Chapter 21: Island Escape Part 1

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"Your the Kanto Champion!" Max and Sawyer both exclaimed at the top of their voices. Ash sweat dropped as he knew what was coming.

"WHAT!?" Everyone literally shouted at the top of their voices as well. Red and Blue came out of the submarine at the commotion that was created by the scenario.

"What's going on here?" Blue asked making it to the front so she was visible. "Who are you?" Blue asked the newcomers. They introduced themselves as Red caught up with the gang. "So What's all the screaming for?" Red asked.

"Ash is the champion of Kanto!" Gary shouted amazed at the news outbreak. "Yes I know. I was present at the finals" Red said. Again, everyone eyes widened and they felt rather annoyed that they did not know in advance. "Why didn't you come meet me then?" Ash asked. "I wasn't sure if it was you, but when I saw your battle strategy it reminded me or myself when I was young" Red said. Ash nodded understanding what Red was trying to say.

"So you were the mysterious trainer who one shot my Pokémon in Pewter City" Brock said. "Yeah and me in Celurean Gym" Misty said. Everyone had their mouths dropped open at Ash's rather high supremacy.

"How did you guys know it was me" Ash asked Sawyer and Max. "Since those finals, we've been looking up to you as an inspiration. We took in every detail of you: your gloves, your trousers and Pikachu" Max said. "There are so many trainers with Pikachu's in the world, how'd you know it was this one" Ash said amazed at the trainers. "We have analysed your Pikachu's behaviour with you, and it is extraordinary the bond you two posses. Also the Greninja and the fact he is out of his Pokéball as he was in the finals when Pikachu battled" Sawyer said. Ash just took everything in amazed at the duo's amazing analysis.

"Ash why didn't you tell us you were Kanto Champion?" May said. "I didn't feel necessary and the press were always on my tail at the time. Every move I do they can publish it. Most of the times they publish false articles which bother me a lot, so if I revealed it might have spread and Giovanni would have put a spy in the press" Ash said. "Your saying that as if he has tried" Calem said. "Oh he has tried numerous times, trying to figure out my battle style and get closer to me. But each time I end up knocking them out" Ash said. Everyone sweat dropped at his comment.

"Well don't worry, we will not expose you unless it's your command" Clemont said. Ash nodded in response. After that was settled a large explosion was heard. Smoke could be seen rising in the forest. Kaylin hugged onto Serena while Serena hugged onto Ash. "Oh no, the guards might have followed our trail, we need to escape quick" Cilan said frantically. Everyone but Ash started to panic.

"Quick everyone in the submarine" Red shouted. Without a second call everyone ran towards the submarine. They all got in within minutes except for Ash who stood there frozen.

"Ash hurry we need to go" Red shouted. Ash did not look back and did not response but instead had his gaze fixed up ahead. Ash could hear nothing at all. It was as if he became dead. He heard soft murmurs of Red's desperate attempt to get him to come to safety. Ash, however didn't listen. His eyes became pink and his body was growing a tint of purple.

"Oh no the grunts are there, someone go get him" Dawn shouted. Red jumped out of the submarine. He was about to run to Ash but a shadow ball landed at his feet. He managed to keep his balance but was surrounded by grunts. Soon Xerosic entered the frame slowly exiting the forest and entering the scene.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Ketchum and Senior Ketchum." Xerosic said in an evil voice. Red was being held by two grunts preventing him to attack. "Well Ketchum, how do you like it that your son will be joining us in our plans" Xerosic said. Red tried moving but the grip was too strong for him. "He is not joining you" Red shouted. "Your mistaken I'm afraid," Xerosic said. He made Ash face Red. Red could see the pink eyes and the tint of purple aura exerting out of his body.

"Oh no your using Palkia to control him. Your going to kill him if you carry on like this" Red shouted. "Oh yes he will die but not for a while. But in that while we will extract his power for our weapon so we can rule this world and make it a better place for humans" Xerosic said. "What about Giovanni?" Red asked. "Well thats where will send the power to. Unfortunately Ash will not lose his powers when we finishing extracting them" Xerosic said.

Red got furious and started to kick his way out of the grip. He managed to do so and charged towards the team flare commander. Xerosic gave a small nod and Ash's glare intensified and shot out a pink aura sphere. It hit red and sent him flying backwards.

"Blue do something help him out" Serena shouted. "No it's best we stay out of this" Blue replied. "Are you crazy! Ash is in danger we have to help him" Serena got up but was pulled back by Tierno. "I'm afraid she's right. Ash seems beyond help now" Tierno said. Serena didn't want to believe him. She looked around the group for any backup but they all had gloomy faces. "Really you guys too. What happened to Don't give up till the end" Serena said. Instead of a reply, Dawn pointed at the window. Serena and the group looked out the window and were horrified by the scene.

"Ash you know what to do" Xerosic said. Ash looked at Red. The purple aura on his body soon was getting lighter and lighter before an explosion took place. It sent the sand everywhere making it difficult to see any angle. Red managed to enter the submarine unharmed. However Ash was not with him to the dismay of Serena and Ash's Pokémon.

"Where's daddy" Kaylin asked with a tear in her eye. Serena started to tear up and hugged the little child. She gave no answer but sobbed with the young child at the loss. "Ash is gone" Gary said pointing out the window. Everyone looked out and saw the grunts had disappeared. Pikachu became frustrated and broke through the hatch of the roof and ran after Ash. Greninja soon followed in anger and sadness. Serena was about to as well but Red stopped them.

"No I want Ash" Serena screamed. "Calm down we will go search for him but first we need to plan a rescue" Red said trying to calm Serena down. It unfortunately didn't work as Serena became even more restless and uncomfortable. "No we need to go now! Please!! I want Ash back" Serena said pleading. "Don't worry we'll find him 100% trust me" Red said. Serena looked at him in confusion. "How can you be certain?" Serena said reducing her sobs. "I managed to put a tracking device on Ash" Red said holding up a monitor showing a map with a flashing dot. Everyone soon lifted their heads up and went to the device they were holding.

"They are heading back to their base up in the north" Iris said. "We will have to flank them, they will be expecting us from the front" Brock said. The group hummed in agreement. "What about Pikachu and Greninja?" Bonnie asked worried for the Pokémon as well. "They will find their way, after all they are Ash's Pokémon" Red said.

It took an hour for the gang to repair the damage inflicted by Pikachu and Greninja when they had ran out in search for their beloved trainer. "Looks like we are set to leave now" Red said. Everyone's hopes were reignited and the camp became a bit more cheerful. Although Serena sat with a sleeping Kaylin at the back of the submarine praying for Ash's well being.

"How long will this manoeuvre take?" Misty asked. "Precisely 3 hours or 5 considering the surface area of this island" Clemont responded. "How the hell did you know that bro?" Gary said amazed. "Maths mate. All in my head" Clemont said with a toothy grin. Everyone laughed, except for Serena who still was feeling mournful and worried for her partner.


Ash started regaining his consciousness after the heavy move he managed to conjure up while in control. He felt very drowsy and tired as the move used up his strength and energy. Pain had returned in his arm as he saw the wound glowing pink and looked bigger than usual. He started looking around and saw he was locked up in glass container. He could see four ray guns pointing at him. He looked through the glass and saw in the room. No one was present but that was short liver for as Xerosic and two grunts entered the room with grins or evil intent.

"Have a good sleep?" Xerosic said maliciously. "What do you want from me" Ash said with great anger. "Someone is feisty" Xerosic said trying to intimidate Ash. Ash tried to struggle out but was strapped heavily. It was like paralysis had engulfed his body. He could feel bruises on his face and body. His body was going numb.

"Your days will soon be numbered my boy. So enjoy while it lasts" Xerosic said. He done a hand signal and the two grunts pressed two buttons. The ray guns were activated and started to shock Ash. Energy was being released from his body and his strengths were all being transferred. Ash was screaming in pain due to the shock he was receiving from the machine.

Xerosic just stood there laughing like a maniac as his plan had just begun.

Sorry if this felt like a short chapter. This is going to be over 2 parts so I had to keep some things limited for each chapter that is planned for the future. Anyways thanks for reading this chapter, nonetheless I hope you enjoyed it.

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