right?" Ash said. Serena nodded with a smile. She turned around while Ash got fresh. She turned around for a glimpse of if he was done but wasn't...

Once he was freshened up. The duo went to Ash's Pokémon to get them woken up and then to the rest of the group to wake them up. They successfully woke everyone up but for Gary.

"Pikachu use thunderbolt" Ash said. Pikachu nodded and released a thunderbolt. Gary was woken up and was screaming like a girl. "Well that was shocking wasn't it" Ash said as he patted Gary on the back. Gary gave him a death stare causing Ash to take his arm back and sweat drop.


"Sawyer are you in here?" A little boy said. He walked into a room which was dark. He looked for a switch and turned it on. He scanned the room and saw four figures tied up on the other side of the room.

The 4 figures looked on in amazement and started mumbling but their mouths were taped up. The little boy walked over to them. He first removed the duck tape of a boy with dark green hair.

"Max what are you doing here" the boy said. "Sawyer relax I'm here to free you guys out" Max said. Sawyer didn't reply as he was amazed to see Max here. Max finished untying Sawyer.

"Quickly untie Drew, Iris and Cilan while I look out for any grunts" Sawyer said. Max nodded. Sawyer approached the door and took out a Pokéball. He threw it and a sceptile appeared. He looked down the hallway while Sceptile looked down the other side. Sceptile spotted a couple of grunts making their way to their room. The duo turned around frantically to tell the others the news.

"Max hurry, grunts are coming" Sawyer said. Max increased his speed when he was taking the knot of Cilan's rope. Luckily he was the last person to be untied. "Oh no where do we hide" Sawyer said. "Use your Sceptile to dig a hole in the ground so we can escape" Iris said. Sawyers face lightened up at the idea.

"Sceptile use leaf storm to dig a tunnel in the ground" Sawyer said. Sceptile obeyed and used the move on the ground. It created a hole. Everyone jumped in and followed the Sceptile as it drilled it's way through the ground.

The two grunts managed to get in the room while they escaped. "Oh no. Send alarms of Code Red" The grunt said to the other grunt. The grunt ran out the room and an alarm started ringing. It reverberated across the halls causing every grunt to come to the room.

"Boss the prisoners escaped" The grunt said while panting heavily. "What!?" The man said. He got out a hologram and called Giovanni. "What is it Xerosic?" Giovanni said. "Can I kill the hostages?" Xerosic said. "Yes we have no use for them. Ketchum is our main and only goal now" Giovanni said before hanging up.

"Go after them and kill them!" Xerosic said to the grunt. The grunt saluted and ran off back to the room. He told everyone what was informed. 6 grunts went down the hole in search of their hostages.


"There's a clearing up ahead" Cilan said as a single beam of light escaped through the roof of their tunnel. "I hear an ocean" Iris said improving the hopes of their group.

"We must be at the coast of this island. Hurry up and drill through the roof so we can climb out" Max said indicating to Sawyer to speed the process up. Sawyer made Sceptile break through the roof and out of the tunnel. Everyone got out and ran straight towards the ocean where they could see some tents set up.

"Master I feel something" Greninja said to Ash telepathically. "What is it" Ash responded. "People searching for help. They are headed in our direction" Greninja said. He got up and went to the path that led into the forest. Ash followed Greninja there. Serena got up as well as her fear started to kick in. "What is it Ash?" Serena asked. "Mommy what is daddy looking at?" Kaylin asked. "I don't know honey" Serena said taking the childs hand. Soon the rest of the group went to Ash and stared where Ash was looking at.

"Are those people?" May said seeing 5 figures running in their direction. Everyone else hummed in agreement.

The 5 figures got closer and closer. Eventually they reached the group and stopped as they were tired from running.

"Max?" May said with a shocked tone. "Oh hey sis" Max said sweat-dropping. "I thought you were with mum and dad" May said. "I went to save these people" Max said. "Don't you know that is dangerous. Something terrible could have happened" May said angrily and in concern for her brother.

"You guys are related?" Shauna said. Max and May both nodded.

"What happened to you guys?" Tierno asked. "Team Flare kidnapped us and we have just escaped from them thanks to Max" Sawyer said. "Oh yeah. My name is Sawyer and these are Drew, Iris and Cilan" Sawyer introduced. Everyone then introduced themselves to the newcomers.

"Well why don't you guys join us. More the merrier" Ash said. Pikachu jumped on his shoulder and Greninja came next to him.

"No way" Sawyer and Max exclaimed. "Your The Kanto Champion" They boys exclaimed. Ash sweat dropped as he knew what was going to come.



Phew! That took me ages to write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter of A Broken Boy. Please leave comments suggesting any changes you'd like me to input and your general thoughts of the book. It would really help me as an author to analyse and improve the standard of this book.

Also I have Drew and May as a ship planned and maybe Bonnie and Max. So comment some other ships you would like to see in the comment section below!

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