Chapter 28: Obsession?

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Sorry for any mistakes!

Ash walked from bus stop to bus stop, hoping he would find Serena on the bus. He waited at a stop that was fairly far away from their hotel, but Ash only had Serena on his mind. He sat down on the bench and took out his phone. He opened his messaging application and waited for any kind of notification from Serena, but none came. After about 10 minutes Ash got up and began to walk away but that was when headlights came into view. Ash immediately scanned the auras on the bus and saw Serena's distressed aura.

He immediately stood in front of the buses path and closed his eyes. He uses his mental strength and brought the bus to a halt. His face was red from anger. His fists clenched tightly. He broke through the bus doors and saw that the driver was asleep. He turned towards the seats and saw a pink and red blouse scattered along the floor. His pupils expanded in horror. He saw Serena in the corner with two men holding her arms while the third had his hands on her chest. Serena was screaming. Without any realisation Ash was engulfed in blue aura and a water vortex (similar to Greninja) and a large Shuriken in his hand. He threw it at the three men and they were all strangled up against the wall, begging for air but Ash didn't care and stared at them with his red eyes.

"Go on kill us!" The main guy shouted but gasped for air straight after. Ash simply nodded and forced the shuriken deeper but he immediately stopped and realised what he was doing. He looked at the limp bodies of the three men and then towards his hands and stood there in absolute shock. But he heard silent whimpers and saw Serena in tears in the corner. Her bare chest was almost exposed as well as other parts. Ash stooped law and tightened a hug.

"It's okay Sere, I'm here now! I promise next time I will come early!" Ash spoke with guilt

"No Ash I should have let you come! You were right I shouldn't have turned you down, now let's make a promise that we stick together wherever we go! We don't leave each other's sights" Serena said as her tears started to dry. Ash nodded and pulled out of the hug. He took of his jacket and shirt and made Serena wear it.

"Ash but what about you! Your in a vest" Serena said in a concerned tone.

"Look just don't worry about me, you almost got raped by those men, so you need the care and treatment. I can't believe they think women are just tools! They also do extraordinary stuff!" Ash said angrily. Serena smiled at his comments and gave him a bone crushing hug.

"Ash you are truly wonderful" Serena said and enjoyed the warmth of Ash's body. She wanted to stay in this position. She felt safe and secured. But to her misfortune Ash let go off her.

"Ash don't leave me!" Serena said quickly and hugged him again. Ash didn't want to let go either but they had to get out of here, quick. "Serena come on let's go home and I promise we can cuddle, okay?" Ash said and stared into her cerulean blue eyes. He could not bare to lose her, he felt the same pressure when he was asked that question in the post match interview. What would he do without her? At the mere thought Ash shuddered, and Serena who was staring was taken aback.

"Serena from now on we inform each other where we are going and stick together when we are together. I've lost to many people close to me, and if I lose you... I will..."Ash was about to say the word but couldn't manage it and started to shake with tears starting to form. He held his composure but stared at the ground.

"Look Ash, please don't think like that and don't think of doing that either! I will make sure I never leave your side!" Serena said while hugging onto Ash. Ash looked up and smiles.

"We'll see Serena and I hope to spend the rest of my life with you!" Ash beamed but his voice sounded desperate. This had Serena by surprise, the statement and the tone.

"Is that a proposal?" Serena asked

"Maybe it is, only if you want too"  Ash said but his tone was... off.

"We'll see but for now let's go home and cuddle!" Serena said and dragged Ash away from the bus and back to their hotel. It took time to reach their hotel, Serena felt tired so Ash carried her bridal style. Like a typical romantic scene the performer had fallen asleep in his arms with a warm smile which gave Ash butterflies as well as doubts. Doubts that killed him. It triggered the memory of the conference which stopped him in a sudden. He stared at his girlfriend almost replaying the good times they had together.

"I will make sure you stay mine. I will make sure I will never lose you... Serena Yvonne"


Time skip

Ash woke up from his slumber and saw Serena tightly up against his chest, he also felt the tight grip her arms had around his waist. For the first time Ash did not get up for his morning training, and this got his Pokémon all surprised to see their trainer still in bed. Ash sat up a little, but struggled due to Serena's grip on His waist. He switched the TV and started to watch a couple of shows.

Soon the noise of the television had woken up Serena from her sleep, and she was sweating due to her nightmare. "ASH! They're back! Save me please!" She sat up quickly and looked for Ash and saw him next to her and instantly lunged herself into his body. As soon as they connected she felt her tensions evaporate and her muscles loosen a little. The warmth Ash radiated was remarkable in Serena's opinion. "Serena calm down, we are away from those people! Just forget them" He said but Ash remembered their limp bodies and he closed his eyes, while flinching. Serena looked at his distressed face, he seemed very uneasy about the topic.

"What's wrong Ash? Im sorry, I should just forget them. You're right!" Serena said and patted him on the back but he still seemed on the edge. Serena turned to his Pokémon but they shrugged. Even they did not know what was wrong. Serena then realised he did not go on his usual morning training. "You didn't go train today, why?" Serena asked. She saw Ash look up, he looked a little hesitantly at her. "Well after Ah replied. "You'll be underestimated and it's annoying to see!" Serena said in a sort of angry tone.

Ash chuckled and looked at her with his usual go to determined Look, "a person has gains the advantage by being underestimated. Remember that" Ash said winking and he got out of bed and headed to the toilet. Just then a man appeared in their room and scared Serena out of her skin. Memories of last night reappeared. She felt the man grab her but it was soothing. She opened her eyes and saw Red.

"Your red! Ash's dad!" Serena said in shock.

"Look yes I am but I have got something to tell you! It is important" Red said. He stared at Serena who looked worried but in the end she nodded. Red looked towards the bathroom door. It was still locked. "You need to forget yesterday and make sure it doesn't affect you!" Red said sternly.

"It's hard! It was something very extreme and a crime! I just can't" Serena said looking down but Red grabbed her shoulders and made her look up. "I know it is hard but you have to stay strong. Please do it for Ash and your relationship because the way I see things right now it doesn't look good for you two" Red said. Serena became even more worried and stared at Red in disbelief.

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since that press conference, Ash has been on edge. Lysandre has found his weak spot and is going to exploit it in the most brutal manner, which he has already by the events of yesterday" Red explained. Serena looked at him a little confused. "He's attacking Ash personally! And that's through you! He knew the betrayal and how much it hurt Ash and,I know too because I've watched over him and he's contemplated suicide twice!" Red said, Serena looked at him wide eyed this was news to her. To be honest Ash never spoke in detail about what he did when he disappeared.

"How do we stop the attack?" Serena asked

"He's done his attacking, he almost got you raped, but now you have to stop him from being over protective because that will make Lysandre easily manipulative to Ash"

"I don't get it?"

"He's overprotective so he will do anything for you, and you've seen how extreme he's gone already" Red said but Serena didn't know.

"When?" She asked.

"Your offenders are dead, and Ash is feeling huge amounts of guilt but satisfied that you are away from danger" he explained.

"Oh my god! But why me Your his father and how do I stop him being over protective" Serena said.

"I've warned him, obsession is a young mans game. And that game is very damaging and deadly. Your relationship is under threat. Yes I maybe his father but I wasn't there for him, I never game him my love. Your the only one who has given all their love to him. Your the only one who understands him. I feel ashamed as a father but I vowed to him I will be his father and stick with him. And to stop him, you have to disobey him, he will make you tell him your location every time you leave, but you shouldn't tell him. You have to fight him, make him get his senses again make him realise he isn't alone in this god damn world and make him realise Lysandre's plan" Red spoke with authority. Serena did not like the feeling off having to fight Ash.

"It is hard I know, I failed because i did not make these sacrifices. It takes sacrifices and will to have the perfect relationship. And this is certainly a time when you both have too if you want to be together forever! So promise you'll do this for Ash" Red said looking at the young girl intently. Serena took a moment to engulf what had just been said and nodded with a determined look.

"That's what I like to see!" Red said. The bathroom door lock swivelled and causes Red to stand up, he began to walk out but stopped at the door and turned to Serena, "you'll make a great daughter in law" and with that he disappeared from sight. While Serena was left blushing furiously.


Chapter 29: Realisation
Ash begins to show the aftermath of the events that occurred in the past few days. He always follows Serena wherever she goes and installs a tracker in her tablet. However one day Serena has had enough and confronts Ash and tries to make him realise but he doesn't budge, so she follows Red's instructions and goes to the 2nd round of the showcase to watch Shauna without telling Ash. Ash notices this and the couple get into a heated argument a day before the return match between Ash and Paul. Will Ash realise in time or make his road to justice crumble after a promising start...find out next time!

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please leave a like.  Comment your opinions and thoughts on this chapter as well as how it is going so far, so I can understand if you guys want any changes. I love your feedback as it really helps me as an 'author' to make any required changes. And leave comments on which book should I update more frequently, this one or my main account.

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Also for main account story...

Make sure to check my main account: amourcanon and my two books over there, I have started another book over there called: Amourshipping: The curse that lived on. The sequel to amourshipping: a broken boy.

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