Chapter 3

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Screaming was the first thing y/n heard as he woke up

Anne:guys guys guys I just had the craziest dream I was trapped in a world of frog pe-

But as she turned she saw hop pop sprig
and Polly staring at her with y/n laying down also staring at her

Y/n:yaaaa not a dream.


Sprig:hey Anne hey y/n sleep good?.

Hop pop:*pushes sprig back* careful boy they could be hungry!.

Polly:for your guts!.

Anne:dude relax I am not gonna eat something that clearly doesn't bathe.

Y/n:*whispers to Anne* desperate times call for desperate measures Anne.

Y/n says earning a nudge from Anne luckily the frogs and tadpole didn't hear him

Hop pop:*catches and eats fly* fair point.

Sprig:see told you they were harmless.


Hop pop:hmph for now.

As hop pop walks carries Polly up the stairs with him she hops back down holding a rolling pin

Polly:just give me an excuse to use old Doris here.

She says as she jumps back up the stairs

Anne:...I think the little one wants to kill us.

Y/n:I like her confidence.

Sprig:yup so you guys be so excited to be trapped in another world very jealous.

He says leaning towards them but ends up falling as Anne chuckles

Anne:it's not all that I miss my home my stuff and especially...

She turns and picks up a picture of her Sasha Y/n and Marcy

Anne:my friends.

She hands sprig the picture as he looks at it

Anne:without them I just feel kind of lost you offense y/n.

Y/n:none taken I get it I wasn't really around you guys that much...for obvious school reasons.

That's when sprig gets an idea

Sprig:well then why don't I be your best friend in the meantime y/n include.

Y/n:Im already friends with her but ya I'm down!.



Sprig:come on it'll be fun what did you do together?.

Anne:everything marathon dumb tv shows drink boba till we vomited hung out at the beach.

Y/n:aww what now I regret not being around you guys more often!.

Sprig:oh we got a lake would going there with us make you feel less homesick?.

Y/n:well I'm in what about you Anne?.

She then lifted up the picture looking at it then sprig and y/n

Y/n/sprig: yeah yeah yeah!.

Then the picture then back at them while sprig did a funny pose and y/n...well was being y/n

Sprig:it's gonna be great.

This got a giggle out of Anne

Anne:I like your guy's moxie let's do it!

She then brushed lotion up then put on her swimming outfit and grabbed a towel then opened the door as she was done getting ready sprig and y/n were already there waiting as y/n was already changed

Sprig:you ready to go!*puts on goggles*

Y/n and Anne:yeah-ah!.

As they all three of them cheered running towards the door hop pop got in the way blocking them making them stop

Hop pop:and where do you three think you're going?.

Sprig:we're going to the lake.

He says stretching his pants then letting go giving out a ow

Anne:why you want in you wanna come-

Hop pop:ABSOLUTELY NOT look anne
Y/n you two are a new unsettling strange bizarre gangly horrifying-

Anne:thanks I got it.

Y/n:no keep going you missed some.

He then goes to the window

Hop pop:point is the frogs in this town and be pretty small minded *pulls down shades*

Random frog:oh hey hopadiah.

Hop pop:and paranoid *closes shades*

Y/n:...ya..."they're" paranoid.

Hop pop:we just need to give 'em time to get used to you I think it's best you stay put.

He then locks the door with a wooden key


Hop pop:NO BUTS!.


Hop pop:now I'm gonna go into my study to get a little reading done.

Sprig:uh hop pop...

Hop pop:don't do anything stupid.

He then slammed the door to his study

Anne:ugh adults are all the same curfews rules old

Y/n:getting they're Taxes done.

Sprig:ya looks like we're stuck here ohh I know what'll be fun let's try some of hop pops pain peppers!.

He then pulls out a barrel with pepper in bubbling sauce

Sprig:so hot they'll make you wish you were dead.

He then picks up one humming then taps it with his tongue


he fire shoots from his mouth as he then runs back and fourth with his tongue smoking then grabs a vase and starts smashing it on his tongue then starts drinking water from the sinks Fossett
Then falls on the floor reaching out

Sprig:someone just kill me please blah...

He then lays on the grown for a while then gets up like none of it happened sticking out the pepper

Sprig:your turn.


Anne:no thanks I'd rather go to the lake.

As y/n and sprig were about to put more peppers into they're mouth they stop and look at Anne in confusion

Sprig:what but hop pop said uh-

Anne:sprig you wanna know the best thing about friendships?.

Y/n:you have someone to talk to?.

Anne:when you got your friend by your side anything is possible whatever you want a real friend will help you get and you know what I want?.

Sprig:the lake!.

Anne:yup now let's go rob an old man!



Anne:yeah that didn't sound as cool as I wanted it to...

Now we see the three birds peek into hop pops study as they see the key in his coat hanging on the chair while trying to come up with a plan

Anne:any ideas?

Y/n:I know what to do.

(Skip to 1:11 Replace them with just y/n hop pop as the old lady)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]



Y/n:*nods while being proud of his idea*

Anne:not gonna happen...

Y/n:ok do you want the key or not?.

Sprig:ohh what if we use fishing line to lower me from the ceiling?.

He then climbs the door way then swinging from the top

Sprig:then I grab the key right out of hop pops pocket.

Y/n:I still think mines better.

Sprig:I'll move like a shadow-

He then jumps off doing a chop but accidentally taps a vase which ends up falling but Anne catches it in time as they look back at hop pop with nervousness luckily for them he didn't hear

Sprig:...shadows knock things over sometimes.

Y/n:they do?!.

She then puts her fingers to y/n and sprigs mouth's as she put down the vase

Anne:shh do you hear that?.

As they listen closely they could hear snoring

Anne:no way.

They then walk up to hop pop to see he's sleeping with his eyes open as Anne waves her hand in front of his eyes to see he's actually asleep

Anne:this might be the creepiest thing I've ever seen.

Y/n:I wish I could do this it would be so useful In class.

Sprig:happens all the time he makes a great scarecrow.

Anne then takes the key out of hop pops coat then all three of them walk out of the room while Anne closes the door she then takes a sniff of the key

Anne:you guys know what this smells like?.

Y/n then takes the key smelling it

Y/n:wood in the shape of a key?.

The sprig takes it smelling it then licking it

Sprig:a key that's been in a old mans pocket?


Sprig:that was my next guess!.

Y/n:mine wasn't!.


The three of them were now walking threw the woods going to where the the lake was

Anne:*sighs* this is great three pals beatin' the odds to have fun here smile.

She then takes out her phone as she pulls y/n and sprig in then takes the picture as y/n shakes his head from the flash and sprig stands there dazed

Anne:whoa hey that turned out great.

The picture show Anne smiling while y/n as his eyes wide open as they glow red like how animals eyes do when you take a picture of them as for sprig he wasn't ready and looked like he was screaming as the picture had hearts and the word bffs

Sprig:I don't know what's crazier that you just stole my soul in a tiny box or that we look so incredible.

Y/n:dang we looked like angels!.

Sprig:I gotta say this friend business is amazing!.

Anne:didn't you have friends before we showed up?



Green Child frog:*giggles* your turn.

Then sprig runs out of some bushes towards the two frogs

Sprig:guys guys guys guys guys check this out!.

He then pulls out a giant snake skeleton and pretends to make it eat him


Both frogs:AHHH!

Sprig:aaah help it's eating me alive!.

Both frogs:AHHHHH!

Sprig:Ha-Ha I'm just kidding guys-

He then starts doing it again this time going fully inside the skeleton making both of the frogs scram again


Sprig:kids around here don't really get me.

Y/n:boy don't I know that feeling.

Then Anne punches him in the shoulder

Anne:well hey they are missing out come on.


Sprig:so is punching part of friendship?.


Y/n:ya watch!.

We then hear a hit landing then a ow from sprig the three of them move passed some leaves as they finally make it

Sprig:we made it.


Y/n:oh my cranberry's!.

Anne:it's beautiful.

Y/n:I wanna die and have my grave buried here.

Anne:you ready dudes


As they were cheering and running to the lake they stop i front of a sign that says don't swim in red coloring


Sprig:this wasn't here last week


That's when Anne looked back at the lake to see a rainbow go over it's beauty that's when she had the answer

Anne:hmm I know exactly what's going on here some jerk just wants this beautiful lake all to themselves well forget that.

Sprig:ah I don't know Anne whoever wrote this wrote it in a hurry like they were scared to be here.

Y/n:is this blood or paint...for science I shall lick it *licks sign* *lip smack* it's paint dang it.

Anne:or maybe they just have bad handwriting cmon don't be a buzzkill.

She then ran to the lake dipping her toe in it

Anne:ohh that's nice.

Then sprig used his tongue to grab Anne's arm pulling her back

Anne:hey what are you doing?.

Sprig:something not right here let's just go back.

Anne:ugh I thought you were trying to be my friend.

Sprig:I am.

Anne:well this is what friends do remember they help each other get the things they want.

She the unwrapped sprigs tongue off her arm as it retracts and hits him in the face


Anne:look if a friend likes a pencil case you get it for them.

Y/n:well if it's they're birthday or your being nice then ya I guess.

Anne:if your friends likes your new shoes you give them to her.

Y/n:well no- wait her?.

Anne:and if a friend wants you to steal a crazy music box from a thrift store even if you don't really want to

She then turns and crosses her arms with a frown

Anne:you do it ok because if you don't they might not want to be your friend anymore.

Y/n:*thoughts*dang I really need to have a talk with Sasha when we get back...if we can get back.

Then sprig looks back at the sign then to the lake with a frown too


He then starts walking away as Anne turns back to the lake


Y/n:...Anne...if you need to-

He was interrupted when they heard panting and footsteps approaching fast as sprig runs past them cheering as he does a backflip into the water

Anne:ah yeah that's what I'm talkin' about!.

As sprig comes up from the water spitting out water Anne jumps In doing a cannonball


As she lands next to sprig making a giant splash they both emerge from the water laughing as y/n is still standing on land watching still feeling a bit sad about what just happened until Anne called out to him

Anne:bet you can't beat that y/n come on in the waters nice!.

Y/n:ehh...I don't know...


As they were cheering for y/n to jump into the water he was thinking they should leave but he didn't want to make them sad again

Y/n:...oh what the heck!.

He then began taking off his shirt this making Anne blush a little as he put on a smirk

Y/n:you call that a cannonball WATCH THIS MORTAL!.

He then ran to the lake as he jumped in doing a cannonball that splashed both Anne and sprig
The scene now shows the three of them swimming with they're hands behind they're backs
The next shows them all having a splash fight throwing water at each other
It now shows sprig laying down on a giant leaf as Anne lays under him on a little piece of land as y/n is somehow laying on the tiny leaf above sprig
Now they were under the water holding they're breath pretending to drink from tea cups as they clink they're imaginary glasses together
They're now on a leaf sneaking up on a giant water skipper as its sleeping they hop on its back riding it while it's moving everywhere
They are now hitting each other with bulrushes as y/n sneaks behind the two bonking them both on the head
Now Anne is taking a picture of sprig and y/n as they flex as she has a small trickle of blood from her nose you can guess why but as she takes the last picture she opens her eyes with them going wide


Sprig:I was blinking wasn't I?.

Y/n:no sprig we have put her in shock for our muscles are to powerful!.

As a shadow looms over them they turn around to see a giant snake as Anne drops her phone into the water




They started swimming away as the giant snake chased them but Anne was falling behind

Anne:stupid non-webbed human hands!.

As the snake was behind her about to strike sprig pushes her out of the way under the water as it chases them it takes a bite but they dodge it it try's again but y/n comes in kicking it in the head dazing it for a few seconds they jumped out the water onto a lily pad

Sprig:well that explains the sign.


Anne:guys I'm just slowing you down get out of here this was my fault anyway I should have listen to you-

Sprig:friend punch!.

He then punch Anne in the face

Anne:Ow hey.

Y/n:whoa Dude!?.

Sprig:never I'm not about to let one of my first real friends get eaten we're in this together!.

Y/n:ya don't be stupid!.

The snake then starts wrapping itself around the lily pad trapping them

Anne:uh any ideas?.


Anne:one that isn't jumping at it!.


Then sprigs jumps on Anne's head

Anne:ah what are you doing?.

Sprig:I have a plan stand up!.

Anne:um ok. *Stands up*

Sprig:when I count to three duck!.

Anne:what are you crazy!?.

Sprig:just trust me!.

She gives him a nod

Sprig:all right one...two...

The snake the goes to attack


He then jumps off Anne head to the snake

Y/n:How come he gets to do i-

But then the snakes swallows sprig whole




Y/n:GET IT!.

Then Anne and y/n climbed up the snakes neck as Anne started to hit it with a stick y/n was punching it in the eye but the snake shook them off as it was staring at them smoke starts to come out it's nose as it coughs out fire it then starts shooting fire from its mouth as sprig comes flying out as well as Anne catches him

Anne:your alive.

She then looks back at the snake as it continues to blow fire in pain

Anne:what did you do?.

Sprig then pulls out one of hop pops peppers

Sprig:so hot they'll make you wish you were dead.

Anne:you little genius you.

Y/n:that was actually really smart!.

Sprig:and it looks like he couldn't take the heat.

They all start laughing until they hear the snake screeching then they started to run out the lake


Sprig:death approaches!.



We now see hop pop start to wake up from his sleep

Hop pop:*Gasp* I'm up I'm awake!

He then turns and checks to see if the key is still in his pocket

Hop pop:the key it's gone oh no did they get out!?.

He then looks out the window

Hop pop:is the town rioting are they dead has Anne and y/n eaten the kids the whole town!?.

He then rushes to the door but notices the lock

Hop pop:what's this now it's still locked.

He then looks down into the basement to see Anne y/n and sprig playing a board game as Anne shakes some dice

Anne:come on mama needs a new pair of shoes...seriously though I do need new shoes.

Hop pop then comes down the basement

Hop pop:you guys been here all day huh?.

Anne:ya dude I'm on a winning streak.

Sprig:I owe her my firstborn child.

Y/n:I owe her two things my pancreas and first kiss but I'll do it when the moment is right~.

(No dirty thoughts this is maybe a foreshadowing)

Anne just blushes but quickly shakes it off

Anne:oh by the way hop pop we found this on the floor you must have dropped it.

Hop pop:*takes key*...dang shallow pockets well you get what you pay for.

He then leaves the basement but then Polly jumps down holding old Doris


Anne:sup Polly?.

Polly:you guys are not gonna eat us are you your not even gonna try disappointing.

She then jumps out the basement as Anne closes the hatch as she y/n and sprig sigh with relief while sitting on the stairs

Anne:hey I'm sorry I almost got us killed today...

Sprig:are you kidding that was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me!.

Y/n:ya dude it's not everyday you almost get eaten by a giant snake *whispers* check that off the bucket list.

Sprig:my heart was beating faster the a dragonfly on a sugar rush.

Y/n:I gotta see that.

Sprig:in fact...I'm feeling a little...sleepy.

He starts falling but Anne catches him in time as she smiles and puts him on her bed she then take out the picture of her Sasha and Marcy then looks back to sprig then looks over to y/n getting something out of his bag she then smiles again as she looks up

Anne:Sasha Marcy I hope you guys are ok...because we are.

Y/n:pss Anne.

She then looks over to y/n who's by sprig holding a black marker with a grin

Y/n:you wanna give him a mustache~?.

Anne:chuckles ya dude.

She then thought about what he said ill do it when the moment is right she then blushed again


We see someone standing in front of a prison cell

???:take a look at this please Sasha.

He then raises up Anne's shoe and a part of y/n's jacket

???:these were found far from here in the south forest now we know that you've been lying to we know that there are more of you.

As lightning strikes we see Sasha glaring at the frog while her foot is chained in the cell
________________________________________________________________ sorry for not updating for like what a week I was trying to get my head straight and come up with ideas for the multiverse book and I got some ideas so I might update that soon but that's all from me thank you for the support have a nice day/night stay safe and peace out

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