Chapter 25: Warning

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Sorry for any mistakes in grammar

"Today is a showdown between Paul and Ash Ketchum. Paul is known as one of the strongest trainers to have battled in recent years. But Ash is right up there with him. Once rivals now friends but today they will be foes on the battlefield" The reporter finished the programme for the hyped battle between Ash and Paul.

It has been a couple of weeks since the incident and finally the battle can take place. Rumours have been going around, that Paul is the favourite due to his recent wins and how he has done them. And also the recent events Ash has had to take in.

Ash stood there on top of the roof looking at the island and it's natural beauty.

"Pikachu and Lucario I am trusting you two today. You will be pushed to your limits today. But we will stick together and win! No matter what we battle for each other. Today we will send a warning to Lysandre. He's messing with wrong person" Ash spoke with fire in his eyes. He hadn't felt this since the Kalos League final against Alain.

"Ash you better get going your battle is soon!" Serena said rushing up the stairs. She saw Ash on the edge and almost panicked. Ash noticed this and came back to safety and scratched his head.

"Sorry and yeah let's get going" Ash replied.

With that the duo got in a cab and drove towards the stadium. They got out the cab once they arrived and were greeted by the media. Ash just held Serena's hand and dragged her through until they were inside till safety.

"Jeez they never rest!" Ash complained.

"Well you are a famous boy!" Serena said giggling. Ash frowned a little. She noticed this and gave him a small hug.

"What's wrong Ash?" Serena asked.

"You know sometimes I wish I couldn't be recognised. Like I go out and no one knows who I am. I wish I wasn't famous." Ash explained.

"But why Ash, fame gives you everything" Serena countered.

"Yes but I believe that I should earn and work hard for everything. Not just get it ready made. And plus fame changes a person. They get dragged away from the ones they care and love." Ash added.



"Your just so... amazing!" Serena said and gave him a peck on the lips. Ash smiled.

"Now go out there and show the world your power!" Serena said and ran off to the stands. Ash stood there, processing everything. He looked around and saw posters of him and Paul being advertised.

"Wow they're making a big deal out of this" Ash said petting Pikachu's head.


"Let's go and win this!" Ash said and he ran off to the changing rooms.

Time skip...

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to today's big showdown since the days of Red and Blue. Today is the champion of Sinnoh against the Champion of Kalos. Two heavy weights lock horns and the winner will be a favourite to win this tournament!"

Serena, Gary, Clement, Max, Zack and Bonnie all sat with smiles.

"Wow this should be a great battle!" Max said as he adjusted his glasses.

"Your right, two great trainers with two different methods" Clement said adjusting his glasses too.

"Did you just copy Max?" Gary said laughing.

"In what?" Clement asked.

"Adjusting your glasses it looked just like Max's are you sure you guys aren't related or something or am I crazy. Actually screw that last phrase" Gary said.

"Gary Oak if you could please keep your mouth shut, because I'm pretty sure no one actually cares what you say!" Bonnie said quite frustrated.

"Alright, Jeez someone's on their period" Gary whispered.

"You WHAT!?" Bonnie shouted and gave Gary a punch in the stomach.

"Deserves that Alright" Zack said laughing while Gary shot out his tongue. All the others burst out laughing. Except Serena who sat there with her hands tightly clenched.

"What's wrong Serena?" Gary asks.

Before Serena could answer she felt a hand droop over her shoulder. It was none other than Camel boy. "Hey beautiful! Don't worry Ash will get pounded by Paul." He said with a smirk.

"Shut up, you sewage smelling rat" Gary snarled.

"Wow great insult!" Calem said with sarcasm.

"Yeah I know to the sewage" Gary said, but this time he took physical action and grabbed Calem's collar.

"We know your secret chips! So you better watch out!" Gary whispered.

"What if they are permanently manipulated?" Calem said with a devious smile. Gary was taken aback. The others seemed to notice and questioned Gary while Calem slithered away in the crowd.

Gary then explained what Calem had told him and obviously got some shock reactions. Calem is beginning to play hard ball. I hope Ash gives the warning today that he is the wrong person to mess around with. Gary was flooded with thoughts until the announcement came that the battle will begin shortly.


With Ash

"No drugs detected, good luck with your battle Mr. Ketchum" the man in the lab coat packed his brief case and disappeared from the changing rooms. Ash then sat down on a bench.

"When will they get the bloody message that I don't use drugs!" Ash said in frustration.

"Don't worry Ash, just focus on your battle. And remember me and Pikachu are ready. Stick to the plan!" Lucario said. Ash nodded and walked over to a podium entrance. Before he walked he took a moment to listen.

"Looks like I am the under dog, perfect!" Ash said as he listened to the chants of Paul's name ring around the stadium.

"Please welcome our participants Ash Ketchum and Paul Shinji"

On cue both trainers walked along the tunnel until they reached their platform. Paul had an expressionless tone while Ash carried a huge smile on his face.

Ash looked in the crowd and followed his ritual. He locked eyes with Serena and his smile grew wider.

"Come on Ketchum, focus on what's in front of you!" Paul shouted.

"Calm down Champion, and FYI Serena will give me everything I need to beat you. So get ready!" Ash shouted back. Paul saw more than fire in Ash's eyes. For once in his entire life Paul was intimidated.

"Trainers release your Pokémon!"

Paul silently threw a poke ball into the battlefield. Ash examined Paul's aura and saw how stress and intimidated he was feeling. This caught Ash off guard but his plan was working.

"Lucario, I choose you!" Ash said and threw out an ultra ball.

Lucario stood in battle pose as he emerged from the ball. Small growls escaped his mouth as he stared through Garchomp soul.

"Battle Begin!!"

"Lucario Bone rush! But wait till he makes the move first" Ash communicated through aura. Lucario nodded and watched Garchomp.

"Garchomp iron tail" Paul commanded.

Lucario waited and waited till the tail got closer to its face. Just as the tail dropped Lucario disappeared from underneath the tail. Suddenly there was a loud crack and Lucario had appeared in front of Garchomp.

"Now, Bone rush!" Ash shouted.

Lucario extended a Bone in his hands and thrashed the helpless Garchomp. It pushed the big Pokémon away into the walls.

"Garchomp Dragon claw!"

"Lucario Close combat!"

The two Pokémon battled it out, but Lucario got the final blow on Garchomp sending him flying. The impact also made Lucario do a back flip.

"Finish it with Aura sphere!"

Lucario, mid flip, created the ball of aura and released it at the Garchomp who slammed straight into the ground unconscious. Lucario landed in front of Ash and let out a low growl.

Paul was amazed and scared. He knew Ash had changed a lot. But what amazed him the most was the feeling of inferiority. He felt like a peasant in front of Ash. He glanced at Ash, and noticed the flare in his eyes that he had in the Kalos League Final.

"Paul Release your Pokémon!" The ref shouted.

"Shut up and let me think!" Paul shouted back.

"You will be disqualified if you don't release your next Pokémon!"

"Fine, Abomasnow come out!" Paul shouted.


"Lucario Aura sphere!" Ash shouted.

"Smack that down with Wood hammer!"

The aura sphere flew straight into the ground after the impact of the wood hammer attack. Abomasnow then looked at Lucario and tried to intimidate him, but obviously didn't work.

"Close combat!"


Abomasnow's eyes glistened, before Lucario moved he could feel the vulnerability in his defence expose itself. But he rushed those thoughts away and charged at the big snow Pokémon.

"Counter with ice punch!"

Before Lucario could strike, his defence was left exposed and he dealt a blow in the stomach. His body flew back and landed just in front of Ash.

"Come on Lucario! Get up! We can do this!" Ash shouted encouragement. He watched Lucario struggle to his feet.

"Aura sphere!" Ash shouted.

"Wood hammer!"

Again the aura sphere was hit away with ease. However Ash noticed something, but due to his thought he hadn't realised the hammer had continued and hit Lucario.

Through the aura connection ash felt the pain ripple across his mid rift.

*In the crowd*

"I've never seen Ash on the back foot" Clemont said looking worried. Serena had her hands clasped over the ribbon tightly as she watched Ash clutch his stomach in pain.

"The Abomasnow is blocking the aura spheres like it's in a training session!" Max added.

"He needs to think fast, this battle is slipping away from him" Gary said.

"No Ash can't lose, I know that look on his face. He's going to win!" Serena shouted in determination.

"No he's not, Paul is clearly the superior trainer!" Dawn shouted from a couple of rows ahead. Serena glared at her, and the blunette glared back.

"Well Paul got absolutely battered in the first round against Lucario so your point is invalid!" Serena shouted back.

"Well he uses drugs no wonder!"

"Why you-!!" Serena shouted and got out of her seat, but Gary made her sit back down. "No it's not worth it, just focus on Ash and watch him obliterate Paul" Gary said hoping to cheer the blondes mood.

Serena sat down and nodded, she again clasped her hands on her ribbon and whispered a few prayers.

*Back to Ash*

"Lucario get up and listen, I have a plan!" Ash communicated through their aura connection.

"Use Aura sphere!" Ash shouted.

"Won't he learn? Wood hammer!" Paul commanded calmly. The giant Pokémon swung its wrist and smacked it to the ground, however there was another aura sphere headed towards it.

Before it could lift its arm up in time to block it the aura sphere hit causing the Pokémon to stumble backwards.

"Close combat!"

Lucario charged at the giant Pokémon again giving it no time to react and started punching it till flew backwards and landed with a huge thud.

"End it with aura sphere"

The ball of aura escapes Lucario's palms and hurtled towards the worn out body of Abomasnow who just watched it till it felt the hard impact. There was a cloud of dust over the Pokémon until there was a loud thud that revealed an unconscious Abomasnow.

"Abomasnow is unable to battle, Lucario wins"

"Return," Paul said and simply stared at Ash in amazement, "how?"

"Whenever Your Abomasnow used Wood hammer, it would take more than a second for it to regain its straight posture so I had to create a milli second so I could exploit that hence the fake aura sphere followed by a real one" Ash replied.

Paul was left speechless, even though he had his strongest till last he still felt as if he would lose.

"Well Ash this is it, Azelf your up"

Chapter 26: The Greatest Trio:
The second part of Ash Vs Paul, who in the end becomes the winner? But one thing is for sure that the people are beginning to believe Ash that he hasn't used drugs after his brilliant display in the first two rounds. His trio of Pokémon have been named the greatest to ever grace a tournament after a certain Red Ketchum.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please leave a like.  Comment your opinions and thoughts on this chapter as well as how it is going so far, so I can understand if you guys want any changes. I love your feedback as it really helps me as an 'author' to make any required changes. And leave comments on which book should I update more frequently, this one or my main account.

Please show your support to my friends fanfic, it would mean a lot to me and to her if you showed her the amazing support you guys show me. Her fanfic is brilliant in my opinion and yeah, please check it out and follow her! : amourcanonz

Also for main account story...

Make sure to check my main account: amourcanon and my two books over there, I have started another book over there called: Amourshipping: The curse that lived on. The sequel to amourshipping: a broken boy.

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