Chapter 33: Bewildering Snow Forest!

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*Note* I do make some stuff up in this story so if you seemed confused about anything, remember I sometimes make stuff up. Anyways on with the Chapter!


'We better start before the snow storm kicks in' Brock said looking at the dark storm clouds which had cascaded over their path to Snow Point. 'Yeah Brock has a point, let's get some distance in' Clemont said looking at Ash. Ash looked around and nodded, agreeing.

The group put out their fire and gathered their belongings from their respective tents.
'Kaylin, I'll carry you, your feet won't make it through the thick snow' Serena said. 'Okie dokie mommy' Kaylin said buzzing with that idea. She hopped into Serena's arms and wrapped her arm around her neck to keep herself balanced. 'Is everyone ready?' Dawn said. She looked around the group who were all nodding.
     'Alright let's get moving' Ash said, he started walking forwards sided by Serena and Gary, while the others followed close behind.
     'If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened the other day in our battle' Gary asked with care not wanting to offend Ash in anyway. Ash noticed his fear, 'curiosity is not a sin, so don't be afraid. I'll tell you' Ash said, Gary's face lightened up. Pikachu and Serena also grew interested in the subject.
       Ash explained  about the little fight in his mind with the spirit but didn't put much detail, which was accepted by the trio listening. 'Well Houdini can hold anyone off right?' Gary said looking at the duo who just rolled their eyes. A snow drop then fell on his nose. 'Hey the storm, it's starting to happen' Gary said showing the snow drop. More of them started falling and gradually the speed started to increase in the fall.

Ash turned the group behind them and told them the warning, 'Guys stay close and look for any shelter we can seek refuge in' Ash said. 'Ash, look at that' Tierno pointed a bit further down the path. There was a black hovering figure bearing down on them. The gang couldn't make out what it was as it was far. They started walking towards it but the figure went through the ground. 'Well we are not going that way' Calem said. 'No shit Sherlock' Misty mumbled.

The snow storm had started its gears and was blowing everything in it's path. The snow hurt the skins of the gang as they walked with force through the thick storm. 'Serena, Gary hold my hand so we don't get seperated' Ash shouted through the storm. Serena grasped his hand shaking with coldness. Gary did the same on the other side.

'Yo guys, stay..' Gary turned around and saw everyone else had disappeared, 'Yo Ash we lost the others' Gary said pointing behind them. Ash turned around and saw nothing but snow falling. Just then the dark figure appeared again and stared at him. Ash felt his stare in his soul and shook a little. Ash kept staring at it but was snapped out of his stare by Serena, 'hey look there's an open tree trunk over there' Serena pointed at a large tree with its trunk wide open, offering shelter.

'Let's rest in there for now' Ash said. He dragged the other two with him until they reached the shelter. 'Looks good enough' Gary said looking at the interior which was nothing but wood. 'It's wood Gary' Ash said looking at him. Gary just shrugged and made himself comfortable at the back of the trunk.

'We'll go after the storm has died down.' Serena said looking at the raging snow falling towards the surface of the earth. 'Yeah get some sleep and we should feel refreshed' Ash said. He rested up against a wall and set his bag down next to him. Serena lay her head on his lap and fell asleep with Kaylin in her arms. Ash then fell asleep with his arm on Pikachu's head while they slept on the floor.


'Oh god, we lost Ash, Serena and Gary' Bonnie said looking out of the cave hoping their figures popped out. 'They'll be fine, they have Ash's experience to get through situations like this' Paul said, assuring the little blonde girl.

The wind howled as the snow crashed onto the snow-bed that had been here ever since the beginning. 'Should we risk going out?' Calem said stepping a little bit out but an instant rush of cold wind engulfed him causing him to stumble back in. 'Maybe not' he said as his teeth chattered. Everyone sweat dropped and cursed his stupidity that existed.

They then saw the figure from before appear in the forest ahead of them, near the trunk that the others had refuged inside off. 'That figure is getting rather suspicious' Trevor said looking at it. 'It has been roaming around there for quite a while' Dawn said.

'What do you mean for a while?' Iris asked looking at Dawn. Dawn cleared her throat, 'well there is a legend that a mysterious figure lurks around these forests. It's reported to be a Darkrai who sends people into nightmare and injure them before fleeing to who ever is in control of it' Dawn said.
      'Does that mean Ash is nearby?' Miette asked. 'Don't know but we better keep out of its sight nonetheless' May said getting a chill, Drew wrapped his arms around her and comforted her. Max groaned annoyed, 'Ash and Serena are a better couple than you lot' He said. May and Drew gave him a death stare and he slowly backed out.

'Well let's get some rest, once the storm dies down we'll search for Ash' Brock said. Everyone nodded and pulled out their sleeping bags and fell asleep even though there was the howling wind of the raging storm.


A figure approached the gang which rested inside the cave. It hovered over a couple of faces, almost as if looking for something. It stopped when it saw the sleeping body of a little girl, it was Bonnie. He slowly went towards Bonnie, not wanting any attention diverted to him. He picks up Bonnie and puts her on his shoulder. He started to fly away.

'Hey give her back!' Max shouted at the figure but it flew off. Max started to run after it, calling Bonnie's name. Bonnie opened her eyes to total shock. 'Max help me! Please' Bonnie cried and tried to wiggle out but the figure had a strong grasp about him. Bonnie looked at the figure and saw it was Darkrai and screamed louder. 'I'm coming Bonnie' Max shouted and jumped onto Darkrai's back.

Ash's eyes shot open. He could still here the screams in his head but tried to shake it off but they stayed. He soon realised it wasn't a dream, it was reality. He jumped up causing Serena to wake up in anger. 'Ash that hurt! What's your.. Problem' Serena looked at Ash who looked worried. 'Gary wake up now!' Ash shouted. Gary's eyes shot open as well, 'Dancing queen' he said for no reason at all, 'oh Ash what's the matter' Gary said.

'Bonnie and Max they are in trouble' Ash said, he then explained what he saw in the dream. They gasped in shock. 'We need to find them now' Gary said. Bonnie's screamed then echoed through the woods, causing the trio to rush out. 'Greninja, use your super vision to find Bonnie and Max' Ash said as he called out his ninja Pokémon. Greninja closed it's eyes. For a few minutes there was silence but Greninja looked up and sped into the forest. 'Let's go!' Ash said and Serena with Kaylin with her and Gary started to run behind him.

They ran towards the constant screams and sobs. They were now in the middle of the forest and screams and shrieks were heard in all directions. It reverberated all around them and they stood back to back looking in the directions of the screams.

'They're everywhere but how?' Gary said. Their heads looked in different directions as the screams kept moving around. Ash felt multiple presences getting closer towards them as did Greninja, 'can you feel it?' Ash asked his Pokémon who nodded and looked around.

Max then appeared with Bonnie who were hunched up against a tree with scared faces. 'Ash please help us' Max pleaded. Ash rushed over to Max but as he did, Serena and Gary became tied up magically up against a tree. 'Ash! Help us!' Serena shouted in fear. Ash looked back and saw Serena and Gary struggling in the tightly tied rope. He then heard chuckles in front of him. He looked and saw Bonnie and Max with red eyes. 'Go on Ketchum, make your choice it's either them...' Bonnie said in a deep voice, 'or us' Max finished her sentence. Ash didn't move, he was frozen to the ground not knowing what to do.

'Times up, now feel our wrath' Max said. His and Bonnie's body started transforming into a floating and hunched figures. Ash's eyes showed horror but no fear, his friends had their jaws wide open, wondering what was going on. The transformation took few minutes and they had turned into Darkrai's. They tackled Ash and sent him flying backwards into a tree. 'Ash!' Serena shouted, she tried getting out but a third Darkrai came over to her, 'such a shame we have to get rid of such a pretty face' Darkrai said caressing her face, Serena winced at his cold touch.

Ash jumped out of the tree and tackled the Darkrai off of Serena, 'don't you dare ever touch her' Ash shouted in pure anger, his blood was bubbling inside him. 'Where is Max and Bonnie' Ash said pinning the Darkrai on the floot. How ever it escaped Ash's grasp and rejoined the other two Darkrai's with them. They stood in a formation.

'We gave you a nightmare Ketchum' One of the Darkrai said. Ash looked at him confused. 'We're specialist when it comes to nightmare' the other one said laughing a little. 'Huh?' Ash said confused. 'We basically baited you out and got you here so we can capture you' The middle one spoke, he had a much deeper voice than the other two.

'Why do you want me?' Ash said, Greninja jumped in front of him in battle stance. 'For our boss, he wants you dead' The middle Darkrai said. 'Giovanni' Ash whispered. 'He's clever ain't he' The other one hissed. 'Well Ketchum come with us or see your friends suffer' They said pointing at Serena and Gary and Kaylin. 'Daddy beat those baddies up' Kaylin shouted. 'Go shut her up' The middle Darkrai said but Ash intervened, 'you touch her and it will be the end of you' Ash said his rage increasing.

'He's brave as well' The 3rd Darkrai said. Ash looked at them, they looked to be in a hurry. 'We'll have a Pokémon battle against the strongest one of you lot' Ash said, 'and if I win you let us go' Ash continued. The three Darkrai's huddled up together and conversed before pulling out. 'What if we wins' The 2nd Darkrai said. Ash thought about it for a moment and decisions to risk, 'I'll go with you' Ash said. 'Ash no!' Gary shouted. Ash turned back to him and gave him a wink which he didn't like.

The three Darkrai's looked at each other and nodded. 'We accept' they said. The middle Darkrai stepped forward, saying he will be challenging. Ash nodded and they went to the opposite ends, Darkrai standing on the battlefield.

'Well Greninja your up' Ash said, Greninja bent it's knees and growled at Darkrai. Darkrai laughed at it, which unfazed Greninja. 'You get the first move' Ash said. Darkrai's face grew evil.

Darkrai sent a shadow ball to Greninja. 'Greninja dodge it and use cut' Ash shouted. Greninja side stepped past the Shadow Ball and a white stick formed in his hands and charged at Darkrai. Darkrai didn't move and didn't seem that fazed of what was happening. As Greninja was about to slash, Darkrai disappeared. Greninja's attack missed completely.

Darkrai re appeared behind Greninja and used another Shadow Ball which hit him on the back. Greninja was forced to crash into the ground. 'Hahaha you stand no chance against me fool. You will lose' Darkrai said in an evil tone. Ash gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. 'Greninja use aerial ace' Ash commanded. Greninja jumped at Darkrai who disappeared again. Greninja swung at the air and felt another shadow ball to the back.

The other Darkrai were laughing and cursing Ash and Greninja. Ash had had enough. 'Use multiple water Shuriken's' Ash said angrily. Greninja sent two Shuriken's at Darkria who blocked it with Shadow ball. There was a tiny explosion causing a bit of smoke. A Shuriken burst through the smoke which caught Darkria off guard but still managed to dodge it. 'Is that it' Darkria said but he looked up and saw Greninja.

'Now use cut!' Ash shouted and Greninja this time successfully hit Darkria causing the jeering to stop from Darkria. 'Ha take that you piece of shi..' Gary said but Serena kicked his leg while looking at Kaylin.

'That was clever my boy but that will be the only time you hit' Darkria said getting up. 'We will not lose to you. We will get more and more stronger, Let'Z Go!' Ash and Greninja started their synchro evolution. Greninja jumped up in the air and lost it's water guard and revealing it's Shuriken. 'More stronger' Ash shouted. The Shuriken on it's back grew larger.

'Greninja use water shuriken!' Ash shouted. Greninja picked up the Shuriken but hesitated at first at the weight. But managed to throw it. 'Ohhh shit...' Darkrai just watched the Shuriken edge itself closer. And BANG! There was a huge explosion causing heavy winds to fly around.

Once the dust settled it revealed Darkrai unconscious. The other two started to cower. They ran up to the Darkria and picked it up and ran off shouting, 'we'll be back! and disappeared into the depths of the forest.

Ash walked over to his two friends and untied them from the rope. 'Ash thank god your okay!' Serena said hugging Ash. 'Yay! You beat those baddies up' Kaylin said cheering. Ash ruffled through the little girls hair, 'anything for you sweet pea' Ash said smiling. He got back up, 'well let's head back and find the others' Ash said and started walking off towards a cave.


Well it's not really a cliff hanger is it? Idk. Anyway I hoped you enjoyed this chapter as I did making it for you guys. Also I will be uploading this book one night and then the next day will be my other book on my second account amourshippingz so tomorrow there will be a chapter for that book

Also leave comments on your thoughts of this book and the chapter overall so I can get your Point of view on how the story is going. I always appreciate your comments as they help me make chapters better for you guys!

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Instagram: _satosere_
2nd: Amour_.7
Twitter: 7amour7

Thanks and Peace ✌🏻

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