Chapter 32: Fighting The Evil Spirit!

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'Charizard is unable to battle, Blastoise wins!' Misty announced. Everyone in the group looked shocked at the sight. It was a rare occasion to see Ash on the back foot from the start, let alone the whole battle.
       Ash looked at Gary. He didn't seem surprised that he had beaten Charizard. 'He ain't bad is he Pikachu?' Ash said still looking at Gary. 'Pika Pikachu!' Pikachu said encouraging Ash that he can win. Ash smiled and petted his mouse Pokémon.
       'If he's going all out for this, I'll go all out as well. Greninja, I choose you!' Ash threw his PokéBall. Greninja came out, standing in a ninja position.
        'Finally, your Greninja, I was waiting for this battle' Gary said. Ash smiled and nodded as did Gary in return.

'Blastoise, rapid spin!' Gary shouted as he threw his arms in front of him. Blastoise retreated inside it's shell and started spinning rapidly. It started spinning towards Greninja.
         'Greninja, dodge it,!' Ash shouted. Greninja jumped over Blastoise and landed behind it. 'Now, Blastoise use Hydro pump' Blastoise stopped spinning and released water from it's two guns on it's shoulder. It was too quick for the likes of Greninja who took the hit. He flew backwards landing on his back and sliding in the snow.

Greninja crashed into a tree, which stopped him sliding further but caused more damage. Ash ran over to Greninja. 'Are you okay?' Ash said looking at his ninja Pokémon. Greninja nodded and stood back up on its feet. 'We need to catch him off guard' Ash said, then it clicked.

'Greninja use water Shuriken!' Ash commanded. Greninja clapped it's hands and formed two Shurikens which he threw at Blastoise. 'Deflect them with rapid spin' Gary shouted desperately. He knocked back the shurikens and stopped spinning but there was another Shuriken coming at it. 'Dodge!' Gary shouted. Blastoise just about managed to dodge it by a side step. However it was unbalanced due to this.

'Use cut!' Ash shouted. Greninja jumped in the air as a glowing stick appeared in his hands. He swooped low and knocked down the already unbalanced Blastoise. Blastoise fell onto it's back doing a few rollie pollies in the snow before standing back up. 'Greninja is quick as well, use hydro pump!' Gary shouted. Blastoise released jets of water soaring towards Greninja.

'Water Shuriken to stop it!' Ash shouted back. The two Shuriken's caused another explanation, a tiny one. No damage was inflicted during that segement. 'Rapid spin' Gary shouted. Blastoise hid inside it's shell and spun it's way over to Greninja. Ash narrowed his eyes and felt an idea click in him.

'Greninja, water Shuriken, aim fot it's feet' Ash said. Greninja jumped up and clapped his hands and threw multiple Shurikens at the base of the on rushing Blastoise. However once the move had impact on Blastoise, it abruptly stoppped in it's tracks.

'What!?' Gary shouted. He looked at Blastoise and noticed his feet were frozen to the ground.
'No way did Ash do that! But how?' Serena said amazed at the strategy. 'He used the Shuriken's to combine with the snow and the temperature. Causing ice to be formed. He used it at his feet, in result now they are frozen' Clemont said explaining the strategy. 'Incredible' everyone said in unison. Sawyer started to write down endlessly in his little note pad.

'Finish this with aerial ace' Ash said calmly, now. Greninja's hands and legs grew a light shade of blue. He jumped at Blastoise with speed and started punching and kicking him. A punch to the face was enough to send the turtle Pokémon to the ground, unconscious.

'Blastoise is unable to battle, Greninja wins! This will now be the decider!' Misty shouted at the two trainers. They looked even more intensely at each other. They showed no holding back.

'Pidgeot, eyes in the sky' Gary shouted as he threw his PokéBall onto the battlefield. Pidgeot appeared and soared high in the sky, doing loops. It stopped and gave Greninja an unmerciful look. Greninja started growling. Ash could feel the anger rise in him as well, as if he had seen through Greninja's vision.

'Pidgeot use brave bird!' Pidgeot was enveloped in a blue coating. It speed increased as it descended towards Greninja. As soon as it was about to make impact, Greninja disappeared causing it to break harshly.

'Use cut!' Ash said. Greninja appeared behind Pidgeot and the white stick grew in his hands. He slashed at Pidgeot and sent him hurtling towards the ground. Pidgeot managed to ascend avoiding impact with ground, to relief any more damage.

'Water Shuriken!' Ash shouted. Greninja formed the shurikens with a single clap and threw them at Pidgeot. 'Use gust and knock em down' Gary said. Pidgeot started flapping its wings rapidly causing heavy winds to form. The two Shuriken's diverted their direction and hit Greninja itself. Greninja slid backwards a bit.

'Use steel wing' Gary shouted. Pidgeot soared high in the sky. It's wings grew hard and descended towards Greninja. The movement was fast for the ninja Pokémon and it took the hit causing it to fly over Ash and into a tree. 'Greninja, are you okay?' Ash looked behind him. Greninja looked to be struggling massively. But it managed to get up and stand.

'That's the spirit, we will not give up,' Ash said. He could feel the synchronisation starting but he felt different. More anger. 'We'll get more and more stronger, LETZ GO!' Ash said but his voice turned deeper at the end. Almost like Alfred, Giovanni's dead father.

Ash and Greninja started copying each other's movement as the synchronisation happened. Greninja instantly lost the water shield around it and grew a shuriken on it's back. However Ash and Greninja's eyes were red, which was unnoticed by the group.

'What is this?' Max said, obviously seeing it for the first time. 'They looked in sync' Sawyer said looking amazed, he even dropped his pen in amazement. 'Instead of Mega evolution, they synchro evolutioned.' Brock said. 'It is a really rare gift and only a small amount of people can pull it off' Clemont said. 'Wow, he won the Kanto League with just Pikachu' Max said.

Everyone looked at him confused. 'What do you mean only Pikachu, he used Greninja on me and Charizard' Misty said turning back to the group. 'Trust me, Pikachu was the only Pokémon he ever used in the league' Max said. Everyone looked at Ash, but still didn't notice the red eyes. 'Wow, I wouldn't want to face him at all' Calem said, slightly scared.

'Greninja use cut' Two sticks appeared in Greninja's hand and he ran at Pidgeot in a flash. Pidgeot could barely see the movement. Next thing it knew it recieved a huge pain in the side of its head.

Greninja and Ash snickered evily, which caught everyone's attention. They looked at him closely and spotted the red eyes. Serena grew into panic at the sight of it. 'Ash!' Serena screamed loudly.

Ash looked over to her, and for a split second the red eyes vanished. But it returned in an instant. He looked back at the battle. He was possessed.

'Greninja water shuriken' Ash said angrily. Greninja threw the Shuriken with all it's might at the Pidgeot. It wrapped itself around its neck. It flew straight into the ground causing heavy amounts of damage. It couldn't fly anymore. It felt week. 'Use cut' Greninja ran towards the Pidgeot with great speed. However it was like slow motion for the bird type as it knew it was beaten.

There was a huge explosion after the move had made impact with Pidgeot. Snow flew everywhere causing a mini blizzard to take place. Once the snow settled it revealed an unconscious Pidgeot lying down with Greninja staring at it with it's evil eyes.

'Pidgeot is unable to battle, Greninja wins! This means Ash wins!' Misty announced. The group ran over to Ash but he still had red eyes. They kept distance between themselves. Serena was the brave one to edge closer to him. 'Ash?' Serena said edging closer. Ash turned his head to Serena. He could feel himself calm down. The red eyes vanished and he looked at Serena. However he could see an arm reach out for her and he grabbed it. Darkness filled within him.


Ash opened his eyes and saw nothing but darkness. He stood up but felt weak. He looked around and saw a screen. He walked closer to it and saw Serena and the others looking at him worriedly and afraid. Ash was about to shout but he then felt a cold gush of wind on his back. He started choking and fell to the ground. He felt weak. He looked up and saw Alfred standing over him.

'Your a fool, Ash Ketchum' Alfred said as he edged closer to Ash's face. He was within a centimetre away from his face. 'What do y-you want' Ash said choking a bit mid sentence.

Alfred pulled away from Ash and stared down at him. 'Your death, I'm going to try one more time' Alfred said. 'Again?' Ash said. 'Yes, I tried when you were a little brat but you had your fathers protection' Alfred said angrily, 'now that you don't have daddy. I'm going to kill you. A slow and painful death.' Alfred said.

Ash started getting horrible images and visions. Serena was cheating on him for Tierno. Pikachu and Greninja joined Team rocket. Ash was going crazy. He was receiving pain from those images. He could the light slowly sink away.

'Fight it Ash, think of the good times. You need to fight! Don't give up' Ash heard Samuels voice in his head. He then heard the voice of Serena and Pikachu calling his name.

Ash's visions changed. They were happy ones. Like when he got Pikachu and when he met Serena and the day he became champion. Then him and Serena kissing. Ash could feel power return in him.

'You'll never know what Love and Friendship is. And I feel sorry for such a lonely bastard' Ash said. Alfred looked at him angrily. He went over to grab Ash. 'I've had enough of you boy!' Alfred said walking over to Ash . As soon as he touched Ash his hands started to smoke. It resided all over his body and he soon vanished into thin air. Ash felt his knees buckle and he fell to the ground gasping for air. He then felt his eyes get heavy and close.


Ash's eyes shot open but his head was hurting a lot. Everyone turned their heads towards Ash as they heard his breaths get louder. 'Ash! Are you okay?!' Serena said panicking and hugged him tightly. 'Yeah bro you seemed weird earlier' Calem said.

'What happened' Ash said looking at the gang for any type of answer. 'Well you grabbed your own hand and then you just gave way and fell' Alain said. 'And just now some spirit just came out your body and flew off looking angry' Gary said. Ash looked relieved as he knew he escaped the curse of Alfred.
        'Well it doesn't matter anyway, I'm fine now' Ash said happily, which lifted everyone's mood. 'Well what about the tournament?' Cilan asked. 'As much as I want to continue, Serena won't let me,' Ash said looking at Serena. 'You are in no state to battle' Serena said looking back at Ash with concern in her eyes. 'So I'm gonna pull out so my next opponent goes to the final straight away' Ash said. Misty then grabbed his hat and started picking out the semifinals draw.

Ash Vs Saywer
Alain Vs Tierno

'Since Ash pulled out, Sawyer your in the final' Misty said. Saywer nodded in response. 'Well Alain and Trevor your up!' Misty said. The two trainers nodded and headed towards the battlefield for their clash. 'This is going to be one hell of a battle' Ash said. Everyone hummed in agreement.

'This will be a full 6v6 battle. Both are allowed to make substitutions.. Well you get the idea' Misty said lazily. The two trainers nodded and braced themselves for the battle.


Alain beat Tierno 6-0, absolutely demolishing him with just a charizard. 'Wow Alain seems strong AF' May said. 'He only used Charizard and Ash only used Pikachu in the Kanto league, they are definitely the Houdini brothers' Gary said with pride. His pride was bought back to reality by a punch in the head by Misty.
          'Shut up about Houdini alright. I'm sick and tired of you saying that' Misty said angrily which intimidated Gary making him apologies a 100 times. 'Those two certainly have their moments' Shauna said causing everyone to sweat drop.  'Looks like I'll take over as referee' Brock said as Misty and Gary went back to their tent arguing.

Brock explained the rules to the finalists who accepted the terms of the battle, luckily they didn't have to fill out a form for terms and services.
            The battle ended in half an hour, Alain winning in the tense final 6-4 vs Sawyer. The group congratulated Alain and gave their sympathy to Sawyer who was blushing by the compliments he received, especially from Ash.

'Well it's me vs you, Ketchum boy' Misty said walking back to the group dragging Gary by the ear. 'Ash please beat him up while I battle' Misty said. She walked off with Alain to the battlefield for the ultimate showdown.
           Gary looked at Ash hoping he wouldn't beat him up. Ash raised his fist and Gary closed his eyes for the impact and looked scared. 'I'm messing with ya' Ash said and Gary breathed a sigh of relief. They turned their attention back to the battle to see the showdown.

'This is a 1v1 battle and you know the rules, release your Pokémon!' Clemont shouted. Misty's face grew determined.
      'Gyrados, your up!' Misty said in a singing voice. Gyrados roared as he appeared on the battlefield.
       'Charizard I choose you!' Alain said copying the same movements as Ash does.  'Mega evolve' Alain shouted and pressed the keystone on his wrist.

'Battle begin!' Clemont shouted.

'Gyrados hydro pump' Misty shouted. Gyrados released strong waters from it's mouth at Charizard. With a no communication Charizard dodged it. 'Use flamethrower' Alain shouted. The Gyrados engulfed the flames, hoping it would not be much damaged. However it was wrong. It was much more powerful and it flinched. 'Finish it with dragon claw' Alain shouted. The Charizard grew longer and sharper claws and swooped in on the flinching Gyrados. It made a huge exploded once the move connected with the body of Gyrados.

Charizard flew away from the flying smoke and stood back in front of Alain looking proud.

Once the snow settled, Gyrados lay there with it's tongue out and swirly eyes confirming it had lost the battle. 'How!?' Misty said completely baffled by what had happened. 'Gyrados is unable to battle, Charizard wins. This means Alain is champion' Clemont announced. There were huge cheers from the boys section. The girls went over to Misty to giver her sympathy.

'Hey Alain, you are quite something huh?' Ash said amazed at what had just happened.

'I can say the same about you' Alain said as they stared at each other and then resumed their mint celebration with the other "nutty geezers."


Before you say anything, this was not meant to be any offence to sexism in any way. Just to clear that up. Anyway if it seemed a bit off today, i am currently in hotel in Bournemouth so I have terrible wifi again. And also don't expect a chapter tomorrow as this wifi is giving me a headache. So sorry! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did make sure to hit the star and share it if you want.

Also make sure to check out the first chapter of the new series I am working on. Let me know over there about what you think about it. As well as over here, let me know what your general thoughts and opinions are towards this book and chapter. Feedback is really helpful!

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Thanks and peace ✌🏻

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