Chapter 6

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It was now daytime as three dragonflies flew past the screen carrying a frog



The screen slides down now showing the the group as y/n is still waving at the frog Anne shows a video of her cat to sprig and Polly

Anne:and this bad boy is my kitty domino you guys would like her she's got fire.

Y/n:her last name is-

Anne:y/n for the last time I'm not calling her domino pizza so stop calling her that.

Y/n:but it fits plus she once brought me a pizza...even though it was covered in cat hair and saliva I never felt more loved!.

While the two were having this discussion sprig and Polly were still looking at the video of domino

Polly:aw she's so tiny I feel HUGE!.

Sprig:hmm I will...*Pulls out hammer*SET HER FREE!.

Sprig tries to smash the phone but Anne takes it back in time

Anne:please stop doing that...

Y/n:I don't know why you still let him hold it after the first time...

Then the duo smelled something in the sir

Y/n:*sniff*...oh god there's discord mods here...

Anne:*sniff*ugh what is that did something crawl under the house and die?.

Sprig:*sniffs*worse Anne much worse hop pop is cooking!.

The group then walked back to the house as sprig was about to open the door

Sprig:brace yourself.

Anne:brace myself for what?.

As sprig opens the door they're blown back from a wave of stank and I mean stank that's all green inside hop pop chopped some bugs up and put them in a pot of soup then tasting the soup

Sprig:what's the plan this year hop pop poison the competition?.


He then hit sprig then y/n on the head with the spoon

Hop pop:the plan is to win.


Hop pop:the annual village potluck every year we frogs gather for a great contest.

He said pointing to a picture of frogs with a banner above them saying grand prize

Hop pop:the family who brings the best-tasting dish.

He then started pointing to the rest of the pictures

Hop pop:is showered with love and copper coins the family with the worst tasting dish spends the night in...the shame cage


Y/n:*whispers*but don't we keep them in glass boxes back at home?.

Luckily the frogs didn't hear him

Sprig:and guess which family ends up there every year.

Sprig/Polly/hop pop:*sighs*

This made Anne feel bad but then she had an idea to which she gives y/n a look luckily he had the same idea which she slams her fist on the table

Y/n:yo what that table do to you?.

Anne:if you think I'm gonna let my favorite froggy family end up in a cage you got another thing coming.

Y/n:*cough* *cough*only frog family *cough* *cough*...

Anne:I know we're not technically planters but maybe we can help.

Sprig:Anne y/n we'd sure appreciate it.

Anne:so what are you making over there hop pop sock gumbo?.

Y/n:wait...I'm missing a sock...

Hop pop:no silly it's a traditional recipe from my family's cook book

Hop pop:we been using this baby since I was a pollywog.


Anne then picked up the book reading threw it then y/n put his head next to hers reading it

Anne:I think I found your problem guys.

Sprig/Polly/hop pop:*GASP*

Anne:...old things are dumb!.

She closed the book and dropped it but hop pop caught it with his tongue In time

Polly:oh that makes sense.

Sprig:it's all so clear now.

Hop pop:but we planters have always cooked these recipes what would my great-gam-gam say?.

Y/n:hm strict lady.

Anne:she'd say move on.

Hop pop:*sighs*she was a fierce women.

Y/n:but come on hop pop ever heard of try something new spice it up a little!.

Hop pop:hmm I don't know...

Anne:he's right look if we're gonna win this thing we need something new something revolutionary *takes out phone* something no one in the swamp has ever seen before something like...

She puts the phone in front of the others on the table sprig grabs it showing it to Polly while they had amazed faces y/n saw and was happy when it was his favorite food



she showed them a picture of a pizza on her phone


Polly:I don't know what it is but I love it

Anne:pizza is the ultimate dish.


Anne:you haven't live until you've shared one with your friends at the mall.

Y/n:oh oh I was there for that one!.

Anne:y/n you don't count.


Anne:you tried to run away with the box...

Y/n:I was gonna share....maybe.

Hop pop:now hold on before we get carried away what about this tried-and-true recipe swamp mold pie.

Y/n:...*whisper*they won't find your body...

hop pop:what was that y/n?.


Sprig/Polly:PIZZA PIZZA!

Hop pop:okay okay sheesh.

Sprig:we'll win for sure with this hop pop...*takes out hammer*now all we gotta do is...

But before he could smash it Anne clears her throat and takes it back

Anne:all we gotta do is get four ingredients dough cheese basil and tomatos.

Y/n:eh I just like it topless but hey it's still pizza!.

Anne:are you guys ready to make our pizza dreams a pizza reality?.

Y/n/Polly/sprig:pizza dreams!.

Sprig:oh oh maybe we should put pineapple on it seems like a natural fit-

Out of nowhere Anne picks sprig up by the shirt and hangs him against a wall while
Y/n punched the wall next to sprigs head making it crack

Anne:don't you dare talk about pineapple on my pizza...ever.

Y/n:you disgust me...

Then it was a whole flip cause they were now happy

Anne:ok lets go get those ingredients pizza dreams!.


As the duo ran out sprig was still on the floor

Sprig:*weakly*pizza dreams...

Then Polly jumps in front of sprig shaking him by the shoulders



They were now in a bakery as mr.flour was stomping on the pizza dough until he hopped off and put it in the oven....WAIT THE WASN'T A PU-

Mr flour:if you want the dough the boy has to marry my daughter.

Y/n:*sighs*if it's for pizza so be it!.


Mr flour:not you the pink one.


They all turn to the side of the store to see the daughter known as Maddie

Maddie:hiii sprig...

She said as she slowly started to impale the doll sprig in the chest

Mr flour:ain't she adorable?.



Hop pop:you know if we used a traditional recipe we wouldn't have to sell sprig.

Anne:no that old book is old sprigs eternal happiness is a small price to pay for pizza.

Y/n:ya look at me I was ready to have my love taken from me for pizza!.

He said as he got a nudge from Anne

Y/n:what I was saying-

He received another this one silencing him


Sprig:aw it's not so bad maybe we'll learn to love each other-AAH!.

He was interrupted when Maddie appeared behind him scaring him

Maddie:I've seen your death in my mind...

Sprig:I was kinda hoping it'd be a surprise *nervously chuckles*.

Maddie:it will be.

Y/n:question will it be him getting his legs eating?.

Maddie:*shakes head*.

Y/n:*whispers*ok good I can control myself...

Anne:congratulations on your new son now cough up the dough.

Y/n:*mafia voice*ya and make it snappy!.

Mr flour:yay *tosses dough to Anne*

Anne:pleasure doing business with ya.

Y/n:*mafia voice*now ya invited to my daughter's wetting.

Anne:you watch to many mafia movies...


They all walk out except for sprig as he picks up Polly

Sprig:well looks like we gotta go *chuckles* see ya!.

Polly:I wanna be the maid of honor!.

Maddie takes out the doll sprig and makes it wave at sprig

Maddie:see you soon hubby.


The screen now shows a sign saying croakers dairy

Anne/sprig/Polly/hop pop:AHHHHH!.

We see the the three running while Polly was sitting on hop pops head while screaming not in fear but in excitement while y/ always was being y/n while running away from a...caterpillar cow

mrs croaker:thanks again for helping me out I know Brutus can be a handful!.

Sprig:what are we here for again!?.


Hop pop:you know there's a recipe in here that doesn't need cheese!.

Anne:no old recipes! huh what the?.

Anne turned to see y/n standing In front of the caterpillar cows pen while holding a red leaf while...dancing?

Y/n:shaking my milkshake oh ya shake it back and forth uh huh!~.

This got the caterpillar cows attention at it charged at y/n as he was still doing dances

Y/n:I'm gonna catch ya I'm gonna catch ya!.

As it was about to hit y/n jumped out of the way letting it take the leaf with it while landing in....Mud definitely mud....

Y/n:what I tell ya what I tell-ah dang it...I hope this is mud...

He then hopped out of the ring while sprig closed the gate

Anne:that was the weirdest but most helpful thing you've done.

Y/n:that's my specialty!.

Mrs croaker:here ya go deary a hunk of cheese made fresh from the milk of those ca-

Anne:please don't tell me where it comes from...

Y/n:ya.....tell me instead!.

Anne:y/n no!.

Mrs croaker:well you see-


We see the group putting down the rest of the recipes they got while y/n was sitting on the ground rocking back and forth while Polly pats his back

Anne:hey carful with that basil dude we had to fight off like ten giant aphids to get it.

Sprig:who knew ultimate flavor could be so painful?.

He says with a swollen eye and a couple of loss teeth

Anne:we would've had more help if someone didn't get themselves

Y/n:b-but how w-where why?....

Hop pop:almost lost my behind to those things.

Sprig:this the the price of progress hop pop!.

Anne:exactly and we've only got one ingredient left...tomatoes.

This snapped y/n out of his trance and got up excitedly

Y/n:tomatoes the yummy sauce of the pizza and it's the last one!?.

Anne:mmm-hmm *grabs map* according to this they should be up ahead.

Hop pop:still can't believe I traded my favorite dentures for that map.

Sprig:you know I've never actually tasted a tomato no one in town really sells them.

Hop pop:there's a reason for that they're In the dangerous vegetables section.

He pulls out his book with tomato saying danger and prunes saying use prunes

Hop pop:it suggests we go for prunes instead can't go wrong with prunes!

Anne:whoa whoa dangerous vegetables? Come on.

The scene now changes to the group looking up at a three headed tomato monster as it eats a dragon fly




Y/n:this reminds me of vegan from war of monsters...

One of the heads go down and blocked the tomato's as it lets out a roar

Hop pop:you know this baby's got some great substitutes all of which are delightfully harmless.

Hop pop Polly and sprig backed away slowly

Sprig:couldn't hurt to hear a few options.

Anne:hold on!

But Anne got in the way spreading her arms blocking the frogs and tadpole

Anne:guys the shame cage isn't just in the town square *points to head*its up here you're not gonna change the world without taking a few risks we need to be bold groundbreaking brave!.

Unnoticed to the group a tentacle was slowly making its way to them

Hop pop:Anne there's a big difference between courage and stupidiTY-

Y/n:there is!?.

The tentacle grabbed hop pop making Polly fall of his head as sprig catches her the tomato beast throws hop pop into its mouth and swallows him whole and let's out a roar

Y/n/Anne/Polly/sprig/HOP POP!.

More tentacles try and grab them luckily they were able to dodge them and run but not lucky enough for the tentacles caught Anne sprig and Polly but y/n was able to dodge his the tentacles raise above the tomato's head as it opens its mouth

Y/n:don't you dare!.

And drops them

Sprig:my fiancée was right!.

And swallows them


This made y/n angry...VERY angry as his eyes flashed red again


*Scene change*

With Anne sprig Polly and hop pop they were pushing themselves against the walls of the throat of the monster hanging over its stomach acid as Anne caught the Recipes in time before they fell into the acid

Hop pop:holy smokes acid!.

Anne:well at least the ingredients are safe

Gravity:are you sure about that?

But gravity kicked in and the ingredients fell out of the backpack and fell into the acid

Anne:NO! The ingredients everything we worked for!

Sprig:well at least it'll be a quick and painless death

Polly:why would this be painless?.


Then the place shook for a bit then died down as they hear a bunch of roars outside

Anne:*sighs*my revolutionary ideas were supposed to save you guys not get you killed I shouldn't have been so stubborn I just really wanted to share pizza with you guys...

Hop pop:ah I didn't care about that pizza stuff anyway but you were really trying to help this family out and that's worth something in my book.

Anne:your book? That's it! Is there anything in the old ways that could help us right now?.

Hop pop:well I don't know.

He gets the book and opens the page to the tomato's reading it

Hop pop:nothing especially useful just that the throat of this giant tomato plant is absolutely delicious eating raw.

They all pause for a moment before they all had a grin on their faces the scene shows the outside of the tomato's stomach area with bits of green liquid already only for the group to pop out chewing threw the tomato as they fall out covered in green liquid only for them to pause and look at a already dead head then the second one with its jaw gone then they heard noises behind them turning to see y/n hunched over the third head breathing heavily



This frighten the group only for his scary look turn into a joyful one

Y/n:*gasp*YOUR ALIVE!.

He run over and pulled them into a group hug

Y/n:I thought you guys were gone and that I'd have to live in a box begging for spare change to people!.

Then his emotions flipped again

Y/n:so what now?.

Anne:...w-well we need to get home and make one of hop pops hold recipes!.

Hop pop:yup but maybe we can spruce it up with something a little dangerous


The same fireflies and frog fly past the screen again

frog:yup still up here still need help...

Y/n:good afternoon!.

The group was now at the competition with all the other frogs placing or finishing up they're foods while our group place a tomato on a pie


Anne/hop pop:perfect.

Then toadie was playing a trumpet until the mayor pushed him out of the way

Mayor toadstool:alright let annual potluck begin let's get to tasting those dishes.

The mayor tasted all the dishes until he made it the the planters except y/n wasn't with them

Mayor toadstool:and last but not least *sighs*the planters what filth have you cooked up this ti-hmm? Tomato awfully dangerous.

He then dipped his finger into the pie taking a bit of tomato as well as he ate it while toadie was playing drums for suspense

Mayor toadstool:why I do declare this is the best dish the planter family has ever brought to a potluck

Hop pop:what!?.


Sprig:what did we do it did we actually win!?.

Mayor toadstool:win oh no no no no it's better then usual but it's still terrible.

He pulled out a ribbon saying good grief and smacking down on the pie while toadie played a sad tune

Mayor toadstool:you folks should know your way to the shame cage by now hurry alone all right boys light it up.

A frog walked up with a torch of fire and burned the pie

Sprig:cheer up guys sure we came in last again but thanks to Anne's new ideas and hop pops old ones we've done the best we ever done!.

Hop pop:you know he's right.


Anne:we did didn't we?...uh this is weird but any chance I could squeeze in there?.

Hop pop:how bout it Carl?.

Carl:the more the merrier...

Hop pop:hear that?.

Sprig:get in here you crazy kid.


She stepped in the cage with them as they got pulled up

Anne:well if we can't share a pizza we can share with you know this isn't so bLAH-

She was interrupted when someone threw something at her

Anne:HEY what the heck what was that!?.

Sprig:ohh forgot to mention the shame nuggets...

The town was throwing "shame nuggets" at the group

Mr flour:hey that's my son-in-law!.

Which sprig responded with a awkward wave

Polly:is that the best you got!?.

Hop pop:*sighs* tradition is such a beautiful-*gets a shame nugget to the face*agh SON OF A SLUG!.

But that's when Anne realize something

Anne:wait where's y/n?.

Mayor toadstool:my my it seems we have a new contestant.

The group looks down to see y/n at the table setting something down

Anne:yo y/n where the heck were you dude!?.

Y/n:making something spectacular!.

Mayor toadstool:you ha alright then what did you bring to the table my boy?.

Y/n grabbed the tray that was covering the food and lifted it to reveal



Polly:I wanna eat it *shakes cage* GIVE IT TO ME!.

Anne:dude where did you even get that!?.

Y/n:remember when you let me do nothing after I got traumatized I hade the strength to push threw and collect MY ingredients!.

Mayor toadstool:hmph alright then boy let's get this over with.

Y/n handed him a fork as he picked up the ramen and ate not even five seconds later he had stars in his eyes

Mayor toadstool:t-this is...


Mayor toadstool:this...IS THE BEST DISH POTLUCK HAS EVER HAD!.

Anne/hop pop/Polly/sprig/WHAT!?.

Mayor toadstool:I-I must know how did you make this!?.

Y/n:well start with a rich seafood stock add plenty of green onions and a spoon minced garlic...and...





This chapters weird huh?

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