Chapter 12

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We see y/n Anne sprig and Polly who are pulling weeds out from the ground

Sprig then stands up letting out a sigh but then noticed the cowapillars then gets a idea as he runs over to hop pop who is sitting in a chair relaxing

Sprig:hop pop hop pop great idea! What if we trained the cowapillars to eat these weeds? Then we wouldn't have t-

Hop pop:hup bup bup suggestion barrels over there.

Sprig quickly runs over with a pencil and paper and eats the rest of the flys then begins writing

Sprig:suggestion 89...

Anne:hey you think he actually reads these?.

Y/n:nah if it were me I'd probably burn em.

Polly:doubt it I suggested a swimming pool months ago and that never happened.

Y/n:well I'm on board with that suggestion.

Sprig:oh come on guys have a little more faith in hop pop.

Sprig puts his hand threw the slide of the barrel but when he tried to pull it out it got stuck

Sprig:oop heheh...hands stuck.

Sprig then climbs on top of the barrel and pulls which works but ends up falling off and making the Barrel fall over revealing flames

Sprig:what the?...

All four look down the hole to see the suggestion sprig made fell into the flames burning it


Polly:a fire pit that's the opposite of a swimming pool.

Sprig:why hop pop why!?.

Hop pop:because your suggestions were ridiculous you can't just dig swimming pools anywhere it attracts pest and not to mention what y/n suggested!.

The rest of them look at y/n

Y/n:...catapult...big catapult.

Hop pop:running a farm ain't easy kids.

Sprig:maybe but if I were in charge I'd listen to other people's suggestions not burn them!.

He says as the fire in the background gets bigger

Y/n:sorry I threw the tumbleweed in there.

Hop pop:you? Run the farm? HA run it into the ground maybe.

Hop pop then bumps sprig

Then sprig bumps hop pop back

Y/n:dang savage.

Polly:*gasp* is that an official challenge?

Sprig then runs over to a poll and climbs up and starts hitting a giant bell while hollering then jumps down

Polly:sprig planter you have rung the planters family challenge bell! What is your challenge?.

Sprig:I want to replace hop pop and run the farm my way!.

Polly:hop pop?.

Hop pop:I do formally accept this challenge.

Anne:I'm sure this will make sense in a moment.

Y/n:I bet you a candy bar it doesn't.

• • •

Anne:never mind what the heck's going on!?.

She says watching sprig and hop pop cover themselves in mud

Y/n:I'll take that candy bar now.

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a candy bar and hands it to y/n as he happily begins to eat it

Y/n:thank you~.

Hop pop:the planter family challenge.

Sprig:an artful test of skill where the winner takes takes all!.

Polly:they push each other until someone falls of a lily pad it's dumb but fun to watch.

Y/n:ohhh this looks fun I wanna try next!.

Anne looks off to the side with a tint of red

Anne:absolutely not...

Y/n:pshh buzzkill.

Anne:also has sprig ever won?.

Sprig:I've won in spirit.

Anne:so no.

Polly:enough chit chat let the challenge begin!. She yells hitting the bell as hop pop and sprig run towards each other yelling until they finally reached each other and began pushing and even slapping but then hop pop picked up sprig and chucks him near the edge


Anne:who are you even voting for?.

Y/n:I don't know I'm just seeing if one of them will do it.

Hop pop then starts pushing sprig closer to the mud

Hop pop:heheh give it up boy I've got the experience and the upper body strength.

Sprig:oh ya? Well I've got the moral high ground!.


Sprig then pulls hop pop in and flips him over with his legs making him fall into the mud

Anne/Polly:*GASP*sprig won?.

Sprig looked up in shocked

Sprig:I won!?.

Y/n then picked sprig up and put him on his shoulders


Anne:nice work dude.

Sprig:I don't believe it I'm head of the farm!.

While the four of them are cheering hop pop slowly starts getting up and looks back to see them chanting sprigs head of the farm while walking away

Hop pop:...looks like my time is over...

He then sadly walks into the woods

With the others they then walk into the house and place sprig down onto the table

Y/n/anne/Polly:sprig sprig sprig!.

Sprig:all right all right that's enough...ok maybe a few more.

Y/n/anne/Polly:sprig sprig sprig!.

Sprig:love it first order of business as long as I'm in charge no suggestions are bad.

Polly:swimming pools!?.

Sprig:you betcha!.



Y/n:I said catapult!?.


Y/n then whispers to himself in a deep voice

Y/n:*whisper*you basically agreed to the first one...

Anne:dance parties?.

Sprig:let's have one right now baby!.

• • •

We see the group saluting as y/n pulls up a flag that says a farm that listens as y/n sheds a tear

• • •

Then we see Polly holding up a paper that says party patio and Anne that has one saying clowns and y/n's says games

The sprig gives a double thumbs up as the three celebrate


• • •

Then we see the three filling up holes with water with the help of bessie pulling a giant mushroom that had water

• • •

Then we see Anne nailing up a banter that said party patio coming soon until the wall started breaking down and made a hole they shrugged it off when Polly brought out drinks

• • •

Then sprig opens the pen to the cowapillars enclosure as they try to cat the crops but sprig pulls on the rope tied to one stopping them and tricked them into eating the weeds by moving the vegetables just in time

• • •

Now we see y/n sitting in a catapult ready to fling himself

Anne:are you sure this is safe?.

Y/n:ya totally I'll land right in the water over there.

Polly:do it do it do it!.

Y/n then pulls the rope launching him into the air...until he slams into a tree and falls to the ground


Y/n:I'm fine....the pain is almost euphoric.

• • •

Now we see a clown preforming for the group but Polly looks disturbed

Y/n:hahahah now scream get the sweet and sour sauce hank!.

Polly then screams and jumps on the clowns face and starts punching him as anne pulls her off

Anne:whoa whoa whoa Polly whoa!.

Sprig:we paid him for this.

Y/n:he didn't say the line beat em again...

• • •

Then the three of them were dancing in the house while y/n was talking with the clown

Y/n:honestly you know a Ronald McDonald?.

Clown:no but I know a Ronald Mccroak.

Y/n:hmmm good enough.

• • •

Now we see the group outside as they look at the house remolded by them

Sprig:soak it in gang this is what good leadership looks like.

Anne:uh anybody worried about hop pop? Haven't seen him since we got back.

Sprig:he's probably off licking his wounds.

The real hop pop is walking threw wartwood cemetery

Hop pop:*sighs* might as well get comfortable here with all the other frogs nobody needs anymore.

Hop pop stops when he comes across a bug stuck on its back

Hop pop:need some help little feller?.

Hop pop then picks up the bug and places it on its legs

Hop pop:there you go.

The bug flaps it's wings

Hop pop:where was I oh right crippling sadness...

While walking away Hop pop heard scuttleing

Hop pop:hmm?.

He saw the bug following him

Hop pop:heh you're more loyal than my own family.

He then picks the bug up

Hop pop:I'm gonna call you...Jeremy.

Back with the others we see sprig about to slide down a slide


He slides all the way down and splashes into the pool while Anne was relaxing near the water until y/n splashed out while taking a deep inhale

Y/n:ah how long was that!?.

Anne:hey new record 103 seconds.


Then Anne's stomach growled

Anne:is anyone like starving?.

Y/n:now that you mentioned it ya...a lot...and when I'm starving I get crazy!.

Sprig then pops out of the water

Sprig:dinner great suggestion

Now In the house Anne opens a cabinet seeing no food

Anne:huh no food in here either.

Sprig:guess today's the day hop pop goes to the grocery store.

Anne:what are we gonna do? I am getting hangry!.

Y/n is in the corner of the room as he turns his head to the group

Y/n:cannibalism I vote cannibalism...

The group slightly scoots away from him

Sprig then has a idea as he runs outside then comes back with the vegetables they planted

Sprig:fresh from mother natures garden of delights dig in everyone.

He says placing them on the table until the pile twitches and pops out a centipede

The three run as the centipede chases after them then Anne puts a bucket over it then sits on it as the centipede tries to get out


The groups turns to see y/n with a knife and fork with a disappointed look

Sprig:whoops didn't check for pests.

Anne:I'm beginning to think there's a few things we don't know about running a farm.

Sprig:we've got some kinks to work out sure but isn't it better to live in a place where you're listened to?.

Y/n:I guess.

Anne:guess so.

Polly:yeah it is.

The centipede managed to throw Anne off the bucket freeing it until it gets tackled by y/n while it struggles


• • •

It was the next day as we see sprig now in hop pops room snoring until Anne y/n and Polly wake him up

Anne:sprig we have a situation!.

Sprig quickly jumps up


They walk out the hole from the wall to see giant mosquitoes laying eggs in the pools they made

Then the cowapillars trying to get the clown who's sitting on high ground

Then they see the crops which are rotten with flys around them

Now we see the group sitting in front of a chalkboard

Sprig:I've called this meeting today for obvious reasons-

Anne:the farm is ruined.


Polly:we have no food and we'll die!.

Y/n:double yes.

Sprig:mmm-hmm mmm-hmm luckily for us we have the power of great suggestions and management that listens so have at it guys what should we do?.

He pulls out a piece of chalk and starts writing suggestions

Sprig:remember there are no bad suggestions.

Anne/Polly:let's find hop pop and put him back in charge.


This makes sprig put to much force into the chalk and breaks it as he slowly turns

Sprig:hopadiah plantar was a tyrant!

Anne:a tyrant who knew how to run a farm.

Polly:and more importantly cook.


Sprig:I will not go back to that life!.

He says while crushing the piece of chalk

Sprig:don't you like being listened to!.

Anne:I don't exactly feel listened to right now.

Polly:ditto you're kinda freaking me out bro.

Y/n:your acting like a Karen...

Sprig starts to breath heavily until he calmed down and let out a sigh

Sprig:let's take fifteen minutes and start this meeting over and next time bring a good suggestion.

He then walked away


Anne:you guys thinking what I'm thinking?.

Polly:oh ya.


Anne:not the catapult.


• • •

Now we see hop pop crawling around with more bugs as he helps them gather mushrooms

Hop pop:Jeremy I can't thank you enough for letting me in your community I feel like I'm really part of something now.

The three finally find hop pop

Polly:there he is hop pop!.

Anne:dude we have been looking all over for you.

Y/n:we would have find him easier with me in the sky but noooo.

Hop pop:hello kids you here to help us scavenge it's gonna be a long winter more bodies means more warmth for e everyone.

Y/n shrugged his shoulders and was about to walk over until Anne grabbed his shoulder stopping him

Anne:uh no sprig is ruining the farm you've got to come back.

Polly:we've been eating nothing but raw potatoes I'm having digestive strife hop pop DIGESTIVE STRIFE!.

Y/n:I'm loving the potatoes.

Hop pop:...give me a minute boys.

All the bugs that were huddled against hop pop started to move away

Hop pop:*sighs*I've grown since last time you saw me how longs it been now?...

Polly:a day and a half...

Hop pop:I've got me a new life among the Beatles they've taught me about community equality listening-

Anne:sprig sleeps in your bed now-

Hop pop:HE WHAT!?.

• • •

Back at the house we see sprig sitting in front of the chalkboard while a cowapillar breaks threw the wall

Sprig:now where did those ungrateful kids get off to...huh?.

Sprig looks up to see hop pop falling down then landing in front of sprig

Y/n:whoooo superhero landing!.

He says clapping his hands

Y/n:you know that's really hard on your knees?.

Hop pop:I have returned.

Sprig:I don't believe it backstabbers conspirators!.

Anne:sorry dude we had a good run big ambitions.

Polly:but we didn't know what we were doing!.

Y/n:ya plus you were running around like a footless chicken!.

Anne:headless chicken y/n.

Y/n:uh no how's a chicken suppose to run around without a head?.

Anne:how's it suppose to run around without feet?...

Y/n:I'm not the chicken Anne why are you asking me all these questions!!!?.

Sprig:we had a beautiful dream!.

He says holds up a flag

Sprig:but I guess I'm the only one willing to fight for it.

Hop pop then pulls out a little bell and rings it

Hop pop:sprig planter I challenge you to a rematch winner gets control of the farm forever.

Polly:sprig! Do you accept this challenge?.

Anne:please say yes.

Sprig:I accept...

• • •

The group is back at the lily pad and mud arena while hop pop and sprig get ready for the fight

Sprig:I beat you once I can do it again I'll prove my way is right.

Hop pop:we'll see.

Anne was biting her fingers nails nervous for the fight and y/n got a bucket popcorn

Polly:let the final challenge begin!.

As she rang the bell hop pop and sprig charged at each other as they launched they're tongues at each other both getting hit in the face as they both fall back

Hop pop:the kids told me everything sprig.


As sprig was getting up hop pop hit him in the back with his tongue making him fall back down again

Hop pop:you're destroying the farm don't you see? Even if you win you lose- OW!.

Sprig double kicked hop pop in the face making him fall back

Sprig:so I'm just supposed to go back to the way things were? You never listened to us.

Hop pop managed to sneak around sprig and get him in a master lock

Hop pop:and I was wrong I know now that you can't work together unless everyone has a say...Jeremy taught me that.

Sprig flips hop pop over In front of him but hop pop lands on his feet as they both lock arms mean it? I have to admit most of my ideas were pretty terrible I think we even caused permanent damage to the ecosystem.

Y/n:ya sorry that's what happens when you let me do whatever I want!.

Hop pop:ya but some of your ideas could work we'll never know unless we try I promise from now on to actually read your suggestions.

In the background y/n Anne Polly and even Jeremy all gasp


Hop pop:promise.

Sprig smiles as he lets go of hop pops arms and crosses them over his chest and finally falls into the mud

Polly:and the winner is hop pop!.


Then y/n's eel hound walks next to y/n as he looks at y/n confused

Y/n:see this is what happens when you decided to sleep for the whole day

The eel hound have y/n a deadpan face

Y/n:...ya I sleep in two

• • •

It was the next day as we see hop pop walking out the house until he spots Anne using a shovel to throw dirt into a cart sprig is holding a cart for her while y/n's eel hounds digs a hole and y/n is copying what the eel hound is doing

Anne:phew think we could set up some shade out here hop pop?.

The four then noticed a shadow going over them to see hop pop placed a giant mushroom over them for shade

Hop pop:great suggestion Anne.

Anne:thanks hop pop.

Y/n:once again respect old man.

Hop pop:and over there I kept a small version of your swimming hole.

A small dragon fly lands on the water only for Polly to Pop out and eat the dragon fly as the group laughs

Hop pop:oh and best of all no more out of fire.

He says lifting the bucket showing the hole is full and the fires put out

Y/n:dang it!.

Sprigs eyes water a bit as he hugs hop pop

Sprig:thanks hop pop.

• • •

It was now night as hop pop sits by his fire place as Jeremy brings him a suggestion note

Hop pop:thank you Jeremy.

He puts on his glasses and needs the note

Hop pop:hmm nope.

He then throws the note in the fire as more Beatles bring him notes

Hop pop:nope hmm this ones a maybe.

He then grabs another

Hop pop:mmm-mmm nope you could just tell that ones y/n's.

Well I got four things to say

One I'm working on the owl house chapter so get ready for that

Two I have a new story idea if you would like to hear it

Three I'm gonna make a art book it's for little doodles I make and if you wanna make fanart of y/n too just message me or put a comment and I'll put it in

And like memes?

Once again I DID IT FOR THE MEMES!!!

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