Chapter 24: Rivalry and Plans

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"Mom? Dad?" Serena said awe struck as she ran and hugged her mother and father with great joy and emotion. "It's great to see you honey!" Grace said with a tear in her eye. "We missed you so much" Serena's dad said as they pulled out of the hug. They then turned to her friends. "Hello Mr Yvonne" Shauna said. "Oh please call me Achille" he said with happiness. The others started greeting Serena's parent.

"Hey where's Ash?" Gary asked. As he said those words Greninja came rushing in looking with discomfort and horror. "Its master, come quick" Greninja said. Achille looked amazed that the Pokémon could talk.

Everyone rushed outside to where Ash was. They saw Ash being lowered down and his body glowing red mostly from his arm. Red came to the front of the group and didn't look unnerved. "Is he alright" Johanna said. "Yes he is fine, this is just a side effect" Red said picking Ash up. "What side effect?" Serena asked. "It's just telling us he is out of energy and needs rest" Red said. "Take him inside and lay him down in one of the rooms" Johanna said leading Red inside. Charizard just about fitted inside the house while the others sat in the hall. Kaylin sat next to Serena and had her arms around the little girl.

Achille noticed this and began to get worried. "Who is this, Serena?" Achille asked looking at Kaylin. "She is Kaylin, I'm basically just her.." Serena was cut off. "My mommy! And the best one" Kaylin said. "You what!? Serena we need to have a word now" Grace and Achille said. They went into a hallway for their privacy.

"Serena you're to young why did you do this?" Achille said. "Look I'm not alone" Serena said. "You got married!?" Achille almost screamed. "No no! Ash is helping me take care of her" Serena said. Serena was about to continue but Achille cut her off. "That weak boy done it with you?" Achille said angrily. "He is not weak" Serena replied angrily. "Achille hear her out, she has more to say" Grace said. Serena nodded thankfully and explained the situation of her and Kaylin and Ash. Achille seemed to calm down a little. "Ok thats fine, but that boy gives me an uneasy feeling. I do not wish for you to be with him" Achille said. "But you haven't met him properly" Serena argued. "I'll decide with him later in a Pokémon battle" Achille said. "You shouldn't do that" Serena said. Achille ignored Serena and headed back to the hall. Serena glances hopefully to her mother but she just sighed and headed back. Serena soon followed and sat next to Kaylin.

Pikachu then ran into the room and jumped onto Serena's lap and curled up and fell asleep. Serena started petting the little mouse as it let some tiny coo's.  "You have a Pikachu?" Grace asked. "He looks healthy and strong" Achille said. "It isn't mine, it's Ash's" Serena said. Achille almost choked and felt like taken his words back.

Soon Red entered the room. "Red what is wrong with your boy?" Achille asked. "You know each other?" Calem asked. "Duh we work for the same company" Achille said. Everyone sweat dropped.

Red explained to the three adults what Ash has gone through over his life. "That boy's been tortured" Johanna said. "I feel sorry for him" Grace said. "He's just a reckless little gimp I say. Why would he fight the lord of space on his own" Achille asked. "Don't call my boy a gimp, he's been heavily tracked by Giovanni and is barely escaping death" Red said. Those words spread an eerie chill around the group.


"Boss we have started the process of the weapon" A grunt said. "Excellent, how long will this take?" Giovanni asked as he spun around his chair to face the grunt. "Approximately a month to finish sir" The grunt said. "Thats long but we'll have to manage for now"

A large explosion could be heard from the room across the hallway. "Go check it out and report back to me" Giovanni said balling his fists. The grunt ran off. More explosions could be heard. Alarm bells were ringing around the building. Smoke was entering the room. The grunt came back with an eager face. "Arceus broke through and has escaped" The grunt said. "Go track him down. Don't lose him" Giovanni said on the verge of pure rage. The grunt spoke to the other grunts who rushed of in the direction of the smoke.

"You and Palkia go check on our spy. Tell him to report back and you hunt the Ketchum boy. I want him alive" Giovanni said. He waved his hand and the grunt sped off and out of the room.

"Ketchum you will be mine" Giovanni said. He looked in Ash's direction as if he knew he was there. Then Palkia came and sent a spacial rend towards him.

Ash woke up with a start and sat up right. He was breathing heavily and sweating like hell. "Here have this" Ash heard a voice next to him. It was Grace. "Oh Ms Yvonne, it's good to see you" Ash said he took the cup of milk from her. "It's great to meet you again Ash" Grace said. "Where's everyone else?" Ash asked. "Oh they are in the hall" Grace said. "Was Giovanni your father?" Grace asked. "He was my step dad. Red is my real dad" Ash said. "I'm sorry that we left you in Pallet to suffer. If only I knew" Grace said. "Don't blame yourself. I had my Pokémon and Professor Oak help me out" Ash said.

"You knew oak?" Grace asked. "I stayed with him for a bit then headed out to do some special training" Ash said. Grace pondered on what training he done. He revealed he was Kanto Champion and Arceus is sort of with in him. "But now our powers got drained out by Team Rocket so that is why I am in this state" Ash said. "Oh okay. I see. Why don't you join us in the hall?" Grace said. "Yeah sure could you send Greninja over?" Ash said. Grace nodded and left the room.

"Is he awake?" Max asked. "Yes he wants Greninja to go over" Grace looked at Greninja. The Pokémon nodded and went to Ash's room. After a few minutes the duo came out and Ash was being helped into the room by Greninja.

"Do you want to sit?" Brock asked getting up from his seat. "No it's fine, I can stand" Ash said. Brock didn't give in and Ash eventually sat down. Johanna introduced herself and Ash happily greeted her back.

Achille gave a cold hello and Ash nodded in his response. Achille was quite unnerved by his gesture but held his anger in. Grace noticed this and felt worried that they might distaste each other. "So Al any more injuries?" Achille asked. "It's Ash" Ash replied with no emotion. Achille grew angrier but Grace calmed him down. "Ash please ignore him" Serena said. Ash simply nodded.

"I challenge you in a 1 v 1 battle" Achille beamed out. That got Ash's attention. He started to feel the man's hatred rise and he could feel himself boil with anger. His wound started glowing red and Serena spotted this. "Ash you are not well. You cannot battle" Serena said. "You know I do not turn down a battle" Ash said. Serena looked like she was going to punch Ash but gave in knowing he won't refuse.

"Your on" Ash said. Achille grew a smirk, which Serena and Grace disliked. The gang headed out to the grass which was big enough to hold a battle.

"Clemont you referee the game" Ash said. Clemont nodded. "This will be a 1 v 1 Pokémon battle. Once either trainers Pokémon are out the battle is over" Clemont said. Both trainers nodded.

"Abamosnow, I need your assistance" Achille said throwing his PokéBall. Abamosnow came out and let out a huge roar that shook the ground.

"Greninja, I choose you" Ash said. Greninja front flipped and landed in front of Ash in battle stance.

"Battle begin" Clemont said. *cue battle music*

"Abamosnow use ice punch" Achille shouted. Abamosnow's fist turned into ice and sent it towards Greninja who took the attack dead on. "Greninja are you okay?" Ash said.

"Use wood hammer" Achille said. A wooden hammer was sent flying towards Greninja. "How are you going to deal with this" Achille said with a hint of tease in his voice.

"We'll deal with it with all we have, more and more force LETZ GO!!" Ash bellowed out. Ash and Greninja began synchronising. This time a red aura filled the air as the transformation took place. The water disappeared of Greninja's body showing his new form.

"Are you ready?" Ash asked. Greninja gave a slight nod. "Aerial ace" Ash commanded. Greninja sped towards Abamosnow with terrific amounts of speed. It started punching and kicking Abamosnow. Greninja jumped backwards avoiding any recoil from the move.

"Ice punch"

"Water Shuriken"

Both moves collided making smoke appear from the impact. Once it settled Ash Greninja was in the air. "Aerial Ace!" Ash said. Greninja sped towards the huge Pokémon.

"Wood hammer" Achille said. The wood hammer hit Greninja knocking him backwards. Ash held onto his stomach in pain after the attack. There were a few gasps in the mini crowd. Ash ignored them and felt anger rise in him.

Ash and Greninja were engulfed in red aura. Ash had got red pupils as well as Greninja. "We need to win! I want to win!" Ash said in anger. Greninja snarled angrily. Suddenly in front of them Palkia appeared a few meters in front of Abamosnow. Ash's anger grew but the pain in his wound grew and stung.

"Aerial ace" Ash said. Greninja sped towards the Palkia but it dodged the move successfully.

"What is he doing? That attack didn't even reach Abamosnow" Max said. "He doesn't look the same, look at his eyes!" Sawyer said.

The group turned their attention to Ash's eye. Instead of brown they were inflamed with red. "Oh no! I told him not to battle" Serena said. She was going to run on the battlefield to stop but was cut off by Achille's voice.

"Wood hammer" the Pokémon sent the hammer flying and hit Greninja dead on. Ash clutched his stomach in pain. "Greninja water Shuriken!" Ash said. In his vision Palkia dodged again and again after the constant attacks. Achille took this unfortunate distraction to his advantage.

"Finish this, Ice Punch!" Achille bellowed out. The snow Pokémon sent it's fist flying to Greninja's face. Ash saw the Palkia disappear and returned to his senses. It was too late. Greninja took the full impact and was sent flying back to a tree. He collapsed on the floor. Ash's knees buckled up and lost balance. He fell to his knees after the impact.

"Greninja is unable to battle, this means Achille is the winner" Clemont said. Serena rushed over to Ash and started shaking him. "I l-lost?" Ash managed to croak out. "Thank god your okay" Serena said and hugged him.

"Your just as useless as I thought" Achille said walking over. Serena broke the hug and stood up. Ash remained on the ground. His hat covered his eyes. "I wasn't feeling synchronised. I didn't feel like me at all" Ash thought and was close to a tear. "I want a rematch. Defeat is all always an opportunity to grow and get stronger" Ash said with determination. "Ask me anytime and next time it will be for a deal. I win you leave Serena. You win you get Serena" Achille said. Serena looked flabbergasted at her dad. She couldn't believe he said this. "I accept" Ash said. "Ash why are you doing this!" Serena said. "Don't worry. I know what I am doing" Ash replied. "Next time a 6v6 battle" Achille said. "I only will need 4" Ash said. Everyone looked in amazement. "You only have 3 though?" Gary said. Ash didn't reply. "Wise and foolish words. However you have a strong heart. I'll give you that. Nonetheless you are a fool" Achille said. "Words do not affect me" Ash replied before walking over to Greninja. He put him back in his Pokéball and went back to the group.

"Here I'll tend to him, but someone will have to make dinner" Johanna said. "Don't worry me and Clemont are the chefs in the house" Brock exclaimed causing a few giggles around the group. Achille took Serena with him. Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder looking worried. Ash kept recalling the vision of Palkia in mid battle. He snapped out of it and told Pikachu he was fine. Pikachu wouldn't give in asking. "I bet you there is ketchup for dinner" Ash said. Pikachu's face grew excited and ran inside the house.

Ash limped to the group in the dining hall. But rejected dinner as he had quite a lot of things on his mind. He stood against a wall with his hat covering his eyes. He ignored the group talking and felt around his pocket. He lifted the master ball a little just to see another glimpse of it. However Gary and Calem spotted this and smiled at each other.

"So what's the plan now?" Misty asked. "What do you mean?" Dawn said. "Where are we going from now?" Misty corrected herself. " I don't know actually" Dawn replied. Ash lifted his head up.

"Mt. Cornet" Ash said. Everyone turned to him with confused expressions. "Why there?" Dawn said. "I have some unfinished business there" Ash said. "Unfinished?" Dawn said even more confused. "You've been here before" Gary said. Ash nodded. "Dawn I wad the figure that stopped team galactic that day on Mt. Cornet" Ash said. "You were the one?" Dawn said gob smacked.

"I swear you are some mysterious kind of hero but I admire it" Paul said. "You finally spoke! What took you so long!" May said. Causing laughters around the group but Ash. "I was just taking everything in" Paul replied. May rolled her eyes. "Anyways what business do you have there" Achille asked. "You'll see once we are there" Ash said keeping calm.

"Why can't you tell us. Are you that lonely" Achille blurted out. "Dad! Stop it you've been abusing him since he came in. Give him a break" Serena pleaded. "He doesn't seem worthy" Achille said. Ash let out a chuckle "worthy, we'll see" Ash said under his breath. "What was that?" Achille said noticing. Ash ignored it and walked off. Greninja and Pikachu followed.

Ash sat outside where they had battled. Pikachu came and sat on Ash's lap while Greninja rested on the side of the tree. Gary and Calem soon came out with Kaylin by their side.

"Yo Ash!" Gary said. "Yes Gary?" Ash asked. "There was no space with the Yvonne's so Kaylin wanted to be with you" Gary said. Kaylin ran to Ash and hugged onto him.

"Also we have a few questions?" Calem said. "You want to know why I have a master ball" Ash said. Gary and Calem looked at each other. "I told you this guy is Houdini" Gary said. Calem just smacked his head.

"Yeah we want to know, if you want to tell" Gary said. "Yes I will, but don't reveal it just yet" Ash said. "Yes boss" Gary said getting in a salute position. Calem smacked him again. "Can you stop smacking me" Gary said rubbing his head. "Stop being weird" Calem replied. After that was settled Ash explained the reason he had the master ball.

"Lucky now you get the Houdini of time" Gary said. Ash and Calem sweat dropped. "Nope it is just Dialga" Calem said. "Still.." Gary replied. "Anyways we are going to bed. Good night" Calem said. He dragged Gary and walked back into the house. Ash felt Kaylin's tiny breaths on his leg and saw she was asleep. He pulled out a blanket and put it on top of Kaylin and patted her on the back.

Back in the house everyone had got settled to sleep and went to their separate rooms. Achille was standing at the window staring at the scene between Ash and Kaylin. "Why are you doing this Achille?" Grace said. "I'm just testing him to see if he is worthy of Serena" Achille replied. "Come on, Serena is grown up. You have to see her in a different light" Grace said. "But I don't want her to be with the wrong people" Achille said. "Serena is old enough to make that decision and trust me Ash is a caring person as you just saw with Kaylin" Grace said. "But he's to secretive. I don't like it" Achille said. "He has his reasons and he has had a troubled childhood" Grace said. "Whatever" Achille said. Serena soon entered and the family fell asleep.


"Greninja I am sorry about earlier in out battle" Ash said. Greninja lifted it's head. "It's not your fault master, it's mine. I didn't feel concentrated" Greninja said. "Trust me I diverted that. I made you look like a fool" Ash said. Greninja knew he was right but was afraid to offend him. "I am sorry" Ash said. "It's okay" Greninja replied.

Ash sat looking at the stars. "What is our future, I wonder" Ash thought. He sat in silence for 5 minutes before talking again.

"From now on, we train harder and work harder. We will get stronger and stronger day by day. Are you with me" Ash said. He put out his hand. Pikachu put his paw and Greninja put his as well. And together they lifted their hands.

"Now we welcome our new member soon.." Ash said clutching the master ball in his hand.


Sorry of the standard wasn't the best. I am working with shit wifi so it is hard for me to write chapters fluently. Anyway I hoped you liked this chapter make sure to hit that star!

Also leave comments about your opinions on this book and chapters so I can know what is need to improve this book. Also leave any suggestions that I could add as well.

Instagram: @_satosere_

Thanks and Peace✌🏻️

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