Chapter 26: The Greatest Trio

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Azelf stood in front of Lucario, the aura Pokemon looked ready but Ash had other ideas. "Lucario you have been exceptional today, take a good rest," Ash said returning his trusty Pokémon inside it's pokeball. "Pikachu wake up bud!"

Ash gave a few small kicks to the mouse Pokémon who woke up with a slow yawn. It looked at Ash then onto the field, and instantly sparked with energy. It was ridiculous how much Paul was feeling intimidated by the small Pokémon.

"What is he doing? I've got an Azelf and yet I'm close to pissing my pants" Paul thought.

"Pikachu finish this battle with Giga havoc volt!" Ash shouted, out of nowhere a Z ring formed on Ash's wrist and glowed yellow. Ash was enveloped in electricity as was Pikachu. The clouds were no dark and a storm was brewing.

A few seconds later, two lightning bolts struck both trainer and Pokémon. And the rest was blinded by the impact.

In the crowd, Everyone covered their eyes in the amount of light, that was emitted from the lightning bolts.

"Clemont I though lightning doesn't strike twice!" Gary shouted.

"I don't know Man! I only do inventions!" Clemont replied.

"I really don't like what Ash is doing, what if he gets hurt from this, I mean after all it is a lightning bolt." Serena said grasping the blue ribbon harder.

"If this what I think it is then Ash is an absolute Machine!" Gary said.

"What do you mean?" Max asked.

"There is a region called Alola, it's where I did research on creatures known as ultra beasts but it was unsuccessful but then I came across this additional move a Pokémon could learn through strong bonds and a ring. It is known as a Z-move." Gary explained.

"Ah Yes, Ive heard about it but didn't quite grasp the topic" Clemont said.

"Yes well, the trainer has to have a Z ring in order to perform the move, however in this case Serena you mustn't be worried. Ash won't get any pain" Gary said reassuringly at the honey blonde girl.

"I wouldn't count on it" Zack said, this got everyone's attention.

"What do you mean? I've done research and it said you can't be-." Gary was cut off by a man in the seat behind them.

"Your research hasn't got any depth Oak. Clearly you can see this isn't the normal thing to happen when a Z-move happens with a Pikachu. He has mastered the bond phenomenon, the 2nd ever to do it. And he has taken the risk of damage himself" The Man said.

But everyone was left confused at what he said.

"What he is saying is that, Ash is under a real lightning bolt and he is the bearer of the bond master" Zack said explaining in short.

"Wow..." they were all left awe struck, Ash the heir of the bond master.

"Someone tell him to stop the attack, if it's a lightning bolt surely that's bad injuries!" Serena shouted in worry. But the man simply placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You must trust your lover in these times." He said.

"Not to be rude but you don't get it, Ash is my everything! I can't let him do this tactics!" Serena replied.

"No! Trust is key. I've failed once and I've just been given a once in a lifetime opportunity to make amends." The Man explained.


"No he told me to trust him that this will work, and he seems confident. So I believe he will do it. Yes he will get hurt but his spirit is high so pain will be the last thing on his mind." He spoke firmly.

Serena didn't want to respond after that. She knew he was speaking sense. But what surprised her is that he seemed to speak of Ash fondly, and that they had already met.

She focused to the where the man was but he was long gone. She shook her thoughts and looked back on the battlefield.

On the battlefield, Ash felt the impact of the bolt and it was heavy. He almost gave way but he was determined to stay up. He opened his eyes firmly and stared at Paul and his Azelf.

He knew they couldn't see him but he had clear vision. All the energy was building up in him and Pikachu.

"We can do this buddy just a little longer and I promise we will win" ash spoke through aura. He saw Pikachu nod it's head.

The mouse Pokémon was stood straight gathering the energy. Until it was at its optimum.

There was a huge explosion after and the dark clouds disappeared revealing pikachu and Ash enveloped in the thunder.

"Let her rip!"

Mass amounts of electricity emerged from both trainer and Pokémon's bodies and struck the legendary of Sinnoh and left it on a heap on the ground.

Total silence filled the stadium again. You could hear a pin drop.

The coated electricity on Ash and Pikachu disappeared. Ash stood up straight but felt fatigued and fell on his back side, breathing heavily.

"Azelf is unable to battle which means Pikachu wins. Overall Ash is concluded the winner!" The referee announced and the stadium erupted in cheers and applause.

Paul fell on his knees as he returned the legendary Pokemon.

Ash was still on the ground panting heavily, but he sat up straight and saw Pikachu run towards him.

"Pika pi?" Pikachu jumped into Ash's lap and licked his face.

"I'm just tired buddy, but your power is amazing. I felt it!" Ash said rubbing the tail of the electric type.

He stood up and looked at Paul who looked beaten on the floor.

"It's best we leave him. Anyways this was a warning to my opponents so I can't show sympathy just yet" Ash thought and disappeared down his tunnel.

He was met by his friends and his dad, of course they didn't know he was his dad.

"Quite a show you put out there. Kinda of a rip of these tickets though. I paid 50 poke dollars to watch an intense battle but you just wiped his ass in 20 minutes" Gary said.

"Well that's a good thing, Ash is the one to beat now. He is the fear factor now as well. People won't wanna face him, after humiliating the best trainer in Sinnoh and finalist of Kanto." Red said.

"It's great when you put it like that but I've always had the support of you guys so you're all the main reason for my success!" Ash replied looking at his friends.

"You don't need to be modest Ash, it's your hard work after all, also skill and determination" Serena said giving him a hug.

There was a knock on the door and Scott came bundling through.

"Ash the press are giving me no break so please can you give them a post match interview" Scott said but before Ash could answer he was dragged away.

Before he knew it he was in front of all the flashing camera's and reporters, that were all benched in front of a stage. He sat down next to Scott who took a sip of water before asking for questions.

"Mr Ketchum, a truly remarkable performance today, What was the intentions of this result?"

"Um my intention was to win, I just did my battling style and clearly got the better of Paul. That's it." Ash said.

"Well there has been speculation that you have the greatest trio. That's in terms of your Pokémon. Pikachu Greninja and Lucario. We haven't seen a greater trio since your father. So how does it feel to be this powerful and to follow your father?"

"Well my Pokemon get the credit for this, they make me powerful and to follow my father footsteps is great but I prefer to be the best so hopefully I can be better than him!" Ash spoke with a smile.

"You mentioned before about battling style. From previous battles you've always attacked first but tactics changed here? Any explanation?"

"No, it's always the same, if I remember correctly against my father I didn't attack first, also in Alola I never attacked first, also in Kalos and all Regions I have travelled. So no, no change at all."

"What I'm trying to say Mr Ketchum is that, this battle style felt like you were sending a warning to someone. I've never seen the Sinnoh Champion whitewashed."

Ash looked at the reporter and noticed an orange beard.

"You need the right strategies to win a battle. And today I used the right ones against my opponent. As I said I want to win, nothing more" Ash said with a straight face.

"One final one, how would you feel if your loved on to be taken, would it affect your battling?" The same man asked the question.

For some reason Ash became pissed but held it in.

"What do you mean by that?" Ash said in a low growl.

"You are in a relation ship with Serena Yvonne a prestigious Pokémon performer. I'm sure she has a huge impact on your success so if she were taken would this change" The man said with an evil smile.

"Just Remember I've saved this world from destruction many times and I'm ready to do it again. Therefore I'm pretty sure Serena wouldn't be taken! Cheers!" With that Ash got out of his seat and walked out.

The man with the orange/red beard had an angry look, and he also left his seat leaving reporters confused.

With Ash, questions were flying around his head about what had been asked.

"What if?" He thought. 

It killed him, he knew how broken he would be, he is nothing without Serena. I need to talk to Red!

Chapter 27: New Colour of Love
After that press conference the media have imposed questions of the relation ship of Ash and Serena. However Serena is not fussed and knows her and Ash are fine together. However after the question from the press conference of someone snatching Serena, Ash has been left in tight hole... what will Ash do?

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please leave a like.  Comment your opinions and thoughts on this chapter as well as how it is going so far, so I can understand if you guys want any changes. I love your feedback as it really helps me as an 'author' to make any required changes. And leave comments on which book should I update more frequently, this one or my main account.

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Also for main account story...

Make sure to check my main account: amourcanon and my two books over there, I have started another book over there called: Amourshipping: The curse that lived on. The sequel to amourshipping: a broken boy.

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