Chapter 2

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It's now morning as we see a family of frogs and a tadpole the old orange frog was named hop pop

The young pink frog was named sprig

And the tadpole was named Polly

Hop pop just stopped the snail that was pulling the cart and turned to the two

Hop pop:alright kids ima do a little shopping you watch the cart.

Then sprig jumped up on the side of the wagon

Sprig:you got it hop pop I'll defend this cart with my LIIIIIFE!.

He then starts banging on his chest before hop pop says

Hop pop:sprig I was talking to Polly.

Sprig:what? Pollys a baby.

Polly:your a baby!.

Hop pop:polly's got more responsibility in her little flipper than your entire body.

Sprig:ridiculous what makes you think I'm irresponsible?.

He then puts his hand under his chin and says sarcastically

Hop pop:oh gee let me think.


We then see flashback of sprig putting something in a bot making it explode

Then we see him crash threw the wall riding a cow mix with a caterpillar

Then we see giant fireflies crash into the house because sprig left the lights on


Sprig:ok so yesterday was a bad day.

Hop pop:mmm hmm.

And so hop pop grabbed a bag and hopped over the the entrance of the store

Hop pop:polly make sure sprig stays in the cart.

He then went into the store greeting the owner then sprig lays his head down on the cart with a sad face

Sprig:*sighs* wish there was a way to prove I'm not such a goof up...

Then Polly gives him a sympathetic look but then they heard screaming as they turned to see Wally run out the woods into the town as he stop and was panting until screaming

Wally:MONSTERS! T-there's monsters in the woods I seen them I SEEN them!.

As a crowd formed around Wally mayor toadstool spoke

Mayor Toadstool: now simmer down Wally just tell us what you saw.

That's when Wally started to make the monsters out of a leaf stick and pebbles

Wally:oh they were horrifying the first one had a head huge head a weird stubby bump right in the middle of its face and long spindly legs the second look the same except BIGGER and it tried to eat me!.


Mayor toadstool:we better catch these beasts before they hurt somebody because for mayor toadstool your safety comes first.

Then the crowd started applauding

Wally:well it's the responsible thing to do.

That's when it hit sprig

Sprig:polly I just had a great idea I am going to catch those beasts and save the town!.

As he was about to get off the cart Polly put her hand in front of him stopping him

Polly:stop right there hop pop said that you had to stay in the cart!.

That's when she started to flex her muscles...surprisingly


That's when sprig went into his shirt

Sprig:oh oh polly look candy!.

He then pulls out bug candy and blows a raspberry when he drops it in font of her
She stares at it then yells

Polly:bribe accepted!.

And starts eating the candy Pac-Man style

Sprig:let the monster hunt *hops away* begin!.

Polly:DONT DIE!.

As sprig was running threw the woods he looks down and spots footprints moving the leafs off them to get a better look

Sprig:seems like the beasts roam these parts...probably a good place to-AHHH

Before he could finish he didn't realize he was standing on a trap that hanged him from his foot that's when he heard bushes moving and looked towards them as something stepped out panting

Anne:caught ya thought you got the best of old Anne eh? Well you didn't heh!.

Sprig:*GASP* giant head spindly limbs face bumps THE BEAST!.

Anne:stop following me.

Sprig:I have bad news for you beast I taste terrible!.

Anne:ew i am not going to eat you.

Sprig:you tried to eat Wally!.

Anne:I tried to ask Wally for help he ran off screaming the second he saw me.

Sprig:...that does sound like Wally.

That's when they heard screeching they see trees being pushed down

Anne:it's coming back!.

Sprig:what is!?.

That's when Anne grabbed her spear and ran

Sprig:where you going!?.

That's when the creature roared again as sprig was struggling to get out of the trap Anne stopped and turned to see the frog struggle to bit the rope off that's when he let out a scream as she thought about it she ran back to him cutting the rope then picking him up

Sprig:oh here we go!.

As Anne put sprig under her running she slide inside a log to hide from the creature as they look out holes to see the monster lost them and began walking into the forest as they fall back and let out a relieved sigh saved me your not a beast at all your a hero an ugly ugly ugly hero!.

Anne:call me ugly again and maybe I will eat you.

Sprig:Ha your not gonna eat me you gotta name stranger?.

Anne:my names Anne Anne boonchuy.

Sprig:I'm sprig planter put 'er there.


She then shakes his hand but slime gets on her hand your hand just barfed on my hand...

Sprig:if I'm not wrong shouldn't there be two of you?.

That's when she looked down in sadness

Anne:...there was...but we got separated when that thing first attacked us...I haven't seen him ever since...

Sprig:oh...well I'm sorry.

Anne:i-it's fine...

That's when her stomach growled

Anne:*sighs* ok sprig you got anything to eat?.

Sprig:sure do!.

That's when he lift a piece of the log showing a bunch of bugs much to Anne's disgust

Anne:things that aren't bugs?...

Sprig:no bugs eh?.

That's when he stretched his tongue and ate a bug

Sprig:*chewing*we have to hunt around for a bit.

That's when he ran out the log

Sprig:come on follow me!.

Anne:how do I know I can trust you?.

Sprig:what? Does this look like a face that could deceive you?.

Anne:haha I guess not whoa-

Sprig:well come on then chow time.

And so he grabs her arm pulling her...

We now see hop pop coming out the store humming he stops when he sees a mob with torches and pitchforks

Mayor toadstool:now when I say kill you say it kill!.


Mayor toadstool:kill!.


Hop pop:heh another day another mob.

He then gets on the cart

Hop pop:come on kids time to- WHAT THE!.

He then saw polly laying around candy wrappers in a sugar crash until she sees hop pop and responds with

Polly:I don't have a candy problem you have a candy problem!.

Hop pop:polly where's sprig!?.

Polly:uh something something monster something something woods.

Wally:oh if your boy went into the woods he's as good as eaten those beasts will devour everything in there path.

Hop pop:not on my watch!.

He then picks up polly and puts her on his head as he ran into the woods

Hop pop:hang in there boy hop pops  

That's when the mob followed him screaming

Wally:harvest the toenails for medicinal purposes!.

Now back with sprig and Anne sprig drops a pile of mushroom and sticks as Anne picks up a stick or root and eats it

Anne:hey this is pretty good.

Sprig:Mm-hmm so first question
What the heck are you and where did you come from!?

Anne:I'm a human being and I come from...

She then stands up as her voice echos

Anne:ANOTHER WORLD! Either that or this is a dream.

Sprig:wooow do you know how you got here?.

Anne:nope one minute I was in my world and the next thing I knew I was here I don't know how to get home or if I even can go yup that's my story how bout you what where you doing in the woods?.

Sprig:trying to prove I'm responsible!.

Anne:oh ya how?.


Then out of nowhere Wally stood up from a bush yelling

Wally:there they are!.

Then a mob started to surround Anne

Anne:stay away from me!.

Then they all jumped on her tying her up in ropes as sprig was trying to stop them

Sprig:no you guys got it all wrong!.

Hop pop:you caught the monster sprig I'm impressed.

Anne:dude what the heck you set me up I thought we were connecting!?.

Sprig:no no no this wasn't my plan!

Mayor toadstool:now Wally didn't you say there was another monster?.

Wally:t-there was i could've sworn I seen it-

As on cue the bushes near them began shaking them something jumped out surprisingly making the ground shake a little it had the same features as Anne and it did not look happy


Sprig:that's the other one!?.

Wally:that one tried to eat me!.

Y/n had half of his jacket ripped off and had some scratches on his arm and face

Anne:dude I thought you died I cried for you for an hour!.

Y/n:you have five seconds to let her go before I-

That's when his glare turn into a smile

Y/n:wait a minute you cried for me?.

Anne:*blushes*w-well ya but that's not the point right now!.

That's when roaring could be heard making them look to the side as a giant green mantis popped out of the bushes

Y/n:I thought I lost you man where's tai lung when you need him!?.

Mayor toadstool:hurry everyone mantis formation!.

That's when they all stood on each other's heads to be taller then the mantis as it stared at them for a moment it slowly started to walk backwards

That's when everyone started cheering but then a bigger mantis fell down behind them

Polly:nope that scared it off.

Hop pop:ya that makes more sense.

That's when the mantis let out a roar and hit the frogs making them all fall While this was happening sprig was untying Anne

Anne:what is this another trick?.

Sprig:I'll distract that thing you get out of here!.

Then he went charging at the mantis as Anne look into the woods and back to sprig then sprig got the mantis attention by throwing a rock at its face

Sprig:hey haha...oops

Then the mantis raises its arms up about to hit sprig as the arm comes down sprig closes his eyes waiting for the pain but it never came as he opens his eyes he sees Anne holding the mantis arm pushing it back as the other frogs stare in shock but the mantis is about to use its other arm before it could lift it up from behind y/n grabs the arm pulling so hard it rips off while the frogs and Anne stare in shock while he is smiling Anne could've sworn she saw his eyes glow red for a second as she turns to sprig still struggling with the other arm


Sprig:oh right on it!.

As sprig picks up the rope left on the ground he runs around the mantis feet then jumps and wraps it around its now one arm and torso then lands and the ground pulling the rope but the mantis is to strong for sprig that's when y/n and Anne pulling the rope making it squeeze the mantis as well as fall to the ground then the frogs come out from hiding in the bushes

Mayor toadstool:it's down!.

Sprig/Anne/y/n:we did it!.

Anne:up top.

As Anne raises both of her arms up y/n high-fives the left hand while sprig is used it tongue to high-five Anne's right

Anne:oh boy that's gross...

Mayor toadstool:well now that that's settled what the heck are we gonna do with these things maybe we outta run them out of town just to be safe let em be someone else's problem.

As the town marches towards Anne and y/n he gets in front of Anne defensively but then sprig ran in front of the mob

Sprig:stop right there! They are not monsters they're just lost and need our help we should take care of them.

As Anne smiles at sprig y/n just looks confused

Y/n:what the heck did you do when I was gone?.

Mayor toadstool:are you crazy?.

Wally:yeah what if it goes nutty tomorrow and starts eating people?

Anne:not gonna happen buddy.

Wally:I wasn't talking about you.

He says as he eyes y/n

Y/n:oh for the love of- it was a prank I'm not gonna eat you with your slimy skin and...your legs...what were we talking about?.

That's when hop pop walked next the the three

Hop pop:don't worry yourselves silly I'll keep an eye on them all three of them.

Mayor toadstool:hmm...have it your way hopediah planter but I don't like it alright boys pack it in!.

Then the crowd started to walk away dragging the mantis with them

Sprig:looks like I'm back to causing trouble again huh?.

Hop pop:trouble? Sprig standing up to that angry mob to help these creatures out was some of the bravest and most responsible stuff I've ever seen.

Polly:that was pretty cool sprig it was also really dumb.

Hop pop:yes really really dumb.

Sprig:*gasp* you think I'm responsible?.

Hop pop:well ya I mean just this one time-


While sprig was cheering Anne took her phone out to see if she can get a signal while y/n does the same as she looks at him for a answer he just shakes his head signaling he can't either

Hop pop:well don't get carried away-

Sprig:big win!.

Anne:welp this has been great

Y/n:it has?.

Anne:but just give us a map we gotta find our way out of this kooky place.

Hop pop:oh a map won't be enough.

He the. Pulled out a map showing mountains

Hop pop:this here valley is surrounded by mountains that are impenetrable this time of year.

Sprig:it should clear up In a couple of months.

Hop pop:but until then if you try to cross those mountains-

Polly:you will die.

Anne:are you telling me We're stuck In this crazy place for 2 months! where are we gonna stay!.

Y/n:ohh we could make a treehouse I saw a Minecraft tutorial once...oh wait we don't have blocks...

We then cut to the planters house as hop pop shows y/n and Anne the basement

Hop pop:all righty kitchens upstairs breakfast at sunrise sharp.

Anne:okay thanks dude.

Y/n:thank you.

As Anne and y/n put down there beds sprig comes down into the basement holding stuff animals

Sprig:hey gettin comfy?.

He throws them on the floor in a pile while sliding down the ladder

Sprig:brought some toys to keep you company I'm too old for these...except for this one oh and this one

As he continues to pick up...all of the stuff animals Anne gives him a smile while y/n is just chuckling

Sprig:I'm glad your living with us monsters.

Anne:ya me too weird little frog boy.

Y/n:I barely know u but you seem cool...also Anne you looked and said that weird...

Sprig:okay goodnight sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite...seriously they can drain a body in seconds.

He then goes back upstairs as he leaves one of the stuffed animals he drop

Y/n:I call dibs!.

Y/n said as he picked up the toy and threw it on his bed that's when Anne sat on her still rolled up bed as y/n went and sit next to her

Y/ tell them about frog legs?.


Y/n:I'm joking I'm joking glad your ok I haven't seen you all night.

Anne:same I thought the worse happened to you.

Y/n:I could tell since you know how you said*smug grin*u cried for me?.

Anne:*blushes*well ya your my best friend dude I would be sad if I lost you...


He then puts his arms around her giving her a hug which she accepts returning the hug as they let go they both don't say anything blushing until y/n breaks the silence

Y/ you still have it?.

Then Anne takes off her backpack taking out a white cloth wrapped around the music box as Anne looks at y/n he gives her a nod as she takes a breath and opens the box as they both close there eyes...but nothing happeneds as they open there eyes Anne opens and closes it three more times but still nothing happeneds

Anne:*sighs* looks like we're gonna be here for a while...

Y/n:ya...but like I said before at least be have each other right?.

As he looks at her with a grin she returns it with a smile

Hi sorry if you didn't get enough screen time and showed up at the end also I hope your having a good day or night that's all I really wanted to say to stay save and peace out

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