Chapter 21

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We're outside as we see a giant festival with food rides games and all

We then see y/n Anne sprig and Polly walking around the place

Anne:carnie games? Fair food? Why can't it be like this all the time!.

Y/n:*mouth full* I'll say!.

He says while eating cotton candy

Polly:welcome to grubhog day you two! It's the one day a year that no one works and the whole swamp cuts loose.

She says as she motions towards the frogs

As one frog was playing hit the target but uses his tongue instead of a ball

He hits the target and cheers before accidentally pulling himself to the target and hitting his face on the wall

The rest of the frogs were either holding grubhog balloons eating or just talking

She then motions towards a stump on a stage

Polly:it all leads up to a big ceremony where the grubhog pops out of his official stump!.

Anne:and let me guess predicts the weather?.

Polly:*gasp* how'd you know?.

Anne:believe it or not we've got the same thing in our world.

Y/n:*GASP* Wait we do!?.

Anne:yeah Groundhog Day remember?.

Y/n:I always thought Groundhog Day had something to do with pigs underground

Anne:...I...can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I'm getting used to what you say and think...

He looks forward with a satisfied and happy smile

Y/n:good thing~.

Sprig:grubhog schmub hog the best part of this holiday is the vomit-inducing death-defying unforgettable!.

Every word sprig was saying was making y/n literally vibrate in excitement as sprig jumps in front of the trio


He screams with excitement throwing up his hands

Anne:that's what I'm talking about!.

Y/n:*GASP* I haven't been on a ride in so long!.

Sprig:well your in luck my chaotic friend because today is your lucky day!.

The three started running to the rides only for hop pop to jump out of a bush and block them

Hop pop:Not so fast kids!.

Anne:hop pop wha-...what are you doing hiding in the bushes?.

Hop pop:uh...I'm not quite sure myself Anne...

He said as he stood still with a confused look


Hop pop:but never mind that great news! Ralphie Underbrook has the plague!.

Anne gasped as sprig and Polly looked shocked while y/n smiles and gives a thumbs up


Polly:That's horrible!.

Anne:yeah dude that's bad...

Y/n:oh! not nice...

He said now with a mad look as he flips the thumbs up to a thumbs down

Hop pop:oh he'll be fine.

He said as he waves it off with both his hands before walking closer to sprig

Hop pop:but now someone has to take care of the grubhog.

He then puts his arm around sprig

Hop pop:and I volunteered you sprig!.

He said as he pokes his finger into sprigs chest as sprig gets a look of shock


Hop pop:this is a big deal the last plantar to do it botched the job so bad we shunned him for life

He said as he showed a picture of a frog

before tearing it in half as anne looks up to Polly

Anne:botched it?.

Polly:let's just say he got hungry...and he ate it.


Y/n:understandable...well until I see what it looks like...I'd probably eat it too.

Hop pop:isn't this exciting? You'll have to miss the fair of course but it's for a good cause come on boy do it for the family what do you say?.

Sprig:...well I uh....Uhhhhhh...

Sprig stands still groaning for a bit as a frog screams out of either fear or fun from the ride behind him making it more difficult for him to decide

Sprig:...of course I will there's nothing more important to me than family rides are for dum-sums anyway heh heh...

Hop pop:that's my sprig I knew I could count on you!.

Hop pop then gives sprig a noogie and points to him

Hop pop:this guy everybody this guy!.

He said joyfully as sprig looked down in sadness and disappointment

We're inside a tent as y/n and Anne are looking at the locked up grubhog

Anne:oh! He's so cute like a little sock puppet!.

She said playfully wagging her finger at it as y/n stood there with his hand under his chin

Y/n:mmm...dang it can't decide now...

Hop pop:carful it spits acid.

Right on cue the grubhog spits acid through the holes of the cage as anne moves her legs just in time making the acid miss and hit the ground burning a hole in it as anne looks down into it

Hop pop:don't stare into the abyss Anne...after all it stares back....

He said with a disturbed face while y/n looks down the hole as well

Y/n:I'll stare back at the abyss then only harder! Also!.

He points at the grubhog

Y/n:I'm keeping you now from what you just did.

The grubhog only stares back with a blank expression as it lets out a couple of small oinks

Hop pop:no can do boy as we just said it's grubhog day and this little guy is needed for something VERY important.

Y/n:dang it!...

He then gets up and leaned towards the cage

Y/n:*whisper* I'll take you with me when it's over...

Again the grubhog only stares at it lets out small oinks

Hop pop then turns and looks back to a shoji screen

Hop pop:you got that costume on yet boy?.

Sprig then comes out from behind the screen in the clothes hop pop got for him

He then looks down and groans as Polly is silently giggling to herself while hop pop has tears of joy with a smile

Hop pop:I'm so happy I lived to see this...

Y/n:I dig the hat...and that's it.

Sprig then unrolls a scroll and begins reading his lines

Sprig:congratulations lucky child keep an eye on the grubhog and...don't pull a Plantar...

He said as the last words were bigger and had red ink with a frog aggressively pointing at you


Hop pop:Polly lets go spread the good news the Plantars are back baby! And just remember...the family name is in your hands...

He said slowly walking backwards out of the tent

Polly:in your hands.....

Polly followed up dramatically

The two finally walked out as sprig and Anne had smiles while sprig waved them goodbye until Anne's smile dropped as she sits up crossing her arms

Anne:alright dude what's going on? I know you don't wanna do this.

Sprig:...*sighs* I don't but I can't let hop pop down he's counting on me...

Anne:sprig buddy just tell hop pop how you really feel drop that truth bomb.

She said as she imitates a explosion making y/n turn away from the grubhog


Anne:not a real bomb.

Y/n:dang it I keep falling for that.

Sprig:no way those eyes he gave me earlier those were "I'm proud of you sprig" eyes...I've only seen them maybe twice.


Sprig:so you guys just go and enjoy those incredible rides without me.

He said as he pushed Anne towards the door he goes back and tries to push y/n only for him to not budge making y/n walk next to Anne

He walks away only to come back looking out the window

Sprig:*Gasp* is that the spider spinner!.

Sprig:I've heard it's the fastest ride ever made!.

He then turns away from the window as he sighs and crouches down before fully laying down on the ground

Sprig:but I guess I'll have to miss it this year....

He said before crawling towards the stool and sitting down staring at the grubhog with a sad look as he groans

Anne stares at him with a sad expression before she feels a tap on her arm

She looks back to see y/n as he points at the tents exit and back to sprig several times questioning if they should go or stay before anne holds up a finger and looks down with her hand under her chin with a hum before she gets an idea

Anne:hey what did that scroll say your one job was?.

She asked as she gets up and walks over to sprig as he re-reads the scroll

Sprig:to keep an eye on the grubhog.

Anne:so why not keep an eye on him as he's sitting next to us?...on a ride!.

Sprig:you're a hopping genius Anne!.

Y/n:ooooh yeah yeah! I like this plan!.

He said as the two look at him as he already as the grubhog in his hands

Y/n:...I got excited.

Anne:no worries as long as we're back here before the ceremony what's the difference?.

Sprig:but what if hop pop sees us out there?-

Anne:he won't-

Sprig:this plan is flawless!-


He yells holding the grubhog above his head as he runs out the tent while Anne and sprig follow him laughing


We see our trio and grubhog in front of a cotton candy cart only now it's from spiders webs that are colored pink and called in this world webby candy

Sprig is already licking his cotton- er webby candy as y/n has two and is quickly taking bites out of both of them every second

And grabs hers only for the grubhog to shoot out its tongue and snatch the webby candy and eat it in one bite as the trio laughed

Now we see Anne and sprig in bumper bugs with the grubhog being in sprigs bug as he and Anne repeatedly bumped bugs while laughing

But then Mrs croaker rams through the two while cackling making them both spin out of control until they stop and laugh as the grubhog spits out acid

Now looking forward Mrs croakers eyes widen as she sees y/n speeding towards her in his own bumper bug grinning wildly


Mrs croaker only narrowed her eyes and grinned back as she too speeds up

Both bumper bugs crashed into each other making both drivers shoot forward leaning on their steering wheels

Both then sat up as they look at the bent and dented bumpers before looking to each other

Mrs croaker/(y/n):.......

Mrs croaker:...I wasn't here!.


Both quickly jumped out of their rides and ran

Now we see the trio and grubhog riding a Carousal as anne and sprig share a seat that's a zapapede while the grubhog has its own seat that is a mantis

Meanwhile y/n would pass by them every so often as he was walking on the carousel seeing how long he could go until he falls

While Anne and sprig would laugh at how funny it looked with the grubhog sitting on the seat it started climbing up the pole making them panic

Anne:oh shoot no!.

Sprig:get back here!!.

Y/n:no my child!!!.

Anne tries to quickly get up off the seat only to fall forward while sprig barley climbs up the pole before falling off towards the side while y/n quickly climbs up the pole

Now we see the trio and grubhog walking as y/n and sprig are eating popcorn while Anne holds the grubhog

Their eyes widen as they look to the right and see Polly and hop pop walking towards them while hop pop holds Polly on his head laughing

They quickly go and hide behind a face-in-hole wall as hop pop and Polly walk pass

Seeing the two pass Anne puts her face through the hole with the adult frog while sprig puts his face through the hole with the snail
and the grubhog puts its face through the hole with the child frog as sprig and Anne wink at each other

Suddenly y/n kicks his foot through the wall making a hole as he puts his face through it as he grinned while sprig and Anne laugh

But then the grubhog spits out it's acid as it lands on the wall and sets it on fire as sprig and Anne panically run

But y/n runs in front of it with his arms up watching


Now we see the trio getting their faces painted as anne has her face painted as a tiger

Sprig has his face painted with bruises a black eye and a little beard

The grubhog has his face painted as a butterfly

And y/n has his face painted white with a giant grin and two lines painted over his closed eyes for eyes

Now we see the trio and grubhog riding the spider spinner as sprig raises the grubhogs little hands to enjoy the ride too

They continue laughing and screaming with joy until y/n suddenly fell out since he was the one who had to make the most room for them to sit


Anne and sprig looked back in a panic only to hear laughing as they look down to see y/n hanging by his foot in the web since it was stuck


And now we see the trio and grubhog walking as each had their own webby candy

Sprig:this is amazing! Not only are we having fun but I'm also doing hop pop proud!.

Anne:in our world we'd call this a win-win.

Sprig:uh..we call it a win-win here too anne.

Sprig suddenly stops and lets out a giant gasp while dropping his webby candy

Sprig:*gasp* look!.

He says as he points to a ride with a giant smile

On the ride we see some frogs riding the roller coaster as a frog falls out from the loop

Y/n stares in amazement with his mouth agape

Sprig:a new ride...

Sprig whispers with excitement

Y/n:I wanna get on that...

Anne:let's do it.


He shouts throwing his hands into the air as his webby candy goes flying

One lands into the hands of a frog child while the other lands on the back of the head of a frog

Random frog:huh?...

He turns and looks around before shrugging and turning back

Instantly we see our trio and the grub hog sitting inside the ride as a frog locks down the lap bar

The ride began to start as it rolls up the rails taking them high into the sky

So high they went pass the flying dragon flys

The cart finally reaches the top as it stops for a few seconds

Anne smiles while looking down at the height they are at while sprig puts on his goggles and y/n starts spinning his fingers until he points them down

And with perfect timing the cart rolls forward quickly sending them down as they scream in excitement

But on the rails there was a giant nail sticking out of the wood as the carts wheel rolled over the nail making it bounce also making the grubhog fall out of the cart and onto the track



Y/n was about to jump out only for Anne to stop him by grabbing his shoulder

Anne:no look! It's ok we can pick him back up again when we come back around Ha-ha!.

Y/n:*gasp* so that means!.

Anne/sprig/(y/n):it's gonna be OK!.

And like Anne said the cart took them back around to the rails the grubhog was laying on as the trio got ready

With Anne standing up holding the carts bar and sprig was on the carts hood and y/n was also holding the bar with his foot on it ready to leap off

But as they got closer the grubhog was snatched out of nowhere by a giant bird as the trio look on and gasp in shock and horror

They finally reach the end as the cart stops while the trio watch on

Until y/n suddenly snaps


He hops out the cart and picks up a rock and throws it at the bird only for it to fly to the side dodging it as y/n stares on

Y/n:......that's no regular bird...

Suddenly sprig begins to panic and scream




He then collapsed on the ground breathing heavily as Anne quickly runs over and picks him up

Anne:whoa buddy don't freak out don't freak out!.

She says as she gently puts him down making him stand

Anne:maybe we can go into the woods and find a new grubhog?.

She suggested as y/n turns around

Y/n:I'm down let's get two though one for me and one for grubhog day! Win-win.

Sprig:the ceremony starts in five minutes!!!. He screams as he motions towards a clock tower

Y/n:...heh i wanna climb up there now.

Anne looks at him and gives him a 'really?' Look

Y/n:what? I ain't scared of heights!.

He says as he crouches down and touches the ground with his finger

Y/n:it's the ground that kills you!.

Sprig:hop pop's gonna be so disappointed...

Anne:there's gotta be something we can do...think...

She says putting her hand under her chin

Stand frog:Socks buttons don't know why you'd want them but we got 'em!.

A frog behind them in his stand that had you guessed it sock and buttons on display shouted

Anne:there we go!.

Anne said getting an idea as she went and bought a couple of socks and buttons

Coming back she faced away from the two boys as she began making something

She finishes it as she turns back towards the two hiding it behind her back grubhog!.

She says as she shows her hand revealing a grubhog puppet as she makes it squeal and snort

Sprig looks skeptical look while y/n eyes shined in amazement


He screamed as he quickly walks up and pets the 'grubhog' as Anne makes it lean into his hand

Then Sprig walks up to the puppet with his eyes narrowed and his hand under his chin

Sprig:hmm...I don't know

He says before Anne makes the puppet lick his face as he laughs

Sprig:he's a friendly little guy!

He said as anne makes the puppet squeal in delight

Sprig:maybe...we can actually pull this off!.

Anne:it's just gotta pop out of the stump right?.

Sprig:and predict the weather yeah!

Y/n:then we got this!

He exclaimed throwing up his arms

Anne:we TOTALLY got this!

She yelled also throwing her arms up

Suddenly a bell rings as the announcers voice could be heard

Announcer:the grubhog ceremony will begin presently.

The trio then looked at each other before nodding

Anne/sprig/(y/n):let's do this.

They all said fist bumping each other before the eye ball to Anne's puppet grubhog falls off




Anne:I can fix that...

We now see a bunch of frogs sitting on logs or stones as hop pop sits up in front with Polly on his head

In front of them was a stage with a stump and two cabinet doors on it

Y/n comes over and sits down on the ground next to hop pop and Polly

Polly:hey there you are!.


Hop pop:huh you came I thought you'd just run off and continue to stuff your mouth.

Hop pop says as y/n turns towards him

Y/n:pff no!

He then pulls out some snacks and pops one into his mouth

Y/n:actually I'm SITTING here and stuffing my mouth.

He says as he holds up a snack in his palm to Polly who gladly accepted

Mayor toadstool steps onto the stage with sprig as the crowd cheers

Hop waves at sprig as he nervously laughs and waves back

Mayor toadstool:Frogs friends welcome to the annual grubhog celebration!.

He says as the crowd cheers even more

Mayor toadstool:now now wait simmer down simmer..I now hand it over to the next town scandal just waiting to happen...sprig plantar!.

He said as he motions towards sprig and moves out the way as the crowd grumbled and few clapped while y/n was going off


He excitedly screams repeatedly clapping


He says a bit nervous before he clears his throat

Sprig:welcome fellow frogs it is my honor to present..the one the only the absolutely-real and-not-fake grubhog!.

He then moves out the way as the doors to the stump open as a frog drumrolls

The "grubhog" peeks out just a bit as it sniffs around a bit before fully revealing itself and snorting as the crowd cheers and applause

Y/n:wow that looks so real not even puppet like in the slightest!

Frog:does the uh...grubhog look a little bit off to you?

Frog 2:uh they probably changed its diet.

Frog:that's what it is.

Sprig stares at the crowd in shocked as he stands next to the "grubhog"

Sprig:I can't believe it! We're pulling this off!

He says while inside the stump Anne sweats as she fans herself with a leaf

Anne:good...cause it's hot in here....

She says panting a bit

Mayor toadstool:cute and cuddly he's here and now!.

He pulls out a scroll from his pocket

Mayor toadstool:the ceremonial feeding and cleaning of the grubhog!

Sprig then walks up to the stump with a carrot as the "grubhog" takes a bite of it before spitting it back at sprigs head


The crowd begins to laugh at this

Hop pop:that grubhog's got some sass In him!.

Y/n:heh heh do it again!.

Sprig nervously chuckled as he fixed his hat and whispers to Anne through his teeth

Sprig:*whisper* what are you doing

Anne:*whisper* selling it!.

Sprig then grabs a bucket of soap and a scrubber as he begins to scrub the "grubhog's" head

But then the "grubhog snatched the scrubber from sprig and smacks him in the face before smacking him on his head repeatedly

The audience cheers laughs and applause even more from this

Sprig noticed this then smiles as he decided to play along

Sprig:OK you put 'em up!.

He said pulling up his sleeves before winding up his arm and tries to hit the "grubhog"

But it dodges as the quickly snatched sprigs belt making his pants fall as the crowd gasped before laughing once again


He laughed as Anne enjoyed his laughter

Mayor toadstool then walked back on stage and approached sprig

Mayor toadstool:well done my boy well done I must say this is the best ceremony we've ever had consider the plantar name restored in full!.

He says lifting sprigs hand up into the air while the crowd cheers as hop pop sheds a tear

Sprig gives Anne a thumbs up as she quickly raises her hand and gives one back before quickly hiding again

Mayor toadstool:And now the moment we've all been waiting for...It's time to cut open the grubhog!.

He exclaimed as he pulls out a mantis claw

Anne:uh what now?....

He then roughly grabs the "grubhog" as anne grunts in panic

Y/n:Ayo hold up I got mixed feelings about this.

Mayor toadstool:Now remember spots in the liver means?.

Crowd:Two more weeks of winter!.

The crowd including hop pop and polly began chanting "cut cut"


Anne:wait guys read it's guts!?.

She whisper shouted to sprig

Sprig:I thought you had the same tradition back home!-

Anne:that was a little different!.

Mayor toadstool raises the mantis claw further into the air grinning





Mayor toadstool swings the mantis claw down about to cut the grubhog but sprig stops it by catching his hand in time as the crowd gasped

Sprig notices another hand under toadstools as he looks up to his side to see y/n


Mayor toadstool:no uh- what has gotten into you two? Has the grubhog taken over your minds!?....not hard to believe with you.

He said pointing to y/n

Y/n:again fair.

Sprig:I can't let you do this! The truth is...

He pauses as he looks at hop pop


He said quickly as the crowd gasped

Mayor toadstool:leaping lily pads what!?.

Sprig:that's right I lost the grubhog because I was goofing off at the fair...Anne y/n and I tricked you all to cover it up...

He then kicks the stump as it falls apart revealing Anne with the grubhog puppet

Anne:...hello everybody...

Y/n:hi Anne!.

Hop pop:sprig I don't understand...I-I thought you said fixing the family name was important to you?..

Sprig:i knew it was important to I played along...I just wanted to make you proud.

He says looking down in sadness as hop pop also looks away before smiling

Hop pop:sprig...I owe you an apology.

He said placing his hands onto sprigs shoulders


Hop pop:I put way too much on your shoulders i should've just let you have fun at the fair...

He says as sprig smiles back before mayor toadstool walks and speaks up

Mayor toadstool:well Plantars you've ruined everything surprising absolutely no one I knew this goofy kid would mess things up somehow.

He said pointing to sprig as behind him y/n slowly raises up as he holds the mantis claw above his head before being stopped by Anne pulling him down

Hop pops then frowns

Hop pop:hey you make fun of me all you want but you leave him out of this!.

Mayor toadstool:wake up plantars the night is ruined! We've got no grubhog all we got is a puppet that everyone seemed to love!.

Hearing this suddenly sprig gets an idea

We now see sprig having three finger puppet of frogs

Sprig:chop the grubhog!.

He makes them say in a funny voice

Anne:no chop you!.

Anne makes the grubhog say also in a funny voice as it pulls out a axe and begins to "chop" the frogs

Suddenly a badly made puppet with a lot of fur comes in

Y/n:waka waka! knock knock!.

Anne:who's there?.

Y/n:your death!!!.

The puppet pulls out its own weapons as the two puppet clashed weapons

Sprig then holds a cardboard cutout in front of them with red words

Anne:Grubhog vs bear.

Sprig:the true alpha.

Y/n:*deep voice* the number one movie in the world!.

Anne:and cue the applause.

Meanwhile a crowd outside cheers excitedly for puppets as hop pop peeks out from the curtain

Hop pop:ten shows nightly they can't get enough! Sprig this puppet show is a great idea you redeemed the family name after all I'm proud of you the three of you.

He said looking to Anne and y/n

Hop pop:that whole killing-the-grubhog stuff has always been pretty severe

Polly:NOT TO ME!.

Y/n:yeah same I had a hard time deciding until I realized it was Anne's hand

Mayor toadstool:and now the moment y'all been waiting for let the show begin!.

They heard toadstools voice shout as a crowd applauded as hop pop turns to leave with Polly on his head

Polly:to the VIP seats!.

The trio sit up as y/n stretches his arm a bit

Y/n:I'm gonna puppet their FACES off!.

Anne and y/n began walking out to the stand before sprig stops them

Sprig:uh hey Anne..y/n?...thanks for sticking with me today it was a ride I won't forget.

He says as the two smile while Anne also makes her grubhog smile

Anne:anytime dude.

Y/n:yeah man you da homie!.

Anne:real talk though I almost peed myself when they were gonna cut off my arm.

Sprig:yeah memories...

Y/n:should've had me do it been wondering what it's like to have a stump like stumpy's

Anne:you would want that...

Sprig:too bad about that grubhog though I hope he's in a better place.

Y/n:man...I really wanted to keep that little guy...

The three then stare up into the sky

...but meanwhile the scene changes as we see the grubhog riding on the birds back

Grubhog:*oinking* (thank you for saving me loyal subject)

Bird:*squawking* (think nothing of it lord I have not forgotten the aid you gave my people to where do we fly?)

Grubhog:*oinking* (to war old friend to war)

The two then continue to fly forward

Grubhog:*oinking* (in the future remind me of come back and collect the powerful ally I've made today)

Bird:*squawking* (a powerful ally?)

Grubhog:*oinking* (yes the aura around him darkens as time passes)

Hoodie less y/n hits different

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