Chapter 24: Always & Forever

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Sorry for any grammar mistakes, we are all humans😂

Follow: amourcanonz

News flashes of Ash's sudden death was the relevant topic at the moment. Serena just sat on her bed overflowing with tears. Her body seemed paralysed, her heart was shattered. She wanted to give up.

"ASH PLEASE COME BACK!" Serena shouted, in hope, of something to happen. To her fortune there was a buzz on her tablet. She grabbed it and opened the cover. She noticed a note stuck on it.

"Open The Door"

She then read the message she received and saw it said "open"

Just then there was 3 knocks on the door. Serena remembered Ash's words. She will finally find the answer for Ash's death. She approached the door with caution. Her mind was racing, blood pumping vigorously. When she opened the door, time felt like it had stopped. Ash stood in front of her.

"Hey" Ash said giving a nervous wave.

"HEY!? All you say is hey? After what you put me through. I CANT BELIEVE YOU ASH!" Serena shouted but ran into Ash's arms and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry Serena, but remember what I said. You will get answers." Ash said. He then explained why he jumped off. "So I basically cheated death" Ash said with a smirk.

"Did you ever wonder, why you got bumped by Gary, and why there was suddenly a massive crowd around my body?" Ash said. This caused Serena to stare at Ash in amazement.

"But why?" Serena asked.

"Well this bought time to put all the make up on, basically fake blood, and for the assassin to see that I 'died'" Ash said.

"Wow Ash, you're a genius. But promise me nothing like this ever again" Serena said and tightened her grip on Ash.

"Woah calm down, Sere. I promise to be with you all my life!" Ash said hugging the honey blonde haired girl.

"One more thing, how did you actually not die from the fall" Serena said pulling away. Ash pulled out a poke ball, however it had a 'D' engraved on it in purple/blue colour.

"Does this answer your question?" Ash said pointing out the letter 'D' however Serena shook her head.

"Dialga, ruler of Time"

"How in the world have you got a Dialga?" Serena asked, she was getting more amazed by the minute.

"We go back a long time too, but another day this will be explained. And when you were dizzy from Gary hitting you, that's when I used Dialga to slow time so I could land softly. And you must be wondering why when you were dizzy? Well because that's when everything seems slow for you so perfect timing!" Ash said.

"Ash, this plan was absolutely genius!" Gary said walking in.

"Well for once I'll agree with Gary!" Clement said.

"Clement was in on it too?" Serena said looking at Ash.

"Well yes, he made this device which made it seem I had no pulse" Ash said pulling out the device.

"I'm guessing Zack was in on it too, because he stopped me from going to you" Serena said giving Ash a look. Ash nodded as well as sweat dropping. "Well at least I can have you again!" Serena said and tackled Ash into a hug.

"Oh for god sake get a room!" Gary shouted as he saw the two make out.

"We are in a room, you dumb ass!" Ash shouted.

"Well then close your doors!" Gary shouted back.

"Your the one who came in!" Ash said.

"Oh right Um," Gary gave a cough, "Well I'll just go make out with my couch.. I mean go back!" Gary said scratching his head. He turned around and began to walk, but unfortunately straight into the wall.

"Oh for god sake, you need a better wall!" Gary scowled before leaving the room.

"Well I'll go too" Clement said sweat dropping. He closed the door and ran off to his room.

"Gary, sometimes I wonder, how the heck is he related to Professor Oak. And sometimes I wonder what exactly makes his brain function" Ash said.

"Forget about Gary, and focus on what is in front of you" Serena said and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss. And let's say things got quite fun.


"Ash, why did you do this stunt?" A reporter asked putting the microphone near his mouth.

"Too give a warning" Ash said and tried to walk and escape this media attention.

"Too whom sir?" Ash ignored

"What do you think about Calem and your mother" Ash ignored

"Well son, I finally meet you as your father" Ash stopped.

Ash looked at the man, he had a red hate and a red jacket which was unzipped and revealed the black under shirt. There was also a Pikachu on his shoulder but slightly bigger than Ash's. This turned the media attention to the man.

"Red, how does it feel to have your champion title taken from your son?" One reporter asked.

"Well, I played my strong cards that day in alola, and well I felt proud. Proud that my son was matured and had become a great battler" Red said looking at Ash who was just staring in awe.

Ash and Red entered a battle field, this finally caused the media back away. Red stood in the centre circle while Ash stared from behind.

"You were the one always giving me advice. You were the one that made me wake up late on my tenth birthday. You were the one who helped me here" Ash said.

Red simply nodded.

"Yet you didn't care for me when I needed you most. However I know it was difficult for you. If you were wondering, I was that masked figure that helped you sneak in Lysandre's base" Ash said. This got Red's attention.

"Like father like son eh?" Red said giving a small chuckle.

"Look Ash, I know you know but you must know I care about you a lot. The reason why I didn't reveal myself was because. I was too scared to lose you." Red said.

"Look Dad, that's where you are wrong. Mom always told me stuff about you which wasn't great. But I never believed her. I believed in you and I realised that when I found out I was unwanted. So all I am saying is that you have to be strong with the ones you truly love. They will never judge you. And right now I'm glad your here!" Ash said and he gave Red a hug.

"Honestly Ash, from now on we stick together as a team! But we can't share my identity to anyone else" Red said.


"Not her just yet"

"Well ok, but I need to train now, I have my match against Paul in two days!" Ash said getting excited.

"Why not I help you with a few of my old tricks!" Red said rubbing his hands.

"Wouldn't want it any other way!"


Chapter 25: Warning
Ash Vs Paul. A lot of build up has been made for this match. A battle of two strong trainers, is displayed all around the Pokemon world. However the outcome of this match is unexpected and is (again) a warning.


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Please show your support to my friends fanfic, it would mean a lot to me and to her if you showed her the amazing support you guys show me. Her fanfic is brilliant in my opinion and yeah, please check it out and follow her! : amourcanonz

Also for main account story...

Make sure to check my main account: amourcanon and my two books over there, I have started another book over there called: Amourshipping: The curse that lived on. The sequel to amourshipping: a broken boy.

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