Chapter 20

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We are now Far far away from wartwood as we see a  cart like bog mire and fens being pulled by a spider cross a stone bridge to a giant menacing looking castle

The gates opened letting the cart inside as they immediately closed

Inside we see the spot where the toads put their spiders as one toad was suddenly pushed over by his spider and webbed him up then making him hang

The other toad that was brushing his spider only takes a glance before continuing to wash his spider

Now fully inside we see a bunch of toads partying as some were arm wrestling but with their tongues or playing hit the target with bugs with sharp noses or just eating sleeping and goofing off

Suddenly the doors to the room slammed open as a toad with a glowing green eye stood there menacingly

All the toads panic and quickly stopped what they were doing and stand up straight and salute

The frog stands in the middle of the door frame we can hear his raspy breathing before he steps out from the shadows

This was the leader of the toads and toad tower and claim to be the fiercest in the land  captain grime

Grime:so...these are the valley's strongest warriors...PATHETIC!...

He said walking down the line of toads still saluting

But he stops as he sees something that even mind boggles him to halt

Grime:wait hold this guy seriously wearing his breast plate as pants?...

He said looking at the light blue toad in front of him as the toad sweats

Light blue won't happen again sir...

Grime:no it won't...Take him to the pain room!.

He orders as he snapped his fingers as two toads with black masks grab each of his arms

Light blue toad:Not the pain room!!! I hate pain!!!.

He exclaimed as the two frogs dragged him upstairs

Grime then looks back to all the toads

Grime:I'm sure you've all heard frogs in the valley are getting unruly..they're questioning our authority some towns have even stopped paying their taxes...and do you know why!.

He asked raising his voice as a light green toad in front of him speaks up nervously

Light green toad:maybe they I don't know forgot?...

Grime:NO YOU IMBECILES! You've all gotten...SOFT!!!.

He screams as he turns and punches a stone pillar making a dent as the toads gulped

Grime:to get this valley under control I need warriors who are fierce, cunning, and above all...RUTHLESS!!!.

Suddenly we scene changes as we see a tiny bug eating some spilled food on the floor next to a bowl

But then a hand holding a rock slammed it onto the bug crushing it as it lets out a squeak as it squirms

We see it's Sasha

Sasha:get your own food you dumb bug.

She says as suddenly she hears the door leading to her cell unlock as she lets out a curious huh

The door fully opens as we see a toads head peek around the corner

Toad:hey Sasha brought you dinner cricket Thursdays.

The toad said as he holds up a plate

Sasha then sits up with a smile


Percy:hey I've been working on my you wanna see it?.

He asked with a hoping grin

Sasha:Totally bring it.

She said with a smile shooting a finger gun at him

Percy:OK stay right there!.

He quickly fully goes behind the corner before we can hear music playing as he marches back into the room with a marching band set to drums on his back a horn in his mouth a accordion connected from one foot to another

He finish playing as he ends it with a pose


Sasha applauded the toad

Sasha:Whoo wow! Get it toad! That was legit Percy honestly you're wasting your time here as a guard.

Percy:you know what? You're right!.

He said as he takes off his helmet and places it into either a frog or toads skeleton before putting on a jester hat

Percy:thanks Sasha I can't wait to see the look on grime's face when I tell him that I'm-

But while turning he bumps into the chest of said person he was talking about as he quickly looks up and gasps with wide eyes

Grime:tell me what?...


He looks off to the side before doing what any coughs except for one cough person would do...

He booked it out and ran down the stairs

Percy:That I quit and I've always hated this job byyyyyyyyye!!!.

He screams running down

Grime only sighs through his clenched sharp teeth looking back as Sasha speaks up

Sasha:hey there grimesy!.

He playfully greeted the toad with possibly a hint of mockery

Sasha:what's that like..the fifth toad I've talked into leaving this week?.

Yeah definitely with mockery

Grime:there's plenty more where that came from and far more loyal than Percy.

Sasha:are you sure about that? You're not exactly Mr. Popular around here.

She says checking out her nails before smiling at him

Grime:ENOUGH now who!-

Sasha:-sent me?..No one how'd I get here? Don't know..What do I want? To find my friends and go home haven't we been through this enough?...

She said tired of the questions she's been asked repeatedly and daily

Grime:It'll be enough once you start giving me real answers until then-

Suddenly a voice from behind interrupted him as a toad ran into the room in a panic

Female toad:Captain grime! Captain grime sir!.

The toad salutes grime as she stood in front of him but immediately stops and waves to Sasha

Female toad:Oh hey sash.

Sasha:Braddock! Hey girlfriend how's the garden coming along?.

She asked as grime's face morphed into unbelievable confusion and disappointment

Braddock:*Gasps* oh it's gorgeous you should see the squash-

Grime:Did you need something soldier!?.

Grime interrupted her as she snapped back in a panicked quickly saluting again

Braddock:Oh! Right! We may have a small problem

The scene changes to the top of the tower as we see Braddock open the hatch as she and grime climb up

Braddock:*whisper* there...

She whispers while pointing out ahead at two giant birds as they screeched

Grime:*whisper* kill the torches fast!

Braddock:*whisper* sir!.

Braddock goes to do what was ordered as bellow them was Sasha's prison windows as she walks up and holds onto the bars looking out

Sasha:a bird? guys are scared of a bird.

Grime:quiet!...that's not just a bird it's a heron. Murderous predator that happens to love the taste of flesh

Grime says as one of the herons screeches as we can see it's latest victim in it's beak and teeth

Sasha only lets out a small giggle and laugh


Grime:something amusing creature?...

Grime grumbled as he looked down at her with a frown showing his teeth

Sasha:yeah after what you just said pretty sure one of my friends would want to still keep it and tame it even more.

Grime:hmph well your friend is either naive and stupid or brave...the obvious answer would be the first two.

He said as Sasha looks up at him narrowing her eyes a bit

Grime:the most important thing right that we be very...very quiet.

He said but then the front gate to the tower loudly gets kicked open and creeks as we see Percy walk out playing his instruments

The three up top then began to panic-kingly whisper yell to him to come back while waving for his attention

He notices and stops playing for a second while turning to face them only to play his drums and accordion again

Percy:sorry guys but this toad's gotta follow his dreams!.

But then one of the herons foot slams down luckily with Percy in between its toes as he looks up to see the two herons as one screeches

Percy screams in fear as he begins running but one of the herons catches him by his drums and raises him up while the other bites his accordion both ripped off him

He falls to the ground with a bounce and began running back to toad tower dodging the herons feet and beaks


He yells in anger before pulling out a horn and blowing it


He orders as two frogs began to close them

Percy:WAIT FOR ME!!!.

He yells as he luckily slips through the gates at the last second

Sasha:whoa this is serious...

She said now a little more into the situation

But then suddenly one of the herons bust through her wall making her fall back as his screeches

Sasha:OH CRUD!.

Down below the other heron was attacking the toads as it caught and ate one whole

(Dang we really witnessed death in this part huh?)

Grime and Braddock make it down as they see the panic and chaos around them

Grime:AGH this place is falling apart!.

He angrily says as one toad is running away crying while another holds a sword shaking before one of the herons peeks through s whole which makes him faint

And next to a wall a toad is curled up

Toad:find a happy place find a happy place...

He repeatedly said before grimes picks him up by his chest

Grime:come on you cowards fight back!.

He screams shoving a weapon into the hands of the toad before throwing him away

Grime:Do something!.

Sasha:Bring it on birdbrain!.


Grime hears Sasha as he turns to her cell and sees facing the heron that broke into her cell

The heron goes to stab her with its beak but she dodges before quickly picking up her food bowl and placing her hand onto the heron beak before hopping over it and pushing it away

Sasha:EAT THIS!!!.

She yells slamming it into the herons head

Grime watches amused

Grime:the creature can fight...she could be worth something...

He said smiling gaining a idea

He then quickly goes to the bars of her cage and bends them apart making a entrance

The heron shakes off the attack from Sasha before opening his beak going in for her

She flinches away putting up her hand before grime jumps in front of her grabbing the herons beak

Grime:creature fight with me and together we'll-and she's gone...

He said looking back as Sasha runs towards the rooms exits

The herons shoves grime back as his raises over him open its beak once again

Grime:I'm not afraid of death.

Sasha:HEY ugly chicken!.

Grime hears her voice once again as he turns and sees Sasha holding a barrel as she throws it at the herons head as it breaks apart doing damage to the heron as it pulls its head out whimpering

She then walks up to the side of grime dusting her hands off as grime laughs

Grime:where did you get moves like that?.

Sasha:cheerleading believe it or not.

Grime:I'm sorry cheer-what?.

Sasha:OK listen up if I help you get rid of these birds you will give me provisions and release me Deal?.

She negotiated with the toad staring down at him putting her hands on the side of her hips

He agreed with a smile

Grime:now grab every toad you can and head to the safe room!.

He said as the herons screech could be heard once again


The two then dashed out of the room

The scene now show all the toads grime and Sasha in the safe room

A couple of toads pushed themselves onto the door only for them to be knocked back at the whole place shook with some pebbles falling down

The toads were shaking in fear as some even dropped their weapons perhaps excepting their death

Suddenly Percy speaks up

Percy:you know what would lighten this atmosphere a little bit? A joke! How many herons does it take to storm a castle?-

Suddenly grime points a sword to Percy's throat

Percy:too soon?....

Grime:you lot are without a doubt...the most USELESS group of toads I have ever seen!.

All toads:aww....

They looked down in sadness

Grime:maybe if any of you had a scrap of courage we wouldn't BE in her cowering LIKE A BUNCH OF-

Suddenly Sasha interrupted him while laughing

Sasha:ha ha okay.


Sasha:all right let's take five grimesy a word in private please?.

She said as she began pushing him behind a curtain

Sasha:OK if you keep yelling at them like that they'll keep being useless and we'll all die.

She putting her hand together before smiling

Grime:what do you suggest I congratulate them? Give them each an award?.

He said as he spat to the side as his spit landed and burns through the ground

Sasha stares at the spot in disgust before shrugging it off

Sasha:not exactly just try saying nice things for a change get them to love you and they'll do anything for you.

Grime:...that actually works?...

Sasha:oh it works all right trust me.

Grime then lifts the curtain slightly looking out as he scratches his chin

Grime:mmm..I don't know...

Sasha:here I'll give you a head start.

She says winking and nudging him

Sasha:WHOA! Grime! So you think your guards are all amazing but you're afraid to tell them your feelings?.

This got the toads to raised their heads and slightly fix their posture

Grime:What!? What are you-

Sasha:what's that? You think Braddock is the toughest toad in the tower cause she doesn't take garbage from anyone?.


Grime looks towards Braddock as she immediately stands straight

Grime:yes! Braddock is tough! Tough as beetle skin.

Braddock cheeks brighten as the toads next to her began praising her

Braddock:oh well I do wash with a steel wool hurts..

Sasha:and what were those nice things you said about Gary?.

She motions towards a toad with crutches and a cast as grime tries to think of something

Grime:oh..Gary Gary..Gary...umm...GARY never missed a day even when he was sick!.

Gary:what can I say I'm dedicated.

He says with a smile as the rest of the toads chattered about the sudden change in grime

Sasha:and Percy?.

Grime:I don't want to do Percy....

Sasha:*through teeth* And Percy?..


He shouts as the toads gasp as Percy looks down tears forming in his eyes as Sasha face palms herself

Grime:Uhh...But! When he makes a mistake he owns it..and he doesn't stop until he makes things right and because of that....

Grime pauses as he crosses his arms as the toads gasp

Grime:he has....

Sasha:come on...come on...

Grime grunts trying to force out what he's about to say

Grime:grrrr....He's earned my respect...

The toads gasped as Percy also gasps and looks up at him in shock

Percy:I Have!?...


He said shrugging

Percy has a face of joy as he sniffles his nose before having a serious look

Percy:Captain grime Sir! We're taking this tower back even if we have to fight through 20 herons!!!.

He turns towards his fellow toads

Percy:Come on you toads no one wants to live forever!!!.

The toads cheer as they all began running out with their weapons as grime and Sasha were now the only two in the room

The toads rush up the stairs and run out the entrance as the two herons stomped inside the base as they stared at the toads drooling as one screeches

Percy looks up the beasts before gulping

Percy:FOR GRIME!!!.

The toads cheer again as they all charged towards the beasts

Some would stand on boxes and shoot arrow only to jump off as the bird charges slamming its face breaking the boxes

The other heron corners Braddock and Percy as they hold hands

Percy:before we die..Braddock I love you I've always loved you.

Braddock gasps and slaps him before grabbing him by his shirt and kissing him

The herons stare at the prey drooling ready to devour them before a voice calls out gaining their attention


The two herons looked up behind them to see grime and Sasha stand on the towers rubble holding clubs as Percy and Braddock cheer

The two let out their war cries as they jumped down onto the two birds

Sasha runs up one's neck before flipping onto his head making it fall to the ground

While grimes holds the back of the neck of the other heron before hitting it with its club

The two land side by side as the herons try to attack but they would go back and forth beating one beasts to the other before knocking them back and once again letting out their war cries

The two herons who clearly had enough quickly stretch out their wings and began flying away defeated

Sasha and grime turn back to the toads with smirks as they all gasp in amazement

Grime:toads of toad tower today was a great victory! If it weren't for your bravery the fortress would be lost YOU'RE ALL HEROES!.

He exclaimed as the toads stare back in shock

Toad:did grime?...

Braddock:just call us?....


The toads looked at each other before they erupted into cheers

Grime looks to Sasha as she nods

Grime:all right troops listen up.

The toads quickly form a line and salute

All toads:SIR YES SIR!.

Grime was taken aback by this

Grime:OK..Wow Um....head down to the mess hall for some food and a round of beetle mead! You've earned it.

The toads smile

All toads:SIR YES SIR!.

They turn and began hupping away

Grime:unbelievable...this compliment stuff is witchcraft!...

Sasha:Uh-huh yeah OK anyways i upheld my part of the deal so give me some rations a map maybe a cool cloak or two and I'll be one my way.

Suddenly grime points his sword to her chin

Grime:not so fast you're far too dangerous and manipulative to be left to roam free.

Sasha:you warty little b-

Grime:but we both know I can't stop you.

He says as he puts away his sword

Grime:so go ahead be a vagabond wandering alone in the wilderness.

He grins as Sasha looks off to the herons flying away as she hears all the things that could be in the wilderness before looking back to grime


Grime:or stay here help us rebuild the tower perhaps serve as my second-in-command.

He suggested

Grime:and when we're done here you me and this entire garrison will march on the valley restore order and find your how does that sound?.

He grins as the last part caught Sasha's attention as she places a fist under her chin

Sasha:I think I can live with that.

She smirks

Grime:then come lieutenant we have much to discuss!.

He says walking away motioning her to follow

While walking away a toad calls out to grime

Toad:captain grime sir bog as returned from wartwood and is waiting for you in the briefing room.

Meanwhile Sasha pulls out a picture of her Anne Marcy and Y/n

Sasha:hold on just for a little longer y/n girls I'm coming for you and when I find you we're gonna get home...but first.

She looks up with s glare to her eyes smiling

Sasha:I think we're gonna have some fun with this place...

She looks down at the picture her eyes focusing and a certain male

Sasha:especially you.

She smirks


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