Chapter 8

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It was now morning as y/n anne and sprig were out in the woods as Anne now had a scythe while sprig was rolling a watermelon up a small hill as Anne was getting into a batter stance

Anne:hey batter batter batter batter.


Y/n:it's swing batta batta Anne!.

Sprig finally rolled the watermelon up the hill he was getting ready to throw it at Anne but was struggling a bit until y/n walked beside him

Y/n:here sprig let me do it.

Sprig:oh ok sure!.

Y/n picks up the watermelon easily while sprig is still on the hill then throws it at Anne as she swings but misses the watermelon as the scythe flys out of her grip

Y/n:strike 1!.

Anne:aw whiffed it *gasp* SPRIG!.

Sprig:huh? WHOA!.

Sprig wasn't paying attention luckily he ducked in time avoiding the scythe the same can't be said for his hat though as it tears into two

Sprig:....wanna go again?.


Anne:yeah-uh! Wait you have hair?.

Y/n:can I touch it?.


Y/n starts to touch sprigs hair then stops

The trio then goes into the direction the scythe went flying to retrieve it

Anne:hey sorry about your hat- Oh there it is!.

The scythe was stuck in a tree as she was about to pull it out she heard a noise


Sprig:hey you found-

Anne:shhhh do you hear something?.

Y/n:besides the voice in my head I hear nothing.





Anne:*gasp* something's in trouble!.

They then rushed towards the noise passing threw bushes to find giant wasps trying to stab something stuck in the ground

Anne:oh my gosh we have to save her!.


Y/n:I'm down!.

Anne rushes to the stuck creature as she manages to pull it out


The wasps try to stab her but luckily miss

Anne:...gotta go!.

One of the wasp was about to go after her until a rock was thrown at its head

Y/n:yo buzz head!.

The wasp looks at him

Y/n:your next line is buzz buzz buzz buzzz

Giant Wasp:buzz buzz buzz buzz- BUZZ!?

Then another rock was thrown this time it was sprig

Sprig:take that buzz brains! Go sting someone your own size!.

Y/n:or don't sting at all seriously you attack us for no reason!.

Anne:let's go!

Sprig:sprig out peace!.


Anne y/n and sprig finally stop running as she panted for air

Anne:your safe now little fella-

Also anne:

Y/n:...that was cute.

Sprig:what's wrong are you stung? We'll have to amputate!


he pulls out the scythe but Anne stops him

Anne:no this caterpillar looks exactly like my cat domino from back home.

She says as she pulls out her phone showing a picture of domino

Y/n:whoa it's a exact match...I wonder if this one will bring me food too...

Anne:I love my cat more than anything in the world...well more then one thing.

Y/n:and what's that?.

Anne:*sweats and blushes*uh....NOT IMPORTANT but domino was irreplaceable...but now I found a replacement let's take her home with us!.

Sprig:eh I don't know Anne that's a wild animal I'm not sure bringing it home is a good idea.

Anne:pshh that's ridiculous my cat back home was a stray before I adopted her all it takes is love and patience

Y/n:...spray bottle?.


Sprig:you said love twice...

She then puts the caterpillar in front of sprigs face as it likes the side of his face


Anne:it's settled!.

She grabs the scythe and flips it to the not so sharp end

Anne:I hereby dub thee domino 2 come on girl let's go home.

The three began walking but domino 2 didn't move instead fell to the floor


Sprig:uh is it broken?.

Anne:hold up I got an idea.

She goes inside her backpack and pulls out a mouse toy

Anne:this worked on domino 1 without fail.

As she swings it back on fourth domino 2 looks up as her pupils grow as she begins to follow the same thing happened to sprig

Anne:that's it girl you can do it come on.

Sprig:I want it...give it to me...

Anne:heh it's working on sprig can you believe this y/n...y/n?.

She looked to her right to see y/n's pupils also had grow as he watches the toy


Anne:...that's strangely cute...

She then goes back to looking at domino two but then while Anne and sprig are still distracted the bushes near them rustled as it was able to snap y/n out of it as his curiosity got the better of him as he approached the bushes


The bushes moved more as he got to the bushes he moved them and looked inside only to find something amazing


With Anne and sprig still walking she turns back to see domino 2 still walking with them

Anne:this is gonna be great you think she'll like it y/n?.

She turns to look at the said teen only to find he's not there


She looks around not seeing him anywhere as sprig and domino 2 are still hypnotized by the cat toy until


Anne:wait what's that sound?.


Anne:it sounds like...


Y/n came running out of the bushes so fast he past the Anne slamming into a tree as she ran to his aid

Anne:dude are you alright!?.

Y/n then quickly stands up

Y/n:fine but look what I found!.

He then places down what he found

Anne:whoa dude!.

Y/n:I know right!.

Anne:where did you find it?.

Y/n:he was just sitting in a bush I'm gonna call him....(pet name)

(I couldn't decide on a name so I'll let you guys pick a name the one most liked wins)

(Present author here I lied it's just gonna be (pet name) so you can name em what you want)

Y/n:hey Anne now that I have my own pet that makes us pet buddies!.

Anne:oh ya I guess it does looks like domino 2 has a new playmate.

As they say this (pet name) walks over to domino 2 then out of nowhere they both began to growl and hiss at each other until Anne and y/n picked them up

Anne:yeesh I guess these two are like cats and dogs in this world.

Y/n:hmmm eh they'll get along we just need to train and show em love.

Anne:that's what I said!.
The trio made it back to the house as Anne and y/n were about to try and convince hop pop about keeping pets as he was in the kitchen cutting up a long worm

Anne:hey hop pop old buddy old pal.

Y/n:you don't look a day over 68 did you get a hair cut?.

Hop pop:what do you want you two?...

Anne:oh nothing we were just thinking doesn't this house feel empty to you?.

He looks back at all the dirty dishes sitting on the table

Hop pop:not especially.

Anne:wouldn't it be nice to have a sweet fuzzy-


Anne:scaly loving critters around?

Hop pop:a pet!?.

Anne:great idea hop pop.

Hop pop then whips around pointing the meat cleaver at the duo

Hop pop:no pets every time we get one sprig and Polly swear they're gonna take care of it like this one spider we had Charlie big bottom.


Hop pop:I mean sure they were there for all the cuddlin and the snugglin but who gets stuck doin all the work good old hop pop that's who I swear to frog whoever brings a fuzzy critter into this house will be on dung duty for a month!.

As hop pop is still talking about Charlie big bottom Anne and y/n walk back outside

Anne:plan b we're gonna have to sneak them inside.

Sprig:I have two questions remind me when we found another critter and should we be concerned about this?.

Sprig lifts his leg showing domino 2 biting on to it

Anne:that's is called play biting isn't it cute?.

Y/n:adorable also I found (pet name) in a bush and I couldn't just leave them there!.

He then looks down towards (pet name)

Y/n:do you play bite?.

He puts his hand in front of (pet name) only for him to gently begin to lick it


Sprig:yeah kinda seems like she's tasting me.

He says as he try's to shake her off

Anne:that's ridiculous trust me I know cats.

Y/n:me too...except that one that was a lynx...

Sprig:well all right if you say so.

Sprig then opens the door seeing hop pop still talking about they're old pet as sprig gives the signal to go down to the basement as Anne and y/n were about to go down domino 2 sneezes alerting hop pop

Hop pop:what's that!?.

He turns and finds nothing until sprig comes into view

Sprig:uh hey hop pop what's the worst thing Charlie big bottom ever did since we're talking about Charlie big bottom?.

Hop pop:heh how could I even choose? Jumping out in front of bessie and over turning the wagon getting tarantula hair everywhere-

The camera then zooms out to show y/n and Anne smushed up hiding behind the couch as they now took the chance to go down to the basement while hop pop was talking about the hole in the roof

Sprig:where'd that happen again?.

Hop pop:you blind? The big hole right there!.

Sprig:I don't see it.

Hop pop:right-it's right there!.

They both made it down to the basement as Anne let's out a chuckle slowly closing the basement hatch
It was now morning as the basement hatch opens revealing sprig

Sprig:Anne y/n you awake?...guys?.

He taps on a mushroom as it begins to glow revealing webs and scratches everywhere

Sprig:*gasp* Anne Y/n!?.

He starts looking around the basement in a panic searching for the two as he pulls a blanket off Anne bed revealing her sleeping with domino 2 on her stomach

Sprig:hey wake up wake up!.

He started shaking Anne as she finally woke up


Sprig:what happened are you ok!?.

Anne:hmm ya totally domino 2 just had a bit of a rough first night indoors

She then yawns turning to her side revealing scratches

Sprig:Eesh wait where's y/n!?.

Sprig then heard a pile of random objects moving then y/n rising out of them letting out a yawn with (pet name) on his lap

Y/n:*yawning*is the war over?....

Sprig:y/n what happened to you are you ok?.

Y/n:ya we're ok me and (pet name) decided to make a fort out of random objects it was going well until domino 2 started going nuts so we slept in here

Anne:ya *yawns* sorry bout that...

Y/n:no biggie.

Sprig then looks at the rest of the basement that is still covered webs

Sprig:hop pop is definitely gonna notice something...

Anne:oh this is nothing we just have to keep an eye on her while she's adjusting isn't that right domino 2?.

Y/n:we? I got my own child to worry about!.

Anne:we can take care of both of them I could watch (pet name) sometimes and you can watch domino 2 sometimes.

Y/n:*gasp*it'll be like a little family!.

Anne's face begins to blush but she then quickly shook it off

Anne:I g-guess.

Sprig then looks back at domino 2 as her pupils grew more starring at sprig as she drools a little sprig laughs nervously as he gets webs shot at him as he's stuck to the floor

Anne:that's just how she says I love you.

She the gives domino 2 a kiss as for y/n

Y/n:(pet name) can you say I love you?.

(Pet name):*sticks tongue out and happily wags tail*

Y/n:.......*faints from cuteness*
The scene now shows Anne get done building a cat house/scratcher for domino
2 as the camera slides over to y/n finishing a house for (pet name)

Domino 2 kept popping out of the holes playing with Anne and y/n was putting the finishing touches on the house until he heard the basement door open seeing domino 2 crawl out with (pet name) running out shortly after as Anne and y/n panic

While in the kitchen hop pop was making a sandwich about to finish until he realized he forgot something while also not noticing domino 2 eating the sandwich and (pet name) picking up bread

Hop pop:oh forgot the mustard!.

he picked up the mustard and turned back around only to see sprig on his plate

While distracted Anne and y/n were able to get the two pets back down into the basement as y/n looked down at (pet name) he saw him holding two pieces of bread while wagging his tail as y/n sheds a tear while holding his chest
Now it shows Anne walking down the basement stairs until she stops in disgust seeing domino 2 put a half dead bug on her bed

But she shakes it off then mouths for me?

As for y/n he's out in the woods playing fetch with (pet name) he throws it pet name brings it back he throws it a second time they brought it back but the third time (pet name) brings back a nest of some sorts then a few seconds later they're both running from the giant wasps again
Now we see Polly on the couch reading a book not noticing domino 2 slowly sliding itself down on a web about to eat her until Anne grabs her and quickly puts her away leaving Polly to look up from her book confused then going back to reading

then she heard a bark looking towards the sound she sees y/n with his phone showing a video of a dog barking she go's back to reading as y/n quickly slides away with (pet name) behind his back good thing he showed Polly what a dog was a few days ago
________________________________________________________________again Anne walks down into the basement to see more bugs on the bed...

And with y/n we see him cleaning the floor as (pet name) was in the corner with his head down
Now we see Anne spinning and laughing with domino 2 as y/n was playing tug of war with (pet name)
And now we see Anne in her bed reading a magazine with domino 2 curled up on her chest while y/n was in his bed with (pet name) curled up on his side then domino 2 ate Anne's magazine as Anne and y/n let out a little giggle and chuckle
And now we see sprig y/n and Anne in the basement with sprig laying on the floor anne sitting and leaning on her bed then
Y/n doing the same as Anne as domino 2 is playing with a dead bug and (pet name) shaking the life out of another like a rag doll

Sprig:phew I hope there isn't a third critter.

Domino 2 finally stops playing with the bug and eats it then lays down covering herself in webs then going to sleep then (pet name) also finally eats his bug then surprisingly go's and lays down next to domino 2

Anne:it's all worth it when you get to watch your adorable little boo take a nap

Y/n:ain't that the truth sister.

Sprig:I gotta admit she's pretty darn cute.

Anne:welcome brother to the church of cute.

Sprig:this a cult thing?.

Y/n:yes and we need some of your blood to except you.


Y/n:kidding kidding!.

The sprigs stomach growls

Anne:looks like domino 2 isn't the only thing purring you guys wanna grab some grub?.

Sprig:sure I'm pretty hungry.


They look around until they hear the basement door open and see y/n quickly running out towards the kitchen


Anne:hey man wait up!.

Sprig:save some for us!.

They both quickly run out but as they do domino 2 webs stretch and cover up her face

Now in the kitchen the trio savagely eat the food on the table as hop pop walks in

Hop pop:whoa whoa there hungry much!?.

Sprig:*with mouth full* we've been running around all day we're starving.

Hop pop:"running around"? Doing what?.

The three look at each other nervously

Anne:oh nothing.

Sprig:I mean who can say really.

Y/n:....*proceeds to continue eating*


Hop pop:...what was that?.

Anne:mmm basement ghost?.

Hop pop:don't be ridiculous basement ghost don't sound anything like that.

Y/n:you mean that night I thought I saw something moving it was actually a ghost? ima call em Casper!.

They then go down to the basement seeing webs and green goo with green smoke coming from domino 2 webs

Anne:domino 2 where are you!? Baby precious!.

Y/n:(pet name)! Where are you lil bud!?.

Hop pop:wait "lil bud"? "Baby precious"? Those are pet names for a pet! You sneak a pet in here?.


As sprig tries to lie hop pop gives him a glare

Sprig:*grunts* ok we did!.

Hop pop:what'd I tell you about pets!.

Sprig:I'm sorry it's just that the caterpillar looked just like Anne's pet from back home it was small cute it was black with white spots and-

Hop pop:wait a black caterpillar with white spots!?.

Sprig:yes sensing something is wrong.

Hop hop:that's a coastal kill-a-pillar! They're dangerous amphibivores! And they only get white spots right before they're about to-

Then something crawled past them on the ceiling as they look around trying to find it unaware that it's right behind them until it falls revealing domino 2 only looking much more different

and also holding (pet name) in its claw wrapped in webs unable to make noise


Anne:domino 2 is that you?.

Hop pop:shhh these monsters respond to sound let's back away slowly and quietly-


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Anne:y/n no!.

Y/n:Y/N YES!.

Y/n jumped at domino 2 head butting her making her drop (pet name) then catching them before they hit the ground

Y/n:(pet name)! Are you ok-OOF

But then domino 2 smacked y/n away making fly towards the basement door until someone opened it

Polly:hey family what's happening in-WHOA!.

She ducked down as y/n flew out the basement door then out the window




Y/n slowly got up rubbing his head until he realized (pet name) was still tied up

Y/n:hold on little buddy I'll get you out!.

He rips the webs off (pet name) freeing him then (pet name) begins to lick y/n much like a dog would

Y/n:I'm glad your safe boy wait Anne and the others are still in trouble we gotta-


Y/n stops in his tracks and looks down seeing a giant shadow looming over him he slowly turns around seeing the creature

It then slowly crawls towards y/n as he trips and a branch and slowly backs up

Y/n:dang your humongous...if your gonna eat me make it quick I gotta warn ya you aren't going to like what you taste...

As the creature gets closer (pet name) jumps in the way and starts the growl as the creature stops with a confused look

Y/n:(pet name)?.

The creature leans in closer and begins to sniff (pet name) as it then licks him then (pet name) stops growling and begins to wag his tail and run in a circle around the creature

Y/n:(pet name) you'd betray me!?.

But then y/n started to look back and forth at (pet name) and the creature until it finally hit him

Y/n:ohhhhhhhhhhhh your big momma!....oh your big momma.....

The creature then gently pushes (pet name)out of the way and begins to crawl towards y/n again as they're face to face now it the. Begins to open its mouth only for (pet name) to get in the way again

The creature let's out a growl as (pet name) does as well this continues as if they're actually talking to each other until y/n stood up and picked up (pet name)

Y/n:big momma sorry I don't know what else to call ya but I apologize for taking your baby I...I thought he was abandoned but now that I think about it you probably put him in that bush so that nothing will see him but I'll accept if you want to take him back...I'm sorry

The creature stares at y/n for a bit then releases a huff from its nostrils then a nod surprising y/n that it can understand him he then looks down at (pet name) with a sad smile

Y/n:sorry little guy it was fun spending time with you but you have to go with your mom...I'll always remember you lil bud...

He gives (pet name) one final hug as (pet name) tries to hug back with his little arms y/n then puts (pet name) on his moms head as the creature shows its thanks by licking y/n

Y/n:*grossed out*oh that's...nice?.

He says as he tries to wipe off the saliva then the creature gave y/n another nod as it begins to walk back into the forest with (pet name)

Y/n:*sighs* this is how it feels like a second time huh?....

He then looks to the sky and sees domino 2 flying after the same cat toy

Y/n:oh hey it's domino 2....OH SHOOT ANNE AND THE OTHERS!.


Anne:sayonara domino 2....

As she looks to where domino 2 flew of she then remembers something

Anne:...heh at least I have someone else to love still here...OH WAIT Y/N!.


Anne:AHHH!...wait y/n your okay!.

She then hugs y/n as he returns it

Y/n:ya I'm fine.

Anne:b-but your bleeding!.

Y/n:tis but a scratch!.

Anne:wait where's (pet name)?.

Y/n:let's just say mom picked him up from daycare...


Y/n:....his mom came on took him back.

Anne:oh...I'm sorry dude

Y/n:and uh...domino 2?.


Y/n then spreads his arms out

Y/n:sad hug?.

Anne:....sad hug.

They then hugged trying to comfort each other and stayed like that until they decided to go back to the house

Inside hop pop was peeling the webs off sprig and Polly

Hop pop:and look who's cleaning up after the pet hop pop that's who!.

Anne and y/n walk into the house


Sprig:y/n Anne you guys are ok!.

Polly:tell me that thing is gone!.

Anne:ya it's gone *sighs* I'm so sorry you guys I had no right to put you all in danger no matter how much I miss my cat I hope you understand...

Hop pop:...understand?.

Y/n:ruh roh.


Hop pop:I miss Charlie big bottom with all my heart and soul!.

Hop pop begins bawling his eyes out as he goes to hug y/n only for him to put Anne in front of him as he hugs her she pats his back in comfort while glaring at y/n who was looking away whistling

Polly:uh can we please fix the giant hole in the house!?.

Sprig:hey y/n where's (pet name)?.

Y/n:well let's just say-

Anne:his mom came and took him back.

Y/n:I wanted to say my thing!.
It was now morning as y/n and Anne were cleaning the basement after the mess domino 2 made as sprig walks down

Anne:*sighs*well just goes to show ya you can't take some wild animal you found in the woods and have it live in your basement and think everything's gonna be okay.

Sprig:I don't know sometimes it works out.

Anne looks behind her to see all her stuff and y/n's stuff with also y/n trying to bite off webs from his arms

Anne:awwww your talking about us right?.

Sprig:hey uh I made you guys a little something.

He shows Anne a stuff animal that looks like domino 2

Sprig:I used domino 2's hair balls as the fur here ya go.

He then walks over to y/n

Sprig:I made one for you too y/n I made it out of (pet names) scales and I uh had to use mud to make it stick together.

He gives y/n a (pet name) lookalike to y/n as he and anne stare at they're gifts

Sprig:you hate them don't you?.




Sprig:they're too ugly to look at aren't they?.




Sprig:you know what give them back to me-

Anne:I LOVE IT!.

She holds it close to her hugging it he then looks over to y/n who's slowly starting to cry while hugging his as well

________________________________________________________________ name will return in endgame...nah I'm just joking but seriously he might return someday

also I've gotten suggestions of what pet y/n should have but as you just read I'd already pick what his pet was

...but y/n's gonna need a buddy to get over his old friend riggggght? so I was thinking maybe he could have a replacement ya know but I don't know which I got two suggestions so for now these two are

Buzzerd bee and

Eel hound and if there's any other creatures you think would make a good pet to y/n comment and tell but only one can be picked so comment what creature or comment on that person's comment and agree which you want well that's all have a good day or night stay safe later

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