Short 1

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Shorts 1

Three days have passed since the domino incident and since then y/n has been acting lightly different he hasn't been talking as much as he did back then on the first day he wouldn't even cause chaos as he did with Polly then on the second day he stopped eating breakfast with Anne and the planters and on the third day he would go on walks by himself and now finally it was the fourth day today

Anne and the planters were in the kitchen eating breakfast until hop pop noticed something

Hop pop: say where's y/n?.

Anne: still moping around.....

Sprig noticed the sadness in her voice and decided to ask

Sprig: you alright Anne?.

Anne:*sighs* ya I'm fine it's just...I'm not used to seeing y/n like this back home I don't think I've ever seen him down like this...

Sprig:really he's never been sad?.

Anne:not that I can remember and I've known him since we were kids-

As they were talking the basement hatch opened making everyone turn their heads towards the noise revealing a tired-looking y/n with his hair looking a little messy

Hop pop:morning y/n you missed breakfast again.


He walks into the kitchen and grabs a fruit and begins to walk out

Anne:wait y/n!.

He stops and slightly looks to his side at Anne who's now standing

Anne:are you alright haven't been lively lately and I'm worried and just wanted to make sure your-

She was interrupted by y/n who laid his hand on Anne's shoulder for reassurance as he lets out a sigh and puts on a small smile

Y/n:I'm fine sorry I worried you guys I've just been down in the dumps since (pet name) left you know?.

(The name zilla won in the last chapter so that's his name now!)

(Once again i lied it's (pet name) now)

Y/n:so don't worry about me I'd hate to see you guys sad if it's my fault.

Anne:o-oh well...alright then if you say so...

Y/n:ima go for a walk again I'll be back later

He says as he grabs his backpack

Anne:I'll come with!.

Y/n:nah it's fine your breakfast will get I'd like to be alone for now...

Anne:o-oh ya it's cool dude.

She says while rubbing the side of her arm

Y/n:alright later...

He says with a wave while closing the door

Anne sighs as she turns to the planters

Anne:you see what I mean?.

Hop pop:I know it's hard but I'm sure it's just a phase heck sprig and Polly were the same way when Charlie big bottom passed.

Anne:I hope your right hop pop.


Y/n was slowly walking threw the forest as he lets out a sigh

Y/n:I don't know why I'm being like this...I should be happy he's with his mom...

He then decided to stop walking and sit back on a tree and went into his backpack and pulled out (favorite chips)

Y/n:ya I mean wouldn't he be all...sad...missing his home....his mother...

Y/n started to realize how zilla could have been missing his mom like how y/n was wondering if she's well

Y/n:heh ya he's probably doing well.

as he was about to eat one of his chips a bush next to him started rustling

Y/n:it can't be...

He stood up and walked over to the bush and moved them only to find

(Just imagine it smaller and with no saddle)

Y/n stared at the pup for a while until he took a deep inhale and turned around

Y/n:nope nope nope I learned my lesson last time.

He started walking until he slowed down and came to a stop and turned back to the pup which let out a whimper

Y/n:mmmm....*sighs* well I can't just leave you alone...alright I'll just stay here until your mom comes back then dip when she arrives.

He sat down and leaned back on a tree near the bush and pulled out his chips again

he was gonna take a bit until he noticed the pups head poking out

Y/n:caught the scent of the chip huh? wanna try one?.

Y/n brought the chip closer to its face while the pup cautiously edged closer to his hand and quickly snatched the chip and went back into the bush

Y/n could hear crunching until the pup poke out again

Y/n:it's good right?.

To his surprise it lets out a quick bark

Y/n:heh ya we're gonna get along just fine

As y/n waited the pup now was fully out of the bush sitting a little close to y/n still cautious but still ate the chips with y/n


As more time passed y/n ran out of chips but the pup was still sitting with y/n he then saw a stick and decided to test something he got up and grab the stick and threw it and to his surprise the pup ran after the stick and brought it back...well it drop it on the floor a few feet away from y/n still not getting to close

More time has passed as the pup was now tired from playing fetch with y/n and finally trusted y/n enough to lay its head on his legs while he rubbed its head

Y/n:ya know now that I look at you more you look like a eel...but mixed with a hound...hey that's not a bad name for your species! I guess that's what ima call ya until I figure out a name for you.

Y/n saw that the sun was slowly going down then looks left to right

Y/n:man sure is taking your mom a while to come get you...

He then gently moved the eel hounds head from his legs and stood up

Y/n:well I should get going don't wanna worry them anymore.

He then looks down at the eel hound and notice it's staring at him

Y/n:oh right.

He picks up the eel hound and puts it back into the bush and covers the top back up

Y/n:well it was nice hanging with ya tell mom I said hi!.

He began walking until he heard the rustle he looked back to see the eel hound following him

Y/n:no no no you gotta stay here.

The eel hound just stared at y/n until he points to the eel hound then the bush

Y/n:you go!.

The eel hound looks down sad

Y/n:hey don't be like that I'll visit...well if your mom lets me.

The eel hound slowly goes back into the bush as it watches y/n walk away

Y/n was now almost back to the house until he stopped and looked back

Y/n:mmm he's probably fine his mom should be there any min-WHOA!.

Y/n ducked just in time dodging a stinger from one of the giant wasp he Anne and sprig fought

Y/n:you again!?.

Wasp:bzzz bzzz bzzz!.

Y/n:you really holding a grudge!? I only guess what you were gonna say!.

Wasp:bzz bzz bzz!.

Y/n:well bad move I'm not really in a good mood right now plus there's only one of you and ima use more then a rock to hit your head this time...

He said cracking his Knuckles until he felt the presence of three figures rising behind him

(....I...I had to)



Right now Anne was pacing back and fourth worried sprig noticed this and decided to ask her

Sprig:what's wrong Anne something bugging ya?.

Anne:well ya haven't you noticed y/n isn't back yet and the day is almost over!.

Sprig:I'm sure he's fine-

Anne:what if he got hurt what if he got eaten what if he-!

Sprig:ANNE this is y/n your talking about the person who is literally brave enough to look at danger in its face and literally laugh!.

Anne:...heh ya I guess your right he's probably doing something dumb and silly right about now.



Y/n was now running threw the forest dodging when the wasp would try to stab or slash him

One wasp tried stabbing y/n again but y/n moved to the side dodging the wasp then grabbing the wasp from its stinger spinning it then throws it at one of the wasps making them crash into a tree


Y/n turns to leave but stops when a wasp points it's stinger at y/n's neck

but before anything could happen the bushes behind the wasp start shaking as the eel hound jumps out landing on the wasp back and starts biting it's wing

Y/n:Hey it's eel hound wait I told you to stay in the bushes!.

The eel hound then ripped off one of the wasp wings

Y/n:aww brutal!.

The wasp then crashed to the ground while the eel hound landed in front of y/n in a protective stance growling while y/n stands up

Y/n:nice one little dude huh?...

The other wasps decided to retreat picking up the wasp while one of the wasps glares at the two until they disappear in the woods

Y/n:who knew wasps hold grudges.

The eel hound walks up to y/n

Y/n:hey I thought I told you to stay in the bushes.

The eel hound then looks down sadly

Y/n:but I'll let it slide since well you did just saved my life.

Y/n then looks at the sky and sees it's about to turn night then looked back at the eel hound

Y/n:ya you know what your coming with me

The eel hound started wagging its tail and spinning in circles until it jumped onto y/n and started licking his face until y/n picks him up and puts him in his backpack and starts walking home

Y/n:I'm sure hop pop wouldn't mind...probably.


Y/n now is at the front of the door he then looks inside his backpack at the eel hound

Y/n:you ready?.

The eel hound wags its tail

Y/n:alrighty then!.

Y/n then kicks open the door


Y/n was quickly grabbed by the shoulders by Anne who started shaking him


Y/n:StOp So I cOuLd TeLl YoU!!!.

Anne takes her hands of y/n's shoulders then crosses her arms

Y/n:jeez give a man a headache.


Y/n:right right so you know those wasps we fought three days ago?.


Y/n:they tried to stab me.


Anne's screaming made the planters run into the room

Polly:could you stop screaming for five minutes!?.

Sprig:y/n your back!.

Y/n:yup and I got something to show you guys!.

Y/n then puts his backpack on the ground and opens it a bit wider

Y/n:it's okay you can come out.

Anne and the planters stare at the backpack until the eel hounds head pops out


Anne:dude...where did you even find it?.

Y/n:in the woods he saved me from the wasps he's also the reason I've been gone for so long we've been waiting for his mom...sadly she was nowhere to be seen.

Anne:aw poor little guy.

Anne started to pat the eel hound on its head while sprig and Polly were still watching

Sprig:I've never seen anything like this before!.

Polly:me neither.

Then hop pop walked into the room

Hop pop:what's all the ruckus abo-*GASP*

Hop pop:rushed in front of y/n and the eel hound pushing Anne sprig and Polly out of the way


Y/n:in the woods why?.


Y/n:hey that's what I called him....wait dang it I thought I had a original name.

Hop pop:eel hounds are a rare species you wouldn't even see one here especially in wort wood! People are starting to believe they're myths from not seeing one!.

Sprig:so that's why we never seen it before!.

Anne:but why are you so shocked from it?.

Hop pop:well duh Anne I just explained it but they grow up to be massive!.

Y/n:whoa cool!.

Hop pop then moves over next to Anne and starts whispering

Hop pop:*whisper* Anne you gotta help convince y/n to get rid of that.


Hop pop:*whisper*we can't afford to take any chances with that thing!.

Anne:*whisper*hop pop just look.

Hop pop looks over to y/n seeing the eel hound now fully out of the backpack in front of y/n wagging his tail while pets his head

He starts to notice how much happier y/n is as he then sighs

Hop pop:alright y/ can keep the eel hound.

Y/n:YES thanks hop pop I owe you one!.

Y/n starts playing with the eel hound so does sprig and Polly as anne gives hop pop a nudge on the shoulder

Anne:thanks hop pop.

Hop pop:ya ya I better not see nothing broken!.

Y/n:no promises!.
________________________________________________________________Sorry if this short was a bit meh

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