Chapter 1

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It was a nice day as a plane flew by as the scene pan down we see a school with students playing or talking or even just chilling then we see a girl riding on her bike to the school her name was Anne

As she reached the school she took off
her helmet and was locking up her bike while holding a piece of food in her mouth as she was finishing up a girl walked up to her and her name was Maggie

Maggie:hey boobchuy whatcha eating a puke bun?.

She then let out a laugh but was interrupted by Anne

Anne:it's not a bun Maggie it's khao niew bing a traditional Thai snack made up of rice and coconut milk my mom made it for me's my birthday.

Maggie:oh well happy birthday....GIVE ME THAT!.

She then tried to snatch the snack from Anne's grasp but she wasn't letting go so they had a tug of war over the snack

Anne:hey! Get your own thai mom.

???:hey Margo!.

They both looked towards the voice to see one of Anne's friends her name was Sasha

And while she was making her entrance a dude behind her was playing his guitar

Sasha:leave her alone...also nice guitar solo Vince.


Maggie:oh ya or else what!?.

Sasha:or else you can forget coming to my awesome house party next week it'll be really sad when the whole class is enjoying the pool *smile* without you.

Maggie:aw jeez sash I was just playing here.

She then roughly gave Anne back the snack and walked off with a frown

Anne:thanks dude.

Sasha:no worries you just gotta speak their language but never mind that Happy birthday girl!.

They then began squealing as they did a double high-five and Sasha Spin Anne but the bell ranged

Sasha:uh buzz kill.

The scene then changes to a room full of students as the teacher spoke

Mrs.virk:all right class today's your lucky day cause it's frog dissection day.

But all the students weren't so happy all were groaning and shouting gross then Anne flipped over a orange frog showing its face it had its tongue sticking out clearly dead which grossed out Anne

Anne:ugh frogs are the worst...

Sasha:right? let's get out of here.

Then Sasha proceeds to fake about to throw up by heaving

Sasha:mrs. virk the sight of blood...I'm gonna be sick.

Mrs.virk:oh dear Anne why don't you take Sasha to the sick room

Mrs.virk then raises up the frog squeezing it a little to close to sasha's face much to her disliking

Mrs.virk:before she desecrates these beautiful frog bodies with her vomit thank you.

Mrs.virk then walked away believing the act as Anne and Sasha run out the room as they ran down the halls laughing Sasha ripped off a paper on the wall throwing it to the floor Sasha ran pass the nurse room but Anne came to a stop shouting to Sasha

Anne:yo sash sick rooms over here.

But Sasha turns around sighing

Sasha:forget the sick room forget school let's get out of here and celebrate your birthday in style.

Anne:oof skip school?...I don't know sash-

Sasha:-Anne this is your 15 birthday you only get one of these so let's make it the best birthday in the history of birthdays.

Anne:well...all right I gotta be home at 6:00 though my my parents are throwing a big party and they really want me to be there.

Sasha:right right you got it now let's get this thing started!

As they ran out the school about to head to Anne's bike but they heard a ruckus going on at one of the school windows and when it went quiet for bit a boy jumped out of the window shattering it luckily for him he landed in some bushes he had (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes and a (F/C) hoodie with black pants and black shoes and that boy was y/n one of Anne and Sashas best friends


Y/n:you'll never catch me detention is not for me!.

Then the teacher put his head back into the window then y/n got out of the bush and noticed Anne and Sasha looking at him

Y/n:oh hey guys!.

Anne:hey dude.

Sasha:hey bad boy~.

Y/n:Ha Ha very funny.

Y/n has been called the bad boy of the school since he gets into fights all the time but actually he's been getting into fights by stopping bullying sure he like to cause a bit of trouble but he had a heart and ever since Sasha has used bad boy as a nickname for him

Anne:dude are you alright you literally just jumped out a window?.

Y/n:yaaa I'm fine this is the norm for me but more importantly!.

As he finished dusting himself off he ran to Anne putting her into a bear hug lifting her up and swinging her around


Anne:aww you remembered!.

Y/n:of course I may be a knucklehead at times but I remember things especially when it's one of my buddies birthdays also consider that as your birthday gift because I'm broke!.

He then turned and faced Sasha

Y/n:and I didn't forget about you Sasha HIGH-FIVE!.

Then Sasha returned the high-five

Y/n:so what are you guys doing?.

Sasha:we were just about to make Anne's birthday one of the best birthdays in history wanna tag along?.

Y/n:HECK YA! If that's ok with you Anne? it is your birthday after all.

Anne:your our pal dude of course you can tag along.

Y/n:yes let's get this party started!.

Then as y/n went back to get his (F/C) bike he road next to Anne and Sasha as they went into town to party

The scene shows Anne and Sasha dancing on a dance game called super dance Funtime fusion as they win and get top score Anne sits down to catch a break but Sasha kicks the machine making it spit out a bunch of coins sasha is laughing as Anne shows a fake smile then a frown but then they hear someone hitting another machine as they look they see y/n playing whack a mole but he already beat it but he hit the mole to hard but he still continues to smash the broken mole Sasha just laughs as Anne stares in shock

The next scene shows the three in a ally Sasha is spray painting her name on a brick wall while Anne is rubbing her arm a little nervous Sasha hands her the spray can she looks over at y/n to see he sprayed graffiti is bad with a proud smile she laughed a little y/n was a dope at times but his heart was in the right place...if only he realized he was still doing graffiti then Anne heard a police car siren go off for a second startling her but then y/n says

Y/n:oh shoot it's the fuz I'm not going back to jail again!.

Anne:you went to jail!?.

Y/n:I didn't know the shoes were fake what do you want from me!?.

Now we see y/n and Anne in a shopping cart as Sasha is pushing as they get enough speed she hopes in with them as  Anne was screaming and Sasha was cheering and y/n had a smile but it disappeared as they speed by almost hitting a old lady and her dog luckily they dodge it in time

Sasha:out of the way granny.

Y/n:sorry I'll pay if you have a injury *whispers to anne* no I can't...

Then they almost hit a boy and girl that were walking together but they also dodged

Now the three of them were in a coffee shop with pink drinks with Anne wearing star shaped glasses and Sasha wearing shutter shades and y/n was wearing

Anne:so that's what a unicorn tastes like corn syrup.

Y/n:now all I need to try is a flying pig...mmmm bacon with wings~.

Sasha:you want to eat a cop in a helicopter?.

Then they all chuckled at the little joke then a alarm on Anne's phone went off she checked and saw it was a text from her mom saying where are you party starts in 15 minutes she then lifted up her glasses with a shock expression

Anne:oh shoot it's almost 6 o'clock I gotta go dudes!.

Sasha:family party lame let me guess a clown with balloon animals

She said as she lowers her shades

Y/n:aye don't tell me your dissing my man Ronald McDonald!.

Then Anne blushed a little embarrassed by sasha's remark

Anne:I know it's not the coolest but this is important to them.

Y/n:well I think that's swee-

But he gets interrupted by Sasha while she got a message on her phone

Sasha:mmm-hmm oh my gosh Marcy says she found the perfect gift for you downtown.

She laugh a little before showing them the picture

Y/n:ohhh that looks a little pretty also tell Marcy we ain't finished with that 1v1 on that game yet!.

Sasha:a frog music box for the frog lover...I wonder if those gems are real...

She then begins to shove Anne to the exit while y/n follows behind them

Sasha:come on let's keep this party train rolling choo-choo!.

Anne:sorry dude you don't understand I really gotta go.

She then walks to the exit Sasha wasn't taking this to well and had a frown before she said

Sasha:oh I understand Anne you are just a good little girl who's gotta go home to her mommy and daddy come on

She then put her arm around y/n's neck bringing him close

Sasha:hang out with your friends that love you.

Anne:Sasha I'd really like to but-

Sasha:-Anne this isn't cute anymore.

Her voice got a little aggressive as she let go of y/n

Y/n:Sasha don't you think your taking this a bit to-

Sasha:quiet y/n!.

Y/n:jeez fine!.

Sasha:we are meeting up with Marcy right now End Of Discussion.

As Anne looked a little shock she looked at the clock behind her then back to Sasha

Anne:...I guess it's OK if I'm a little late...

She then let out a nervous chuckle then Sasha grab Anne's hand leading her outside

Sasha:boom I knew you'd change your mind.

Anne:w-wait what about y/n?.

Sasha:oh ya wasn't he just behind us?.

They got they're question answered when they saw y/n running out of the bathroom

Sasha:y/n don't tell me you flooded a bathroom aga-

But before she could finish a guy slammed open the bathroom door angrily



And to all three of them ran out the coffee shop


Y/n:I'm sorry while you guys were arguing I went to the bathroom and when I was done that guy wanted to buy my glasses!.

Anne:why is he so mad then!?.

Y/n:he was being a jerk so I snatched the money and my shades back!.


Sasha:glad you tagged along bad boy you just made this day more fun~!.


Scene shows a thrift store as the three of them met up with Marcy

Anne was inside starring at the music box on a shelf

Anne:all right Anne you can do this...

She looks to to counter to see the old woman sleeping she then grabs the music box then looks to the window to see Sasha giving her two thumbs up Marcy with her hands in her pockets smiling and y/n just has a sad look he knew Anne didn't want to steal the box but she didn't want to make Sasha mad so he just shrugs his shoulders it's up to her she notices his sad look but shakes it off and puts the box in her backpack then walks out the store

It was now night the four of them were now in a playground Anne was sitting on a small wooden bench with Sasha on her left Marcy on her right and y/n was standing behind her looking down at the box as she looks at the box it had a blue gem a pink gem a green gem and a red gem as Anne opened the box it started flashing colors as they all looked away from the bright light


Then it all flashed white then everything went black...

y/n was starting to wake up slowly as he heard groaning

Anne:agh...y/n? Marcy? Sasha? Anyone there?!.

Y/n:I'm here.

Anne:y/n? Where are you dude?.

Y/n:your sitting on my stomach if you could get off please.

Anne then wiped her face to clean off the mud to look down to see he was right she was sitting on his stomach

Anne:Ah I'm sorry dude!.

Y/n then got up wiping more mud off him

Y/n:it's fine as long as your not hurt...need a hand?.

He then offered his hand to Anne which she accepted as he pulled her up

Y/n:whoa...where are we?.

Anne:I don't know man...wait where is Sasha and Marcy!?.

Y/n:hmm I guess they didn't land with us well.

He then wrapped his arm around Anne's neck and pulled her close to him

Y/n:at least we have each other right?.

He said with a big smile as for Anne she was blushing for how close his face was to hers

Anne:*blushes* y-ya at least we got each other.

He then let go much to Anne's disappointment since he was actually warm since she didn't know how long they were in the mud then he started looking around

Y/ that box brought us here...a magic box I'm never trusting thrift stores again!.

Anne:well what do we do now?.

Y/n:we look around we can maybe find Sasha and Marcy and maybe they are actually close by.

Anne:alright then.

As she was about to walk y/n grabbed her hand holding it she blushed again looking at y/n

Anne:w-what are you-

Y/n:so we don't lose each other it's pretty dark out here plus we don't know what's in these woods so stay close okay?.

Anne:s-sure dude.

As they began walking Anne was a blushing mess she never really was alone with y/n a boy it's usually her and the girls sometimes with y/n but never alone with him...holding hands.
A few minutes past by as they walk threw the forest Anne was a little nerved out but y/n he was looking around seeing everything

Y/n:whoa Anne check this out!.

Anne:what is it dude?.

Y/n:these mushrooms are glowing!.

The mushrooms were glowing orange and yellow

Anne:whoa...this place is different from home...

Y/n:I'm gonna keep it!.

He then put the mushroom in his pocket saving it as a souvenir

Anne:what if it's poisonous!?.

Y/n:...that makes it even better!.

Anne:...sometimes I don't understand you.

Then they started hearing a accordion playing and humming

Y/n:*whispers* do you hear that?.

Anne:*whispers* ya sounds like a accordion what if it's someone that can help us!.

Y/n:well let's check it out.

Then they went to where the sound was coming from as they reached the sound they saw a little blue frog playing the accordion

Anne:a walking...frog?

Y/n:this place is weird and awesome!.

Anne:maybe we can ask him for help?.

Y/n:alright then!.

He took a step but he accidentally stepped on a stick snapping it the frog heard the snap and stop in his tracks


He looked around trying to see if anyone was with him but then something ran past behind him making him turned around scared

Frog:what's that!?.

He then walked backwards but then he felt a presence behind as it slowly rises up from a bush the frog turned around looking up at the creature


He then turned around running but something got in his was jumping out of another bush with its arms raised up



Then the frog turned around and ran the other way as he ran y/n was laughing

Y/n:HAHAHA oh man that was a good one!.

Anne:dude what the heck!?.

Y/n:relax I saw an opportunity and I took it besides he ran away before you could even ask him for help.

Anne:*sighs* i guess but could you please not do that again I don't want them thinking we are actually trying to eat them?.

Y/n:fine fine only for you.

But as they finished talking they heard stomping and a screech


Y/n:...uh oh!.
Hello there I have decided to make another story and there will be more on the way I shall try to update them as much as I can they will be about the characters in my first story and some will be anime's but sadly I'm sorry to say I'm going to put my first book on hold for now I'm having trouble coming up with ideas for that book and the story line so please forgive me I will take the time to think about it and what I will do also for the next books I will reuse ideas from my other book but just to let you know all my y/n's will be a little different from each other but anyways hope you understand have a nice day or night stay safe and peace out

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