Chapter 3: Goal To Be Stronger!

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'We'll be arriving in Kanto soon, please fasten your seat-belts' the air hostess called through the mic. 'Ash why do you want to go back to Kanto?' Clemont asked as he knew what happened here the last time they visited this region. 'I just want to check if they are headed to the tournament as well' Ash said. They knew he was hiding something. Something about his voice made them feel uneasy.

'But they'll recognise us, we haven't changed much' Serena said. The rest nodded as she had a point. 'Pretend you found out I was a cheater and you left me' Ash said. 'No way! We are not doing that' Serena said angrily. 'Trust me I know what I'm doing' Ash said putting on his hoodie. 'What do you mean' Max asked. 'Well in nowadays I'm known as Aaron Nakamura, so they won't know who I am' Ash said putting his hood on. 'It's risky Ash' Clemont said pointing at his Pikachu. Ash sighed, 'trust me' he simply said. The group contested his decision but decided to go along with it. 'I'm staying with you though' Serena whispered in his ear and held his hand. Ash smiled and increased the grip.

After 15 minutes the plane touchdown at Viridian airport in the Kanto Region. 'Well let's head to Pallet, I guess' Max said turning to Ash but he had disappeared. 'Ash?' Max called out. Serena realised his grip wasn't on her hand and started looking around. 'Ash!?' Serena shouted getting worried. It wasn't long lasted as he reappeared in front of her. 'Anything wrong?' Ash asked. 'Where'd you go?' Bonnie asked.

Ash showed his bottle of Mountain Dew, 'A drink.' Serena saw him add a PokéBall to his belt and eyed him suspiciously. 'You went to Pallet' Serena said still looking at the PokéBall but turned her gaze at Ash's eyes. 'Um... Yes' Ash said. 'Why?' Clemont asked. 'I couldn't leave him behind' Ash said holding up the PokéBall. 'Who is it?' Max asked eagerly. 'You should know' Ash said and winked at him. Max started thinking hard but couldn't find any answer.

'Well can't you teleport us to Pallet' Serena asked. 'Yes but they are not there' Ash said. 'Then where?' Serena replied. Ash didn't respond and started walking towards the exit of the airport. They were outside when Ash stopped.

'In that restaurant' Ash pointed at the restaurant which was at the end of the road. 'Sweet, let's go' Max started walking but Ash pulled him back. 'Wait, remember I am Aaron Nakamura and you have given up on Ash' Ash said firmly. The group hesitated and nodded.

They made their way down the road, all walking nervously as to how Ash might act in front of them. 'Ash are you sure you're going to be fine' Serena said squeezing his hand. 'Trust me' Ash reassured the honey blonde performer by returning the squeeze. They were now at the entrance and spotted the betrayers sitting down at the far back.

They breathed in huge breaths before walking in. Serena let go of Ash's hand and walked in front of the group. Misty spotted them and stood up instantly. 'Hey what do you think you're doing here!' She shouted. For a second they thought she was pointing at Ash but was pointing at Serena.

'Look calm down!' Clemont started, 'we've come to join you guys' Serena finished his sentence. They all eyed the group suspiciously. 'Why?' May said eying Ash. 'We realised you guys were right all along so we came to apologise' Serena said looking at Delia. Delia looked uneasy but changed her expression to a happy one. 'Thank god you had senses otherwise you were done for' Delia said sighing a sense of relief. Serena clenched her fist but Ash held it and motioned her to calm down.

The group the took notice of Ash's presence. 'Whose he?' Gary asked looking at Ash. 'He's our friend, Aaron Nakamura' Clemont said. Calem stood up and examined Ash/Aaron. 'Welcome to the group' he said and hugged Ash. Ash didn't return the hug and instead pulled out. 'I don't do hugs' Ash said with a cold tone, which surprised the betrayers.

'Jeez he looks dead' Dawn said like she was a sassy girl. 'Hey give him a break, his mother died recently and well he hasn't been himself' Max said. The group took pity on him, 'Oh sorry about that' Delia said. Ash just humphed and ignored eye contact. 'Well Serena it's great to have you back' Calem said and grabbed her hand. He took her and sat her down while he sat next to her. He put his arms around her causing everyone to fan girl at the scene. Serena looked at Ash desperately for help but he just told her to go with the flow. Serena hesitated but realised he was right.

Ash sat down next to her while the other three were spread out. Serena grabbed Ash's hand under the table in nervousness. 'Ash please why are we doing this' Serena whispered. 'Look don't worry, you can keep a hold of my hand if you want too' Ash said using telepathy. As expected Serena did not let go and held on tightly.

'So Aaron tell us a bit about yourself' Brock asked looking at Ash interested in him. 'I'm a Pokémon trainer who loves Pokémon' Ash simply said. 'Did you have other friends' Gary asked. Ash gritted his teeth but spoke calmly to Gary, 'No these 4 are my only friends' Ash said pointing at Serena, Max, Clemont and Bonnie. 'And us!' Calem added. 'You wish' Ash mumbled under his breath.

They started eating for a while when a subject got brought up which interested Ash, 'So are you headed to the Battle Royale?' Max asked looking around the group. 'Yeah and we're going to win, I meant me!' Calem said eying Serena. Serena tightened her grip on Ash but let go as Calem dragged her off.

'Do you know where the bathroom is?' Ash asked. 'Yeah go there and too the left' Brock said. Ash nodded and followed Serena and Calem. He stopped around the corner to eavesdrop.

'You don't have feelings for Ash anymore?' Calem asked angrily and grabbed her tightly. Serena became scared, 'no he's long gone' Serena said and regretted those words. 'Good cause now you are mine' Calem said and leaned into kiss Serena. Serena was trying to push away but his grip was tight. 'Come on you know you want too' Calem said. Serena was close to tears.

'Hey leave her alone' Ash said, his eyes grew a dark shade of red. He lunged at Calem and punched his face. Calem groaned in pain as his nose started to bleed. Serena ran behind Ash and started crying. Delia rushed over and helped Calem up. 'Who did this son?' She said. As those words were said Ash felt his body go numb. Everything seemed to stop in the world as those words slowly echoed around the room.

Calem pointed at Ash and began to fake cry in Delia's chest. 'Um excuse me why did you hit him!' Delia looked at Ash angrily. Clemont rushed to the scene. 'He has that problem miss, his mother was murdered' Clemont said anxiously. Delia looked at Ash sadly, 'Oh I'm sorry but next time please don't hit my son' Delia said patting Ash's shoulder. Ash pushed her hand off, 'your dead to me' Ash whispered and silently walked out of the restaurant.

Serena started running after Ash but Calem grabbed her hand. 'Where are you going?' Calem said. Serena was crying uncontrollably. 'Let me go!' Serena said struggling from his grip. 'Serena let him have alone time' Delia said. Serena didn't respond and ran out to find Ash.

Max and Bonnie soon joined Clemont at the scene. 'Sorry about that we must go! Meet you at the tournament' Clemont said before running after Serena with Max and Bonnie behind him.


'She adopted Calem!? She does not trust me anymore!' Ash said in frustration and punched a wall. The wall collapsed and revealed a women having a shower. She screamed before Ash started walking away. 'Can't get worse can it' Ash said and sighed. He sat down on a bench in a park and looked up to the sky. 'Where are you dad?' Ash whispered out.

Greninja came out his PokéBall as Pikachu came out Ash's bag. They sensed the distress in his trainer and came to cheer him up. 'Pika pi?' Pikachu said before jumping onto his lap and looking at Ash. 'Master are you alright?' Greninja asked. Ash turned his gaze to his Pokémon and a fire of determination was lit inside him.

'Yes I'm fine, don't worry' Ash said, 'but promise me one thing,' his Pokémon looked at him intently, 'promise me we will work hard and get more and more stronger. We will make this tournament ours!' Ash said with fire in his eyes. Ash had decided to forget about his mother. He had no mother. He decided to move on and show them his wrath at the Battle Royale.

It then hit him, 'Serena!' Ash said out loud but to his relief she came rushing towards him. 'Ash!' She was running towards him, tears flowing down her cheek. She ran and tackled Ash into a hug causing them to fall on the ground. Serena was refusing to let go. 'Ash please don't ever make us do that' Serena said sobbing in his chest. 'I promise, now calm down' Ash said patting her back. Serena looked at his face and stopped crying.

The trainers got up and brushed the dirt of their clothes. They then saw Max, Bonnie and Clemont run towards them. Serena held onto Ash's hand. 'Ash, you alright bro?' Clemont said panting heavily, like he just ran a marathon. 'Don't worry, I'm fine' Ash said making the group smile in relief. 'Clemont you did well over there, thank you' Ash added. Clemont nodded, 'no problem.'

'We'll rest at the Pokémon centre and head to Tiffany tomorrow' Max said looking at the evening skies. 'Yeah we have to get the early ferry tomorrow morning' Serena said looking at her journal and showing the timetable of the ferries.

'Okay then get some rest before our ultimate test at the Battle Royale' Ash said.


'Come on Ash wake up!' Serena said desperately shaking Ash, but he still wouldn't open his eyes. Serena then thought of an idea. She bent low and gave him a peck on the lips. His eyes shot open and he looked refreshed. 'Can you do that every morning?' Ash asked smiling. 'Alright fine but come on we have to get the ferry' Serena said walking out of the room.

Ash jumped out of bed and grabbed his bag and clothes and rushed out of the room. He met his friends in the lobby who were looking worried. 'We have five minutes, how are we going to reach in time!' Bonnie said anxiously. 'Oh I know!' Ash said smiling, 'put your hand on top of mine and make a pile' Ash said. Serena put her hand followed by the others.

They started to feel the gravity decrease before it unexpectedly returned causing them to buckle and fall to the ground. Only Ash was standing. 'It will take practice' Ash said helping Serena up. 'Ash that was bloody brilliant' Max said shouting. 'Anytime' Ash said doing a gesture with his hat.

The group rushed on board the ferry and made it with one minute to spare. 'Phew that was close' Serena said wiping the sweat of her forehead. The gang turned to Ash who sweat dropped,  'sorry' he said giving a toothy grin. They just smiled at him and knew what he was like anyway. 'It doesn't matter, let's enjoy our ride' Serena said. She dragged Ash off to the clothing shop that was on board.

'I feel sorry for him in this case' Max said sweat dropping. 'Me too' Clemont added. 'Come on brother, I want to try these dresses on' Bonnie said dragging Clemont to the same shop as Serena and Ash, 'Bonnie not you too' Clemont said.

'And there goes another one, I really need a girlfriend' Max said before following his friends into the shop.


Well there were some shocking and dark moments in there.. I bet you weren't expecting that were you? Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter as I have writing it for you guys. It would be appreciated if you check my main account if you haven't---> amour_7

Also let me know what you think about the chapters and book so far.. Feedback really helps me make this book better for you guys so please let me know. Follow if you are new and make sure to check out my main if you haven't!


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