Chapter 7

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The scene shows Polly and sprig washing the dishes Anne and hop pop sitting on the couch and y/n laying on the floor groaning and holding his stomach

Anne:look dude all I'm saying is that where I'm from you could get arrested for having a couch this firm.

Hop pop:back in my day we didn't have furniture we sat on rocks sharp ones.

Y/n:pff sucks to be you we used to carve couches out of stone...and also use our feet for cars instead of tires...ugh

Anne:ok but if I get butt blisters I'm blaming you.

Hop pop:back in my day we called those character.

He says as grabs his leg and folds it over the other


Hop pop:something funny y/n?.

Y/n:heh imagine saying you got a nice character ha feels like I'm dying...

Anne:well that's what happens when you use the money you earned for a buttload of food and pizza!.

Y/'s delicious!.

He said as he somehow now had a pizza and was slowly and weakly trying to put it in his mouth
The scene now shows sprig and hop pop in the front yard as sprig rakes leafs and hop pop is holding the door open for Anne as she carries a box full of radish's

Anne:*huff* *puff*so...heavy...

Hop pop:mind the flagstone.

But it was to late as she tripped and fell dropping the box as hop pop picks up the radish's

Hop pop:back in my day kids spent less time complaining and more time watching their step.

Anne:yeah? well where I'm from people fixed their crummy houses!.

Hop pop:*gasp*this house is like family you apologize!.

Anne:to a house!?.

Then y/n is seen walking out of the house with a box too he almost throws up but stops it in time

Y/n:you *gags* alright Anne?...

Anne:yes I'm fine y/n and stop working your gonna throw up more!.

Y/n:n-nah nah I'm fine.

Anne:well at least SOMEBODY cares!.

Hop pop:oh ya well at least y/n Isn't being a big baby and still working!.

Y/n:cause ima beast-*vomits*
It now shows Polly and y/n at the table playing cards as it's polly's turn even if y/n is sick he still tries to be nice all is going well until a loud thud is heard as it shakes the house

Anne:*muffled*where I'm from we didn't rush people in the bathroom!.



Hop pop:*muffled*well back in my day we didn't have a bathroom!.


Anne:*muffled*stop hitting the door with a battering ram!.

Hop pop:*muffled*its been two hours!.

Sprig:UUGH I can't take this anymore!.

Polly:they're just getting used to each other it's not a big deal got any fours?.

Y/n:I ain't telling you nothing sister...

Sprig dramatically falls on the floor shaking the table messing up the cards

Sprig:not a big deal? Do you remember the hendersons next door? They used to argue all the time and look what happened to them.

He says pointing at a window showing a broken down tree house that's for sale

Then Wally can be seen leaving the home as he's carrying plates

Wally:nothing like scavenging the remains of a broken frog family.

He puts the plates with other dishes and selva wear and drags them away in a cart

Sprig:...if we don't do something now it it won't be long before their bickering tears this family apart!.

Polly:I still think we should give them time not like we have a lot of options you can't force people to get along.

That's when sprig gets a idea as he walks over to the couch to pick up his book

Sprig:of course not Polly...

He slowly walks away backwards as Polly stares on in confusion as she's fixing the cards

Sprig:*whispers*of course not...

He walks away until he comes back and peaks around the corner

Sprig:of course-

Polly:just go already!.

Sprig finally walks away as y/n comes into the house holding a picture

Polly:wait y/n where did you go?.

Y/n:I went to the hendersons house and took they're grandmothers old pictures.

Polly:and why would you do that?.

Y/n:it's the one thing you can't replace.

Polly:dude...that's wicked!.

Y/n:I know right wanna do it to the rest of the town?.

The scene now shows the planters sitting on they're back porch as Anne's reading a magazine while Polly is also reading it with her y/n has his arms behind his head relaxing and hop pop is staring out into the trees and sky until sprig jumps into his view


Hop pop:SAY WHAT!?.

Anne let's out a giggle as y/n chuckle the planters look at the duo

Anne:sorry sorry it's just that hop pop delivered the perfect sitcom catch phrase.

Y/n:it's true.

Hop pop:must be painful to make so little sense all the time.

The scene now shows the group walking threw a corn field as they find a spot gone

Hop pop:*gasp*my prize winning corn!.

Anne:you've won prizes?.

Y/n:You had corn!?.

Hop pop:it's an expression Anne what are you the fact police!.

Y/n:pff no

He pulls out a walkie-talkie

Y/n:he's on to us...

Sprig:the injustice the outrage we've gotta catch this thief!.

Hop pop:agreed and it's nice to see you so passionate about produce sprig.

Polly:yes very odd...

Sprig:if the thief stole once it'll steal again the only way to catch this monster is a stakeout

Polly:I like stake.


Hop pop:good idea.


Sprig:and the only ones who can do it are...Anne and Hop Pop!.

Anne/hop pop:say what/huh?

Sprig:well I obviously can't because I have the attention span of a...*gets distracted by a butterfly* oh look at that.

Anne:why not hop pop and Polly? Seems like a winning combo to me.

Hop pop:polly's a baby Anne.

Anne:just asking hop pop ugh.

Hop pop:wait how bout y/n and Anne?.

Everyone looks over to where y/n was to see he's now gone until they hear munching and turn to see Him eating corn

Y/n:*mouth full*huh?.

Hop pop:*sighs*very well let's be honest though Anne'll probably fall asleep and it'll just be me.

Anne:why would I fall asleep first aren't you like a hundred years old?.

Hop pop:IM A CRISP 68!.

Y/n:*thoughts*don't think of the number
Y/n your mature now.

Polly:you stole the corn didn't you?.

Sprig:oh absolutely but now those two have to spend the whole night together and bond!.

Polly:sprig you can't manipulate people like this!.

Y/n:ya dude plus how do you even know they're gonna bond instead of argue?.

Sprig:I can and I did and they'll have no choice but to bond and it's going to save this family.
The scene now shows sprig setting up a telescope as y/n and Polly sit on his hammock watching as he looks threw it watching Anne and hop pop set up

Sprig:*chuckles*just look at em now to watch the flowers of friendship bloom


Y/n:we'll see.

The scene changes to Anne and hop pop as Anne is reading the same magazine from before with a candle lit hop pop is peeking over the rocks

Hop pop:*whispers* for goodness sakes Anne put that lamp out we're trying to catch the thief not scare it away.

Anne narrows her eyes before blowing out the candle as they sat there for a few seconds and begins to yawn

Hop pop:*chuckles* had a feeling you wouldn't last.

Anne:worry about yourself I'll be fine.

She says as she hits her knee

Anne:I just need a little boost is all.

She took out a red bottle that had spikes and was called blam berry blitz


Sprig:SHHHHHHH quiet down y/n your gonna blow OUR cover...wait aren't you still sick?.

Y/n:naw I've felt better like an hour ago.

Hop pop:blam berry blitz the drink that punches you in the face and doesn't stop HAH that silly drink won't keep you up.

He goes over to his bag and takes out a drink

Hop pop:now this will keep you up.

He pulls out a moldy pumpkin head that has a latch and a handle

Anne:*sniffs*ugh what is this poison?.

Hop pop:mama's old gourd tea recipe I'm not surprised you don't like the smell it's way too strong for you.

Anne:ha no way it's stronger then my berry blitz.

They looked at each other's drinks before looking at each other narrowing they're eyes

Anne/hop pop:GIMME THAT!.

Hop pop pops the cap off of Anne's drink and begins to chug as Anne opens the lid to the tea and also chugs it before having a face of disgust while shaking her head as hop pop has a face of horror before they both began to cough and spit out the taste

Anne:haha you should have seen the look on your face you were dying!

Hop pop:heheh and what about you I didn't even know you could turn that color what you got chameleon in your blood hahaha

Anne lays back on the rocks as hop pop is still laying down on the ground she stares up at the stars at a shooting star goes by

Anne:*sighs* you know sometimes I wonder if me and y/n will ever get home.

Hop pop:I know what it's like to miss something Anne I find myself pining after the good old days way too much.

Anne:ya we're kinda similar that way you're always going on about the old days I'm always going on about back home.

Hop pop:yeah deep down we're just a couple of softies ain't we?.

Sprig:it's working they're connecting.

Y/n:I mean her skin is soft though.

Polly:wait how do you know that?.



Y/n:....I'm still not talking.

Back with the other two

Anne:of course my situation is way worse than yours.

This upsets hop pop

Hop pop:always gotta make it about you don't you? *Mocking* I'm Anne and my life is worse than everyone else's.

Anne:oh yeah well at least my head isn't a tea kettle...*rubs eyes* wait wha?.

The camera pans over to hop pop who's head is in fact a tea kettle

Hop pop:oh yeah well at least my hair isn't rainbow stardust.

He says as he leans and accidentally spills tea out from his...I guess now nose? As Anne looks at her hair

Anne:what the...

Hop pop:uh...

Bubbles began to rise from the ground has they sky now looks like they're in space and the ground and objects appear to be inverted colors

Hop pop:what's happening to us!?.

Anne:how should I know-oh...

Hop pop and Anne's drink fly by Anne's face as she realized what's happening

Anne:the drinks! Our body chemistry must be so different that we're having crazy reactions to each other's extreme beverage...that was the smartest sounding thing I've ever said.

Hop pops nose began whistling and steaming

Hop pop:this is terrible I never should've let you trick me into trying something new!.

Anne:oh yeah well your gross old mamas tea did this to me!.

Hop pop:*GASP*

Back with sprig y/n and Polly sprig sees that Anne and hop pop are arguing now instead of bonding

Sprig:no no this can't be! They're fighting again.

Polly:*sarcastic*oh no what a surprise.

Y/n:*pats pollys head*you make me proud Polly*sniff*so proud.

Sprig:ugh DAH*throws telescope*okay okay no problem we'll just have to take matters into our own hands!.

Polly:*gasp*wait you don't mean-

Sprig:oh that's right Polly I'm going to steal more corn right under their noses they'll have to do this again tomorrow and the next night and and the next night until they're the bestest friends who were ever friends and then the family will be saved Hahah!.

Polly:your mad


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sprig:try and stop me ha ha!.

He jumps out the window using his cape to glide to fly out

Polly:oh boy...

Polly and y/n looked at each other and nodded

Back with Anne and hop pop

Anne:I didn't make you drink my berry blitz!.

Hop pop:well you grabbed for my tea first!.

Anne:this wasn't my fault!.

Hop pop:well it sure wasn't mine!.

Rustling could be heard as the two of them stopped arguing and looked towards the sound to see a cloaked figure sneaking threw a patch that had pumpkins lettuce and radishes

Anne/hop pop:*Gasp* the corn thief!.

Then hop pops nose releases steam as it shoots into Anne's face

Anne:*coughs*watch where you're pointing that thing.

Hop pop:sorry.

With sprig he pulled out a mantis claw tied to a stick and was about to cut the corn until


Y/n tackled sprig to the ground while Polly was sitting on y/n's head

Polly:stop this madness!.

Sprig:agh let go!.

Y/n:we both know your not on my level sprig!.

Polly:you've lost your mind!.

Sprig:a small price for saving this family!.

Hop pop:hey!.

Y/n:uh oh...

Anne:stop right there

In hop pop and Anne's eyes the thief started to morph making bone cracking sounds

Anne/hop pop:whoa...

The thief's transformation finished as its appearance was a slender tall body with three corns for heads as Anne and hop pop screamed in terror then the "corn monster" shot out fire from its mouth surrounding them

Hop pop:the corn thief and it's the scariest thing I've ever seen!.

Anne:finally something we agree on!.

Hop pop:we've got to take this thing down are you with me?.

Anne:till the end!.

Hop pop:then let's do this!.

They both dodged a blast from the "corn monster"as they began shooting attacks

Hop pop:teakettle beam!.

Hop pop:fire!:



Corn monster(y/n):*distorted*yo did he just do a kamehameha pose!?.

They're blast then combined and formed into a teakettle

Then the teakettle blast shot a blue blast from its mouth

The blast had hit the "corn monster"making a rainbow explosion but as the smoke cleared it was revealed that the monster took no damage as it lets out a sinister laugh

Anne:our attacks have no effect!.

Hop pop:but we can't give up so easily!


They then blasted the monster at the same time but back in reality with y/n now holding sprig with Polly still on his head they were just standing there with they're hands out making weird sounds

Polly:welp there broken...

Y/n:s-should...should I?.

Y/n was about to get into a galick gun stance but Polly stopped him by patting his head

Polly:nah...let's not make this weirder.


Anne and hop pop are still making laser sounds

Hop pop:It must be immune to magic!.

Anne:quick grab those power ups!.

Sprig:power ups?.


Anne grabs the mantis claw while hop pop grabs a pitch fork as they charge at the trio


Y/n begins to run while still holding sprig threw the cornfield as hop pop and Anne chase them but y/n tripped on some corn and rolled threw the patches then slammed into the door while Polly fell of his head then Anne and hop pop ran out of the corn field still charging with the weapons

Sprig:no no no no no!.


They threw the weapons at them luckily they missed with the pitch fork stuck onto the door with the hat and the mantis claw between y/n's legs

Y/n:my babies! Literally!.

Sprig:Anne hop pop it's us I learned my lesson I promise-

Y/n:Ok ok fine when I was little I stole my neighbors bike and threw it off the roof! and I think you look more cute when you wear nice clothes and-

For Anne and hop pop the corn monsters voice was still distorted but slowly sound more clear

Anne:uh does the corn thief kinda sound like y/n and sprig to you?.

Hop pop:now that ya mention it

The corn thief now shifted into y/n and sprig as sprig was crying and y/n was looking at his finger trying to see how many truths he told

Anne/hop pop:huh?.

Everything was now going back to normal for them as hop pops head went back to normal and Anne's hair too

Hop pop:none of that was real but is was so terrifying I thought we were goners!.

Anne:me too and you...defended me.

Hop pop:and you stood by my side like a true warrior.

Anne:you know hop pop back at my home we call that having a friends back.

Hop pop:well back in my day we called it pulling a stinky McGuire but if ya don't know stinky the saying don't mean let's just stick with yours.

They both laugh then collapsed right then and there and went to sleep as sprig was still starring in shock and fear while y/n wiped a tear from his eye

Y/n:*sniff*that was so wholesome...

Polly:wow sprig I owe you an apology your dumb ol plan actually kinda worked

Sprig:*shocked*thanks Polly but maybe next time we do it your way...

He then passed out as y/n look around

Y/n:tch man I gotta drag them in seriously hey Polly could you give me a hand?.

Polly:sure but first I'm parched!.

She then rolled to the side stopping at the blam berry blitz

Y/n:wait Polly don't!.

But it was to late as she started to drink the juice then everything started to look how it did to Anne and hop pop

Polly:all right boulder-tron you ready to roll?.

The boulder next to her started to rise out of the ground as it now had arms and legs while it's eye and mouth glowed purple

Boulder-tron:always my queen.

Polly:good man boulder-tron good man.

But in reality she was laying there in the floor talking to no one as y/n sighs

Y/n:great now it's just me wait a minute.

He looked at the blam berry blitz drink and saw threw the bottle there was still some inside has he grabbed the bottle

Y/n:well if I'm gonna drag everyone in I should have a little boost right?.

He then drinks the whole bottle then chucks it away

Y/n:huh...I'm not felling any-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

finally got a chapter done also I've rewatched amphibia and man is it enjoyable I'm not gonna lie it makes me kinda just wanna focus on this book until the next end you guys wouldn't mind IF I did that right? Well anyways have a good day or night stay safe and I'll see you in the next chapter

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