Chapter 23: The Sinnoh Region

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Ash was still asleep on Serena's lap while she ruffled through his dark hair. She was surprised at how Pikachu and Greninja had the bravery to go and search for Ash. She turned to ask and saw Pikachu asleep. She then turned her gaze to Greninja. She could see him looking down but couldn't see what it was as he had his back towards her. Serena slowly got out of bed, trying not to wake Ash or Kaylin by the movement of her noise. She walked over to Greninja and sat down beside him. "What's the matter Greninja?" Serena asked. "I'm worried about master. He took all of Palkia's moves dead on. He didn't even try to dodge" Greninja said without a stop for a breath. Serena however knew he was hiding something more. She could see it in his eyes. Pure horror. Serena felt uncomfortable and decided to leave him to his thoughts. She then heard Ash moving in bed.

Ash opened his eyes. He felt his eyelids were heavy. He got to his feet but the pressure was to much and he stumbled to the ground. Serena and Greninja rushed to his aid. "Master are you okay?" Greninja said helping him get up. "I'm fine" Ash said. He tried walking again but lost balance. This time Greninja caught him. "Ash you are in no state of walking, go back to bed" Serena said. "I said I'm fine Serena, besides it's not big deal" Ash said. Serena sighed at his stubbornness. Ash tried walking again and fell again. "I guess your right, Serena" Ash said sweat dropping. "That's why you should listen to me when it comes to your health and safety" Serena said. Ash nodded reluctantly.

With the help of Greninja Ash laid up right in bed. "Why can't I walk, it just hurts every time I step" Ash said. "I don't know you're just really tired maybe?" Serena suggested but no response. Soon they heard a knock on their door. "Come in" Serena said. The door opened and Gary and Calem walked in. "Sup bro! You feeling good?" Gary said walking to Ash. "Yeah I'm fine" Ash simply replied. "We are at Sinnoh so we came to tell you to come back to the seats, we are going to leave soon" Calem said. Ash and Serena nodded. The two boys then left the room arguing about some left over crisps and who should take it.

"Those two are something huh?" Serena said. "Yeah but to be honest they are the ones I trust the most other than you, Kaylin and my Pokemon" Ash said. "We better get Kaylin up" Serena said. She went to Kaylin's side and gently shook her by the shoulder. The little girl opened her eyes. "Oh Hi mommy!" Kaylin said getting up. She looked over to Ash and she had a very big smile on her face. "Daddy! Your alright" She said hugging Ash. "Why wouldn't I be" Ash said yawning. "Honey go get all your stuff, we have reached Sinnoh" Serena said. "Can you help me?" Kaylin said. "Sure" Serena said. The duo walked out of the room leaving Ash and his Pokémon. Pikachu woke up and jumped onto Ash.

"Pikaaa" Pikachu cooed rubbing his face on Ash's chin. "It's great to see you as well buddy" Ash said scratching the mouse Pokémon's ear. "Greninja can you let me lean on you for support seeing as I can't walk" Ash said. "No problem master" Greninja said. Ash got out of bed and put his arm around Greninja for support. Pikachu walked beside them. The trio walked/limped out the room.

As soon as they left the room everyone's faces were lit up with joy and happiness. "Ash are you okay?" Clemont said approaching Ash. "Yes it's just I can't walk without support" Ash said. "Why is that?" Misty said. "I don't actually know myself" Ash said. "It is either Palkia hit you several times or that machine drained out your strength for a limited time" Red said walking in from the cockpit. "I think it is a bit of both" Brock said. "What do you mean?" Ash said. "If you did take Palkia's attacks you would be able to limp on your own and same goes if some of your strengths are gone. However you can't walk at all so that means both damages that have been inflicted are causing double trouble for you" Brock said. Everyone looked surprised at his clear cut explanation. "I do want to be a  doctor" Brock said blushing. "It's okay I understand what you mean" Ash said.

"Anyways seeming Ash is injured who is going to take us through Sinnoh?" Trevor said. "I can! After all this is my region" Dawn said. "That's settled Dawn, where do we go?" Ash said.


The submarined docked on a beach on the outskirts of Sinnoh. Everyone single filed out. Ash had a bit of trouble so he had to be carried by Red out of the boat. "Thanks" Ash said blushing from embarrassment. Red just chuckled.

"Twinleaf should be the other side of this forest" Dawn said looking upon the thickness of the huge forest. "Are you sure it is a safe place?" Tierno said. "Well twinleaf is 200% safe but we should avoid Lake Verity" Dawn said. "Why a Lake?" Shauna said. "Because it is home to on of the legendary pokemon, Mesprit" Red said. "I heard about that, not so long ago the trio, Mesprit, Azelf and Uxie were captured to make a chain" May said. "Yeah it was for Team Galactic. They tried summoning Dialga to create a new world" Dawn said. "Then what happened" Bonnie said. "Some cloakes figure battled with the leader and beat him. The three legendaries all obeyed that figure. Only him" Dawn said. "What do you mean only him" Serena asked. "I tried battling them once but they attacked me first. I was helpless until that figure came. He stopped them each time and fled before I could talk" Dawn said.

"Sounds like a very intriguing story, and the figure you say. He seems extraordinary" Red said. He eyed Ash suspiciously. Ash blushed in return know why Red looked at him. "Well anyway we should set off" Blue said. Dawn and Blue led the group with the others behind chatting along.

They walked for about 10 minutes and Ash started feeling heaviness. He could feel his vision go blurry. He closed his eyes hoping it would stop. He opened his eyes and saw Palkia's face. Ash lost his balance and fell to the ground asleep. Everyone stopped as soon as they heard the thud. "Its fine, he's just asleep" Red said. Everyone sighed in relief. Red took out Ash's Pokéball and threw it. Charizard came out roaring like a maniac and releasing a flamethrower in the air. "Calm down big boy" Red chuckled. Charizard look at Red and tilted his head. "Yes I need you to carry Ash, he is weak at the moment and cannot walk" Red said. Charizard nodded and lay down. Red picked the sleeping Ash up and put him on Charizards back. Charizard slightly lifted himself up and was flying at a low altitude.

Pikachu ran to Serena and hopped on her shoulder catching her by surprise. "Oh my! Pikachu" Serena said. Pikachu looked at Serena almost saying can I stay here. Serena read this and responded "of course you can" Pikachu gave a small rub on Serena's cheek showing his appreciation.

"I need to get Pikachu on my good side" Miette said in her mind. She had crazy plans rushing around in her thick head. She walked with Shauna but with an unnoticed evil smile.

"We should camp out here for some time before we keep going" Dawn said. As she saw it was getting into the evening. Everyone nodded and set up their tents doing the usual routine. They all sat around the campfire but Ash who was still fast asleep.

"What about Ash?" Serena asked Red. "I think we shouldn't bother him, he's had a really tough time" Red said. Serena nodded sadly as she hoped Ash was okay. "Don't worry, he will be back the way he was he just needs time" Red said.

Even though Ash was asleep he could feel the word time reverberate through his head. He suddenly saw Dialga appear. It was looking the other way, having it's back/bum in Ash's face. As slowly made movement hoping it wouldn't scare the legendary away. As if reading Ash's thought Dialga spoke. "Don't worry I'm here to talk to you" Dialga said. Ash was taken aback by the sudden voice.

Dialga shifted itself so it would face Ash. "You are an unexplainable being I have met over my years" Dialga said. "What do you mean?" Ash said. "I mean that, you have a special aura about you since the day we met in Mt. Cornet. You feel different to the other heroes I have encountered" Dialga said causing Ash to blush at this compliment. "But I have done nothing to impress you, sir" Ash said, he felt weird that he called him sir but shrugged it off. "Oh I have been watching you with a very close eye. And from what I've seen, you've done more than impress me" Dialga said. "Huh?" Ash said confused.

"Time will tell" Dialga said emphasising the word time. Ash did not understand and he thought he look like an absolute nutty geezer in front of Dialga. "I do not understand, what do you mean more" Ash said. Dialga chuckled. "I'll be waiting for you" Dialga said before disappearing. Ash just sat down awestruck, he felt something appear in his pocket. He became confused and was about to take it out. However His mind came back to senses when he saw Palkia flash across his mind.

Ash woke up with a start. He looked around and saw everything was dark. He then heard tiny snores on his chest. He saw a sleep Serena and Kaylin. Ash kissed Serena on the forehead as well as Kaylin. As he bent to do that he felt the object in his pocket. He reached inside of his pocket and felt the object. It felt round and similar to a PokéBall. He took it out and went wide eyed at the object. "A master ball but how?" Ash said to no one. He then remembered what Dialga said. "More than impressed" "I'll be waiting." Ash recalled those memories and saw a flash Mt. Cornet. "That's what he meant" Ash said realising Dialga's short riddle (attempt).


"Well let's go, I want to reach Twinleaf as soon as possible" Dawn said full of excitement. "Why you excited?" Iris said. "My mom should be there and I haven't seen her since ages" Dawn said. Everyone realised that was the reason for her rush and her choice to go to Twinleaf. They couldn't blame her.

"Is Ash still asleep" Max said walking to Serena along with May. "Yeah he needs time and rest after what happened" Serena replied to the young boy's enquiry. "I know he can get through this, after all he is Kanto Champion" Sawyer said joining Serena, Max and May. Max started talking with Kaylin and Bonnie while the others chatted amongst their selves.

"You are really lucky to have met him, Serena" May said. "I know he's everything to me" Serena said. Drew walked over and pulled out a rose. "These roses match your beautiful outfit" Drew said to Serena. Out of nowhere a punch landed him in the face. The group turned around and looked where the punch came from. "Back off she is mine" Ash said awake on Charizards back.

"You could have told me or I wouldn't have done it" Drew said annoyed. May helped him get up and he pulled out another rose. "What about you, your a cutie as well" Drew said offering a rose to May. "Oh thank you" May said blushing.

"Hold up, you were the one I faced in Hoenn in co-ordinating" Drew said remembering May's face. "Oh yeah you beat my by toast though" May said looking down in embarrassment. "It's fine you tried your hardest anyway" Drew said. "Awww thank you" May said blushing.

Max sighed at his sisters action. "Go in a room" He shouted. The duo looked at him blushing furiously. "Shut up Max!" May shouted. Drew and May walked ahead and started conversing again. "Looks like they might have found their match" Serena said. "Yeah" Ash replied. "Ash, I mean sir, are you okay" Max said. "You can call me Ash, yes I'm fine" Ash replied. "Oh good, I want you to teach me to be a better battler" Max said with passion. "Okay" Ash replied. Max shouted with enthusiasm and joy. Serena blushed at how Ash made him happy. "Love it when he makes people happy" Serena thought in her head.

It was another half an hour walks before Dawn shouted. "Twinleaf yay!" Dawn ran to a house at the right side. It was one of 4 houses that were habited in the areas. They followed Dawn to the house she had run to. Dawn opened the door and saw her mother with two guests. "Mommy!" Dawn said squealing. "Honey your home!" Johanna said hugging her child.

When Serena entered the house she saw someone that surprised her to death. "Mom? Dad?"


You guys are lucky! I had the strength to write this chapter after a lovely night at Manchester. It was a great night in honour of Wayne Rooney and his service to Manchester United.

Anyways I came home and I felt like I could write a chapter. Sorry if the standard is a bit low. I had to come from Manchester to London.

I hoped you liked the chapter and sorry again for a cliffhanger too lazy to put it in one chapter. Also leave comments on your thoughts and opinions of this book and chapter so it would benefit me as an author to act upon them and change as I have done recently.

And yeah thanks for your unconditional support so far. Keep it going!

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Thanks and Peace✌🏻️

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