Chapter 5

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We see y/n Anne and sprig in the front as Anne has a racket and y/n is doing leg stretches

Sprig:you guys ready?.

Anne:you set em up.

Y/n:and I launch em!.

Anne:and I knock em down.


He then jumps into a hole in the ground as y/n and Anne wait for the moment

Anne:*whispers*come on come on.

Then one of the holes started shaking as sprig throws out a brown bug with wings

As it let's out a shriek y/n jumps from behind it kicking it towards Anne while doing a backflip

Y/n:heads up!.

As the bug was headed to Anne she raise her racket back and yelled


And hit the bug sending it flying while she leaned on the racket and watched it fly away as sprig popped his head out of one of the holes

Sprig:nice kick and swing!.

Anne:I was on varsity.

Y/n:and I did men's gymnastics for a bit!.

Sprig:I have no idea what those mean!.

All three of them did a secret handshake

(I think)

And laughed at the end that's when Wally was walking by playing his accordion

Wally:a frog child and two monsters from the woods getting along so unnatural.

Anne:pssh of course we get along we're sprig y/n and Anne!.

Sprig:Anne y/n and sprig!.

Y/n:y/n sprig Anne!.

All three:(team name) against the world

(The team name could just be your name mixed with Anne and sprig)


He then resumes playing while walking away

Y/n:...I'm going to eat him one day.

That's when they all heard screaming coming from the house

Anne:was that hop pop?.

Sprig:sounds like he's in trouble!.

Y/n:or he's fallen and can't get up?.


Y/n:right right sorry.

That's when they ran into the house as they opened the doors to the basement they saw the whole thing flooded

Anne:whoa what happened in here?.

Y/n:awesome I always wanted a indoor pool!.

Sprig then bent down closer to the water

Sprig:hop pop?.





Hop pop:STAY BACK darned burrow bugs must have chewed the water pipes!.

Anne:our room our stuff!.

Y/n:oh ya scratch that no more indoor pool your dead to me!.

Hop pop:don't worry I saved your guys stuff

He then put down two backpacks one pink the other (f/c)

Hop pop:...except your beds and blankets... and your pillow pencils T-shirts hairbrush.

Y/n:I knew stuffing my stuff together in my backpack by force would come in handy

Anne:just how long till it's fixed?.

Hop pop:well gotta find the leak then patch it up good.

Sprig:oh let me help.

Sprig said as he tried to jump into the water but hop pop caught him in the air before he landed

Hop pop:oh no ya don't this here's river water no telling what creepy critters are swimming around.

Y/n:...I heard chirping.

Anne:so where are we gonna sleep?.

Y/n:Am I being ignored?.

Hop pop:well the living room ain't no palace but the couch is comfy.

Sprig:uh hello bleh.

He uses tongue to swing on a pipe and land in between Anne and y/n and wrapped his arms around they're legs

Sprig:Anne and y/n and bunk with me in my room how fun will that be?.

Anne:roommates heck ya!.

Y/n:whoop whoop!.

Then they all sheared a fist bump

Hop pop:I don't know being friends is one thing but roommates you think you know someone until they're in your space and your in theirs and you can't stand how they whistle all the time and they complain whenever you clean your web crusties out YES I HAVE TO DO IT IN OUR ROOM IT HAS THE BEST LIGHTING *sigh* my point is...oh you stayed.

Anne and sprig were gone but y/n was still there holding his knees listening to hop pop


Hop pop:...

Y/ wanna know how I'd solve that problem?...

Hop pop:er-


He said while his eyes flashed red

Hop pop:...w-what-

Y/n:welp see ya later hop pop!.

Y/n was already walking out while waving

Hop pop:....mark my words though no good will come of this

He then started slowly sinking into the river water while talking making his sentence gurgle

We now cut to Anne y/n and sprig

Sprig:here we have it.



Anne:awesome digs sprig!.

Y/n:ha that rimes also IS THAT A GIANT FLYTRAP COOL!.

Sprig:thanks I'll give you guys the grand tour.

He said as he pointed to three action figures

Sprig:let's start with the Crown Jewels.

Anne:oh cool a doll collection.

Sprig let's put a laugh as y/n chuckles

Y/n:Anne you uncultured swine boys don't have dolls...I think?.

Sprig:no these are my action figures of the  great battle of-


Anne threw a pillow at sprig making him fall to the floor

Anne:oh sorry dude.

Sprig:what was that?.

Anne:what haven't you ever had a pillow fight before-

Sprig:heads up!

Sprig hit Anne in the face tricking her

Anne:oh it's on!.


They both turn to see y/n having a evil smirk while holding a pillow

Y/n:you dare challenge me mortals!

Sprig and Anne looked at each other and nodded as they charged at y/n but all he did was trip Anne and hit her in the back then threw the pillow at sprig

Sprig:it's fun cause it doesn't hurt!.

then Y/n hits him again this time bruising  his right eye


Sprig tried to hit y/n but he ducked resulting to sprig almost hitting his action figures

Sprig:oops just gonna move general bogbreath safely over here.

He says as he puts him on a higher shelf

Anne:yup gotta keep that doll out of harm's way-


He says as he hits her in the gut with a pillow



It was now nighttime as Anne was in her bed on the left side of the room y/n was in his in the middle of the room and sprig was in his hammock on the right side

Anne:so would you guys rather sweat melted cheese or always smell like skunk?.

Y/n:hmm if I smell like a skunk all I have to do is go take a bath in tomato juice but if I sweat melted cheese I'll never go hungry!
What about you sprig?.

Sprig:uh sweat melted cheese frogs don't sweat so I'd be cheese free.

Y/n:what they don't my life's a lie!.

Anne:frogs don't sweat uh jealous ok next ok next question...guys?.

She saw y/n and sprig had fell asleep with sprig snoring and y/n drooling on his pillow

Anne:guys guys guys guys guys guys HEY GUYS!.

She then thrown two pillows at them waking them up


Y/n:u-uh goku beats Superman fight me!...huh what?.

Anne:you guys awake?.

Sprig:oh ya totally.

Y/n:*sarcastic*actually no I'm sleep talking.

Anne:ok good so next question.



She got up and opened the window letting air in as a half asleep y/n dragged his feet into his blanket

Anne:ah better.

She went and laid back down then a shivering sprig got up


He then shut the window while letting out a yawn while a still half asleep y/n now put his feet out of his blanket as Anne glared at sprig


It was now morning as hop pop carrying Polly in her bucket kick opened the door

Hop pop:rise and shine sleepyheads you missed breakfast.


Anne:*groans*go away...

Y/n:actually I just like to sleep.

Polly then jumped into sprigs hammock landed on his gut jumping up on down

Polly:first time I've ever seen you sleep in so late what gives?.

Sprig:I froze solid in the night and finally just thawed.

Anne:what? It was like a swamp sauna in here maybe sprig just needs another blankets.

Sprig:or maybe Anne needs fewer blankets.

Anne:or maybe-

Y/n:or maybe I just wanna be in the conversation!.

Hop pop:the couch is still free in case there's trouble in paradise.

Sprig:no way there's no trouble!.

Anne:yeah we're the best roommates in the history of roommates!.

Y/n:I wanna stay too I wanna see how this plays out.

All theee:(team name) against the world!.

They all walked to the door

Sprig:after you best roomies.

Anne:why thank you also best roomie

Y/n:am I also best roomie...

Anne:yes y/n your best roomie too

Y/n:yes y/n am happy now!.

Hop pop:hmm.

Polly:they're gonna eat each other alive...mostly y/n is...

Hop pop:oh absolutely.



We see Anne turn a knob on tops of a metal can revealing fireflies as they lit up the room sprig looks at Anne annoyed as y/n opens one of his eyes then putting his pillow on his face next thing you know Anne starts eating snacks that are crunching loudly as sprig stares at Anne with a are you serious face while y/n stares with ima steal some face


Anne and y/n are sleeping peacefully until sprig starts to croak in his sleep making Anne and y/n open they're eyes he does it again making Anne sit up and look over at him annoyed while y/n tries to look down at his neck while gripping it and pulling to see if he could do the same that's is until sprigs tongue goes flying out his mouth falling on Anne lap and y/n's face



The screen shows Anne's hand open the window then sprigs tongue close it then again a second time the third time they tried it we see y/n's hands grab Anne's arm and sprigs tongue shaking a bit


We see sprig sleeping until we heard the sound of a phone being turned on making light shine on sprigs face as for y/n he's underneath his blankets watching videos...not being quiet

Y/n:foolish mortals the zero mortal plan will!-


Again we see Anne on her phone until a wet grass towel lands on her making her hair wet which she looks at sprig annoyed but it goes into disgust when she saw sprig peel his dead skin

(I-I think?)


Y/n:I'm glad we only do that when we get sun burns.


Anne was walking into the room carrying her clothes until she slipped on one of sprigs skates dropping her clothes while making the skate it the wall making sprigs action figure fall over luckily he caught it in time with his tongue they both then give a forced laugh while looking at each other

Anne:is that my shirt?.

Y/n:dang sprig you a total diva!.


We see the basement still flooded with hop pop searching for the leak until sprig opens the door leading outside

Sprig:hey hop pop how much longer you think tonight?.

Hop pop:not a chance.

Sprig:oh let me help let me help you know my underwater sight is better then yours

Sprig:eh eh?.

Hop pop:that's a bunch of malarkey my eyesights fine...who's that sprig anyway don't you have chores to do?.

Sprig then groans and walks away until the door leading to the living room open

Anne:hey hop pop what's the ETA on things down here not that I'm in a hurry to move back in or whatever.

Hop pop responded by putting his hands on his hips with a really? Face

Anne:what I'm just curious a girl can't ask about her flooded makeshift bedroom without getting grilled sheesh.

She then walk away until y/n walked in


Hop pop:no y/n for the hundredth time you can't swim in here!.

Y/n:ugggggh fine!.

He then walked away as hop pop turned y/n splash out of the water scaring him

Hop pop:BAHH!.

Y/n:by the way are they're any sandwiches left?.

Hop pop:GET OUT!.


It was now night as Anne and sprig were walking into "they're" room they bumped each other while y/n was walking behind them

Sprig:*scoffs* *yawns* wow what a long day going straight to bed if I uh can get there without tripping over all these dirty clothes.


Anne:I think it's your wet towels on the ground that'll get in your way.


Sprig:*whispers*i can leave my towels on the floor of my room.

Anne:what was that?.

Sprig:oh nothing best roomie.

Y/n:hmmm I wonder if I could get any sleep with all this talking!.

And with that sprig turned over to his left side and y/n finally laidback but now had a confused face and Anne sat down on her bed with a huff she got on her phone to look at pictures with all three of them laying on the grass then taking a selfie then all three of them high-fiving which brought a smile to her face

Anne:hey guys would you rather have a splinter you could never get out or get bit by a giant mosquito once a day forever?.

Sprig stayed silent still angry and only let out a grunt while y/n still had his confused face looking like he was trying to talk himself out of something

Anne has a sad look before she got an idea she got a pillow and was making her way to sprig since y/n was still thinking

Anne:hey sprig.

Sprig:what Anne?.

Anne:pillow fight!.

Sprig:no wait stop!.

But Anne already swing the pillow down but sprig was able to dodge but hit his head on the top shelves make one of his action figures fall and break to the ground

Anne:on mo your doll I mean action figure...(team name) against the world right?...

But sprig stared with a unreadable face




Sprig:I have to go the the bathroom...

He started walking backwards out of the room then walked sideways still staring at Anne

Anne:*sighs* is it still so hot in here!?.

She then ran out the room leaving y/n by himself

Y/n:........THATS IT!.

We now see sprig open the basement door and run into the water then pop out

Sprig:where's that darn leak!.

He then went back underwater then Anne opened the basement door and closing it then taking a deep breath and jumped into the water then y/n opens and closes the door


He then jumped into the water while doing a backflip two seconds pass and Anne and sprig pop out of the water spitting out some

Anne:oh that leak has got to be around here somewhere.

Sprig:I know right?.

Then y/n pop out of the water in between them

Y/n:is that you water spirit?.

All three:*LE GASP*

Sprig:what are you doing here?.

Anne:I was uh feeling like a night time swim what are you doing here?.

Sprig:night time swim as well.

Then they both looked at y/n

Y/n:alright listen I actually came here for a night time swim.

Anne/sprig:you came down here to fix the leak well ya so did you!.

As they yelled at each other this startled y/n which made him sink his body except his head into the water

Sprig:I knew it you you just couldn't wait to move out!.

Anne:and you just couldn't wait to get rid of me!.

Y/n:wait why are you guys mad no one is in the right here...well except for me.

Unknown to them there was a tentacle about to grab Anne's foot

Anne:if you wanted me gone you should've just said so....oAHHH


She then surface from behind them

Anne:something's got my leg!.

Sprig:hold on we're coming-

But then something wrapped around sprig pulling him into the water

Y/n:Another one!?.


But then something was rising behind Anne


It then pushed her underwater

Y/n:wait it's two on three we can do this!.

He then heard clicking and turned around to see a third one staring at him

Y/n:...come on man-

He then got tackled into the water they all were underwater while the creatures were holding on to them Anne was able to knock the creature into a ladder making it let her go and sprig was hitting one with his tongue which let him go and y/n bit down on his creatures tail making it scream underwater and let go as they popped out the water inhaling

Sprig:river lampreys what are we gonna do?.

Anne:they're to fast we can't fight them underwater.

Y/n:oh lawd I'm to young to die I promise I'll stop selling fake shoes to people!.

Then a pillow and bed floated by giving them all a idea

Anne:huh hey guys sprig sets em up.

Y/n:*smirks*i launch em!.

Sprig:and Anne knocks em down!.

Sprig then jumps into the water while the river lampreys dive after him while y/n gets ready one charges sprig but he was able to hit it out of the water for y/n to grab and throw it to Anne who hits it with the pillow as it lands back into the water next to the two others they start spinning around each other towards sprig as he gets ready as Anne and y/n wait

Anne:come on come on.

Y/n:I'm gonna give it all I got!.

Then three of the river lampreys gets launch out of the water into the air as y/n jumps up and prepares for his kick


He then spins and kicks all of the river lampreys with all his might as they fly towards Anne she then jumps out of the water and bounces on the bed reeling the pillow back then swinging


She hit the river lampreys into the wall as they fell and floated in the water

Anne:hade enough river losers?.

Sprig:there's more where that came from!.

Y/n:sorry you were just wide open.


Y/n:right right sorry still in the zone.

The river lampreys started screeching in anger they then swam down and made a hole in the ground slowly draining out the water in the basement then the basement door leading to the living room open revealing hop pop with Polly on top of his head wearing a sleep mask

Hop pop:what the heck's going on down here!.

Polly:some of us are TRYING TO SLEEP!.

This startled the three of them making them get into a defensive stance

Anne:oh uh hi hop pop.

Hop roommate thing didn't work out huh?.

Anne/sprig:*sighs*not really...

Anne:I just couldn't live with em the wet towels the heat the humidity...the web crusties *shudders*.

Sprig:the loud snacking the freezing cold lights on at all hours guess (team name)really is a bust...


Hop pop:why because your finally talking?.


Hop pop:sharing a room doesn't make you better friends being honest with each other does in fact if you ask me your better friends now then you were before.


Sprig:of course we are!.

Anne:yes team name is back together!.

This time just the two of them did a little secret handshake

Polly:as how sweet but I have a question what was y/n in all this?.

They all then looked at y/n while he was thinking

Y/n:hmm...nothing I didn't have beef with anything!.

Anne:b-but the wet crusties!?.

Sprig:the snacking!?.

Y/n:first of all I do those things well except the crusties I only do that when I get sunburn but I have siblings to I'm used to this.

Anne:huh I guess you were just the innocent bystander.

Y/n:aww I love that book I also like the halfa and-

Anne:dude what are you talking about?.

Y/n:oh nothing oh by the way why do you guys keep using our team name that's for all three of us!.

Anne:right sorry...

Sprig:sprig apologizes....

Y/n:we should make up our own team names like me and Anne is (y/n and Anne name) and (y/n and sprig name) also you guys should stop fighting it makes me sad man!.

He then brought them into a group hug making sprig happy and Anne blush a little

Polly:now that that's sorted out where's Anne and y/n gonna sleep not with me my buckets for one.

The scene now cuts to a window being opened as Anne falls onto the couch with a blanket and book while y/n got into his sleeping back with a pillow

Sprig:here ya go some super loud snacks you could munch on.

Y/n:*whispers*ima steal those...

Anne:aw thanks sprig.

Sprig:anything else I could get ya?.

Y/n:naa I'll wake up at 3 am and make myself food.

Anne:all good see ya in the Am.

Sprig:ok goodnight!.

As he went upstairs Anne looked over at y/n

Anne:you sure your comfortable down there?.

Y/n:yes very...on the cold floor...alone...

Anne:your trying to get me to feel bad huh?.

Y/n:what pshh no.


Y/n:I'll just try to quiet down my cry's Q_Q

Anne:*sighs* could sleep with me...

Y/n:well why didn't you just say so!.

And so Anne made room on the couch for y/n it was a bit crowded but they made it work by Anne lay on y/n's chest


Y/n:goodnight don't let the bed bugs bit!.

As time past for a bit Anne finally calmed down for a bit and started to hold y/n tighter and fall asleep

Y/n:...*smiles*cute and too easy...


Y/n was in the living room going threw his backpack when he pulled out sausages

Y/n:oh ya I put these in my backpack for when I came home from school!.

Then his stomach rumbles

Y/n:welp no better time then now!.

And so he went into the kitchen and started to cook the sausages when he was done he put them on a plate and started eating that's when sprig walked in

Sprig:hey y/n whatcha eating?.

Y/n:savory succulent mcgarry sausages wanna bite?.


Y/n:*bites sprigs shoulder*


Hello finally back and got a chapter again like in the other story I apologize for not updating for a while hope you enjoy have a good day or night stay save and peace out

What that's it it's over?

I already apologize?

I'm warning you you better click that arrow and leave the story!

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