Chapter 14

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It was morning as we see In the basement anne looking at her hands while y/n is examining his eel hound

Anne:hands are feeling pretty dry that won't do.

She starts going threw her backpack

Anne:lotion...lotion...did I get zapped here with any lotion?...

She then notices y/n a few feet away from his eel hound making a square stock photo with his fingers then puts his hand underneath his chin


Anne:whatcha up to y/n?.

Y/n:Anne be honest with me is it me or did eely grew a bit?.


Y/n:oh that's his nickname I came up for him nice right?.

Anne:hmm I like it but now that you mentioned it ya he kinda did.

It was true the eel hound looked like it grown a bit

Y/n:the only example I I have is he went from pit pull size to Rottweiler size!.

Anne:hmm must be a growth spurt.

She goes back to rummaging threw her backpack until she finds something

Anne:oh hey what's this?.

Y/n:whatcha find?.

Anne pulls out a rolled up back with fancy writing one the front she looks inside only for her face to look surprised and shocked

Anne:oh my gosh...

Y/n:well what is it oooooh is it food can I have some!?.

Anne:no look!.

She quickly pulls out the item and faces it to y/n

Anne:it's a bath bomb! We gotta show the others!.

She quickly runs out the basement as y/n is left confused as he looks down to his eel hound

Y/n:bath bomb?...why would you bomb a bathtub?.

The eel hound only shrugs not knowing what a bath bomb or a bath is

The two begin to follow her

Y/n:i hope it's like a sneak attack just chuck it and boom!.

Anne then kicks open the front door

Anne:guys! I brought a bath bomb from home and didn't even know it!

She says holding it up looking at it in amazement while y/n and his eel hound finally walk out the house

Anne:oh yeah man I can't wait to try this baby out...uh...

She now finally notices the plantars packing up bags and a few boxes onto bessie

Anne:you guys going somewhere?.

Sprig:yep the five of us are going to camp flemington gonna rough it outdoors and get filthy!.

Anne:wait five?.

Sprig:yup y/n agreed to come along that said you two ready y/n?.

Y/n:oh yeah I've got my bag here!.

He then turns to Anne

Y/n:this will also be a good experience for eely you know what to do if he's alone in the woods plus I wanna connect him to his wild side.

He then walks over to bessie and lifts his eel hound up onto the saddle

Anne:wait you guys were going without me?...

Hop pop:sure are when we plantars camp we camp hard no sense in you coming with us and being miserable.

Sprig then hops onto the saddle next to hop pop then y/n climbs up as well

Sprig:you know you hate dirt bugs rocks and nature.

Polly:you're soft Anne like a baby.

Y/n:sorry but kinda gotta agree I just don't want you to get hurt that's why I didn't tell you.

Hop pop:really you should be glad you're not one of us.

Anne:but y/n isn't one of you either though!.

Polly:honestly Anne does y/n hate dirt rocks and bugs?.

Polly:like I said you're soft

Y/n:well actually I hate cockroaches...and centipedes are a maybe but everything else is cool

Anne looks to the side a bit sad but still try's to convince them

Anne:...that's ridiculous me soft pfft!.

She sees she's still holding the bath bomb and quickly puts it in her pocket

Anne:just because I'm not a plantar doesn't mean I can't have a good time with you guys take me with you please please please?.

Y/n:mmmmm she did the thing I can't resist the thing...maybe we could just see hop pop?.

Hop pop:hmm are you sure I wasn't kidding when I said "rough".

Polly:and I wasn't kidding when I said you were soft.

(Little does she know *laughs in season 2*)


Sprig:aw come on guys if anne says she can handle it she can handle it.

Y/n:yeah plus she plays tennis you know how much you gotta run to side to side!.

Hop pop:well...all right kid hop on.

(I'm so use to putting hop pop i almost put all right kid hop pop)

Anne:whoo whoo!.

Anne then climbs up as y/n scoots over to give her a place to sit as sprig whispers to anne

Sprig:psst hey since you're coming with us we gotta lather you up with this gunk.

He then pulls out a bucket of orange slime while getting some on the stirrer

Sprig:only way to keep the ticks away!.

He then starts rubbing the orange slime on her face first while she looks like she's holding back not being grossed out

Anne:totally not regretting this...

Sprig goes to get more while she leans over and whispers to y/n

Anne:*whisper*did you let them do this to you?...

Y/n:ya but i can't tell if it's syrup or just some random slime...hmm.

He then reaches over and scoops some onto his finger and licks it


He looks back to his finger and sticks his tongue out and slowly starts moving his finger towards his mouth

Anne:don't lick it again!.

• • •

We now see a bunch of frogs camping and doing their own thing as our group rides in

Sprig then jumps off bessie and inhales the outdoor air

Sprig:I can't wait to tell scary stories the more teens frogs running from deranged psychopaths the better haha!.

Y/n:ohh I just hope if we see one it's one with a hockey mask I'd like to get some tips on his workout routine!.

Polly:I'm just happy to get off the farm so much fresh air and it's all mine!.

She takes a deep breath then starts letting out air and flying around like a balloon until hop pop catches her

Hop pop:I personally love the peace and quiet a frog can really hear themselves think out here.

He then closes his eyes

Hop pop:*thoughts*did you leave the stove on? The front door unlocked will you die alone!?.


Hop pop:what the!? get outta here!.

Y/n:alright fine sheesh can't a guy accidentally wonder into your mind!.

Hop pop:well that was a mistake...

With Anne she's seen groaning at a bug while trying to wave it away until a giant beetle walks pass making her freak out for a second

Then y/n goes and picks up the beetle showing his eel hound

Y/n:now you see this this is what you'd have to eat if your lost but not right now since we have food...and now his name is big Maurice.

Hop pop then walks over to Anne carrying a bunch of stuff with Polly on his head wearing a pot on her head

Hop pop:you sure you want to stay Anne? you can take bessie and go home if you need to.

Anne:hey hey hey here's an idea how about we stop questioning my decisions and get to camping together already? Who's with me?.


Polly:good idea!.

Hop pop:yeah that sounds good.

Y/n then walks over with his eel hound with the beetle under his arm on his side while to group looks at him then the beetle then back to him

Y/n:....his name is big Maurice.

• • •

Now the plantars are fishing as sprig pulls in a small fish

Then hop pop pulls in a medium size fish

Then Polly pulls in a big fish

Then y/n's eel hound pops out from the water with a big fish in his mouth

But then Anne gets pulls into the water by a massive fish and starts swimming away while is chases her

Then out of nowhere y/n jumps onto the fishes back and starts chomping on its back until he says

Y/n:nice one Anne you keep distracting it!.

• • •

Now we see sprig setting up a tent like a pro

While Anne's small tent falls apart the suddenly starts on fire as hop pop runs in with a bucket

Hop pop:cmon kids throw some dirt on it! Here's some water!.

After the fire goes out y/n walks next to Anne and pats her on the back

Y/n:nice your slowly learning arson we just gotta step up to a building next!.

• • •

Then we see the group walking back with buckets until Anne stops and scratch's her back then turns to reveal there's a giant spider


The spider starts chasing her until y/n stomps his foot on the spider as his struggles underneath his foot

Y/n:wow nice one again Anne you got us more food sprig hurry with the axe!.


• • •

Now it's night as we see the plantars sleeping in sleeping bags next to the fire with Anne in one but still up looking grumpy while y/n lays back not in a sleeping back with his eel hound laying next to his side

Then she suddenly starts rolling down the hill while panicking then she rolls of the edge of the hill screaming

But then notices she stop falling and looks up to see y/n had caught the end of her sleeping back

Y/n:I will admit very daring Anne but this seems like something I would do plus you should've made sure there were no edges you could fall of before deciding to roll of a hill for fun!.

• • •

Now it was morning as we see sprig rubbing the orange slime on Anne's back which has bug bite bumps while y/n stands next to them with a worried expression while his eel hound also is next to them

Anne:OW! Carful I'm pretty sure those ticks caused internal damage.


The two look over to y/n and see him rubbing his head

Anne:you alright y/n?.

Y/n:ya it's just that my head has been feeling weird...probably nothing!.

Sprig:so...awkward question but are you sure you wouldn't be happier back home?.

Then hop pop walks up to them with Polly on his head again

Hop pop:seriously Anne no need to torture yourself take bassie and go home.

Y/n:no one will judge you dude.

Hop pop:and don't you worry about us because we'll be just fine without you.

Y/n:well that was a little overkill.

Anne:no! Look I know it seems like I'm miserable okay? But I'm not it's's just uh...

Anne try's to figure out what to say until she see's a frog relaxing on the ground while a little kid frog tries to catch a butterfly while laughing and gets an idea

Anne:I'm not used to such easy camping.

Hop pop/Polly:huh!?.


Y/n:what! I've been doing baby camping!?.

Anne:look around you singing butterflies laughter I guess I'm just used to something a little more...extreme-

Then out of nowhere a toad pops out of the bush near Anne scaring her

???:so this place ain't extreme enough for ya!?.

Anne:uh...dang right it ain't.



Then y/n started laughing with the toad as the plantars and Anne look at them with confusion and a little bit disturbed

Y/n:heh heh why are we laughing?....

???:I can take you folks to a real campsite one where there ain't none of this kiddie stuff like shelter or potable water blech!.

Y/n:ya now we're talking!.

???:excited now are we? now you look like a lad that will enjoy real camping just look at ya.

Y/n:ya I am pretty great~.

He said smugly

???:go on now give us a little muscle.

Y/n started flexing his arms while you can probably already tell who was watching very intensely

He finished flexing and walked over to the road patting him on the back

Y/n:heh I like this guy!.

Hop pop:well would a more extreme experience make you happy Anne?.


Sprig:if Anne wants hard-core we go hard-core! Lead the way mr...uh...

Joe:names joe.




[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Joe:names joe soggy joe.

He starts laughing hysterically again only for Anne to stop him

Anne:yeesh could you like turn down the creep just a bit?.


Y/n:eh I like it.

• • •

The sun had now set as our group was now in a more creepy looking part of the woods following

Hop pop turns to see a skeleton of frog holding a sign that says save yourself

Hop pop:oh....

Then Polly sees a bunch of empty buckets some hanging or laying in a small puddle

She lowers a bit into her bucket

Then sprig sees a small snail sitting on a stump


Then a giant spider comes out of nowhere and snatches the snail

While sprig looks disturbed

(The fact that the snail had a voice out of nowhere while being killed)

And while all of this was happening y/n was oblivious with his eel hound

Y/n:dang this really is hard-core camping just look at this place! Right lil bud?.

The eel hound just nods

Joe then stops and moves aside some tall overgrown grass

Joe:we're here...

The spot had some giant red glowing mushrooms and moss hanging from the trees

Joe then runs forward and jumps face first into mud then scooped some up with his finger and tasted it

Joe:we bunk here for the night and in the morning if we're still alive....

The plantars and Anne all gasped as they huddled together while y/n stands there with his arms crossed waiting for him to finish with his eel hound also waiting

Joe...I'll take you all out for pancakes.

Anne:oh that sounds great.

Hop pop:I do like pancakes.

Y/n:YES! AGH!.

He crouched down holding his head

Anne:your heads still hurting?.

Y/n:not really hurting...well a little just feels weird honestly it like I hear a voice. sounds like your the one that need to go home and relax.


After a while the group made a fire and sat around it

Joe:want to hear a tale?...


Hop pop:I'm good...

Polly:hard pass old man.

Y/n:me! me!.

Sprig:oh me too! I love scary stories.

The three look at them both with frowns

Joe:gather round and hear ye the tale of the mud men!.

He gets up and walks into the puddle of mud

Joe:born in the bowels of the bog itself the mud creatures stalk the inky night lusting to devour any frogs that might have wandered into their domain.

He then sinks into the mud completely while y/n nudges Anne's arm

Y/n:heh it's a good thing we're not frogs offense guys.

Polly:ten bucks says he doesn't come back up.


He then jumps out of the mud scaring the group


He then sits on a log

Joe:the mud men only fear two things daylight and being clean HOLY HONEY THISTLE!.

Hop:what what is it joe!!!?.

Joe:nature calls be right back.

He then runs off into the woods while the group is looks terrified while y/n rubs his head and his eel hound is laying next to the log he's sitting on

Then sprig sits up from the log he's hiding behind asking Anne a question accidentally scaring her

Sprig:is this extreme enough?.

Anne:AH!...uh haha what? No I am loving this.

Then the group hears groaning and turns to see joe is back but he's just standing still

Sprig:oh uh hey sogman everything okay?.

He then falls over revealing a axe stuck in his back

Anne/sprig/Polly/hop pop:AHH!.


He then walks over and pulls out the axe

Y/n:this is a pretty cool axe.

He then looks down at joe then back at the axe then looks quickly back to joe


Then the campfire goes out leaving the group in darkness

Hop pop:don't worry!.

He then lights a match putting it on the fire this time making the fire green while a figure stands over him and the fire

Hop pop:good thing i brought my copper matches.

He then finally noticed the figure and looks up revealing it to be a mud men



He said as he suddenly snaps at sprig

From behind the mud men more of them started rising or stepping out from the bushes or darkness some with weapons and tools or forks and knifes

Hop pop:they're real!!!.

Polly:and they're here for our delicious souls!.

The mud men started getting closer to the group

Anne:oh man this is all my fault everyone grab a torch!.

The group grabbed each a torch but while y/n was about to grab one his head started acting weird again

He then crouched down and holds his head while his eel hound stands near him worriedly

Y/n:ugh wrong time for this now!.

The rest of the group started swinging the torches at the mud men but they started throwing mud at the torches making them go out while Anne and the plantars were backed against the tree

While y/n was holding his head a mud men was getting closer behind him it lifts its axe above its head about to swing it down only to stop and let out a groan of pain

It looks down seeing y/n's eel hound bitting it's leg it lifts its leg while the eel hound is holding on with its mouth

It starts shaking its leg until it does one big swing making the eel hound fly off and slam against a tree

Y/n looks up to see his eel hound on the ground hurt


He rushes over and crouched down holding his eel hound while Anne and the plantars look in worry

Anne:oh no...

While y/n was distracted one of the mud men behind him lift its axe again and swung down


But y/n grabbed the wrist of the mud men and started squeezing it making it drop its axe to the grown

Y/n:you hurt him...

He then stood up still squeezing the wrist of the mud men with his eyes close then lets go of the mud men and kicks it in the stomach sending it back falling to the grown

He then opens his eyes revealing them completely red with no pupils while the mud men surround him



The plantars and Anne look in shock


One of the mud men swings a knife at y/n only for him to dodge and punch it in the face making it fall back

Another try's to use a axe again but y/n ducks and sweeps the mud men's feet making it fall down

It tries to get up but y/n stomps on its chest hard making it stay down

But one mud men was able to sneak behind y/n and put its arms underneath y/n's arms holding him in place

Then two more mud men grabbed his wrist so he wouldn't be able to pull out of the arm hold while he starts to kick his feet back and forth

The others try to help but more mud men blocked their way with weapons

Hop pop:there's too many of them the boy can't win!.

Sprig:really wish we had some sunlight right about now!.

Hop pop:or heck cleaning products!.

Then Anne realized something

Anne:*gasp*I have something even better everyone take over!.

The plantars move away as anne pulls out the bath bomb from her backpack

Anne:peony princess bath bomb! Goodbye dear friend...

She then throws the bath bomb at the mud men but it goes passed them falling into the muddy water while they look back at her

Hop pop:well guess we're dead.

Polly:uh huh.


But then the bath bomb started fizzing into the muddy water until it exploded

While the smoke went away it was revealed that the mud men were actually long legged frogs covered in mud with some stacking on each other

The long legged frogs notice the mud on them was gone and started to panic

Long legged frog:the jig is up boys!.

Long legged frog2:quickly before she throws another one of those things!.

The long legged frogs began to run away until one stopped and noticed something was grabbing his leg

He looks down to see y/n who was laying on the floor lift his head up revealing his eyes still glowing

Y/n then pulls the frogs leg hard enough for him to fall to the ground then the frog looks up to see y/n standing over him with a axe

Y/n slowly lifts the axe up as he...smiles?

He was about to bring it down until he feels someone stopping him by grabbing his wrist then feels someone pulling on his clothes

It was Anne stopping him from swinging and sprig and hop pop pulling him back from his hoodie

Sprig:what are you doing!.

Hop pop:have you lost your marbles boy!?.

Polly:DO IT!.

The three look over to Polly with frowns


He looks down to the two of them then Anne

Anne:it's ok y/n it's over...just let him go...

Y/n's eyes began to slowly go back to normal as he looks around then up to see the axe he's holding


He then brings it down and throws it to the side as the long legged frog gets up and starts running

Long legged frog:your crazy man!.

Y/n:oh like your one to talk!.

Y/n then turns over to his eel hound who is slowly getting up then y/n walks over and crouches down

Y/n:you good little buddy?.

The eel hound nods as y/n picks him up and carry's him

Hop pop:heh...well guess we were wrong to doubt you Anne you really are used to extreme camping.

Anne:...*sighs*guys I have a confession this extreme camping stuff is nonsense I was miserable back there I was just trying to cover it up...

Polly:so you dragged us to this horror show for no reason!?...twisted I love it.


Sprig:I don't understand why lie about it? Why be miserable?.

Anne:I guess I've been feeling kind of left out lately I'm not a frog I'm not a plantar neither is y/n...but he's more closer to being those then I am...heck I wasn't even invited on this trip.

the planters start to feel a bit of guilt for leaving Anne in the dark heck even y/n started feeling bad he has been focusing on other stuff then his friend

Anne:I really like you guys and wanted to be with you miserable or not.

Y/n then walks over and sits next to Anne and gives her a hug catching her off guard for a second

Y/n:I'm sorry for not spending time with you I've been focusing on things but I haven't been focusing on my friend but that's gonna change and I think that goes for all of us right guys!?.

Sprig/Polly/hop pop:right!.

The others then joined into the hugging making a group hug

Sprig:I don't know if it's the sweet-smelling toxins *wipes tears* or the overwhelming emotions but dang it I'm a mess!.

Hop pop:next time we'll include you Anne even if we'll know you'll hate it.

Anne:thanks you guys-AHH!.

The body of joe starts to slowly get up while groaning and stands straight up while the plantars and Anne scream

Y/n:oh hey joe!.

Joe:hello mate one sec.

He then fully stretches as the axe in his back pops out

Joe:ooh-wee! Hahaha! Good thing I wore my axe proof vest eh? So what'd I miss?.

(I love this scene)

Anne:oh pretty much everything.


Sprig:oh joe there were these crazy cannibals.


Hop pop:they tried to eat us.

Joe:oh serious?.

Polly:ya actually it turned out they were just frogs.

Joe:oh no way.

Polly:wimpy little frogs covered in mud.


Anne:and then we ran.

Joe:uh huh.

Anne:we tried to use torches it was all a big thing.


Anne:it was very dramatic.

Joe:oh keep going.

Polly:y/n fought a few.


Polly:but they held him in place.

Joe:aw dang.

Sprig:Anne saved us with her bath bomb.

Joe:yeah I smell it it's great is that peony?.

Anne:yeah that is peony.

Joe:yeah I have a nose for these things.

Y/n:I almost killed one I think?.

Joe:oh wow.

Y/n:but we let em get away.

Joe:oh darn.

Anne:so that's pretty much it you're pretty much all caught up.

Joe:oh great.





Joe:so you all want to get pancakes early?.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Anne:oh yeah that sounds great let's do it!.

Hop pop:let's get out of here.

Polly:I've always been more of a waffle girl myself.

While walking Anne notice y/n lacking behind

Anne:you coming y/n!.


She then sees he picks up one of the axes and catches up

Anne:why'd you grab that?.

Y/n:I think ima keep it you know in case I wanna learn how to use it you know?.


While walking Anne stares at the back of y/n's head wondering...what was that earlier

• • •

Now back home Anne gathered the plantars to the kitchen table and her and y/n sit on the opposite side

Anne:guys now that we've been though a lot there's something that I...

She looks over to y/n who gives her a nod

Anne:that we like to show you.

She pulls out the box that brought them here still wrapped up on places it on the table

Anne:this is how we got here.

She takes off the cloth revealing the box

Hop pop:oh...


Anne:it's some kind of crazy music box or something.

Y/n:from a thrift store...

He say dramatically shaking his fist in front of him

Anne:have you guys seen anything like it before?.

Hop pop:may I?.

Anne:sure I mean it's busted.

Hop pop then picks up the box and sniffs it the opens and looks inside

Hop pop:hmmmm...nope! Never seen anything like it.

Anne:well it was worth a shot...

Y/n:aww tarter sauce...

Sprig:Anne y/n I promise we're gonna find a way to get you two home.

Anne:thanks sprig that mean a lot to us.

Y/n:ya thanks little dude.

Hop pop then let's out a loud yawn

Hop pop:well that's enough excitement for me today I think I'm gonna turn in.

Polly:good night.

Anne:good night hop pop.

• • •

Time has passed as it got later hop pop didn't go to bed he was flipping threw pages of a book until he found the page he was looking for

Hop pop:*gasp*Its just as I feared...


Whoa y/n was scary wasn't he? It's a good thing it's not gonna happen again...........

Here have these

Just a boy and his father

I remember someone once said y/n was on max the rabbit level and now I can't stop thinking about them meeting

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