Chapter 9

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It was now the next day as the planters and y/n were in the living room

With hop pop reading a book sprig was throwing Polly up into the air while laughing and y/n was on the floor teaching the eel hound tricks

Y/n:alright sit!.

The eel hound sits

Y/n:good boy!.

He gives him a treat

Y/n:alright shake.

The eel hound shakes his hand

Y/n:good boy!.

Again he gives him a treat

Y/n:alright now...bring me the blood of my enemies...

The eel hound starts walking towards the door but stops as everyone hears Anne scream from the basement as she kicks open the hatch door holding her phone

Anne:guys guys guys guys guys look!.

She faces the phone at the group

Polly:what are we looking at?.

Anne:suspicious island it's like my favorite show I've got the new season and didn't even know it it must have auto-download before I got here

Y/n:wait you watch suspicious island?.

Anne:ya wait you like suspicious island!?.

Y/n:uh duh ya!.

Sprig:who's this Otto?.

Polly:and how did you download him?.

Anne:just watch.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Skip to 1:17)

Hop pop:what is this demonic nonsense?.

Y/n:pfff ok Karen.

Anne:hop pop this show's got beautiful people doing dumb things while stuff explodes it's Literally perfect.


Polly:let's do it!.

Hop pop:now hold on! Instead of that garbage how about I treat you to some real entertainment.

Sprig/Polly:oh no...

Hop pop then pulls out a paper from his pocket

Hop pop:a scene from the shallow pond ehem sadness the world is sadness but look there a pond! Is it deep or shallow?.


Eel hound:

Y/n/Anne/sprig/Polly:suspicion island suspicion island suspicion island!!!-

Hop pop:okay fine!!!.

They all started to cheer...well except hop pop

Hop pop:but just one!.

It wasn't just one they watched it until night

Phone:it can't be vivica these pterodactyls are clones dead brother!.


Anne:no way!.


Hop pop just rolls his eyes

On the show A pterodactyl grabs vivica and flys away with her as the guy screams no

Y/n:that's sus chad your name is literally chad do something

Narrator:will these beautiful teens ever make it off the island? Find out next time on-

Anne pauses the show

Anne:and that's enough for tonight.

Sprig:aw cmon!.

Polly:this is torture!.

Anne:trust me guys you gotta pace yourself with this stuff.

Y/n:she's right I once binge watch a whole show with a lot of seasons whole sleep schedule messed up.

Hop pop:alright you two grubs off to bed.

They both groan and fall off the couch


Sprig:how am I supposed to sleep without knowing what happened to vivica and chad?.

Polly:stupid sleep I wanna watch it right now!. what do you think hop pop? Better than that boring stuff you read to us right?.

Hop pop:that "boring stuff" is called literature Anne.

He says walking to his room while y/n as a distressed face hearing the word literature

Hop pop:and maybe if you had an ounce of culture you wouldn't reject it in favor of your substandard puerile garbage show!.

He says slamming his door making y/n snap out of his thoughts

Y/n:*whispers*your culture sucks tho...

Anne:sheesh tell me how you really feel.

Y/n:b-but I thought he did?.

Anne:no y/n I whatever let's go to bed.

Y/n:okie dokie...dang it it I did it to myself!.

But as the two close the basement hatch a figure creeps towards the phone and starts watching the show

It's now morning as Anne and y/n walk towards the couch and sits while Anne has a bowl of popcorn then y/n grabs a handful of the popcorn and starts eating and feeding some to his eel hound

Anne:come on guys! it's time to get suspicious!.

Anne turns on her phone but it says the battery is low

Anne:Wait what!?!?.

Her panic makes the rest run into the living room

Sprig:what's wrong Anne?.

Hop pop:what's all the ruckus?.

Polly:why you screaming?.

Anne:my battery is low but it was fine last night when I turned it off?.


Anne then goes threw the seasons which have all been watched

Anne:huh watched? Who watched all these episodes and used up all the-

The phone starts beeping on its final bar

Anne:no no no no no!!!!-

She starts quickly tapping the phone but it does nothing as the phone dies's gone....

Sprig:what's gone?.

Anne:everything my pictures my text videos of my cat!!! Now all my memories from home are gone!.

She starts to hyperventilate

Sprig:I'm there there?.

Sprig tries to pat Anne's shoulder but she slaps his arm away

Anne:was it you!?!?.

Sprig:what no! I didn't watch anything it must have been Polly!.


Sprig:I heard her get up in the night very suspicious.

Polly:i needed to pee! Plus if you heard me you were awake too you're the suspicious one!.

Sprig:don't change the subject.

Polly:wait wait wait wait what about hop pop.

Hop pop:heh me? In case you forgot I despise that garbage.

Polly:exactly maybe you ran down the phone so we'd listen to your boring play!.

Sprig:oh that's good.

Hop pop:that's is preposterous!.

While all this is going down y/n is quickly eating the popcorn clearly entertain by what's going down while also giving a pile of popcorn to the eel hound on the floor who is also eating fast while wagging its tail

Sprig:wait what about y/n just look at how he's acting!.

This makes y/n spit out his popcorn




Anne:if none of you are going to admit to it the least you could do is help me fix my phone.

Hop pop:fair enough Anne how do we bring this thing back to life? Magic live sacrifice I know a guy in town-.

Y/n:ya that's one-

Anne:we need power electricity.

The planters just turn there head in confusion

Anne:you know zap zap?.

Hop pop:zap zap?...Oh i think I know what you're talking about quickly to my study!.

The group goes into hop pops study room and hop pop places down a huge book on the table

Hop pop:I've heard talk of a creature called the zapapede that lives deep in the misty peaks.


Hop pop:it zaps its prey with a small spark of lightning eh it's pretty cool actually.


Y/n looks down at his eel hound

Y/n:you want a sibling?.

The eel hound just gives him a really? Look

Y/n:ya not the right time.

Anne:sounds like it's worth a shot so how far away is this bug hp?.

Hop pop:don't call me hp it's half a days travel but that should be no trouble for this gang.

Sprig:oh ya well that's just what chad vanderblad said right before he was stabbed in the back on suspicion island!!!.

He says pointing at hop pop while he slaps away sprigs fingers

Hop pop:watch where you're pointing that finger.

Polly:I would never stab chad in the back but one of you two would.

Sprig:hey every time you point two fingers point back!.

Polly:...That doesn't make any sense!!!.

Y/n:pfff ya that's so stupid....

He says now writing it down on a piece of paper saying comebacks to use

Anne:hey hey hey your all suspicious just look at you.


Anne:your not off the hook either y/n.

Y/n:WHAT!?!? With what proof!.

Anne:you said you love suspicion island!.

Y/n:I'm not saying anything till by lawyer gets here.

Anne:let's just get moving the sooner we move the sooner I get my memories back.

The planters:



The group finally made it to misty peaks

While walking sprig was singing and playing his violin until hop pop stopped him

Hop pop:quiet boy look there's one now!.

The zapapede was across a slightly broken wooden bridge resting on a rock pillar

Anne:oh looks pretty cute.

Y/n:I'll say now I wanna keep it.

Sprig places his foot onto the bridge as it creaks

Hop pop:step lightly everyone this thing doesn't look like it could take much weight

The groups starts walking across but then sprig yawns making hop pop let out a huff

Anne:sup hp?.

Hop pop:sprig sure looks tired doesn't he? Awfully suspicious and don't call me hp.

Polly:the old mans a lying snake but he does have a point.

Y/n:eh ya I guess.

Sprig then stops and quickly turns around pointing at the group

Sprig:you guys talkin scum!?!?.

Hop pop:what no no no no!.


Sprig:hmm psst Anne.

He says as he motions her over

Anne:ugh excuse me hp.

She moves past hop pop as he grumbles Anne's now near sprig as he motions her to crouch

Sprig:I want to find out who's guilty just as much as you do let me help you.

But Polly jumps next to the duo

Polly:on no you don't! You were trying to chad her into trusting you!.

Y/n:Hey holdup the only chad here is me!...wait not the suspicious one!-

Sprig:and you're trying to vivica her into not trusting me!.

Polly:oh and look at hop pop trying to randy his way out of this!.

Hop pop:I don't even know what that means!.

Anne:guys cut it out your gonna-

From the groups weight the bridge breaks making them fall luckily for Anne and y/n they land on a bush while the planters land on the ground

Anne:ugh rope bridge more like nope bridge...

Y/n:hehe...ugh it's hurts to laugh....

While hop pop was getting up he noticed something below them

Hop pop:look down there more zapapedes!.

Hop pop:there pretty far down.

Anne:hmm oh! Let's just link arms and lower someone down just like the teens did in episode eight.

Sprig:Ha so that Polly can drop us to cover her tracks just like vivica did in the very same episode!?.

Polly:you callin me a vivica?.


Polly tackles sprig as the two begin to fight now

Hop pop:kids no stop fighting!.

Polly twists sprigs arms

Then sprig gives Polly a wet willie

Then Polly punches sprig in the face

Anne:hey cut it out you guys seriously-OW.

Anne tried to break up the fight only to get accidentally kicked in the face by sprig

Sprig:oh sorry Anne you okay?.

He says as he lets out a chuckle only for Anne to move his foot and roll up her shirts sleeve


She then starts fighting them as well

Hop pop:wait no y/n help me out here!?.

Y/n:alright guys you're being really childish right now and that's coming from me-OW!.

The same thing happened to y/n with Anne accidentally kicking y/n on his leg

Anne:oh shoot sorry dude you good!?.


Y/n slowly takes off his hoodie drops it to the ground and inhales


He screams now elbow dropping Into the fight

Hop pop:kids no stop Fighting!!!.

He says as y/n has one of his foots on Anne's back as she lays defeated on the floor and spinning Polly by the tail with one arm and hold sprig by his neck with the other


Hop pop:I-IT WAS ME!.

Sprig:say what!?.



Y/n:oh wow that even shocked me.

Anne:you mean-

Hop pop:that's right Anne I watched all the episodes every single one!.

Anne:but you hated suspicion island?.

Hop pop:hated it "hated" it? I loved it ever since the end of that last episode I-I couldn't sleep!.


Hop pop:I fell in love with those crazy kids on their crazy island I couldn't get enough

In a flashback we see hop pop hiding behind the bathroom door as Polly goes inside and closes it while hop pop runs towards the living room

Hop pop:I did the only thing I could I snuck out to the living room to watch another episode.

then we see sprig drink some water before heading to his room to go back to bed while hop pop was hiding underneath a table

Then we see hop pop make it to the living room only to hide when he heard someone talking

Y/n:alright you know the plan right?.

It was y/n talking to his eel hound which barks at y/n who is wearing a black mask with black clothing with a crowbar

Y/n:alright boy your going on your first boys night out and I want it to be special just like mine!.

Eel hound:*barks*

Y/n:ya I've done this before well I learned it from some guys but never saw them again I think I saw them on tv last time? Eh can't remember let's go.

The both opened the front door and left while hop pop now finally grabs the phone and begins watching the show

Hop pop:I vowed only to watch one but suspicion island had its hooks in me! and before I realized what had happened I'd finish the season!.

He gasps as he noticed everyone coming to the living room

Hop pop:with dawn approaching I covered my tracks and made my escape


Sprig:what a twist!.

Hop pop:but now I'm gonna make things right.

He says grabbing Anne's phone


He then jumps of the cliff as the group screams

Anne:hop pop!.

Hop pop:I'm okay!.

They see hop pop laying on the zapapedes calmly

Hop pop:you know it's actually kinda relaxing-AHHHHH

The zapapedes began zapping hop pop every time he would move they would zap him

Sprig:he can't last much longer!.

Polly:we have to work together!.

Sprig latches his tongue around a stump while Polly grabs y/n's feet

Y/n:jump when I jump so I can grabbed your legs!.

Anne:got it!.

They both jump off as y/n did what he said and grabs Anne by her legs just in time while she tries to grab hop pop

Anne:almost...nearly there!.

She was able to grab hop pop by his foot

Anne:got him...oh wait a second-AHHHHH

now all of them were getting zapped as the electricity was so strong it shot the group up into the sky and landed them out of misty peaks

Now Anne's phone says it has been ten thousand percent charged

Hop pop:holy smokes that's a lot of percents.

Anne:so you love suspicion island huh?.

Hop pop:yeah...and I'm sorry I lied and drained your memory box can you ever forgive this old silly frog?...

Anne:dude you just risked your life to recharge my phone I think we're square


Y/n:that's nice.

Polly:really glad I didn't push you off a cliff like I was planning.

Sprig:me too Polly me too.

Y/n:me three.

The two then stare at him

Y/n:what do ya want from me i love chaos...oh wait a second!.

Y/n then checked his phone to see his phone got charged up to eight thousand

Y/n:....hey Anne?.

Anne:ya y/n?.

Y/n:just curious what is your phones battery percentage at now?.

Anne:ten thousand why?.

Y/n:.........just curious.......

Hop pop:all right enough fiddle-faddling we gotta get home so you guys can finish the season if I don't talk to someone about it soon I'm gonna explode!.

Hop pop:I mean that part where the island itself is revealed to actually be-


Sprig:oh come on!.

Anne:dude spoilers!.

Hop pop:oops sorry...wait where's y/n?.

Everyone looks around to find he's nowhere to be seen until







The last zap was so powerful it too blasted y/n into the sky landing somewhere else

Y/n:*weakly*heh worth it...

Y/n then heard bushes next to him start shaking

Y/n:oh boy....

Then something walked out

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Heh get it...cause sus and suspicious....I'll leave now

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