Chapter 1: Betrayed & Broken

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'Well Pikachu, we won another league!' Ash exclaimed. He looked down at his Pokémon who was looking at its reflection in the Alola league trophy. 'Pika!' Pikachu replied, almost squealing with joy. 'You will get so much ketchup, because you were incredible out there' Ash said. Pikachu grew even more excited and started licking Ash's face uncontrollably.
'Hey stop it! That tickles' Ash said laughing. 'I can't wait till my mom knows about this' Ash said, he looked out threw the plane window and saw Kanto approaching. He had a smile as big as the Earths surface area.

'Well Pikachu, we're almost home!' Ash said pointing out the window. Pikachu jumped off it's seat and onto the window and looked out seeing Kanto approaching, 'Pika Pi' Pikachu said.

It was for another half an hour before the plane had touched down in Viridian city airport in Kanto. Ash was the last one to exit the plane. As he stepped out he took one huge breath of the air of Kanto and felt refreshed after the sweet scent the sky was engulfed in. 'Feels good to be home' Ash said, doing a few stretches. Pikachu then jumped onto his shoulder copying it's trainers actions by breathing in the fresh air of Kanto.

The duo walked out of the airport and into the busy roads. He was walking towards the route to pallet town, however he was receiving ominous stares from the local. Ash felt that something was wrong and increased his speed avoiding the looks. He walked past a news cast.

'This boy has been reported to have been cheating his way to win the Pokémon leagues. Locals are protesting for him to be caught and taken away for his actions. Reports are saying that the police are on the lookout for the boy' A news caster said to the camera man while holding a picture of Ash. Ash saw the image and became worried.

As he walked past the news reporter, all eyes fell on him. Ash could feel the weight of their eyes pressuring him. Sweat was trickling down his forehead. Ash started to run away and heard people running after him. Ash turned into a dark alley way but there was no way out. He was trapped.

The group of civilians stood in front of him with pitchforks and charmanders. 'Well it's the cheater who cheated to win the titles' one of them hissed at Ash. 'What do you mean I cheated' Ash shouted at them. 'We know what we saw and we have a trusty source as well' The man replied. Ash grew angry, he had his fists balled up in front of them.

'Well I didn't cheat in anything, so stop accusing me!' Ash shouted. 'What proof do you have boy? The its 1 against a million. You stand no chance' the Man said snarling at Ash. 'Charmander use flamethrower' All of the locals shouted and one huge flamethrower at Ash.

Ash closed his eyes, looking unfazed at what was heading to him. 'Lucario teleport me to Pallet' Ash said in telepathy. He could see his body turn blue. The people in front of him disappeared and the scene changed to the peaceful Pallet Town. With no chance, Ash ran straight towards his home, hoping it would be safer over there.

He stopped at his door, panting heavily after the running he had consumed. 'What was the cheating business about?' Ash said looking at Pikachu who just shrugged. He knocked on his door.

The door opened and Serena of all people was standing there. Ash was about to hug her but saw her serious face and decided to pass, 'Ash, you might wanna come in' She said with a worried tone, which concerned Ash. 'She normally is happy? Did something serious happen' Ash thought in his mind. He followed her into the living room and saw his all his friends from the regions he had visited. He felt their cold eyes looking at him. They looked in anger and disappointment. He turned to his mother who had the same look.

'Umm what's up?' Ash spoke. There was silence for a few minutes then Calem spoke out, 'what do you think is up cheater! The only thing that is up is your friendship with us' Calem bellowed out in anger. 'What are you on about' Ash said confused. 'This' Gary turned on the TV which showed the news report from earlier.

'You actually believed that?' Ash blurted out in disgust. 'What proof do you have that you didn't use drugs and cheat' Misty said. Eyes once again turned to Ash. 'Well I didn't cheat and I know I didn't' Ash said. 'That's absolute balls!' Iris said. 'Ash I can't believe that I looked at you as a friendly person, I'm horribly wrong' Cilan said. Ash felt a leak in his heart.

'Come on guys, you know he didn't use drugs! What's wrong with you!' Serena shouted. 'Shut up Serena, and don't stand next to him' Calem grabbed Serena's hand and yanked her away. Ash felt anger rise in him. He lunged at Calem but was pulled away by Clemont while Calem was pulled away by Gary.

Ash looked at his mother, 'mom you can't believe that.. You can't' Ash said. 'Ash just don't talk to me, first your father.. Now you' She said with tears flowing out. May and Dawn took her away to comfort her. Ash felt his heart explode into a million pieces.

'See you even made your mother cry' Brock said with hatred towards Ash. Ash felt like lunging at him but Clemont held him back. 'Guys, Ash would never do that! You guys have lost your heads. We are talking about Ash here!' Clemont said. 'We know that and we know what he has done! He's a failure to the Pokémon world' Gary shouted. Ash glared at him but Clemont kept him at bay. 'Clemont don't tell me your siding with that fool?' Trip said. 'Yes I am because he is innocent' Clemont said. Ash smiled at him.

'Me too' Serena said. She was about to walk to Ash but Calem grabbed her hand. 'No your not! You are staying' Calem said angrily. Ash then grabbed her other arm, 'No she's with me!' Ash said. They started a tug of war. 'Stop it!' Delia came in and looked angrily at Ash.

'Serena you are staying! He has made wrong choices in life and you will turn into him' Delia said. Serena let go of Calem's grasp and grabbed Ash. 'No he would never do that! I know he won't' Serena shouted with tears. Bonnie then joined Clemont and held his hand.

'You guys are pathetic' Paul said walking next to Ash. 'Even though we have our moments, I know Ash would never cheat. But I knew you would and have' Paul said pointing at Calem. Calem started getting nervous and sweat started forming around his body. Everyone's eyes shifted to him.

'Your just accusing me to back Ash! Your joining a liar and a cheat' Calem responded. 'Nah Calem your pathetic' Max said walking to Ash's side. 'Max! Get away from him!' May said grabbing Max but bit her hand. 'Ow!' May shouted in pain. Drew released his Roselia. 'Use razor leaf' he shouted in anger. Max stood rooted to the spot in fear and anxiety. He closed his eyes waiting for the impact but none came. Ash took the hit of Razor leaf. 'May he is your brother! And your hurting him?' Ash said in disbelief. May ignored and stood by Drew. 'Naughty people deserve punishments Ketchum' Drew said.

'Mom how are you believing them! I am your son..' Ash said looking at his mother. 'You were my son' Delia said. Ash froze on the spot. He lost all his senses. He didn't dare move. His heart ached in pain. His body refused to act. Pure shock engulfed him. He could here the faint voices of his name ringing in concern. Ash could see Serena in tears and he returned to his senses feeling angry. He felt his blood boil in lividness.

'Greninja I choose you' Ash shouted. As soon as he came out they started synchronising. 'LETZ GO!' Ash shouted. Greninja, for a brief second was enveloped in a water guard but instantly lost it growing a large Shuriken on it's back.

'Ash-Greninja..' Bonnie said with her jaw dropped. Everyone else backed away slowly in fear. 'Use water Shuriken' Ash shouted in anger. Greninja released the Shuriken off it's back. Everyone ducked and it hit the TV and caused a massive explosion.

Once all the dust settled Ash and the others had disappeared from the house. 'Damn it he got away!' Misty said angrily. 'He's got Max with him!' May said sadly. 'He's a traitor, forget about him' Drew said pulling her close to him. May nodded and cried softly in his chest.

'Ketchum we will expose you and get you!' Calem said angrily.


'Cool! We teleported' Max said as the group landed ontop of a mountain. Serena, Clemont and Bonnie appeared next to him all looking rather confused.

'Where are we?' Clemont said looking around. There was nothing but clouds ontop of the peak of the mountain. 'Looks like Mount Cornet' Max said recognising the pillars which were covered in snow. Serena looked around and tried find Ash. 'Hey where's Ash!' Serena began to panic.

'Over here' Paul shouted. They followed his voice and found him next to Ash who was lying down on the ground with Pikachu and Greninja by his side. Serena rushed over to him in worry. 'Ash are you okay? Please talk' Serena said putting his head on her lap 'huh? Ash spoke. Soon the others joined Serena and looked down at Ash.

'I can't believe those jerks actually believed that!' Bonnie said angrily. 'Someone is using Ash and manipulating his image, but why?' Max said. 'They probably are jealous of his achievements or something' Paul said.

'Hey you guys, thank you. Thank you for believing me. Loyalty seems harder than I thought' Ash said looking at Serena mainly. 'Ash I would choose you any minute of the year' Serena said. 'Yeah we are with you till the end' Clemont said. Ash managed a weak smile to them. 'Sorry Ash but I gotta go' Paul said and he got up but Ash grabbed his leg, 'keep in touch' Ash said. Paul humphed and walked off and disappeared out of sight.

Ash felt his body go numb and started choking a little. 'Ash what's wrong?' Serena said alerted by these sudden actions. 'I've used up to much power. And I've seen enough. I can't handle.. I-it' Ash said before passing out on Serena's lap.


Well what do you think of the new book eh? Sorry if it was a bit short, as I said on my main account (amour_7) that I am heading to Bournemouth at the moment so it's a bit difficult to do anything on the road. Anyways I hoped you liked this chapter and let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments. Feed back will always help me take a step further and improve the quality for you guys!

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Thanks and Cya!😉

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