Chapter 4

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It was the next day now we see y/n Anne and sprig in the basement with a pile of stuff from Anne's  backpack

Sprig:wow Anne look at all your cool stuff!

Sprig:*picks up toenail clippers*what's this oh I get it torture device.

Y/n:yes for teeth!.

Anne:that's a toenail clipper.

Sprig:oh ok ok sure oh*picks up bike pump*how about this what does this do?.

He then put the end of the pump into his mouth and started pumping air into his cheeks

Sprig:*muffled*its painful.

Y/n:I tried that once I can confirm that it is painful.

Sprig:oh and this*picks up pen*

Y/n:I do that for stress or when I'm board in class

Anne:you know what you can keep it.

That's when they heard the dinner bell from upstairs

Hop pop:kids chow time!.

We know see them at the table with Polly as hop pop was putting...soup... into a bowl

Anne/y/n/sprig/Polly:time to eat time to eat time to eat!.

Hop pop:hold on you kids hold on.

He then slid two bowls to Anne and y/n but Anne didn't find the soup to be appetizing

Anne:you know what I think I'm gonna pass.

Y/n:maybe it tastes good?.

He then picked up a leg then bite it

Y/n:....I think I'm gonna pass as well!.

Hop pop:why is my food not good enough for the prince and princess?.

This did not sit well with Anne or y/n they looked at each other and nodded

Anne:if we're the prince and princess then you're the king of bad cooking.

This left sprig and Polly jaw drop while y/n was having a smug smile


Y/n:you know what hop pop i don't find this soup to be quite ribbeting.

Sprig/Polly:oh oh ohhhh!.

Hop pop:oh yeah well you...I...

Anne:what's a matter hop pop frog in your throat?.

Sprig/Polly:ohhhhhh/oh she got you again!.

Hop pop:oh dang it *throws spoon* you know what I'm gonna take a nap

He then walk off into his room

Hop pop:I don't believe I feed you I house you and this is how you repay me if you two don't shape up soon I'm throwing you out!.

He then slammed the door knocking over a vase

Anne:yeesh what's his problem?.

She then grab the sides of her hair making it look like hop pops

Anne:*hop pop voice* I'm hop pop and I cook bad and have a temper problem!.

This got sprig and Polly to laugh as for y/n he wasn't paying attention

Anne then stands up and grabs one of hop pops canes

Anne:eat your aphids don't play with them ELBOWS OFF THE TABLE!.

As sprig and Polly were still laughing y/n got a Caterpillar and dipped it into the soup taking a bit a few seconds pass as he had a no expression then he started to spit out the soup and caterpillar after a few more seconds he dipped his finger into the soup and licked it

Anne:sometimes I wonder why I even bother putting up with you at all!.

She then accidentally broke the cane smashing it onto the table as sprig and Polly gasp this snapped y/n out of it

Y/n:what what happened!?.

Anne:oopsies guess I don't know my own strength right guys?.



Y/n:.....*whispers*why are we quiet?.

Anne:you guys okay what's the big deal it's just one cane.

Sprig:that wasn't just any cane it was hop pop's special cane.

He says as he points to a picture with hop pop and his cane

Sprig:passed down from his father hop poppity pop.

Sprig:All the way from his father hop and lock drop soppity pop.

Y/n:these would make some good lyrics for a rap or song.

Anne:oh you guys gotta help me he's gonna kick us out the second he finds out about this I cannot go back to living in a cave!.

Anne:*shudders*ugh the nights were the hardest.

Y/n:oh so that's where you were I was in a tree why didn't you think of that?.

Anne:because it was raining dude!.

Y/n:well I for one like the rain it helps me sleep...even when I'm getting wet also what do u mean we I didn't break it!.

Anne:please dude!...

She then gave him the puppy eyes this wouldn't really work on y/n if it was someone else but only will it work if it's his friends

Y/n:no no no don't start that....*sighs* fine

Anne:yes thanks dude!.

Sprig:don't worry Anne we'll do whatever it takes to help you too.

Polly:eh count me out.


Polly:what I hardly know them.

Anne:would you help me for one of these?.

She then holds up a candy bar

Y/n:plus I'll help you cause carnage!.

Polly:*gasp* candy from a another world and carnage You got yourselves a deal!.

Anne:glad to hear it now let's try to save our skin.


Anne:figure of speech.


As Anne holds the cane sprig puts some of the soup on the top as Anne puts the broken half on it then Polly uses her bow to tie it together as y/n finishes it of with a kiss then a bandaid


But then it fell off

Anne:ok maybe we can't fix it but someone else can someone good with...wood?.

That's when jumped on Anne holding her by her shoulder close to a certain someone's opinion

Sprig:Anne your a geniuses we'll just take it to leopold loggle the woodsmith he loves wood almost a little too much.

He then felt y/n pick him up by his shoulders then dropping him to the floor as he went and stand next to Anne with his arms crossed as everyone looked at him confusingly

Y/n:...personal space...


The four of them were now in loggles shop as he was inspecting the cane muttering

Anne:so can you fix it?.

Loggle:as a matter of fact I cannnn not.

Sprig:huh...can you make a new one?.

Loggle:absolutelyyyyy no way.

Y/n:*whispers*if you does that one more time I'll make sure he can't ever say a full sentence again...

Polly:do you have one we could buy?.

Loggle:of course I doooo n't i don't.

Y/n:hold me back!.

He was about to jump over the counter But Anne but a hand in front of him

Anne:why do you keep doing that!?.

Loggle:old smithing accident you don't want to know.

Anne:...uh ok so-

Y/n:I do-

Loggle:tripped on an anvil landed neck first on a metal pipe pierced my voice box clean through!.

He then lowered his scarf and lifted his head up to show his neck and looked away disgusted Polly faked gag and y/n and sprig looked on fascinated

Loggle:switched over to wood after that anyhow I'm afraid I can't do much for you.

He then walked over to a book shelf grabbing a book

Loggle:that cane was made with wood from the incredibly rare extremely dangerous doom tree.


Y/n:*laughs in danger*

Loggle:few have made it to the doom tree alive fewer yet returned it holds many secrets that mortals dare not-

Anne:dude it's a tree just tell us where it is.

Y/n:ya and I'm no mortal.

Sprig:ya loggle cut the chitchat!.

Polly:you're bald!.

Y/n:and old!.

Then he and Polly gave each other a high five

Loggle:ok ok...I got a map to the doom tree right here.

He then flip the page showing them

Loggle:but it'll cost ya-


She took a picture of the map with her phone

Loggle:or you can do that...for free

Y/n:ah technology how i love you.

Anne:come on guys we gotta hurry hop pop could wake up at any second!.


As they ran to the door loggle starts warning them

Loggle:be careful you kids it's cursed I tell ya CURSED!.

Anne:to the doom tree everyone!.



As they ran out the door sprig came back inside

Sprig:whoa loggle we gotta talk about this man.

Sprig;we're coming back we're gonna talk about this all right goodbye.




Y/n:*comes back in*could you make one of me?.


As the four of them go threw different parts of the forest they finally make to the spot

Anne:hold up we're here.

Anne:now that is an ugly tree.

Sprig:just one of Mother Nature's horrible mistakes.

Y/n:yup like cockroaches!.

They then approached the tree as they were walking by Polly spotted a skull

Polly:haha frogs died here.

Anne:look that branch is perfect.

She then climbed the tree as sprig hopped up it

Polly:you people and your legs.

Anne was trying to pull of the branch but was struggling then sprig hopped next to her as he spit on his hands then grabbed the branch

Anne:careful the tree is cursed.

They both let out a laugh

Anne:ok seriously through on three one two-


That's when y/n jumped out of nowhere and grabbed the branch pulling it snapping it off but then the tree started shrieking

Anne:uh did the tree just scream?

Y/n:no it said hello yes it just screamed!.

That's when the tree started to shake them off as they fell to the ground the tree grew arms then opened two red eyes then it's mouth revealing it wasn't a tree at all but a stick bug

(at least I think it is)

as it roared at the four orange substance splattered on them as sprig licked some off his face

Sprig:oh hey it's maple.

Y/n:it is?.

He then licked some off his own face as well

Y/n:wow the only good thing I've tasted today!.


That's when they all got up to run as the doom tree broke threw logs to get them

Anne:that things not a tree it's some kind of grody bug!.

Sprig:a bug that wants to kill us!.

Polly:less talky-talky more runny runny!.

Y/n:me agreey agreey!.

As they were running the doom tree kept trying to slash sprig as sprig jumped to avoid getting slashed y/n picked him up and put him on his back so he could not get slashed that's when they are hid behind a log as the doom tree lost them but bugs started to crawl over Anne's face as she couldn't hold in her yell anymore and gave away they're hiding spot as they ran back down the path


We now see loggle In front of his store turning the sign from open to close

Loggle:*sighs* well loggle another day another step closer to bankruptc-eh?

That's when all four of them shoved loggle back into his store and slammed the door as the doom tree banged on it

Loggle:what the...what's going on!?

Anne:don't ask questions!.

That's when the doom tree broke its claw threw the door it then pulled the wall of making a entrance for it as they all ran loggle went and hide in his chest

Anne:whats it gonna take to get rid of this thing!?.

That's when she threw a bird house at the bug hitting it in the face next was a box then a tool holder then she picked up a well made clock

Anne:oh this is nice.

She then threw it at the bug

Y/n:should I feel bad?.

Loggle:that took 20 years to carve.


That's when Polly showed up wearing wooden limbs


She was able to kick the bug in hits arms and slap them but then she lost a foot when she tried to kick but Anne caught it


Then sprig grab sand paper


Then y/n


Anne and Polly were hitting the bug as sprig was rubbing the sand paper on its face

Sprig:I'm gonna sand your face!.

Then y/n jumped onto the bugs back and bite the bug on its neck with his now surprisingly sharp teeth as maple dribbles down his teeth

Y/n:not bad I might actually try and eat you!.

But the the bug hit both Anne and Polly away as the arm Polly had hooked onto the statue of loggle saving her from a rough landing but and landed upside down her feet leaning on a wall she then got up and looked around and spotted a pot with the woods termites

Anne:termites why would a woodssmith have termites?.

Loggle:I'm a complicated man!.


She then opened the jar and threw it at the bug


Sprig then used his tongue to lift himself out of the way as for y/n he put his feet on the back of the bugs neck and did a backflip off as the pot smash into the bugs face the termites started doing they're thing and eating the bug but as the smoke cleared it showed... don't know what to describe here

Y/n:how about weird.
(hey don't break the fourth wall ahem   anyways)



Anne:this world is messed up.

That's when they heard chuckling and look towards y/n who was slowly walking to the bug

Y/n:not so tough now aren't know I think I'm gonna keep my promise I said earlier *grins*also a win for me since you have maple inside you.

The bug tried to run out the door but y/n was able to tackle the bug outside as they heard struggling and...something being ripped apart shortly after he returned being covered with maple with some on his clothes but mostly on his teeth and mouth

Y/n:....don't ask what happened...

Anne:...up top.

She then gave y/n and sprig high-fives as Polly did a flip

Polly:that was awesome you guys

Anne:now let's get this cane back to hop pop.

That's when loggle pop out of his chest snatching the cane from Anne's hand

Loggle:give me that!.


Polly:what gives loggle?.

Loggle:I'll tell you what gives this doesn't even begin to cover the damages you've caused to my shop your gonna have to give me something else come on pony up.

Y/n:....can I eat him now?.

That's when sprig stepped up and pulled out something the pen Anne gave him

Sprig:*sighs*will this work?.

Loggle:*grabs pen*what what is this uh-

Then sprig grabbed the pen tapping the top like before has loggle grabbed it back and started doing it

Loggle:I like this.















Loggle:you can go.

They all walked out the store sadly

Sprig:sorry guys after all we work for too.

Anne:it's'd better head home hop pop probably already awake and ferocious.

Polly:probably a bad time to bring this up but I still get the candy right?


We now see the planters house as we cut to see hop pop open the door to his room yawning

Hop pop:oh boy I needed that hope nothing happened when I was asleep to make me mad again...oh no what did you do

He then Polly with a ripped bow and dirt bruises sprig with a big bruise on his cheek Anne with more leaves and sticks in her hair and y/n with maple and his clothes and mouth

Sprig:what's up with canes who even needs me these days am I right?

That's when Polly hit him in the arm


Anne:*sighs*I'm really sorry hop pop I was goofing around and I broke your favorite cane...

She handed hop pop his broken cane well both canes now

Hop pop:you WHAT!?.

Anne:I know I know I'll show myself...

As she was walking to the door she felt a hand on her shoulder she turn to see y/n

Y/n:I'm coming with you.

Anne:no like you said you didn't do it I did

Y/n:*chuckles*i was just joking besides remember what I said before?.

Anne:...we have each other?.

Y/n:exactly besides *grins*don't want ya crying over me again!.

Anne:*blushes*y-your never gonna let that down aren't ya?...


He then grabbed his backpack as they were walking to the door

Sprig:we'll come visit you guys we promise...

That's when they all got into a group hug

Polly:and just when I was starting to like you!.

Anne:don't make this harder then it is...

Y/n:we'll cause chaos somewhere else...

As they were all sobbing hop pop looked away confused

Hop pop:what duh...what's going on?.

Anne:your throwing us out you know like you said you would.

That's when hop pop let out a sigh and a sad smile

Hop pop:Anne y/n truth be told I was never gonna throw you too out I was only talking tough so that you'd show me a little bit more respect.

Anne:that's kinda messed up man

Y/n:respect old man respect.

Hop pop:heh heh heh yeah I probably was a little bit too harsh but I only did it because you remind of my self when I was your ages rough around the edges now put those bags down your not going anywhere!.

As they put they're bags down Polly and sprig started cheering

Anne:thanks hop pop so your not mad about the cane?.

Hop pop:oh I'm furious about the cane YOUR ON DISH DUTY FOR A MONTH!.

She then looked over at y/n

Y/n:.....don't look at me like that.

And yet again puppy eyes

Y/n:*sighs*....I'll help you for only a week...

Anne:thanks dude yes sir.

Y/n: yes sir whatever...

Hop pop:now that that's settled I wrote a long list of comebacks to get you back from this morning I don't have any for y/n though just you wait.

Y/n:ha HA!.

Hop pop:ahem hey Anne is that your hair or is it a dandelion oh are those long lanky limbs Anne or are those uh twigs!.




Y/n:....*clap* *clap*

Hop pop:...the moment as passed hasn't it?
Hi hope your having a good day also I'm glad to say that I will start to write the multiverses x male reader story I've finally figured out what will happen and where this story will lead to also truth be told that story was originally supposed to be a oc book but I thought why not let people put themselves of they're oc In it so in the future things will be based off that also some other story's might be on the way so prepare for that well that's all from me have a good day/night stay safe and I'll see you later peace out.

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