Chapter 15: Just For Lovers

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Sorta of a Valentines special and another chapter.. hope you enjoy. And sorry for grammar and spelling errors!


'Wake up Ash!' Serena was tugging onto Ash from the side. She sat up straight and started to give him light slaps to the cheek, in hope that he would get up. 'Come on Ash get up!!' Serena yelled. Ash groaned and turned to the side, '5 more minutes please!' He said in his sleep. Serena waited 5 seconds. 'It's been five minutes now get up!' Serena said and with her force pushed him of the bed. Ash landed with a loud thud on the ground.

Serena quickly felt sorry and rushed to help him up. 'I'm so sorry.. but you needed to get up because today is important!' Serena squealed with joy. Ash looked confused at her. 'The first battle is in a week.. so what are you on?' Ash said looking at her quizzically. Serena gave him another light slap on the arm, 'its Valentines day you pea brain!' Serena said. Ash's eyes grew wide open. Oh shoot I didn't get her anything! Ash thought. He kind of felt guilty but realised he could by anything for free.

Before Ash could speak, they could hear bunches of plates slowly patting onto a surface. And then Pikachu emerged into their bedroom with a tray full of breakfast. Clement then also came to their room. 'Pika pi!' Pikachu said and ushered the tray towards Serena. 'This is for us?' She replied. Pikachu nodded and gave a cute smile. 'Awww your soo adorable!' Serena said. She places the tray to one side and hugged Pikachu who licked her cheek.

'Pikachu you made this?' Ash said, who was also impressed by Pikachu's behaviour. 'Well he gave the idea, I made the food' Clement said in hope of getting some credibility. 'Well thanks guys! Really appreciate your love' Ash said.

After a few minutes they finished their breakfast and Clement took the tray downstairs. 'Oh yeah Ash, here is the card that you won from the orienteering competition.' Serena handed over the card. A quick idea popped in Ash's head.

'Speaking off that, I will take you to the best shops and you can get anything you want, and it will only be us two and my Pokémon if you want them' Ash said. 'Yeah that would be great, and your Pokémon can definitely join us!' Serena said, she knew Calem or somebody would turn up to bombard their day out, so she took this as protection for Ash. 'Alright great, let's get changed and we'll leave in an hours time' Ash said. He got up and headed for the main bathroom in the corridor while Serena took the one in their room.

'Where should I take her for lunch?' Ash thought in the middle of his shower. As he was about to put soap on he spotted a figure standing outside of the shower door. 'What the fudge!' Ash shouted. He got his towel and covered his parts and opened the door. 'Wait your the Greninja!' Ash said. The white Greninja nodded, he then took out a note and gave it to Ash before disappearing.

I have booked a table for two, at the best restaurant in the world. It has got the best ratings, with 7 stars, Passage to Heaven. And the whole restaurant is yours. It will just be the two of you. You don't need to thank me as I am forever in debt to you. And yeah enjoy your time!


Ash looked confused but felt relieved that there was a place booked for them to eat at. But the phrase 'I am forever in debt to you' had him really confused.

'Who is this guy?'


'Where are you guys going?' Zack asked as he saw Serena and Ash preparing to leave.

'We're going out for majority of the day, on my treat' Ash said smiling at Serena who smiled back. 'Oh don't worry Zack, once you fall in love you will understand' Bonnie said putting her hand on his shoulder. 'Love?' Zack didn't know what was happening. 'Just like Ash' Bonnie said shrugging her shoulder, it made everyone laugh. 'Don't worry kiddo it's fine, but just take care of yourself while I am gone k?' Ash said kneeling down to Zack's height. He gave him a quick hug before leaving the dorm room.

As they reached the main hall, another figure of a boy stood in front of the door with a smirk. Gary and Drew both stood next to him.

'Well I appreciate you for escorting my lady to the door.. your job is now done' Calem said and attempted to take Serena. But Ash pulled her into his comfort. 'I think your still in a dream.. grow up and get a girlfriend that you can actually have a chance with' Ash said. He wasn't in the mood for Calem. He grabbed Serena's hand and shoved past Calem.

'It's bold of you Ketchum, but remember my words...' Calem's voice disappeared as they got a further distance on him. Ash calmed down and released Serena from such a strong grip. 'Sorry about the grip, I was trying to hold it in' Ash said, his voice a lot calmer. 'Its ok.. but what words was he talking about?' Serena asked. Ash froze.  He remembered his encounter with Calem in the toilets.

'Nothing! Let's forget about him and enjoy our day out cause that's what we are here for.. and look we will always be together.. nothing will ever stop us!' Ash said looking into Serena's ocean blue eyes. He was trapped under their mystic spell. Their faces seemed to grow closer with their eyes shut. They both felt the pressure of each others lips, increase on their own lips.

'Oh for the love of Arceus! Get your own bedroom!' Ash and Serena in a sudden split away from each other's face. They looked at the person and recognised it. 'Alain?' Ash said. He walked up to him and gave a firm handshake.

'It's good to see ya pal!' Alain said as he looked at Ash. 'And don't worry, I am on your side.. I know real power when I See it' Alain said winking at Ash. 'Well hello Serena, I see your still as beautiful, and how have your showcases gone?' Alain asked. 'I came close on both occasions but lost to the Kalos Queen Aria by a short margin' Serena said.

'Well don't you worry.. just gotta keep working harder and harder... anyway I guess you guys are busy so I better head off, catch you at the tournament!' Alain said before saluting and walking off. 'Yeah, see ya!' Ash said. 'He's like a real brother to me' Ash said. 'Yeah he's really nice friend' Serena agreed. 'Well come on, let's get my shopping over with' Serena said and dragged Ash into the heart of the city.

After a couple of hours of visiting some of the best clothing shops, Ash and Serena both felt exhausted, especially Ash who had tons of bags in his hands. 'Holy Arceus Serena, you should have just bought the shop' Ash said laughing but he was really tired. 'Oh stop being such a baby and be a man!' Serena said laughing at his childish behaviour.

Ash's stomach growled for a good few seconds. He blushed in embarrassment and quickly held his tummy. 'Well someone is really hungry!' Serena said giggling. 'Yeah' Ash replied. 'Where are we eating?' Serena asked. 'Um,' Ash pulled out the note, 'Passage to Heaven' Ash read out the name. Serena looked at him in shock. She hugged and him and gave him a peck on the cheek. 'Really!! That's the best restaurant in the world!' Serena said who was clearly overjoyed. 'And it is for us two only, no one else!' Ash said. 'You can't get even better!' She gave him a kiss on the lips.

Serena grabbed his arms and dragged him once more to the restaurant in happiness. They reached the place in a few minutes, and the appearance was a holy site to their eyes. They material of the building was pure white with no sign of smudge anywhere. It had golden highlights along the edge, enriching the quality of the appearance.

'Hang on one second, Greninja I choose you' Ash called out his Pokémon. Greninja came out and stood in his ninja position. 'Yes master?' Greninja asked. 'Can you take these bags up to our room please?' Ash asked. 'Will do master' Greninja said. 'And one more thing, stop calling me master' Ash said. 'But you have the control on me, so I am being respectful' Greninja said. 'Well firstly I am not that worthy of that stature of respect and secondly I have no control over you.. we are best buddies.. we are basically the same people in different appearances, all of my Pokémon are the same as me.. thats why they are part of my team.. hence from now its Ash!' Ash said. Serena blushed at how amazing Ash explained that to Greninja. He will be a great father Serena thought.

'Yes Mas- I mean Ash!' Greninja said. He then teleported away with all the bags, leaving Ash and Serena alone. 'Well lets eat!' Ash said. The duo entered the restaurant and were greeted by posh waiter. 'Ash and Serena?' He had foreign accent. 'Yes' Ash replied. The waiter then escorted them to their table, which was really poshly made.

They ordered their food, which didn't take long to arrive. 'Your food is served.. enjoy!' The waiter said before walking off back to the kitchen.

'Honestly Ash.. you always make my day the better, wether its good or bad. I don't ever want to lose you' Serena said.

'Well don't you worry, we will have a proper life, after I win this tournament and we can start our own family' Ash said looking at her eyes which gave tranquility to him.

'I love you Ash Ketchum!'

'I love you too Serena!'


Time Skip: A week Later

'That was quite a battle between Drew and Gareth but Drew manages to edge out on top!' The announcer bellowed out through the microphone. The audience in the stadium gave large cheers as some were filmed on camera and displayed on the big screen.

'That concludes the group 2 battles, now moving onto Group 3, with the first match between Tyson and...

'Ash Ketchum'


I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please leave a like.  Comment your opinions and thoughts on this chapter as well as how it is going so far, so I can understand if you guys want any changes. I love your feedback as it really helps me as an 'author' to make any required changes. And leave comments on which book should I update more frequently, this one or my main account.



Also for main account story...

Make sure to check my main account: amourcanon and my two books over there, I have started another book over there called: Amourshipping: The curse that lived on. The sequel to amourshipping: a broken boy.

Social media:
Instagram: _satosere_
Twitter: 7amour7

Thanks and peace ✌️

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